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23rd September 2011, 07:26 AM
hi guys
i read somewhere that if you imagine something while focusing on third eye......it manifests immediately without delay..............
i wish i had never read it because its causing me problems.......now whenever i focus on my third eye, my mind automatically pops up the images of situations and things,i dont want to manifest......
because of this i keep fixing those images and keep forcing my mind to think positive and all...........and this creates tension......on top of that what if those negative things manifests........:mad:
what should i do.....?

23rd September 2011, 08:00 AM
Set an intention before you start to meditate on the third eye and state that no matter what appears there your intention is X. See what appears there as a manifestation of your ability to willingly face your fears, a manifestation of your courage but also your confidence these things won't occur.

Or treat what appears as you would core images and remove them.

Alternately, move your focus to another chakra, such as throat or heart.

23rd September 2011, 03:48 PM
i read somewhere that if you imagine something while focusing on third eye......it manifests immediately without delay.............. Frankly, I don't believe this claim- it sounds like advertising.
Third eye work is mostly to develop the ability to see clairvoyantly- in other words, it doesn't manifest anything, it simply allows you to 'see' with your energy center/ energy body.
When you have a projection (regardless of the type) into the etheric or astral, it is then that you manifest whatever you think of, because the nonphysical environment in these stages is purely energetic, and the nature of energy is to respond to information- so if you put out a thought into the matrix, you will get what you put out in it.

This is true in all aspects of life (the basis of all manifestation methods)- the difference from physical manifestation than nonphysical is that in the physical, it takes time and space and matter to manifest anything- that's why we do work to get stuff. Working is simply applying energy a certain way.

In the nonphysical time and space work differently (or are said to not exist, something that I think is only partially true) so you have 'instant manifestation'. And this is where a lot of fear comes from.
