View Full Version : A party at the top of the world. (Initiation)

Neil Templar
7th October 2011, 01:12 PM
After reading Kurt Leland's latest book, i've been stating my intention to master my astral body, while continuing to gain control/ability within my mental body. One purpose of this is to become an invisible helper.

The other night, i found myself in a "foreign" land, i didn't recognise, with a group of people i didn't recognise. It felt like an adventure holiday, everyone in high spirits, excited, ready for the unknown.
There were a couple of group leaders, guiding us on a journey.

We were in rocky, mountainous terrain. The sun was shining, the air fresh and crisp.
We followed a meandering path thru a grassy land at the foot of the mountains.
As the path began to climb, the land became more rocky. Soon the path was passing between giant boulders, the way ahead only visible a short distance at any time.
We rounded a corner, and up ahead some way, we saw three tigers. (sound familiar?) One lying up on a big rock, enjoying the sunshine, the other two, down in the shadows by the side of the path.

Some of the group instantly became fearful, almost panicking. There was obviously no way forward, other than to go right past them. The group leaders gave us the choice. "Do we go on, or turn back?"

At the moment of seeing the three tigers, i'd become more lucid. I've had countless experiences with these three, and i knew how to deal with them. I've been doing so for many months now.
I went ahead of the group, walking steadily towards the three. The one on the rock opened it's eyes, and observed me. Our eyes met. The gave a low growl. I sent back a thought - "I know you guys, behave yourselves!".
With that, all three were aware of me, watching me approach.
I kept going, then something strange began to happen.
The whole area they were occupying, seemed to move. Each step i took towards them, made them seem to become more distant. The further forward i moved, the more distant they became. When i reached the point they should have been at, they were now at least 200 meteres distant. Where there was a narrow path between rocks, there was now a wide grassy route leading into the mountains.

The group followed. The group leaders seemed pleased.

Next, we came upon a frozen lake. One of the group leaders asked me, "how's your skating Neil?".
Now, in "real life" i've only ice skated once or twice, but during astral adventures, i often use a skating movement to get around. Floating an inch or two above the ground, it's a great way to move around. Real fun, sometimes more fun than flying. The sense of speed you get, being so close to the ground, is amazing.
I demonstrated for him, picking up speed and swerving around clumps of grass that were sticking thru the top of the frozen water.
He seemed pleased. We moved on.

Next we came to a steep incline. We all got on our bikes, and began to climb.
The path became narrow, dodging left and right between rocks. On the right, the mountain fell away in a sharp drop. Any mis-hap on this path could be potentially fatal.
I was aware of the bike in front of me, and the one behind. I had to keep a steady pace, to avoid a collision with either.
To make things worse, riders started to appear, riding down the track, and high speeds!
I had to lean my bike to the left, without falling off, to make enough space for them to get thru.
Narrow bridges, only about 20cm in width, went over deep ravines. A fall into one of these would result in a nasty death on the rocks below. While i was aware of the potential for disaster, i was fully confident in my ability to ride my bike over impossible terrain. (something that was the focus of an adventure earlier in the week. i'm now wondering if that was a practice session for the upcoming test?)
Going over one of these bridges, i looked down and saw a river running thru the ravine.
At that point, a rider came hurtling down from above. As he passed me, i felt and heard a tearing, coming from a backpack i didn't know i was wearing.
The straps of the bag remained attached to me, while the bag part, fell off and splashed into the river. Everyone stopped and got off their bikes. Folk went down to the river, and started fishing around, trying to find my bag. They used branches from trees, one guy had a garden hoe, another had one of those long poles with a pinching thing on the end, like you see refuse collectors using to pick up garbage in the park.
I wondered where they were getting these things from, up the side of a mountain, hehe.
I climbed down to the waterside, wondering what i was supposed to do here.
Was this a test to see if i could come up with a really creative way to get a bag out of the water?
Was this about the water itself?
Was the water symbolic of my emotional state?
Was i supposed to get in the water, and dive down for the bag?

Then i asked the right question -
What was in the bag?

Up until that moment, i hadn't even been aware of a bag on my back.
A bag, baggage!
That was it! I knew what i had to do.
I told everyone to just leave it. There was nothing i needed in the bag. In fact I AM everything i need on a no physical journey.
I climbed back up to my bike, and continued onward.
The group leaders seemed pleased.

At the top, the path opened out onto a wide plateau. The view was amazing. We were at the top of the world, the sun shone down on us, the horizon was a distant blue haze.
We celebrated. A party at the top of the world.

I am in no doubt about this adventure. It was clearly an initiation. Does this mean i can become an invisible helper? I'm sure i'll find out soon enough...;)

7th October 2011, 02:03 PM
You already are, sweetie. Now you're becoming conscious of it.

7th October 2011, 09:28 PM
You'll definitely when it happens, Neil. In any case, you passed :thumbsup::clap:

13th October 2011, 10:42 PM
Hello, Neil.

Encoded into the adventure itself are also all the elements of what you need to get to the mental plane:

Aligned elementals - your lower elementals have to be aligned in order to enable experiencing the mental plane. The distance between the lower two tigers and the upper one might have indicated a gap in alignment between the etheric and astral bodies and the mental body.

You need the aligned elementals to be not upset by what's coming your way (the riders) and to align your state of consciousness with the desired end result, which is an act of balance (as is riding a 20cm bridge on a bike - think Ramana Maharshi's "The Razor's Edge").

Finally, you have to leave behind emotional baggage (your astral backpack). Notice how you weren't even noticing you had it with you. On failed attempts to reach the mental plane it might have similarly subconsciously blocked you.

Balance, alignment, freedom of emotional baggage, intent and perserverance finally led you to your goal. Having done so on your own in a testing environment indeed represents an initiation for you. Congratulations!