View Full Version : Mastering Astral Projection - 90 Day Guide --- Progress Thread

24th September 2011, 07:28 AM
Hi everyone

I thought that it would be a good idea [With the permission of this board owner of course] to have a thread here for those of us that are doing Roberts 90 day guide book.

Personally I started the book 5 years ago but didn't have the self discipline or belief to keep going with it.

I attended one of Roberts workshops in June 2011 in Melbourne which inspired me to restart the program.

To be honest I haven't followed the instructions to the letter in that I don't spend enough time on the various drills that are recommended, but despite this I have had some success.
I have probably done 40 days rather than 21 as it's best to re do it than jump ahead too quickly,but i only spend about 10 minutes a day on it. some days I don't do it at all.

I have been doing various forms of personal/spiritual development for almost 30 years so this may have helped prepare me too but everyone is so different ,so don't take my example as a guide to yourself.
I also use EFT {Emotional Freedom Techniques}

I am up to day 21 and in the last few weeks I have had the vibrating feeling twice!!
At first I felt like it was the whole room doing it,it was so weird as it happened as I woke up.
Aside from that I have had the falling feeling a few times.

So this doesn't sound like much I know but to me it's a big deal as it's progress for me and new territory for me and has encouraged me to keep moving forward.

Thanks Robert for writing this easy to follow book. A groundbreaking idea.

I would love to hear from others in this thread as to their experience using this book.

24th September 2011, 06:56 PM
Hi Mark- great to see you back here.

17th October 2011, 05:35 AM
Hello there!

I feel I'm kind of in the same situation as you here, to not have the time or be able to follow the MAP schedual. I will definitely start all over when I have more free time because i feel that the 3 weeks i followed the schedual really worked wonders for me. I felt many of the special sensations written in the book that one can have as a result of energy work, and that made me feel that MAP is for real, and works.
After week 3 I was'nt able to follow schedual anymore but I still meditate about 3 times a week or so.

Now, I did'nt think that ending the MAP schedual and just meditating would manifest some peculiar sensations or anything like that but I'm glad to say that I woke up 2 days ago, early in the morning and heard the well known "static noice" in my ears!
I realized that something was not as usuall and did'nt move and just tried to go with the feeling.
The noice changed somewhat and the vibrations began in my chest i think, and spread throughout my body.
The sensations was very mild, and not at all as violent as many say it is. Offcource its individual. Anyway as I just followed what happened i felt my upper body separate from my physical body and it all went very smooth. It also went very fast and before I knew it I was right back in my physical body.
I thought to myself that if I just focus and try to concentrate on my breathing it would happen again.
I felt the noice in my ears disapearing and the viobrations to, and the little static/electrical feeling inmy body to.
The last thing I can remember is that my legs separated really fast and then I lost them, and was just aware of my physical body again.
I'm longing to get to that stage again, but it probably will be uncontrolled as long as I dont follow MAP.

Anyway, this made me think that just the thought of AP and the will to wanting to do it is perhaps enough to experience some aspects of AP.

Regards - Linus

3rd December 2011, 09:55 AM
Hi Linus

So you got up to day 21 then?

It's great that you got the projection,was that your first projection?

I'm currently up to day 28 and i'm still finding it very interesting although no more to report than than i'm afraid,but i haven't done it for the required amount of hours.

The ideas in the guide are great though,so many new concepts are introduced that I would never have thought of doing myself.

I'm happy to take it slowly and I re-do the drills,that's why i'm still only up to day 28.

7th December 2011, 08:30 AM
Well i suppose it was day 21, can't really remember but something like that. And regarding the projection, at least I think it was a projection but none that i can remember except for the part where I felt my body go and then instantly sucked back in again.
in any case that was my first that i know of since I was little. Think I had a couple of projections when I was 4 - 5 years old. It's a faint memory but I think it was projections. remember that I flew over some trees and it all was very vivid with some limmited vision due to som grey fog. Chrashed in a lawn hehe and after that I woke up. Have'nt really thought of them as projections untill I read about the subject.

I think your aproach is perfect. thats what I will do when i go into it again.

I actually experienced my partial projection a month or so after i had quit the excecises in MAP. Also had my very first lucid dream after i quit it. Now I go easy forwards by meditating inmy spare time and doing some reality checks etc.

16th December 2011, 07:35 AM
I am READING the 90 day guide, and so beginning the first week. The energy exercises are very interesting. My brain is still kind of unruly as far as attention span or inner dialogue, but I have successfully experienced trance States before. I have already experienced some pressure or beginning vibration during rope climbing, but have a tendency to let the sensations startle me. Since I was a frequent flyer when I was a child, and do not remember why I was grounded, I am wondering if some bad experience happened. All I remember about formative experiences was a lot of golden light and happiness, but I did also have night terrors, so I am hoping I am not blocked. It is time for positive affirmations ...

17th December 2011, 01:05 AM
... I am hoping I am not blocked. It is time for positive affirmations ...

Hi imogen,

Let me assure you that even if you are blocked, your experience of unblocking doesn't need to take years, as it did for the coauthor of MAP. I had a massive heart chakra strobe on day six. This was accompanied by intense vibrations and falling sensations that put down a very strong flinch/fear reflex in me. Almost every exit attempt thereafter was met with inner clutching and adrenaline spikes that made the whole thing very frustrating. However, it only took me a few weeks to make friends with those sensations and welcome them as my best guides toward the exit.

It sounds like you've got your head on straight with affirmations being your next step, but should you find yourself clutching up, stop and direct as much loving attention and energy to anything uncomfortable. And most of all, don't fall into the trap of thinking that if you have a flinch reflex that you're bound to have a negative outcome and rough road ahead. You're only bound to have the outcome you believe you'll have.



19th December 2011, 06:04 AM
Thank you, Soul. I think the time is ripe to be an overcomer. I have been experiencing some unusual energy movement that are not clearly defined for me yet. Woke up with itching / burning sensation in core chakra, and sharp pains in my crown. It did not last very long, but my belly in particular felt strange a bit longer. Rather than perceive this as "negatives" I see this as positive sign that my Higher Self is at work behind the scenes preparing me for something, some further awakening. I am taking it slowly, and will be soothing toward the fear.