View Full Version : Unseen Helpers

6th October 2011, 08:52 PM
The other night as I attempted an exit, I sensed I was very close to the full split, but something kept holding me back. I suspect I was a bit too aware and conscious, focusing on the experience physically. However, I distinctly heard a man's voice say: "Can you try speaking?"

This was much different from the usual exit sounds, which are random and odd and often alarming. This one seemed as though someone was in the room watching, trying to help, but I can't make sense of the question. I tried communicating back telepathically. I have no idea where this went but the exit attempt ended in failure.

Additionally, I kept getting a sense that my astral body was trying to turn it's head to the right, as if to suggest I needed to actually rest my head in a different position going forward. It's done this many times and I'm trying to heed what it's getting at. Anyone else have this sort of thing happen?

6th October 2011, 09:32 PM
I've gotten the voices before- usually when the trance is full enough but I'm not quite ready to exit. In my case it took a long long time to actually have a response, and I'm convinced they are self-aspects and nothing more. But of course, that doesn't mean it is the same for you.

I haven't had the positional thing happen with my energetic head, just the legs, and on-the-spot NEW (sponging) fixed it for me.

7th October 2011, 10:42 AM
I've experienced my astral body lying on the back while I thought it was my physical there on the back (but that one was - as always then - still lying on the side).

Then an angelic female voice (I still suspect it to have been my Higher Self eventually) which I heard audibly (not telepathically) "in the room" took over my repetitive affirmation "I am out-of-body now."
I did not understand at the time that this wasn't an affirmation but a statement of fact, which is why this incident (that wasn't repeated) makes me laugh even today about it.

Here's the more detailed account from my log: http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?11852-Volgerle-s-Lucidiary&p=96797#post96797 , it's from my 'early days' of trying to project.

And there's even another nice analogy in this entry to your account. I also had a (astral?) body part of mine 'behaving abnormally' going into one specific direction, but it wasn't the head. Every time, I had a 'stiff arm' raised in the air the first 4-5 times. But as with the other phenomena it did not return after vanishing.

8th October 2011, 02:43 AM
Thank you CFTraveler and Volgerle...as always, this whole phenomenon (poor word, I know) is fascinating and never fails to give me something new to consider. That voice did sound an awful lot like my own, which puts a stranger twist on Volgerle's story of the female voice.

And yeah, Woven Hand. Haven't heard these guys in a long spell...it was good to get back to them via your link. Wonderful stuff.

12th October 2011, 04:06 AM
I've heard an outside helpful voice several times. I guess it is probably my own, the part of me that already knows what i need to do.

Have you ever caught yourself saying to yourself, "if i only knew then what i knew now"? It is kind of fulfilling that type of request for you.