View Full Version : Entities vs personal thought forms, how to tell the difference?

11th October 2011, 05:44 AM
Whats up Robert.

Do you have any thoughts, or techniques, regarding how to differentiate between "real" entities you may encounter (dreamers, other projectors, spirits, astral wildlife, etc) and creations totally of your own mind/subconscious?

Some will behave like zombies, which could be other dreamers. Some will speak to you, though usually they seem rather unaware. And others I can control with my mind, causing them to do actions by will.

Any way to tell the difference and, in your opinion, on average how many of these people I find walking around are real compared to my mind's creations?

Robert Bruce
11th October 2011, 09:48 AM

It is difficult to tell one from the other. Your take on this is fairly accurate.

Keep in mind that 'thought forms' and creations of consciousness can become living spiritual beings.

The actions and activity of spiritual beings of all types is an indicator. If you can control something or clear it from your mind, then it is likely of no consequence. If you cannot do this, then it is more substantial.

Most of the entities you will see or encounter in meditations and dreams are of no substance or consequence.

And some types of entities are creations of the higher self, and this type are often involved with tests and trials. A test is a bit like a school exam where you are given an examination to test your knowledge, and courage, to see how best to 'stream' your spiritual education.

My best advice is to go with the flow, do your best, and work it out as you go.

This is how you gain personal experience...which is priceless.
