View Full Version : Goetia Demons

25th September 2011, 01:42 AM
Hi Robert,

A few years ago I was at a party and I agreed to have a scrying done to see my future. I believe they used the Lesser key of solomon... I did not know what I said yes to! Anyways, I am desperately trying to rid myself of this influence. I believe they are using Dantalion, Paimon and other black Magic against me. They know my email, passwords and bank account info. I have ordered your book, but was wondering If you had info specifically for these Goetic demons?



Robert Bruce
23rd October 2011, 02:23 PM
This information is available, if you google it.

But this information is useless to the average non magical person.

I suggest you learn and practice the LBRP (lesser banishment ritual of pentagram)

Here is a good start for learning about pentagrams and banishments.


If you are under magical attack, then you need to master this ritual, as well as how to bind people and reverse attacks, and especially how to build magical shielding. It would also help if you found an experienced witch or magician to help you.
