View Full Version : Astral Projection Dream?
20th April 2006, 10:30 AM
OK, does an astral projection dream count as progress?
I recently purchased Astral Dynamics and for 4-5 nights have been practicing the techniques with very little success. This morning, I awoke before 4:00 and was wide awake. Seemed like I might as well try again.
I did the deep relaxation exercise, did the trance exercise with the elevator, did several iterations of the body energy circuit, then did several of the exit techniques. Wasn't really getting anywhere.
Next thing I know, I'm feeling this vibration that begins in the crown of my head and then flows rapidly down through my body. There is also this weird vibrating/whirring sound in my ears (not a wind sound). I feel myself begin to spin horizontally out of my body, with the top of my head being the pivot point. Realizing what was going on, I got excited and pivoted back. After telling myself to relax and calm down, the vibration and the weird sound began again. This time, I "pushed" and I pivoted out the same way, but much faster. Once my head was freed, I decided I had to do something, so I began flying about the room and doing flips in the air. I remember thinking, "Man, I have to tell my friend about this. This is cool!" I also remember thinking, "OK, Robert Bruce said to keep it short" so I flew around the room a few more times, then flew back to my bed (never looking at myself). When I lay down, it felt like there was someone under me and these two arms flailed out, almost like they were trying to hit me. I then "awoke" with a slight headache centered in the "pivot point" and with this weird settling sensation that included a cold vibration throughout my body (this went on for several minutes).
Here's why I figure it was a lucid dream: When I was exiting, I did not get the chest rush or anything like that. The room I projected into was not my hotel room. It looked like a hotel room but was definitely not the one I am in. There were shelves on the wall and two chairs in the room (my room has one chair). On each chair there was a creepy little clown doll (don't have any of those...). When I realized that I needed to keep it short, I decided to fly into the room next to me, just to see what was in that room. Each time I tried, it was if something was holding me back.
Since I've never had a lucid dream before (this was incredibly lucid), I'll take this as a win. However, I really don't know if this is a sign of progress or not. Thanks for letting me vent.
20th April 2006, 12:35 PM
I believe you had an OB. You had exit sensations and you got out and flew.
Here's why I figure it was a lucid dream: When I was exiting, I did not get the chest rush or anything like that. The room I projected into was not my hotel room. It looked like a hotel room but was definitely not the one I am in. There were shelves on the wall and two chairs in the room (my room has one chair). On each chair there was a creepy little clown doll (don't have any of those...). When I realized that I needed to keep it short, I decided to fly into the room next to me, just to see what was in that room. Each time I tried, it was if something was holding me back. The 'chest rush' would be your heart chakra being activated, yet you describe your head chakra as the exit point. Everyone doesn't have identical exit sensations, and even the same person can have different ones every time. (I don't always get vibes, when I do they're mostly of the heart chakra kind but I have also had the head ones, just not often). The discrepancies you describe sound like reality fluctuations, which happen because you are not perceiving with your physical senses, and your dreaming or subconscious mind are interpreting what essentially are energy signatures of the location you are in. Also the degree of lucidity of the OB experience depends on the level of energy, and [This is only my opinion based on my own experiences- The nature of the energy flow of the location you started at.] A public location such as a hotel will have a completely different energy flow (all those strange people close to you, coming and going) than, for example, your house. So the creepy little clown doll (I don't like clowns) could have been your creation, or someone else's.
Congratulations! It is my humble opinion that you had an OBE.
21st April 2006, 02:11 AM
Thanks for your thoughts, CFTraveler. I can't get over how real it "seemed" but I don't know what to think. I wasn't prepared, I suppose, for it to be as unreal as it was. Since you posted, I've read your journal. Great stuff but it seems so dreamlike. OBE's are always that dreamlike?
21st April 2006, 11:27 AM
May as well continue inducing trance in others, right?
Woke up at 3:30. Thought, what the heck, why not try again? Went through the same drill as last time but with very limited results. After some time, I realized I was wearing my watch, so I stirred myself to take it off.
Went through the drill again and this time my body definitely went to sleep. I could hear myself snoring occasionally. At some point, I began to feel this cold vibration (only way I can describe it) begin to flow through my body, from my crown chakra to my feet. To accompany it, my body felt like it was pulsing; especially at my legs, where it felt like something was squeezing and releasing them in a rolling squeeze/release that moved from feet to hips. My heart (or heart chakra) was beating rapidly. At this same time, a face appeared in my mind. It was female but misshapen. I recoiled and all sensations stopped. Giving it some thought, I figured, maybe it was trying to help me. I recalled the face in my mind and the sensations began again, starting at the crown. Again, it got pretty intense, but not unbearable.
However, this time, it almost seemed like I felt lighter when the sensation stopped. It occurred to me that the body might have gotten out without me. I tried contacting it but to no avail. With nothing else to do, and not knowing what it might be experiencing (if in fact it was gone), I decided to just keep doing the body circuit and send it energy. Figured I should get my physical body accustomed to the idea of providing assistance. 15-30 minutes later, the sensations began again and I felt this settling sensation in my body. After that, I could accomplish no more. It had been 2 1/2 hours from the very beginning and it was time to get up.
8th August 2006, 11:34 PM
Wow. Perhaps you eventually get to the point where talking about your last projection is like talking about your last bowel movement. I'm not there yet...
In May, I spent 2 weeks in Amsterdam. While there, I was having at least one projection experience most mornings. It was amazing. It would always start the same. The vibrations would begin, then the loud, mechanical buzz/vibration sound. Then, my body would move sideways, pivoting at my head, until it broke free. After that, each experience was different. Although most seemed to take place in a version of the real world, it was never in an area that was recognizable (and all seemed a bit "off").
Then, in early June, this happened (from my journal):
OK, this morning I think I projected again. I woke up and decided to try it. Started using the rope method and as I pulled up, the vibrations increased. Finally, I slid out. At first my vision was obscured, like looking through gauze. I willed my vision to improve and saw my comforter as I was leaving. Exited the house and it felt really wild to go through the wall. The texture of the wall was very different.
Thought I would check out my neighborhood but, of course, I found myself in a neighborhood I didn't recognize. I saw movement in this house and decided to go in. There was a woman wrapped in a white shawl (including her head). As I entered the house, she came toward me. The shawl dropped away and she (it) had this undersized deformed head with wispy hair and very big eyes. "She" had 3 teeth on the top and 3 on the bottom but they were long and curved, like the teeth on a warthog. Her eyes lit up, she smiled, and she grabbed me, wrapping her arms and legs around me. I couldn't get away, so I willed myself back into my body.
When I got back into my body (if that's what really happened), there was kind of a thump and I "woke" up. What really seemed to happen, though, is that I joined a dream already in progress. After a few minutes of that dream, I truly woke up.
After this experience, nothing happened again until this morning. Perhaps it was because I was so freaked out by that experience. Not even a hint.
Last night, I woke up around 3:30 and couldn't get back to sleep. I was doing all kinds of relaxation stuff and probably did fall back asleep. Around 5:30, I realized that my body was totally relaxed and nearly paralyzed, so I decided to try to astral project. For some reason, I decided to try to "shift" my non-physical body. I shifted a little to the left, shifted a little to the right and BANG!, the vibration started.
This time, instead of the loud mechanical sound, I heard the wind. The vibration was much less violent than the previous experiences. Instead of moving out sideways, I dropped out of my body backwards, almost like a scuba diver dropping backward out of a boat. Then, I was falling for a while. Several times, I almost brought myself out of it and had to push back into the vibration. Also, while I was falling, I had no vision (I had forgotten about fact that sometimes you have to "will" your vision and thought maybe I had failed to project). Next thing I know, I'm in a very nice neighborhood that I don't recognize. I decided I wanted to fly. Up into the air I flew. It was about the right level of darkness for 5:30 in the morning but there were a lot of white birds flying about. For a few moments, I flew above the birds. As I swooped up and down, I could almost feel my gut drop (that elevator feeling).
Then, I swooped down past a lady walking on the street and over to a person and two girls walking into a house. I followed them into the house (flew right through the door). They walked into a pantry area that was kind of tight. I followed them into the pantry, then turned around and headed out again. The "mom" had been by the door when I entered. I touched her as I left and she looked right at me and smiled at me.
Then I was back in my body and I couldn't do it again. It was very wild and the most "realistic" experience so far. This really seemed like the real world.
I still don't know that these are "real" projection experiences. I only know that they are very consistent (except for the new method of exit and the lack of the harsh sound) and they are very vivid. Unlike dreams, these leave a very strong, very real, lasting impression. They are amazing experiences. Thanks to Robert for helping me along this path.
13th November 2006, 07:20 PM
What a relief! Since the incident from June, I had not had a projection experience (until this morning).
Woke up around 2:30 AM and couldn't sleep. Decided to try the full body relaxation again. For me, it's usually a good sign if my entire body feels asleep and I can begin to hear myself snoring lightly, even though I'm awake. Luck wasn't with me, so I rolled over onto my side and started the relaxation thing again. In total, it probably took close to an hour. Then, the vibration started again (but without the sounds this time). I "pushed into it" and felt myself begin to move out of my body. As usual, I couldn't see, so I had to tell myself to start seeing again.
Found myself in my backyard, which is unusual (don't usually find myself somewhere that I recognize). However, as I flew through one of the bushes in my yard, I found myself somewhere unknown (but normal looking) again. As I flew around this new yard, I saw a man standing in the yard (although it was dark). He jumped at me and tried to grab me. I flew higher and he threw something at me--looked like a small red stone. At the time, I wasn't really scared (although it kind of creeps me out now). I flew away but quickly found myself back in my body, awake and exhilarated to have finally done it again. After a while, I finally drifted off to sleep. The difference between the dream that I then had, and the other experience was like night and day. The feeling of immediacy and reality that the projection experience caused was nothing like the flakey, random, out of control experience of a dream.
However, what I don't get is: 1. I remember touching one of the branches of a bush when I flew away from the man and 2. When he threw the red pebble at me, I felt it. Can this happen? Or did I have a lucid dream. Truly, there seemed to be nothing dream-like about it...
28th November 2006, 07:39 PM
You can definitely still feel things in the out-of-body state.
5th December 2006, 04:05 PM
Thanks for the info!
Last week, I had an experience that convinced me there IS a distinction between the projection experiences and a dream. In that experience, I WAS dreaming that I had a projection experience. The difference was immense. This time, the vibrations were much calmer, didn't last as long, and it didn't begin with astral blindness, as I normally do. Add to that, the fact that I did not have control of myself, things were not crisp and vivid, the sensation of movement just was not there. It was a very muddy, uncontrolled replica of the normal experiences.
By contrast, last night I had three very vivid experiences. I woke up around 2:00 AM and was having trouble falling asleep. I decided to do this color meditation I had read about that day. You relax and surround yourself with a white light. You then, go through a process of imagining the white light turning to red, then turning into a cone, with the small end attached to your first chakra. You then pull that color into that chakra until you feel you should stop. You then imagine the light around you as white again, experiencing that for a few. In turn, you repeat the process for the rest of the chakras and their colors.
I drifted off and then started to dream. In the dream, I realized I was dreaming. What the heck, I jumped up in the air to fly. The standard vibrations started, then I felt the exit, then the blindness. After willing myself to see, I flew around a neighborhood that I (of course) did not recognize. This was the first time that I saw my hands in a projection experience. They started to fade away on me, so I quickly looked away. In a short amount of time, I felt myself return.
What's interesting is that, for some reason, I decided to focus on the vibration I felt in my left hand. As I really focused on it, I felt myself exiting again. This time, I flew around the expected unknown neighborhood. For some reason, I started shooting upward at a very rapid rate. The feeling of accelerating upward was very intense. I freaked a bit and returned to my body.
I again focused on the vibration in my left hand, and exited again. After moving around the neighborhood, I felt something on my back. I reached back and pulled it off. I found myself holding a little red demon. It writhed in my hands. I think I snapped its neck, then I returned to my body.
While lying there, awake, I kept getting these cold, "electric" tingling flows through my body, starting at my feet and moving. Every time I reviewed the experience, or thought about the little demon, I would get that same rolling tingle.
Crazy stuff.
5th December 2006, 05:42 PM
Thanks for your thoughts, CFTraveler. I can't get over how real it "seemed" but I don't know what to think. I wasn't prepared, I suppose, for it to be as unreal as it was. Since you posted, I've read your journal. Great stuff but it seems so dreamlike. OBE's are always that dreamlike? No. I started the journal after I learned to induce OBEs thanks to MAP. Before I had spontaneous events, and sometimes they were completely realistic, and I did have a few things that would be considered as 'confirmed', at least by me. Of course, these spontaneous events were unexpected, and I had no preconceived notions of what an OBE should be. So what let me to believe they were projections, was the feedback I got from the people I saw at the time. The stuff you read in my journal is only from 2 years ago onwards, after much reading and learning, and of course, expectation. So it follows that they will be less 'real-timish' (did I just invent a term?) because of my imaginative subconscious and advanced age. (just checking to see if you were reading.)
29th June 2007, 11:19 PM
This is for me, I suppose, just to keep a journal.
It has been a long time since I had an OBE. On June 22, 2007, I received the DVD from SaltCube and watched part 1. The "rhythmic napping" concept was interesting and seemed to map to my most common experience.
That night, I had 4 OBE's (well, really around 4:00-5:00 AM). The first 3 experiences were all the same. I had the typical vibrations and then the feeling of my astral body sliding out of alignment, with my head as the pivot point. In each case, I found myself shooting into the air quite violently. In at least one of the cases, I felt as if I were on a rocket. The sensation was so powerful that my gut dropped and my toes felt like they were curling. There was no sound at all and all I could see was gray. It was like I was in a fog. In each case, it was unnerving enough that I snapped back rather quickly.
The final experience was very different. I found myself in an environment that almost looked like an undersea scene. Although there was no sensation of liquid, it seemed like I was underwater, looking at coral with plant life on it. The coral and plants did not have texture. They just had a myriad of colors that seemed to move and flux (in the case of the plant life, the colors moved with the movement of the plants. In the case of the coral, the colors just moved about in shapes almost like giant slugs). It was beautiful and was nothing like the RTZ-like environments I'm accustomed to seeing. Like the other experiences that night, there was no sound. There were no other beings, either.
29th June 2007, 11:44 PM
Cool experience. I have to say that I haven't had many 'undersea' adventures. (Only one or two and a hypnagogic the other day). Good stuff. Were you tired at the end? I find that when I have multiple projections I tend to want to sleep a lot more, if I can.
30th June 2007, 03:54 AM
Not tired. Just disappointed that it didn't last longer.
4th July 2007, 01:15 PM
After reading most of Buhlman's book, and beginning Monroe's "Ultimate Journeys," I resolved to request help with my OBE. If there are resources willing to help, why not?
Woke up at 4:30 AM and did a little e-mail. Then, I went to bed and got my body to sleep. Unfortunately, after an hour and a half or so, I was no further along and I was just uncomfortable. I rolled onto my side and the vibrations started within minutes.
My requests for a guide were prior to the projection attempt, not when I got out. Once I was out, I requested to go to a friend's house. I've never met him in person and we wanted to see if I could find something verifiable. I quickly found myself in a bedroom but I also noticed there was something on my back. I kept trying to pull it off and it resisted. It seemed unlikely that any type of guide would choose this way to help me. So, after several minutes of struggling, I thought of my body and was quickly back. The attempts to find something verifiable with my friend were forgotten when I was distracted by this thing.
I quickly started the vibrations again and got out. This time I was in a building I did not recognize, walking the hallways. A small, creepy boy was following (think Damien from the Omen). He would not stop following me. I finally picked him up and demanded to know who he was. No response. I thought of my body and returned.
I'm guessing neither of these episodes reflect the presence of a guide. Am I right or wrong?
4th July 2007, 03:33 PM
I don't think a guide- however, your account reminds me of one of Monroe's accounts in Journeys out of the Body. Did you read that one?
4th July 2007, 05:22 PM
I think I read it many years ago (when it first came out). Don't remember anything about it, though. Do you remember what he had to say about it?
4th July 2007, 05:32 PM
He was having the problem that every time he got out (for a week or so, I think) these childish-looking things would climb on his back, and when he tried to take them off, they would stretch (like silly putty) and the only way he could get rid of them was to go back to his body. At some point he figured out how to get rid of them, and if I remember correctly it was to stop moving. Once he stopped moving they let go. Then he learned to avoid the areas in which they inhabited, and later on he had a problem with a 'grown up version' of those entities, and he found out he was feeling his own body (bilocating in a way, I suppose.) He realized he was creating item #2 when he realized that the body he felt did everything he did, and when he looked at the hand it was his hand. When he stopped being afraid of that it went away.
Not sure if this is helpful, but Monroe got around these problems.
4th July 2007, 08:49 PM
Interesting. Thanks for the info. I never actually saw this thing--just the arms. Perhaps I am fighting myself.
10th July 2007, 03:14 PM
Woke up at 5:00 and started doing the chakra stimulation exercise (the posts here are so positive about it). After a while, the vibrations started. I wanted to try to visit my friend for another verification attempt but decided I wanted to try my own neighborhood first. I willed myself to stay home and found myself in my bedroom. For the first time (that I can remember), I saw myself in bed. It was like looking through gauze but it seemed to be me. I flew outside and visited my next door neighbor's house. It looked fine too. By the time I was three houses down, the neighborhood had changed drastically. Then, I returned to my body.
I started stroking the energy and started the vibrations again. For some reason, I chose to imagine an extremely large instrument, almost like a hair pick--but with copper teeth, stroking through my body and moving the energy up and down (head to toe and back) I willed myself to my friend's house and found myself outside a brick ranch style house. It had 3 bedrooms and I was sure it wasn't his house. Checked it out a little, then popped back.
Got the vibrations going again and found myself in darkness. It felt like I was in a crawlspace under a building. I was not alone. Whatever it was that was in there made an aggressive move and a flash of light blossomed in my hand. Nervous, I popped back.
This pissed me off. I wasn't going to be intimidated again. Got the
vibration going again and returned to the same place (surprised the heck out of me). It was there. I stood up straight and breathed in the power around me. I could feel the power coursing through my body. My arms hulked out and blue energy sizzled through the veins in my powerful new arms. I looked around and realized I was now alone. It seemed like an effective attempt. I popped back.
On the final event, I found myself on a city street. I went into an office building that had people in it. Figuring they could not see me, and having no interest in the building, I decided to fly out. A woman flew out with me. I looked at her and said, "Can you see me?" She said, "Sure. I'm a frequent traveller." I said, "Awesome! Can you give me some tips on getting around and staying out?" She said she would love to. Unfortunately, I then popped back.
10th July 2007, 05:34 PM
Awesome post, RRRT. When you can come back without fear, that's when the cool stuff happens. Keep it going!
13th July 2007, 02:07 PM
OK, in Buhlman's book, he acts as if it's so easy to go wherever you want once you're out. Just think of your destination, or the person you want to visit, and bingo, you're there.
I've been trying to "visit" a friend as a means of some sort of verification for quite some time. Even though we're 1100 miles apart, based on Buhlman's statements, it seemed like this wouldn't be a big deal. Obviously, for me, this is not the case. Sorry for referring to that book, it's the latest one I've read. I can't exactly recall what was said in Astral Dynamics because it has been a while (I seem to recall that he suggested it's a lot easier to go someplace you've been before).
Wednesday night, I was exhausted. I did the chakra stimulation technique until I fell asleep (I got to the 6th chakra). Thursday morning, I woke up at 5:00 and finished up the chakra stimulation. I then started the energy movement exercise. Felt like I was close to vibration, but no cigar. Rolled over on my side and the vibrations started pretty quickly. When I was out, I thought, "OK, I want to go to my friend in FLORIDA." (in case using just his first name wasn't working, I thought his full name and location although I figured that was stupid).
I found myself in a building. There was a guy walking by outside. When he saw me, he turned and began heading for the door I was looking out. This made me feel a little nervous. The door had blinds on it (that were open). He walked right through the door and the blinds. This was a physical event, he didn't float through like a ghost. As he came at me, I thought, "You aren't going to scare me." I was very calm and it seems like he dissolved (but at that point, my memory gets a bit hazy).
So, two questions:
1. What's with all these aggressive beings? Some sort of personal issue?
2. What's the magic to getting where you intend to go? This guy has been a friend for well over a year but we've never actually met. I think I'm "zeroed" in on him but does the absence of physical contact introduce a problem? Is it the fact that I've never been to his house?
13th July 2007, 02:18 PM
I've realized that it is not easy to go somewhere on pupose. I proved it to myself when I tried to go to my grandma's house and ended up lost in the middle of the ocean. About the only thing I can say is that I was surrounded by helper beings who saw me off and, when I didn't find her, asked me about it when I gave up and got back. So, maybe you could ask your guides to direct you (which is the hint I think I was given, which I didn't take.) Have you considered that the beings are some sort of protectors in the RTZ that people subconsciously project into their dwellings? Remember, you're (trying) to go to someone else's house, so if you're missing the shot, you may be trying to go into (the wrong)someone else's. Another possibility is that you are reaching this person's place and neither is recognizing each other, so he sees you as an attacker, and is actually defending himself. Do you know what he's supposed to look like? Just a few thoughts.
13th July 2007, 02:18 PM
This morning, I woke around 4:30. I did the chakra stimulation and then started raising energy. The vibrations began refreshingly quickly. I maintained my bull-headed attempt to visit my friend but found myself in a strange house. I read about Lucid Dreams turning into OBE's. In this case, I believe the OBE turned into a Lucid Dream. It was very vivid, I had more self awareness than a normal dream and I had some limited control, but it was far too wild and there were people I know in it, behaving strangely. Is it common for an OBE to convert to an LD?
13th July 2007, 02:20 PM
Is it common for an OBE to convert to an LD? Very common. Any loss of energy can put the dreaming mind back on the driver's seat. Remember, when we sleep, the dreaming mind is usually in control, it's just how we're built.
13th July 2007, 02:29 PM
Have you considered that the beings are some sort of protectors in the RTZ that people subconsciously project into their dwellings? Remember, you're (trying) to go to someone else's house, so if you're missing the shot, you may be trying to go into (the wrong)someone else's. Another possibility is that you are reaching this person's place and neither is recognizing each other, so he sees you as an attacker, and is actually defending himself. Do you know what he's supposed to look like? Just a few thoughts.
That's funny. I asked him yesterday if he had psychic/astral body guards. He didn't think so.
13th July 2007, 02:39 PM
He doesn't have to know it. That's why I said subconscious. If you walk around your house (or apartment) and feel safe, and think, this is my place, you're unconsciously putting wards in your space. Everyone does this even if not on purpose. Now, if you go around blessing things and placing them strategically in your house, then it's a conscious decision. Anyway, my point is that if you overshot the place, you could have gone to someone else's house, and met their guards/protectrs.
16th July 2007, 04:33 AM
Interestingly, I shared this exchange with my friend. He then admitted that he often asks for protection from his guardian angels. I suggested he put me on the "guest list." Seems silly but maybe it will help.
31st July 2007, 12:17 PM
From the above log, it's clear that I am so far unable to consciously kick off an OBE. All of my success has come through becoming alert as the vibrations are getting intense. Last night, I had an almost.
Woke up around 2:00 AM and decided to put some effort toward an OBE. I did the Monroe lock box, resonant tuning, and the affirmation. I then relaxed my body, sponged up energy, and then ran energy through my chakras, per the "Energy Work" book chapter on the primary energy centers. Then, rather than try to OBE, I just continued to relax, trying to lose all sense of my body (something I've never accomplished before). Around 4:30, I was still alert, but my body was deeply enough asleep that I almost felt like I was floating inside my body (as if my body were an empty shell and my "self" was hovering inside that shell without touching any sides.)
Without warning, I felt this sharp, aggressive tug on my chest, right about where the solar plexus is. This freaked me out a bit but I tried to remain calm. Since my wife was asleep next to me and the floorboards hadn't creaked to indicate the arrival of a kid, I kept my eyes closed and decided to see what would happen. After the initial shock, I calmed down quickly. I then experienced this bizarre sinking feeling, like the body that had been floating within me had settled back down to touching the surface of the shell. My physical body wasn't moving (it hadn't moved in hours) but there was a very real sensation of physical sinking. Disappointed that I may have finally gotten a helper and screwed it up, I decided to relax and keep trying.
Very soon, waves of vibrations began to roll through my body. These waves were different than the ones I was used to experiencing when going into an OBE after becoming alert from sleep. Those vibrations are slow and intense/coarse. These vibrations were faster, lighter, more "tingly;" almost like a seriously bad case of goose bumps, but more electric. They would roll up and down my body a few times, then stop. With some effort, I could get them started again, but to the same results. I tried sponging up energy. I tried breathing through my heart chakra. I tried willing myself into my son's room. I tried the rope. I tried imagining myself floating. All had some small level of success, but ultimately, nothing further happened.
It was a startling experience but, unfortunately, it didn't pan out. Bummer...
31st July 2007, 03:56 PM
What you experienced were the type of exit sensations that are directly chakra-related.
I felt this sharp, aggressive tug on my chest, right about where the solar plexus is. I get those on my heart chakra when using rope (In my case rope causes very strong effects, which is why I always say that if you start rope you can't stop unless you pass out or get out). The sinking sensation is a separation, so you did get out- but it seems to me that when the cool stuff happened you switched your focus on the symptoms themselves (trying to regulate the breathing and stabilizing the vibes) instead of focusing on exiting your body. About my only recommendation is, since you have already experienced 'shockingly shocking' exit sensations, when they come on concentrate in making your awareness leave your body by either doing rope (or something else) until you lose consciousness or find yourself floating. (The sinking was separation- if you would have ridden it down you would have found yourself going through the floor down. I've done it and it is very unpleasant, so I'm not sure if you aborted the exit (by returning your attention to your body, albeit unconsciously) as a reaction to the 'down' feeling.
31st July 2007, 04:08 PM
What you experienced were the type of exit sensations that are directly chakra-related. ...(The sinking was separation- if you would have ridden it down you would have found yourself going through the floor down.
Hmmm....thanks. So, this tug you feel, is it like someone grabbing at your chest with their fingers? That's how this felt.
With respect to the sinking, this felt more like a settling in than it did a departure. With my other experiences, I've sometimes dropped out instead of floating out. That had a sort of a elevator drop feel. This felt more like settling into foam. Does that make more sense?
As always, thanks very much for the feedback.
31st July 2007, 04:17 PM
Hmmm....thanks. So, this tug you feel, is it like someone grabbing at your chest with their fingers? That's how this felt. I've felt like a post pushing down on my chest, like something grabbing at my chest, and the latest one like that was, if you can imagine, that as I pulled at the rope it pooled on my chest, became concrete, and pushed me down as I pushed myself up. It got to a point when it was physically exhausting (my astral arms were feeling tired, if you can believe that) until everything went POP! and I was launched upwards with the tension of a rubber band snapping.
With respect to the sinking, this felt more like a settling in than it did a departure. With my other experiences, I've sometimes dropped out instead of floating out. That had a sort of a elevator drop feel. This felt more like settling into foam. Does that make more sense? Yes, and I've felt both. I think the 'settling into foam' feeling is less dramatic than the 'falling down' feeling, but I've 'slipped' down when that happened before, and I didn't like it.
As always, thanks very much for the feedback. You're welcome. The codependent aspect jumps up every time I see something I can relate to. :lol:
9th June 2008, 08:45 PM
It has been a very, very long drought. I have read many, many books and gotten nowhere. With the exception of one early morning where I experienced vibrations that ultimately died out, I've had nothing in 11 months. Very disappointing.
Yesterday, I had a brainstorm that should have hit me 10 months ago: go back to the basics. I re-read these entries and realized that I haven't been doing any of the things that got me success in the first place. Let that be a lesson to all, there is great value to logging your experiences. Without these entries, I wouldn't know what I had done to achieve success in the past.
So, with this ridiculously simple insight, I headed back to the basics yesterday. What worked?? Raising energy and energy circuits. Plain and simple. Really, what kind of moron loses the thread on something that simple? Throughout the day yesterday, I sponged energy up from my feet and into the sub-navel storage center. I sponged energy down from my head into the same area. I did it off and on all day. There is something magical about this. Last night, I woke up at 2:00 and 4:00, something I had not been doing in a long time. When I'm waking up like that, I find that I'm more likely to have success.
At 4:00, I began running the energy circuit, over and over. I drifted off to sleep, only to awaken to the vibrations. They can be creepy sometimes but I LOVE the feelings of those vibrations. This time, rather than just sinking downward, as I normally do, I shot upward with such force that I felt like I was on a rocket. It seems amazing that this would actually produce a sense of g-force when there should be no reason for me to feel that (does the astral body have an inner ear???). To be fair, I'm not sure if the experience was an OBE or not but it certainly had some of the elements.
I found myself in what seemed like a shopping mall. People were walking about and did not notice me. I was swimming through the air, just above the heads of the people. After a few moments, the slowness of the swimming got frustrating. I thought, "Hey, I'm OOB, I can just go somewhere else with a thought." With that, I appeared somewhere else (but still within the mall). What makes me question whether or not this was real is that I then had a false awakening type experience (normally, I wake up in my body, very excited after an OBE). This time, I awakened in a bed in that mall, trying to have another OBE. I was able to get the vibrations going but then transitioned into being truly awake.
Very interesting. Will this return to the basics get me back on track? I sure hope so.
9th June 2008, 09:29 PM
Hey Ruh_Roh. It has indeed been a long time no hear.
It has been a very, very long drought. I have read many, many books and gotten nowhere. With the exception of one early morning where I experienced vibrations that ultimately died out, I've had nothing in 11 months. Very disappointing.
Yesterday, I had a brainstorm that should have hit me 10 months ago: go back to the basics. I re-read these entries and realized that I haven't been doing any of the things that got me success in the first place. Let that be a lesson to all, there is great value to logging your experiences. Without these entries, I wouldn't know what I had done to achieve success in the past. It's weird when we get insights like that, isn't it? This applies to everyone. Sometimes the best way is to go back to the beginning.
So, with this ridiculously simple insight, I headed back to the basics yesterday. What worked?? Raising energy and energy circuits. Plain and simple. Really, what kind of moron loses the thread on something that simple? Throughout the day yesterday, I sponged energy up from my feet and into the sub-navel storage center. I sponged energy down from my head into the same area. I did it off and on all day. There is something magical about this. Last night, I woke up at 2:00 and 4:00, something I had not been doing in a long time. When I'm waking up like that, I find that I'm more likely to have success. I find that I always project if I raise energy. The trick is to remember to.
At 4:00, I began running the energy circuit, over and over. I drifted off to sleep, only to awaken to the vibrations. They can be creepy sometimes but I LOVE the feelings of those vibrations. This time, rather than just sinking downward, as I normally do, I shot upward with such force that I felt like I was on a rocket. It seems amazing that this would actually produce a sense of g-force when there should be no reason for me to feel that (does the astral body have an inner ear???). To be fair, I'm not sure if the experience was an OBE or not but it certainly had some of the elements. I think you phased into the 'shopping mall' experience.
I found myself in what seemed like a shopping mall. People were walking about and did not notice me. I was swimming through the air, just above the heads of the people. After a few moments, the slowness of the swimming got frustrating. I thought, "Hey, I'm OOB, I can just go somewhere else with a thought." With that, I appeared somewhere else (but still within the mall). There are a few places that most people go to- the mall, the hospital and some sort of temple or church. We have a tendency to congregate in these, so it's not surprising that we have astral environments formed suchly. (is that a word?)
What makes me question whether or not this was real is that I then had a false awakening type experience (normally, I wake up in my body, very excited after an OBE). This time, I awakened in a bed in that mall, trying to have another OBE. I was able to get the vibrations going but then transitioned into being truly awake. I get those a lot lately, and I think it has to do with separating and reintegrating in such a way that you're aware of your bilocation. Those can be annoying and I'm not sure what to do about them. Other than getting used to projecting in your bed or chair, or worse, dreaming you're sleeping and having stuff happen around you while you try to open your eyes and can't.
For whatever it's worth, this bilocation shows progress, even if it doesn't seem to.
Very interesting. Will this return to the basics get me back on track? I sure hope so.
18th June 2008, 09:04 PM
Oh the frustration!
Two nights ago, I went to bed around 12:45. As I was doing the energy work, I could feel my energy body shifting around. It was wild. It was like a physical shift and was not something I had ever felt before. I dozed off and woke up to the vibrations but my surprise stopped them. I started doing the energy work again and this time the vibrations came back strong. They were pulsing up and down my body from head to toe and back. I felt myself start to drop out and then I got scared for some reason and the whole damn thing stopped. I have no idea why I would get scared because I've grown accustomed to the vibrations and actually like them. Perhaps it's because I've never been so awake before when they started. In my prior experiences, it seems like I was always awakened while they were happening and I reacted while still a bit groggy. It never dawned on me that I might freak out if they happened while I was fully awake (freak out might be an overstatement but, given the end result, I'll use it...).
18th June 2008, 09:27 PM
It's possible that the fear you had wasn't psychological, but primal. If this is so, it would indicate you had separated and the feedback caused the fear reaction (as in tickled your amygdala) and it re-centered you. If I were you, if you're in this state and this happens again, I'd shift to trance work or energy body loosening (or even just 'noticing') and then mechanically do an exit technique, unless you got very shook up. Then go one step back and carry on with the steps.
18th June 2008, 09:42 PM
It's possible that the fear you had wasn't psychological, but primal. If this is so, it would indicate you had separated and the feedback caused the fear reaction (as in tickled your amygdala) and it re-centered you. If I were you, if you're in this state and this happens again, I'd shift to trance work or energy body loosening (or even just 'noticing') and then mechanically do an exit technique, unless you got very shook up. Then go one step back and carry on with the steps.
Hey CF,
That's an interesting thought. It was so rapid that there was no time to shift to anything. It wasn't like a building dread, just a freak-boom-gone thing. That might support the primal idea and it might not.
24th June 2008, 11:17 AM
On June 21, I had another interesting experience that was at least somewhat successful.
I started doing energy work but kept dozing off. Finally, after repeating three rounds of sponging, I started doing the body loosening thing where I bounce my consciousness out of my solar plexus, across the room and back.
The vibrations started and I relaxed. I felt myself do my typical pivot at the head thing and then I was free. I decided to visit a neighbor's house as a test but by the time I got to that end of the street, the neighborhood was different. It seems that I cannot get more than 2-3 houses away before the environment morphs. Then I was back.
The second time, I pivoted and rotated my body 180 degrees so that I was facing down by the time I was out. I decided to go see a friend and established the will to see him in Colorado. I still had no vision, so several times I stated "Clarity Now!" but it didn't work. It took a few minutes but I got my vision back AFTER I arrived. This is where I think it transitioned into a dream because it got odd after that. The experience was more like a dream because it would have been a time of day/night when people wouldn't have been up and about. The friend was there with his wife, daughter and son. There were two more girls there also. In checking with him later, I was correct that the house was two story but incorrect about the color. I was correct that there were two more girls there but incorrect about the age of one of them. Even a small bit of accuracy is a fun thing.
12th July 2008, 06:43 PM
Last night was an interesting experience but one that was ultimately disappointing.
After a long hard work week, I had a tired body and a racing mind. It seemed like an opportune time to work on an OBE. Using the Silva 3-2-1 method, then some progressive relaxation, then three rounds of energy sponging, my body was quite relaxed and my mind was far from it. Ignoring the itches and twitches, I continued to breath deeply and expand the relaxation. After two hours of lying perfectly still, the vibrations came on strong. They raced up and down my body from head to toe and back. I was careful to relax, not wanting to kill them. After a few seconds, I felt myself begin to move but it wasn't like my normal pivot at the head motion. This felt like I was being pulled and stretched like taffy. At one point, my lungs felt compressed like I was pushing through a small hole. This didn't last very long but for a second or two, I was unable to breath. Then I popped free and could breath just fine again. Unfortunately, this is where it stopped. After all that vibration and sensation of separation, I found myself still lying there. Almost as if the separation happened but my consciousness failed to make the trip.
12th July 2008, 08:47 PM
Almost as if the separation happened but my consciousness failed to make the trip.
That's what it sounds like.
When I have things like that happen, I sometimes see 'etheric energy' leaving me (for lack of a better term). I suspect this is because there is something environmental going on (like cosmic rays or solar flares or something like that) because I don't have much of clairvoyant skills. When this happens, I'll usually project soon after (the next day or two days after). So if this is the case with you (did you feel almost 'too' energetic?) try again tonight, or tomorrow am & see what happens.
Something else that happens to me in this case is that I get bilocation episodes, and 'dreams in my bedroom'-type phenomena. Then I go back to 'normal' in a few days.
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