View Full Version : spin loosening

2nd October 2011, 07:32 AM
given that you are lying on your back.....and you wanna do the spin loosening
what difference does it make if you spin along the axis from head to toe
or along the axis from ceiling to floor(going through body)..........?

2nd October 2011, 04:18 PM
It should make no difference, but usually spinning on your bodily axis is easier for your 'natural' movement.

2nd October 2011, 05:43 PM
well i find it easy to imagine that my body is spinning along ceiling to floor axis.....
but imagining spinning on body axis takes effort and it feels like body gets stuck........full 360 degree rotation is not smooth...
its interesting but Michael Raduga also suggests spinning along body axis.....

2nd October 2011, 10:31 PM
Whatever works for you better.
How I did this (I don't use spin for other reasons) was to simply lay on my bed, roll from side to side (physically) and then do it mentally.
Or, whirl like a dervish until you get how it feels, and then recreate it.

4th October 2011, 05:11 AM
thanks cft
btw i have one more question
why is it necessary to use eyes in brow trigger.......?
i mean suppose if you can concentrate on the brow center without using eyes to locate it than why use eyes.....?
what difference does it make to use eyes and not use eyes while doing brow trigger.......?

4th October 2011, 01:42 PM
If you ever use the eyes you'll know why- it triggers the strobe. I don't recommend it if you are prone to headaches, though.