View Full Version : Are there any dangers to avoid when doing AP

24th September 2011, 06:27 AM
Hi Robert

I am wondering if there are any dangers that we have to avoid when doing AP [Astral Projection]?

I heard that you have to be careful of electric power lines but if you do get caught on them you have to move to the end of the line to get off.

This got me to thinking that there are of course many other sources of electricity and potentially other dangers.

It would be interesting to get your comments on this?



Robert Bruce
10th October 2011, 03:10 PM

I have not had problems with electricity during obe.

There is nothing you cannot solve during obe by returning to your body. Just think about being back in your body, and you will be. Or, make a command 'take me home!'

the only thing to avoid is trying to stop an OBE exit after it starts. This can cause problems by greatly increasing OBE exit symptoms (rapid heart rate, heavy vibrations, continual falling sensation, etc) and also cause problems with future OBE exits, because you send a clear message to your subconscious mind that you don't want to OBE. This can create a psychological 'flinch' reflect that will make OBE more difficult than it needs to be.

You can avoid potential pitfalls by reading my new edition 'Astral Dynamics'.
