View Full Version : OBE and polysomnogram

26th September 2011, 01:54 PM
I have had spontaneous ones for a good 15 years I used to study some of your work in my failed attempts to control them. I had a polysomnogram recently and had an out of body experience while connected to EEG etc. Once I get the results will I be able to learn from the data how to control my o b e? Are there specific brain wave changes. Are there any scientific studies being done that the EEg data would be useful for? I seem to struggle with the mind body split it is scary and just wish I could control it better or get it to stop. I'm all for ap but I want to have them on my terms and feel more in control of them
I should get my EEG data this week thank u.

Robert Bruce
23rd October 2011, 02:31 PM
I can't really help you with this, but you might try TMI (The Monroe Institute, of Faber, Virginia, USA)

There is no way to avoid the mind split effect while you still live, as you will need a physical body mind to return to after an OBE.

The only way to learn more control of OBE is lots of practice and energy body development, as well as overcoming your fears concerning OBE.


18th November 2011, 02:26 PM
Thank you!