View Full Version : MAP and Energy Body Awareness

6th October 2011, 05:41 PM
Hello All,

I'm curious to hear others' stories on tips and tricks they've used to enable and progress their work with the energy body. I find if I use my physical hands (in motions, no touch), I can really move energy around. For instance, if I make a pulling movement, pulling energy up from my feet to my chakras I get terrific results. However, I also realize this is a crutch and I should be using my energy body hands instead. I'm finding this harder than I suspect it should be. I've probably developed some mental hitch... So any advice/insight here is appreciated.

Secondly, a comment.

CFTraveler, in another post, mentioned Kurt Leland's books. I am reading The Multidimensional Human at present. And wow. This should be required reading along with MAP. While MAP is great on the mechanics and even on issues such as intent and affirmation, Leland's book puts considerable light on why projections often fail, falter, become confused, and how every little thing we think and do is somehow significant to the whole picture of our nonphysical movement. Just my two cents, but I highly recommend it.

That's it. Take care and thank you.

6th October 2011, 05:55 PM
To tell you the truth, I've never used energy hands (or physical hands). I simply imagine someone else with a paintbrush doing the brushing (on me), or a bunch of sponges going through my insides (for secondaries) or little ball bearings being pulled around (kind of like if I had a magnet). I've only used energy hands for tearing my primaries (chakras) or imagined I'm holding a ladle and stirring.
It's less mentally stressful for me, I just 'let it happen'-like getting a massage.

ps. I'm glad you're liking the book. I agree it's a wonderful companion book to Robert's works, because it touches on different aspects of projection. I also like Hermetics but it's a little different, and I recommend it to someone who is already projecting and wants to widen their horizons.

7th October 2011, 08:10 AM
I am so surprised that our energybody is as it is.....I have lived a very threatened life so for my energybody have bean more
outside of me then in me so to speak....I have noticed that my energybody was walking besides me for many year´s....I have had a calm and secure life in many year´s now so my energybody do not want to leave my body now...It does react to energy stimulation off course, but it is like relaxing now when there is no direct danger hovering around me....so my energy body is like lying inside of me and lightly singing....and do not want to project....so it seam´s to me that I have to let her rest and be ...a little while...I do also understand that my stress level is not healed yet totally...I am not at all worried, I know I can project so I have to take care of this other thing´s first only :)


7th October 2011, 02:01 PM
Believe it or not, I think that the more you 'stretch' your etheric body the more healthy it is- like exercise. Think of it as a balloon, and instead of 'separating' it, think of it as 'inflating' around your body- your body is still firmly in the middle.
In fact, there is an exercise Robert talks of called 'balloon breathing', which is an energy body loosening exercise. I would recommend to using it as a meditation tool, Ia, and, if you're under stress, 'Open in Protection'- use a centering prayer or a protective prayer before doing your work, it will make your meditation a pool of tranquility in a sea of... well, you know.

8th October 2011, 07:26 AM
Thank you CFT for your advices....This do help me very much.....This night I have talked to my energybody and to my higher self...I did lie on my stomache as I always do when slepping, but I did not sleep much this night because I was talking to my energybody...I said also that I want to be awake ...so I started to hear astral noices...and I did talk...thank you that I can hear this so clearly and be so awake...then I felt how my energy body was rocked back and forth inside of me...and I did say....it is okay to go out of body,but I want to remember it also...and schwiiiissshhhhhh....I was pulled out of my body, I was going backward´s to seling and I said...I want out to open air and I was drawn through my window and I did a say...I want back to body and I want to remember this too....So you see CFT it help´s me so much to talk about my dilemma, I am sure it will get easier for me to work with my energy body form now on. Thank you so much!!


8th October 2011, 05:11 PM
You're welcome Ia.