View Full Version : How to raise kundalini?
20th April 2006, 12:52 PM
I took classes on meditation back 5 or more years ago. After 3 weeks I raised my kundalini about 3 times. Things started to happen. I got scared, and stopped practice. There was nothing wrong with the practice everything was going good. It was external factors that no one prepared me for.
Now that I am older and read too many books, I realized I was safe. My problem now is I have been trying to raise my kundalini again for 2 years and no success. I will have small gains in certain areas or with certain techniques, and then it won't work again.
My question, what are the absolute keys to raising kundalini?
example: which combination plays the biggest role: visualization, moving consciousness, feelings, etc. What is my vechicle? Can some one give me a senario of how it is done?
Thanks in advance - Jason
20th April 2006, 05:18 PM
Well Robert Bruce is working on a book called "Kundalini Dynamics" so if your patient you will find answers there :)
26th April 2006, 05:52 PM
I am trying to figure aout what I am lacking. Does breathing contribute alot to raising the energy. How much is physical and how much is spiritual, and how much is mental?
27th April 2006, 06:19 PM
The vehicle that triggered my kundalini awakening was mantra meditation and the mantras I used was "om ah" and "om mani peme hung" (pronounced "om mani pejmej hang").
The technique I have used to integrate my kundalini in my mind, body and soul is chakra meditation and energy moving. The key is to be focused in your striving. Test different techniques and sooner or later you will find your vehicle. There are many ways to deal with kundalini and by trying different techniques I hope you will find the one that help you on your path.
Patience is the key :)
27th April 2006, 06:44 PM
From what I understand, the most basic, reliable way of raising the kundalini yourself is prolonged, frequent meditation on or energy-raising into the base chakra, until it strobes up K. I believe Robert Bruce forced up his K in this way. It begs the question though... if you're having so much trouble raising your own K, why not have a guru give you shaktipat? It's a far easier, if not generally safer way.
Just my 2 cents...
27th April 2006, 10:40 PM
19th June 2006, 04:30 AM
I have recently made a breakthrough in the kundalini experience. I got it to work by only taking the first exersize in New energy ways and coordinating it with split awareness and breathing. The sensations are electrifying and powerful. I have hardly been talking lately(strange for me), instead- ive been trying to increase the flow of energy. I really think that Robert Bruce's suggestion of "drawing the energy from the earth to the feet with awareness hands" is the best nonesoteric way of achieving this. I am also a musician, so i use singing ANYTHING to harness the feeling and make it start. Sometimes i'll play the flute or even do what i call "energy walking"--- Same thing as the NEW system but i draw the energy up as im walking at a decent speed. Various subtle energies have become apparent to me so far, so i am entirely inspired to go even further with Mr. Bruce's book. I practice the martial arts as well--- And if you do full body stretches "honestly", you will seriously increase the energy flow. I'm trying to find out exactly how the energy is suppose to manifest into abilities exct-- But i'm patient, now that i have made this first crucial step. I've bought a wonderful biofeedback game called "Wild Divine", and it actually measures a persons energy levels---- Mine, seem to be off the charts because the energy events are getting real easy. But i'm gonna stop ramblin and get to scrambling. Take care. Poof
19th June 2006, 05:49 PM
yetzirah wrote:
taking the first exersize in New energy ways and coordinating it with split awareness and breathing.
Could you describe this in more detail?
23rd June 2006, 04:10 PM
The vehicle that triggered my kundalini awakening was mantra meditation and the mantras I used was "om ah" and "om mani peme hung" (pronounced "om mani pejmej hang"). Christian
......OM Mani Padme Hum"
What would it be the translation of that???
I know that OM means God in every single thing arround me....
It translates as "the jewel in the lotus" - from 'See and Read the Aura' by Ted Andrews.
Aunt Clair
10th July 2006, 01:56 PM
My question, what are the absolute keys to raising kundalini?
What is absolute really ? Imho , to raise kundalini is like breathing.It occurs like traveling around the gameboard of monopoly you will eventually past GO and you will collect 200$. If you want to raise more and you want to make it easier when you do then ;
observe and reflect on all thoughts
immediately dismissing any negative ones
make all choices in love and light for greater good ,
do everything in love and light
drink copious amounts of water
learn to breathe well
meditate daily
practice psionics and projection to develop energy body
learn to recall projections in dreamstate
learn to make conscious obe
stretch and circulate through
yoga ,swimming ,walking, stretching, are excellent
record your visions,and meditations and dreamstate lessons in a journal
avoid smoke and learn about protection:
raise energy daily ,
bringing it down through crown and up through feet too
Fear is the biggest obstacle in spiritual awakening.We need faith not fear .
We can fear all natural development from puberty to old age but it wont arrest our aging . But kundalini is an optional development and we can arrest it completely thru unfounded paranoia .
Kundalini will rise and fall btw in its natural course smoothly and naturally without any adverse symptoms if the aspirant will open sensibly . Drugs to force a kundalini event are dangerous . Exercises to open one chakra are bogus .
Kundalini opens with service to humanity , inner transformations thru spiritual development , prayers , dreamstate lessons , projections and predominantly meditation .
People who do not know about anything at all about kundalini other than to spell the name correctly , write about it as if they are expert and their many words promote much more harm than good . This myth perpetuates a hysteria . "My kundalini caused this and that" . Before you accept one as an expert on kundalini see if they have managed to raise the first flame . See if they know anything at all about kundalini except a list of bizarre symptoms they read on the net .
If you really want to raise your kundalini just learn to breathe and meditate . Raising the first flame of kundalini is relatively simple . I have never ever witnessed adverse symptoms in the primary flames on any student or peer in these 10 years I have taught meditation .
Development is free ,there are no calories, you wont need any special equipment and you do not need a guru .And each human that raises their own consciousness not only transforms their own life for the better but they also raise the consciousness of the planet to move us all very slowly toward the shift .
Is it really that easy to awaken kundalini safely?? If so how does one go about doing this and how long will it take??
In my alchemy group , we raised the first four primary flames of the kundalini over 5 years .In another year's time we raised several secondary nadis .
We accomplished this using NEW energy methods as described for free on this link :
and through meditative trance projections to spirit realms to learn as a mystic about advanced alchemy and to imbibe the subtle bodies with subsequent layers of light .
I feel that kundalini is quite natural and that it will rise in a predictable sequence of coloured flames that have been historically witnessed clairvoyantly .In this photo you will note the first pale yellow sun flame rises then the platinum blue moon sets and then the rose rises . A significant time later the last primary flame rises as a pale green . The ancient sanskrit texts describe this and my alchemy circle has clairvoyantly witnessed so we can confirm it to be true . ... PhotoID=77 (
There are innumerable nadis but only four main flames . The rare problem with kundalini emotional difficulties tends to occur in those that have mental instability or have had recent emotional trauma ie near death or a the sudden death of a loved one which opens them in a catastrophic manner and can cause a terrible ordeal . On the other hand , the average seeker need not worry as the body will develop on its own through your metaphysical practices slowly and surely .
We cannot halt puberty ,menopause , old age or death . The kundalini is similar to these other natural unfoldments . The kundalini will rise in naturally occuring spiritual development within the body .There exists a plethora of new age myths regarding its traumatic effects which do nothing to help humanity but only serves to ground us in fear and prevent us from shining .
Here are some links about raising kundalini naturally through meditation . ... 944.0.html (,12944.0.html)
Robert Bruce: ... =kundalini (
and there is more Kundalini info on these links : ... ch-38.html ( ... ening.html ( ... olding.htm ( ... efault.asp ( ... i1039.html ( ... l1065.html (
I apologise in advance should any of the links be broken .
Open in protection ... ction.msnw ( ... uides.msnw (
as your own faith dictates .
For a larger view with description hit this link : ... hotoID=111 (
Begin by sitting in a comfortable arm chair .Place your arms loosely supported on the arms of the chair and turn your palms up to catch the
energy .Your limbs should be uncrossed and bare your feet ,if you can, before you close your eyes to begin .Energy will come in thru crown ,palms ,soles and heart most easily .
For a larger view with description hit this link : ... hotoID=156 (
So spread your knees slightly and uncross all limbs.Feet should be bare if you can do it and flat on the floor .
Take 3 to 5 deep breaths in slowly and deliberately thru your nostrils and audibly exhale each breath through your mouth .As each deep cleansing breath enters your body have it come in as white cleansing light .You might visualise a candle of light in front of your third eye if it helps .
For a larger view with description hit this link : ... hotoID=137 (
1. Swirl energy down from the crown to head , clearing away the cobwebs of the mind.
2.Bring the swirling energy down into the hearts and lungs, breathing away all anxieties and worries.
3.Draw the energy into the arms from the heart , pool it out into each fingertip .
4.Swirl the energy into the guts where we can manifest disease from negativity , clean it all out and away .
5.Draw the energy in again in this last deep cleansing breath pull it all the way down into the legs . Pool it into the feet and out through each toe.
Now make sure all of the wheels on the body are open .Wheels exist on hands, feet, face, third eye and on the front and rear of all tan tiens .When they appear clairvoyantly , they are ready to open . These are opened by energy hands, third eye, or will .When they appear they are ready to open .Turn the bar on the wheel deosil (clockwise) .
The wheels of life are alchemical structures which allow energy to enter the body and flow thru it .If you open them in meditation, you may get a vision of golden crocodile ,snake or dragon entering your energy body from the cosmos .If you are new to this the "open" position for you will most likely be a vertical alignment . If you feel at ease and energised you have it right . But if you feel nauseous or dizzy upon opening wheels , then you have opened them too far and need to just back them off counterclockwise a bit . In time wheels will all open at will in syncronicity . When the wheels first appear they are at 9:00 horizontal and closed .As we devlop more circuits the wheel may be shifted deosil to open more and more . If you do not percieve the wheels ,skip this step .
Power Up from earth thru the soles of the feet .ie :Bring light up with each breath ,visualising the feet drawing up light from Mother Earth through the insteps into the legs which are as channels .To prime the body , pull energy up fully from the insteps to the crown .
For a larger view with description hit this link : ... hotoID=139 (
This method will not cause the first flame to ignite . This is a method to raise energy so that it ignites in the "perfected secondary circuits" of the human energy body to manifest kundalini . This is not the same as a kundalini phenomenal event .
1.As you inhale,pull energy up. Call the cobras up from the ground .We connect to the energy of mother earth and command the cobras to be formed by will and enter into our insteps .They will rise as a rose cobra through the right leg and an aqua cobra through the left leg ,thick ropes and warm like bath water up each leg until they come together in the male tan tien .
In time you can raise rose in front amber at the heel of the right foot . On the left foot aqua in the fronta nd pruple at the heel .
Exhale only half your breath when you need to breathe in again . Here ,swirl them widdershins (counterclockwise) and upwards by will ,breath control ,and muscles to lock them from falling back down and away . Draw your pelvic floor upwards as the cobras begin to rise into the hips,contract all muscles in this area. Contract the anus too and forcibly push like one is giving birth but upwards into the body and not outwards from it . Push the heavy snake upward and inward . This is a modified Maha Bandha lock and there are inks to understand this better, below .
2.As you inhale again , draw up this kundalini cobra as one into the groin , exhaling only half your breath . The abdomen draws in now , up
under the ribcage holding the larger conjoined cobra in the guts now . Try to push the stomach walls up to the heart.
3.Inhale and draw the energy up through your heart , exhaling half your breath only.The breath is controlled so that the muscles push the
kundalini up gradually and the breath inhaled maintains the place until the next breath raises the large cobra further up the spine.The heart is
a resting place for you and the cobra you may choose to take a moment to pause .
4A. Exhale half your breath. The chin drops to the chest and draws back until the cobra becomes a dragon erupting upon the shoulders .
4B .you may choose to split off the pair of cobras and send them coursing down each arm and splitting into tiny snakes as they pool outward from the fingertips , if you can .This is advanced and more difficult but it should be tried when you feel comfortable with the basic method . (Skip this step and send the cobra up to the shoulders as one giant cobra instead when you are just beginning ).
Aside :If you find it difficult to move energy in and out of the arms through the fingertips then take time in meditative trance to explore techiques such as Robert Bruce's NEW energy .
The fingers and the toes of the dragons remain unanimated in most sitters . This shows we are not paying attention to these vital areas . Another method to open the arms is to use pranic knots sending spheres of energy from one hand down the arm thru the heart to the opposing hand . Yet another is to form the ouroborus and send energy pulsing from the heart around the circle formed by the hands joining at the palms .
5.Inhale and bring the dragon up to the shoulders.Release it,exhaling half your breath.This should feel heavy and warm and an orgasmic like release in a shudder of energy as the dragon erupts on its own.Unable now to be contained,it forms itself upon the shoulders and head of the magician .You see through the dragons eyes and you see more clearly.
Aside : on the first successful raising of this dragon of kundalini the feet of the dragon will be on the magicians shoulders and the dragon will be weak and unable to fly . It has no wings . When the technique is perfected the feet remain over the magicians own feet and we climb into the winged dragon as it manifests around us . Another interesting stage is when an energy orb forms on the nose just as the dragon is ready to manifest flame and sense through the nostrils.The Dragon forms more fully with each successful rising .
6. Pull the energy finally up to your crown and fully release your breath . The dragon will come over your head as a hood of energy .You may get a shivering sensation and see auric colours as the brow centre activates . Sitting in meditative trance , the dragon may be awakened for up to 30
Initially, the cobra may fall down and be difficult to raise . Do not be discouraged . If you feel the energy as a snake you are making significant progress . In subsequent efforts , you will train your channels to recieve this energy .Intuitively , each of the magician's efforts will be superior to the last, effecting purer and longer sustaining energy . We have found that this heightened state allows for better clairvoyance , clairaudience and further projection of consciousness .
Flashes of energy may be seen in the minds eye . The mind becomes more lucid and subject to divine effulgence so that there is a knowing and a state of joy from connection with all , a form of bliss .
Links about Bandha Locks ;
Metaphysical author Robert Bruce suggests focusing on the full body circuit to balance and enhance chakra energy prior to any efforts to raise
your next kundalini flame .He writes a "hope for humanity is for more people to achieve this level." ... etinID=218 (
Qi Gong ... embre.html (
Kriya Yoga is taught by masters on earth and in spirit . It is often secret and taught by oral tradition when the aspirant is considered ready . Some sources say that the earth master will only teach a portion of the techniques and that the aspirant must complete their training in mystic visions .
You will note most of the links solicit money and require lengthy class times . But the spirit teachers will teach for free . The Kriya I have learned has been as a mystic in the realms from the Mahatma . These were basically cleaning out , charging up and breathing down the back exercises to revitalise , heal and develop . One of the best techniques learned was to redirect energy down the back of the spine called back breathing by some .
We did not employ any strings through the nostrils or any devices such as that , though . You may wish to try a search online here at AS also ; ... #msg152709 ( ... 678.0.html (,12678.0.html)
Here are some links that actually teach a bit ; ... kriyas.htm ( ... ayamae.htm (
Cosmic Cobra Breath
6th September 2006, 07:23 PM
well... that cleared a few things up
7th September 2006, 04:42 AM
Boris try to think of it as male and female in regards to ida and pingala. Only include your entire being as such and constantly work to increase the two. Perhaps you are now lacking in male; control and power.
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