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12th August 2023, 06:17 AM
In last night dreams my wrist watch broke...the hand`s fell off...

In this episode I saw a man working with a bee-hive without any protction clothings what so ever..the bee`s where buzzing around his head...

13th August 2023, 05:34 AM
In last night dream I was sleeping in my bed..I stretched my arms and I felt like a wooden wall with cracks ..through the cracks I could feel a breath...or someone smelling me...I sit up in the bed and now the wall have changed to a fench...over the fench I can see a horse...I say...oh are you living next door to me...and here I woke up...

14th August 2023, 05:41 AM
In last night dream I was driving a beautiful red sports car...it took me a little time to learn to drive it...specially when I had to drive it steep up hill..but I did do it 😊

16th August 2023, 02:46 AM
In last night dream I was running from grandparents house...over the fields...down to the creek...over the creek...and now I was on my childhood home front yard...I had a bad stomach...and I had made a mess...here I awoke...

16th August 2023, 04:43 PM
Hi Antares.

I will tell you my story...I met a man in 2001...who was powerful and whilst I was in contact with him...I was invaded by same sort of energies/entities as you describe ...interupting and making me lack of sleep and having episods of psyhosis....I had my own company so I could decide when to take time of...and when to work...so this went on for several years as you decribe about your life....I was taken advantage of and I was loosing much money...until one day I decided ...this is enough...I left the man`s guidance...and went bankcrupty...I was totally ruined...

I started to build up my life again...I gave me time to heal...and I started to have inner knowing why this happened...it was my own doings...I had to start to look how my emotions is and why the energies so successully blinding and keeping me from to see what was going on.../ at that thime I was not able to process my traumas and not to understand my feelings...about jelousy...grudges)..I have just now resently started to get words to what is what....difference between negs and elementals... everybody has elementals as a part of the level you develp to and to the bodies is part of our consiusness...I am just getting words to link to my experiences.

When I got some distance to this happening with the "negs, elementals"..I started to feel why they have lost their grip of me....was that I was able to rise abowe them...I am on a higher level and here is another support what is positive...I had a vision about vertical ...and horisontal....I have bean pondering on this and now it feels clear...I have to start to develop the knowledge about the plans ...how are they built both vertically and horisontally...

I did by my own will go to bancrupty...I am not that kind of person who cares about ranks and weath as many on this planet does...they can not let go of the hamsters wheel...they have to just work more to get more money to get more bigger cars etc...
I did see the "black hole" what will never be filled ...so I let go..and all those who had claimed to be my friends ..disapeared because I did not have money nor anything they could gain on me (their negs..what is their unfulfilled needs and wants)...but what I riped in knowledge and clarity was enormeous..it was very painful and shameful to see me and understand what and why things happen in my life..I was driven as the most of people on this plandt...to gain famous and fortune...It is nothing wrong to be rich and famous..so do not missunderstand me......it wasmy astral closet what was filled with all kind of non processed emotions...

Everything happens for a reason...the evelution is build in such way...and every plan is build in different "needs" to be met before you can enter a new plan...deep self knowledge...and the higher plans do not let you enter before you have done your home work...so do not let the energies on that plan you are on to lure you away from the Source and the light...Read the Multidimentiona Human...

I can see that my words is wonky but I am sure I get better in explaining what I have understood and gain in knowing.

Thanks for sharing your story.

I think that the thing is way much more complicated than it seems from what I have written below. Remember that when I told you that it's hard to talk about matrix at the beginning of this talk, you advised me to talk about it anyway? So I did it here - and you see your reaction. :) People assume that something is incorrect with my thinking, not have open minds to listen that some direct experiences may show that we know actually nothing about the universe - except our assumptions...

I've read Carlos Castaneda's books, and I must say I have similar view on many things as Don Juan, a shaman from this book: that the world is totally different than we think. People don't perceive the world itself - they perceive their thoughts about the world.

21st August 2023, 06:37 AM
Day before last In the dream I was taking my medicin (I have for boodpressure, thyrodoid hormone..and for allergy)..I was holding the allergy meds in my hand when this man was asking what that was...I said for allergy...he smurged at me and said...sure...not believing me...so I asked if he want one...oh yeah he said...so I gave him one...(it is blue in colore) ..he puts it in his mouth and started to wait for its effect...here I awoke...

21st August 2023, 12:33 PM
Thanks for sharing your story.

I think that the thing is way much more complicated than it seems from what I have written below. Remember that when I told you that it's hard to talk about matrix at the beginning of this talk, you advised me to talk about it anyway? So I did it here - and you see your reaction. :) People assume that something is incorrect with my thinking, not have open minds to listen that some direct experiences may show that we know actually nothing about the universe - except our assumptions...

I've read Carlos Castaneda's books, and I must say I have similar view on many things as Don Juan, a shaman from this book: that the world is totally different than we think. People don't perceive the world itself - they perceive their thoughts about the world.

Hi Antare.
Yes I did encurage you to write on the site ..it was that maybe someone will respond who have the same worldview as you have...because I can not relate to it.
To have different oppinion ...everone have right to have own oppinion...even if it differs alot.

About the Castaneda and Don Juan...I googled ad wikipedia say that scolars think it is a fiction story with fiction karacters...go figure.


22nd August 2023, 01:43 AM
They do exist though, it does not matter to them if you believe or not.

22nd August 2023, 06:46 AM
They do exist though, it does not matter to them if you believe or not.

Hi Sh@dow.
Who does exist??


22nd August 2023, 02:07 PM
You don't need to pay attention to that. Just passing through.

22nd August 2023, 04:31 PM
About the Castaneda and Don Juan...I googled ad wikipedia say that scolars think it is a fiction story with fiction karacters...go figure.

Yes I know that. I'm pretty sure it's not true what they say, their opinions are worthless, I've read the arguments from both sides, yet people believe that. :) Anyway, Castaneda's books are pretty unique in describing the shamans' world and how they see the universe.

Thanks for help, anyway. The essential point is that there's no simple solution I'm afraid, that's why research is needed. We're deeply put into something really big on this planet, and no one talks about it...


23rd August 2023, 12:49 PM
You don't need to pay attention to that. Just passing through.



23rd August 2023, 12:52 PM
[QUOTE=Antares;175978]Yes I know that. I'm pretty sure it's not true what they say, their opinions are worthless, I've read the arguments from both sides, yet people believe that. :) Anyway, Castaneda's books are pretty unique in describing the shamans' world and how they see the universe.

Thanks for help, anyway. The essential point is that there's no simple solution I'm afraid, that's why research is needed. We're deeply put into something really big on this planet, and no one talks about it...


Okay Antares...sorry I could not be more helpful..


24th August 2023, 04:52 AM
In last night dream I was carrying a baby...and I had a little boy with me...proximately 4-5 yrs old...if I had to do something I gave the baby to the boy and we took turns to carry it...so for some reason I said...I have to go to my cellar locker to get some chewing gum...I gave the baby to the boy and went down to the cellar lockar....I opened it and saw to my surprice I had also lots of money in the locker...I was happy to see that if we need I know we have money in the locker...I took the chewing gum and went up and took the baby and we where of on our road again....

25th August 2023, 05:53 AM
In last night dream I was buying new clothings...

In this episode I was klipping toe nails ...it was an old lady and her toe nails had grown under her toes...she was in chock when I told her...it was a bit tricky to do them...but I managed.

In this episode a little girl was out in the snow...taking of her wollen glowe and her hands where red of cold...I went out to her and said to her to put her hands on my back under my jacket to make them warm.

26th August 2023, 11:03 AM
In last night dream I was on a wedding...it was very strong dream...do not remember more...

26th August 2023, 04:04 PM
sorry I could not be more helpful..
I don't expect that. But did you read my messages?

I was just writing that it's not about a single entity, it's about how the whole system on the Earth works. How we, i.e. you, me, and every single human, is involved in the system.

You talked about the new perspective on your life, but have you considered the fact that this perspective is actually coming from "someone else", not yourself? Do you consider that your thoughts, even right now, are manipulated? It's an important question, it touches the very essence of the point I'm trying to indicate.

26th August 2023, 06:09 PM
I don't expect that. But did you read my messages?

I was just writing that it's not about a single entity, it's about how the whole system on the Earth works. How we, i.e. you, me, and every single human, is involved in the system.

You talked about the new perspective on your life, but have you considered the fact that this perspective is actually coming from "someone else", not yourself? Do you consider that your thoughts, even right now, are manipulated? It's an important question, it touches the very essence of the point I'm trying to indicate.

Hi Antares.
I feel that when I am in alignment with my life purpouse...it is easy...life goes smoothly...If I go away from my life purpouse ...I meet problems...life turns hard...people are doing problems for me...until I turn back to my life purpouse...even if my life purpouse is for the moment...not associating with sertain people...keeping me in line so to say...even when I am "thinking" in wrong way...I feel preassure and by now I know what that means...you call it manipulation...I call it correction...for example...when I was drinking alcohol...I was told to stop that...I did not at once listen to the advice...until I found myself in very bad situation until I did understand why....so in 1989 I stop drinking...it was also this way with tobacco...I did not listen...until I was really sick...and the advisor told me..."what use is it to heal you when you do not help yourself at all"...here I knew I have to stop smokig...this happened in 2003...so I do not call this manipulation...I call it leading me in right direction...


27th August 2023, 10:23 AM
My experiences are different. What I can see in people's reactions to the idea of matrix is assumptions. Assumptions is what destroys every objective discussion. People don't listen, people only do have opinions. When they are confronted with an idea that is totally out of their beliefs system, they turn off. This is deliberate - again, I repeat it constantly, but be aware that during such discussions there are entities whose work is to manipulate your, and any other people's mind / consciousness. If they didn't, you could start thinking completely different about the reality, which is very risky. So the entities keep you in your current beliefs to achieve their goals. But please bare in mind that your assumption about how this system work, as you just described, is nothing but assumption. I hope you understand this clearly.

They keep us in lack of knowledge because otherwise matrix stopped working - i.e. the "cover" which doesn't allow to perceive anything properly would be in danger. But since they control our minds, they are able to be easily manipulate us. That's what I discovered during the recent nearly 3 years.

I believe that what we need to do as humanity is to take step back and reconsider everything we "know" and "believe in" in order to gain clear and closer to the truth idea about the universe.

27th August 2023, 10:32 AM
My experiences are different. What I can see in people's reactions to the idea of matrix is assumptions. Assumptions is what destroys every objective discussion. People don't listen, people only do have opinions. When they are confronted with an idea that is totally out of their beliefs system, they turn off. This is deliberate - again, I repeat it constantly, but be aware that during such discussions there are entities whose work is to manipulate your, and any other people's mind / consciousness. If they didn't, you could start thinking completely different about the reality, which is very risky. So the entities keep you in your current beliefs to achieve their goals. But please bare in mind that your assumption about how this system work, as you just described, is nothing but assumption. I hope you understand this clearly.

They keep us in lack of knowledge because otherwise matrix stopped working - i.e. the "cover" which doesn't allow to perceive anything properly would be in danger. But since they control our minds, they are able to be easily manipulate us. That's what I discovered during the recent nearly 3 years.

Hi Antares.
I hear you clearly...but what if it is that I am not at that place as you are...you are the forrunner as I said before...maybe I am where you are now I will be in my next life...and you are giving me the information in this life...and I will understand that in the next life...so do do not despaire...I can only say that I am sorry that you do not find others as where you are ...and get the support you need...because what ever I say you do not reflect at all..maybe because you are beyond my words...I am so sorry...
Maybe the tre years we have had contact is somekind of support to you after all??...I want just to say...I hope you do not wander too far from the light and the Source....
You have to remember that we are on different levels of evolution and that is one of the reasons that we who are on different level than you...do not understad each others...at all...but I hear you...even if I can not concure with you....I have felt that if you go too far from your "life plan" you will harchly be corrected to go back in line...and when I felt this...I was sure if I do not listen I will be taken away from this life...and I have to start all over again...I do not want to shorten my life so to say...I have responsibillitys to fullfill still in this life and lifetime...and I feel that to be very important to me and to bring with me the lessons leared to next life.


27th August 2023, 03:56 PM
Hi Antares.
we are on different levels of evolution and that is one of the reasons that we who are on different level than you...do not understad each other
People like to think about "levels" of evolution like it was something linear, especially in the esoteric circle. I mean, like there were only superior and inferior, relatively speaking, people. I don't like this idea. Instead, I like to think about areas of development. Some people are good at one area, and some other evolved in the other area.

Do you assume that you're going to live in another incarnation on the Earth? How about considering this incarnation to be your last one? Honestly, I'm pretty certain this incarnation is my last one, but I'm not going to leave the Earth very soon of course :)

27th August 2023, 04:36 PM
People like to think about "levels" of evolution like it was something linear, especially in the esoteric circle. I mean, like there were only superior and inferior, relatively speaking, people. I don't like this idea. Instead, I like to think about areas of development. Some people are good at one area, and some other evolved in the other area.

Do you assume that you're going to live in another incarnation on the Earth? How about considering this incarnation to be your last one? Honestly, I'm pretty certain this incarnation is my last one, but I'm not going to leave the Earth very soon of course :)

Hi Antares.
I think that too..that we develop sertain skills on sertain areas...and that Earth experience is very imporant in the evolution...
The experience I have about the re-incarnation and the Oneness...is that we have the last saying if we want to re-incarnate or if we want to go beyond so to say...So before I had this enormous loning to "go home"...and much of my time I was in this longing...until I did understand how important it is to be in the flesh-body and get to "Earth" so to say...I am sure I have several lifes with out the flesh-body...and therefore I had so easy to project ...So I will take good care of this life here on Earth...but I am of course curiouse of other realms too and try to experience them in my dream life so to say...So I can not say if this is my last life on Earth...but I can say...I am very curious about LIFE and LOVE...


27th August 2023, 05:43 PM
but I am of course curiouse of other realms too and try to experience them
Try OBE or ASC (Altered States of Counsciousness) then. Have you?

27th August 2023, 06:04 PM
Try OBE or ASC (Altered States of Counsciousness) then. Have you?

Yes I have...


27th August 2023, 06:06 PM
Yes I have...

Did they satisfy your curiosity? How do you think, are these experiences actually reliable?

27th August 2023, 06:23 PM
Did they satisfy your curiosity? How do you think, are these experiences actually reliable?

What I noticed was that I have to take another approach...OBE is very scary...so alteret state is good to learn to know myself...also learn about the different bodies...to know what realm or body I am in....I am working with this now...
To know myself first and get the junk worked out of my astral closet...after this I can start to trust more on the knowledge about the reliable of the experience...


28th August 2023, 05:30 PM
What I noticed was that I have to take another approach...OBE is very scary...so alteret state is good to learn to know myself...also learn about the different bodies...to know what realm or body I am in....I am working with this now...
To know myself first and get the junk worked out of my astral closet...after this I can start to trust more on the knowledge about the reliable of the experience...

Ok I see. OBE is scary because our vibrations are under control. I tried that, so I am aware that entities who manage the Earth keep people in disability to do OBE, or create projections for them so that they thought these experiences are real, but frequently they seem to be real, but they are projections - like dreams are. So it seems like you wanted to increase your knowledge on the surroundings of the Earth.

What is the Earth project actually about, why was it created? Do you have any ideas or thoughts on this?

28th August 2023, 06:07 PM
Ok I see. OBE is scary because our vibrations are under control. I tried that, so I am aware that entities who manage the Earth keep people in disability to do OBE, or create projections for them so that they thought these experiences are real, but frequently they seem to be real, but they are projections - like dreams are. So it seems like you wanted to increase your knowledge on the surroundings of the Earth.

What is the Earth project actually about, why was it created? Do you have any ideas or thoughts on this?

I do not know anything about Earth project...I have only asumptions as you would say :wink:...


28th August 2023, 06:22 PM
I do not know anything about Earth project...I have only asumptions as you would say :wink:...

You know a lot. Like: that you have an incarnation (one or many), that you leave your awareness of the body frequently like when sleeping, that your consciousness is not constant but changes, that we as humans are not aware how our physical (and other, subtle) bodies function, that we have erased memory, and many other facts that are treated as obvious.

But they are not that obvious I think - they are just overlooked...

29th August 2023, 06:56 AM
In last night dreams I had short sequences like....It was winter I was out walking and I met a girl on a strange bicysle...she was like sitting on a chaire..it was plastic...and one leg fell off and she fell on the ground...

....one women did lit matches over and over again...I asked why do you do that...she said...because....

...I was with a women with 2 boys...I told the boy that it is good your mother is a bit hard on you...you will thank her later on....and he said...I know...

29th August 2023, 03:16 PM
People talk about self development and similar matters. I was wondering how the "other side" views the things. I concluded that thinking in terms of soul development is very limited, comparing to what seems to be a wider perspective on the universe - I mean held by the entities beyond the Earth. In other words, we are like in a sandbox, which the Earth in fact is, and we are just told about things like religion - which often is a list of "do this, don't do that" commandments, which of course is desgined for a primitive races as humans (because more "developed" race doesn't need a list of "do's and dont's").

In other words, incarnation and reincarnation terms become obsolete when an individual moves to the next level. Then, I think, he or she decides whether to keep his life on the Earth (i.e becomes immortal), or leaves the Earth.

IA, what would you choose if you had a choice? Do you prefer to die and never return to Earth, or rejuvenate (back your bodies to the best state) and to keep your current incarnation? Of course, we should assume that we have these possibilities potentially at hand in this incarnation. Times are changing, and what was once destined for few, now will be available for many. One sign of this change is the direction of science development. There were both people in history who either stayed on the Earth and lived for centuries or thousands of years, or just left the physical realms.

29th August 2023, 06:56 PM
People talk about self development and similar matters. I was wondering how the "other side" views the things. I concluded that thinking in terms of soul development is very limited, comparing to what seems to be a wider perspective on the universe - I mean held by the entities beyond the Earth. In other words, we are like in a sandbox, which the Earth in fact is, and we are just told about things like religion - which often is a list of "do this, don't do that" commandments, which of course is desgined for a primitive races as humans (because more "developed" race doesn't need a list of "do's and dont's").

In other words, incarnation and reincarnation terms become obsolete when an individual moves to the next level. Then, I think, he or she decides whether to keep his life on the Earth (i.e becomes immortal), or leaves the Earth.

IA, what would you choose if you had a choice? Do you prefer to die and never return to Earth, or rejuvenate (back your bodies to the best state) and to keep your current incarnation? Of course, we should assume that we have these possibilities potentially at hand in this incarnation. Times are changing, and what was once destined for few, now will be available for many. One sign of this change is the direction of science development. There were both people in history who either stayed on the Earth and lived for centuries or thousands of years, or just left the physical realms.

Hi Antares.
I want to tell about my religious journey and when I went through the Church roof into the spirituallity...Not all dare to undertake the religious journey...I did get a profound experience and knowlege why religions are important...Many are still on very early journey as humans...and many are still more animals then humans...they need rules and regulations to become more humans and also start the spirituallity journey.

Then I got the experience about the Oneness and reincarnation...when the experience started I thought that I have only one option...to go into the Oneness..until the perpective changed and I got to know that there is options to choose between...I learned that I have the last say what I want...I can reincarnete ...and I felt that if I feel I am not done on the Earth I can go back...or if I feel ready I can go into Oneness...there is all but i different way....If I want to go into Oneness and still want to help humanity...I can become invisible helper...I can tell that this experience still is evolving and deepening...so I will not be surpriced that I will unfold more about this as time go by...

I have a question to you Antares...do you know what you want to do when the time is up??


30th August 2023, 05:26 AM
In last night dream I was living in a hotel...I started to take a coffee on the entrance floor...chatting with a lady...I sat there for several days?...so after those days I said I have to check my room...I took the elevator up to second floor and tried my key on the doors but it did hot fit...so I asked where my room is...and they told me it is on the 3th floor...I took the elevator...and find my room...but it was a room with only a bed...several other with they big dogs where sleeping on the floor...and on that bed where I had my place also where several big dogs with their owners...I lyed down on my place...and to my surprice on the blanket there was a pocket...and in that pocket was a huge stack of money...wow...I took the money...

In this episode I was to a dentist...but he was no dentist and the women who took me to him knew this...I asked how much it costs...he said...900 ...I was dissapointed ..I felt it was too much..

31st August 2023, 03:32 AM
In last night dream there was so strong energies that I was nearly lost in them...it was from my childhood and at the same time..the present time...it took me awhile to come over the comfusion...what I was so afraid in my childhood I am not today...so feel the difference was so uplifting...I have no words now to explain it more deeper....wow

3rd September 2023, 04:53 PM
Hi Antares.
I want to tell about my religious journey and when I went through the Church roof into the spirituallity...Not all dare to undertake the religious journey...I did get a profound experience and knowlege why religions are important...Many are still on very early journey as humans...and many are still more animals then humans...they need rules and regulations to become more humans and also start the spirituallity journey.

Then I got the experience about the Oneness and reincarnation...when the experience started I thought that I have only one option...to go into the Oneness..until the perpective changed and I got to know that there is options to choose between...I learned that I have the last say what I want...I can reincarnete ...and I felt that if I feel I am not done on the Earth I can go back...or if I feel ready I can go into Oneness...there is all but i different way....If I want to go into Oneness and still want to help humanity...I can become invisible helper...I can tell that this experience still is evolving and deepening...so I will not be surpriced that I will unfold more about this as time go by...

I have a question to you Antares...do you know what you want to do when the time is up??

Yes, I think that many, or most of, people here are in need of rules. And they are trained here in schools just like dogs are trained ;)

But the thing is that although we all have 2 legs and 2 hands, not all humans in the similar, human "shell" are on the same level. However, regardless their level, all go to the same schools, where they are trained with the same rules, just like you indicated. The same is with churches :) I don't consider churches to be important, however I get your point that some people need lists of sins to be avoided - to be heard from authorities :)

I don't think I need a church, and I never listened to teachers telling me what rules to believe in, and what not.

Do you mean what I prefer to do when I'm going to die?

I prefer not to die. :) I mean, I am going to focus on prolongating my physical life, possibly forever, this is what I think about the idea of death. :) Besides, I don't know what is true about the after-worlds, I don't consider OBE experiences to be reliable, nor interviews with people who had NDE or were under hypnosis telling about their life when they had no physical bodies. Scientifically speaking, these interveiws are not reliable, and I don't consider them to be a propriate souce of the objective information about the true reality... So it's virtually impossible to tell what you are going to do if you don't know what environment to expect.

I think there are needed some better ways and approach to researching the reality than the current approach, in both scientific and non-scientific way.

All experiences in the end depend on a sort of perception, also scientific research. If one has some unusual experiences, then he or she may believe in them, but whether they are objectively real, is another thing.

By the way, do you write now the same dream diaries both on the old and on the new forums?

4th September 2023, 07:32 AM
Yes, I think that many, or most of, people here are in need of rules. And they are trained here in schools just like dogs are trained ;)

But the thing is that although we all have 2 legs and 2 hands, not all humans in the similar, human "shell" are on the same level. However, regardless their level, all go to the same schools, where they are trained with the same rules, just like you indicated. The same is with churches :) I don't consider churches to be important, however I get your point that some people need lists of sins to be avoided - to be heard from authorities :)

I don't think I need a church, and I never listened to teachers telling me what rules to believe in, and what not.

Do you mean what I prefer to do when I'm going to die?

I prefer not to die. :) I mean, I am going to focus on prolongating my physical life, possibly forever, this is what I think about the idea of death. :) Besides, I don't know what is true about the after-worlds, I don't consider OBE experiences to be reliable, nor interviews with people who had NDE or were under hypnosis telling about their life when they had no physical bodies. Scientifically speaking, these interveiws are not reliable, and I don't consider them to be a propriate souce of the objective information about the true reality... So it's virtually impossible to tell what you are going to do if you don't know what environment to expect.

I think there are needed some better ways and approach to researching the reality than the current approach, in both scientific and non-scientific way.

All experiences in the end depend on a sort of perception, also scientific research. If one has some unusual experiences, then he or she may believe in them, but whether they are objectively real, is another thing.

By the way, do you write now the same dream diaries both on the old and on the new forums?

Okay Antares...
Yes I of course I write the same dreams on both sites...


4th September 2023, 07:32 AM
In last night dream I went to a doctor...I sat infront of the man...and I said...I am so nauseous and I feel sick...the man wrote on a paper and gave it to me...it was written...do not waist time....I was so dissapointed that he did not even examine me nor took any blood for testing...I went out and I said...I will report you...I went to the nurces and said that I want to report him...here I awoke...

In this episode I was to a holiday resort...I come on a bicycle...it was winter...I had not taken with me any bath robe so I had to buy one...the lady gave me one to try on me...I said it is too little..I want one size bigger...here I awoke...

6th September 2023, 06:16 AM
In last night dream I only remember one thing....I saw a coat of arms?

It was red..yellow..blue...and black?

6th September 2023, 07:01 PM
Yes I of course I write the same dreams on both sites...

I.A., do you have any thoughts on where actually dreams come from? The scientists indicate non-consciousness, and in common wisdom it is the sub-consciousness, which might be the same thing. They suggest that mind, or brain, when we sleep still is working, but illogically and without any sense. (IMO dreams don't come from oureselves, actually, but are a telepathically provided information, even if having no sense at all, they're provided externally, not from within us - and all of dreams are provided to us delibaretely).

What do you think you may benefit from paying attention to your dreams? Was there anyone, like a shaman you mentioned, who told you that dreams are valuable? What is the primary value do you think from dreams?

And one more question, do you have any hypothesis why our consciousness during the dreaming state is so "absent"?

Did you have very realistic dreams?

Did you have experiences in which you and another person had the same or very similar dream in the same time?

read Kurt Lelands The Multidimnsional Human
What have you learnt from this book? What is most valuable chapter (or chapters) in this book in your opinion?

I viewed it quickly only. I found lots of theories and references e.g. to theosophy in this book. The author based his theories on other theories, e.g. messages coming from use of the ouija experiment by Jane Roberts, or very old theosophists statements.

8th September 2023, 01:20 AM
I.A., do you have any thoughts on where actually dreams come from? The scientists indicate non-consciousness, and in common wisdom it is the sub-consciousness, which might be the same thing. They suggest that mind, or brain, when we sleep still is working, but illogically and without any sense. (IMO dreams don't come from oureselves, actually, but are a telepathically provided information, even if having no sense at all, they're provided externally, not from within us - and all of dreams are provided to us delibaretely).

What do you think you may benefit from paying attention to your dreams? Was there anyone, like a shaman you mentioned, who told you that dreams are valuable? What is the primary value do you think from dreams?

And one more question, do you have any hypothesis why our consciousness during the dreaming state is so "absent"?

Did you have very realistic dreams?

Did you have experiences in which you and another person had the same or very similar dream in the same time?

What have you learnt from this book? What is most valuable chapter (or chapters) in this book in your opinion?

I viewed it quickly only. I found lots of theories and references e.g. to theosophy in this book. The author based his theories on other theories, e.g. messages coming from use of the ouija experiment by Jane Roberts, or very old theosophists statements.
A.n.t.a.r.e.s., I have since early childhood paying attention to my dreams..I feel them to be important...I get help via them to work on my inner and outer happenings...and I do dream about happenings in the future...I of course do not know what dreams are about future until it happens in real life...

About the Multidimentional human I see the whole book very valuable...I am now working through the inner senses...I was so happy to find out this because this will help me to know where in my dreams I am...on what plan so to see and in what body...about the references to theosofist I find that Kurt Leland uses it to say...I know what you mean.I have now own experience...and finds those explanations useful...

8th September 2023, 01:24 AM
In last night dream I was asked to assist on a surgery...I was a bit hesitent first because of a "angry" man...we had just started when the angry man barged into the operating theatre...all went a bit stiff in the atmosphere...but I saw that the man had his cellphone and his wallet in his hand...so we relaxed...he was going home...(I was aware of both dream and awaked state at the same time)

9th September 2023, 06:02 AM
In last night dream I was on a strange bicycle...I could not pedal as usual...only back and forth with the pedals and it generated a bit of energy to take me forward...I had company by a man on a motor bike...he pushed me when the pedals did not alster energy...thank you for the help 😊

11th September 2023, 05:10 PM
I realize that I have a cosmic nickname :) but does this dots-fulfilled acronym mean anything, or it's just a coincidence? :)

I have since early childhood paying attention to my dreams..I feel them to be important...I get help via them to work on my inner and outer happenings...and I do dream about happenings in the future...I of course do not know what dreams are about future until it happens in real life...
I had some dreams about future, but I must say I don't consider dreams that allow to foresee the future especially important to me. I find the mystic experience or informative dreams about important matters, such as immortality (I am interested in the subject, so I am also interested in such dreams meaning) type of dreams much more insightful and deeper. :)

About the Multidimentional human I see the whole book very valuable...I am now working through the inner senses...I was so happy to find out this because this will help me to know where in my dreams I am...on what plan so to see and in what body...about the references to theosofist I find that Kurt Leland uses it to say...I know what you mean.I have now own experience...and finds those explanations useful...

All right! So it seems like you are really developing now. You're developing your extra sensory perception, your understanding, your knowledge, boost it with the direct experience, and merge it with the dreams. I mean, finally your life is going to the next level. I hope so.

Do you find your current dreams now more meaningful than ever before? From what you said to me, it seems like you are now really into expansion and development of your abilities. Anyway, may I have a personal question to you? If there was one thing that you could change in your past, what it would be?

(When I'm thinking of my past, and there was only 1 thing that I could have changed, this thing would be: never listen to anyone but me. I suffered from listening to other people - and also from non-physical entities - advices and suggestions since the childhood, I stopped trusting anyone but myself, i.e. now I am very independent and self-reliable, however, listening to others ruined many of my possibilities in the past; there was always a person either advising me, blocking me etc. - and now I discovered that it was not a concidence, people here on the Earth are unaware that they are manipulated by non-physical beings, i.e. these entities managing the matrix are actually the ones who manipulate us, I think you understand that the shaman you talked about was also a puppet, not just a puppeteer, who manipulated others, but in fact was also manipulated from the hide - i.e. this shaman was a puppet in "hands" of the non-physical entities, he might have been mad, but this is because his mind was manipulated by entities. Probably you considered this idea. So in fact, the life on the Earth is to a very small degree dependent on our "free" will, we have to pave our way out from these restrictions to decide about ourselves - this is how this world has been designed and created. I'm not sure if you understand what I mean).

12th September 2023, 02:41 AM
It seems this thread became the last bastion of this forum.:thumbsup:

One upon a time I was also fond of my dreams, but it seems the passion is gone now. Especially after I realized that a big chunk of our dream's are being manipulated by entities with their own agenda, only a little part is coming from our subconsciousness as an encrypted messages. Also there is a chunk of dreams* that are on par with the dream* we are having right now, I don't know if everyone is having those though.(i can expand on this later on)

Most of my dreams are being monitored by those beings, I have many examples of those, here one that I can't really forget:

I was walking with a man beside me in some town, a part of my mind was telling me that this man is my best friend and we were talking casually when suddenly a strange feeling came to me like a shock, I look around only to perceive I didn't know the Man or the town(lucidity), I loudly proclaimed my lucidity and start to bombard the man with questions, but he was looking nervous and angry, he was cursing to himself, he suddenly moved and touched my forehead with his finger and my body became completely numb and paralyzed, I couldn't even talk. He was talking to himself how much effort he put into creating this perfect dream and now everything is wasted, he erupted at me how the next time he will make the dream so perfect that I will have no chance of gaining lucidity ever again. With a second touch to my forehead he woke me up.

IA, I have a little suggestion for you to try out, if you are sometimes waking after 4-5 hours of sleep(at least), try this: "I want a waking dream" repeat it at least ten times before falling asleep again, this is a little hack that will make your remaining dreams a lot more live like, not lucid but pretty close without ruining the dream structure, if your intention is strong enough it can give you the ability to navigate yourself inside the dream with a free will, good luck and have dazzling dreams :thumbsup:

12th September 2023, 07:55 PM
It seems this thread became the last bastion of this forum.:thumbsup:
Sort of it seems so :) I tried to start few threads quite recently, but it seems that an interest of people is not that high. :)

One upon a time I was also fond of my dreams, but it seems the passion is gone now. Especially after I realized that a big chunk of our dream's are being manipulated by entities with their own agenda, only a little part is coming from our subconsciousness as an encrypted messages. Also there is a chunk of dreams* that are on par with the dream* we are having right now, I don't know if everyone is having those though.(i can expand on this later on)
Great to hear that there is someone who got into the next level in understanding the dreams, and didn't get lost in bare interpretations and assumptions about them.

Yes, the very question is - as Robert Bruce actually wrote in his book - "my question is: Who is the dreamer".

(I discovered that we are not our dreamers for most of the time - in opposite to the common assumptions about the dreams and the dreamer).

Researching the topic, I also recognized that the subconsciousness ("us" but at the same time not quite entirely "us") is not what we think... now I think of it more as a tool, not part of ourselves. Tool for the entities, not unlike the ones that you mention, to manipulate (interact with) unaware people.

They - the entities - manage the consciousness. They are good and trained at it. The SUBconsciousness is a tool to influence the consciousness (yourself). This is what I learnt, and this is essential to understanding the dreams.

People think that the dreams are an effect of the working of the subconsciousness. IMO they are pretty much right. What they overlook is understanding subconsciosuness itself (and if you don't understand the source of dreams, the effect - dreams themselves - become blur, not clear). Subsconsiousness is a sort of device that allows for interaction. Entities use it all the time for manipulation, as you suggested. The very essence of yourself is not subconsciosuness , but the consciousness. When you are unsconscious, this leaves the room for everything else to replace this emptiness almost instantly, and fulfill it with the external influence - and we used call it "subconscious thoughts". I started to call it "external influence with the internal hooks" - hooks are hooked into yourself and create a "feeling", the feeling is what we tend to call a subconscious influence. Therefore the subconsciosuness is like a "black box" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_box "a black box is a system which can be viewed in terms of its inputs and outputs, without any knowledge of its internal workings"), we have no idea what is behind it... so I suggest researching the subject :)

I leave explaining of the superconsciousness for later.

2nd October 2023, 08:25 PM
Glad to be wrong.

15th October 2023, 05:17 AM
In last night dream I could not open my eyes...my father was with me and I told him that it is like someone have glued my eyelids so I can not open my eyes..I was able to see through my eyelids but was unable to open my eyes?

17th October 2023, 05:40 AM
In last night dream I felt like something flushed through me and felt like I peed on me...I woke up in the dream and went to the bathroom but it was not pee what went but just energy?

18th October 2023, 05:56 AM
In last night dream I was to some sort of laboratory where they test if you are allergic to products with parfyme...you had to stand in front of looking like a hose and the mist with smell come out...I was some sort of assistent...the women who was being tested asked me why she was tested...I said...you have said to a doctor that you are allergic to all kind of parfyme like smell...so he want to be sure and test if you are allergic...

20th October 2023, 12:16 PM
In last night dream I again peed on me...the bathroom was occupyed so I went into a other room with a zink...when I turned the water on ...there was a thing what reacted on the water so it come out a blue mist like but maybe it was some radiation...I run into my sons room and awake him to come and look what happened...the mist/radiation floated and spread ...here I awoke myself from the dream....

22nd October 2023, 08:34 AM
In last night dream it was winter and I was on a mountain landscape...I was with my father...we saw many wild animals on the road and midst of them was a horse...father said...he will try to see if he can take the horse...I was so afraid I said...you can not there are so many wild animals...but he dissapeared and I awoke myself...
In this episode I was invited to a male friend...his friend had brought 3 snakes...I was horrified...I was so angry at the male friend that he allowed his friend to bring snakes when he know how horrified I am about snakes..when I was yelling at the male friend he was shivering and shaking??

24th October 2023, 08:47 AM
In last night dream I was visiting an elderly couple...I was helping them with different things...they had already sat down to the coffee table to have a treat...I was not yet done so they started before me...when I was ready to sit down with them the coffee was out...the old man smurked because he have taken the last coffee what was meant to me...he did also know they where out of coffee so I could not make more...but I did see on a cupboard one coffee package...I put the coffee water on the stowe ...he looked so surprised that I will get coffee after all...why did he not want me to have coffee??

25th October 2023, 07:20 AM
In last night dream I was looking at myself from outside...I see myself sitting with a thing in my hand...I know it is a tool but I can not know or think how to use it...I am waiting for me to use it...but I am just smiling and looking very happy?

26th October 2023, 06:45 AM
In last night dream I was in my new flat which had bean renovated. I did not have any shoes on me so I felt something sharp in my toe...I found a microscopic speck of glass...and small sand pebbles on the new painted walls...I rang up the owner who rented the flat to me...and made an complaint....he did not believe me ...so I invited him to come and see for himself....he come and he saw...here I awoke...

30th October 2023, 08:09 AM
What an odd dream...the dream started me being a spectator...I see a little boy running for his life...but it was not a child but a "little people"..he was horrible..and adult...he was throuwing feases at people...and he was chaised off course...they wanted to catch him for his was a problem for others and for himself too...he needs serious help...

31st October 2023, 10:15 AM
In last night dream I again was a spectator...I was seeing 2 persons loading sleeping people in rows...they where lyien on stretchers...the persons where talking that what a huge inpact it has when commenting on a child negativly...how that inpacts on the self confidence and many times that child when growing up will see he/her so negativly that they start with drugs...the other person said...I do not believe that to be true...the other persons said...you will see in time...be aware.

1st November 2023, 03:57 PM
In last night dream I again was a spectator...I was seeing 2 persons loading sleeping people in rows...they where lyien on stretchers...the persons where talking that what a huge inpact it has when commenting on a child negativly...how that inpacts on the self confidence and many times that child when growing up will see he/her so negativly that they start with drugs...the other person said...I do not believe that to be true...the other persons said...you will see in time...be aware.
Seems like you were kind of ghost, i.e. a non-physical observer, not visible for other people. I had this kind of dreams as well in the past. Do you feel these dreams are very different from the "normal" dreams where you are present in the "first person" in the physical body?

1st November 2023, 07:41 PM
Seems like you were kind of ghost, i.e. a non-physical observer, not visible for other people. I had this kind of dreams as well in the past. Do you feel these dreams are very different from the "normal" dreams where you are present in the "first person" in the physical body?

I do not about to be ghost...just more myself...The first person view is just earthly...

1st November 2023, 09:42 PM
I do not about to be ghost...just more myself...The first person view is just earthly...

Unless is something more awkward, I was having a cinematic experience but I wasn't in the dream itself, like you described a spectator but around the end of the experience I heard the voice of my Father somewhere around me "Change the channel this TV show is boring" which make me wake up.:lol: This happening a lot so far, like a TV show from another timeline. Actually on several occasions I was having Classical OBE where you stand up from your body when you feel the time is right, but my body was never at the couch, also the lights are very dim and looks like some hollow version of the world. In normal dreams electronic always malfunctioning and everything is inconsistent but not here, there was a fully functional TV and a remote control from which I could change through various of channels like sport, news, movies, cartoon's and also some xxx :lol:, last time I stood there for 30 minutes watching some action sci-fi movie with Sylvester Stallone, I was speechless.

2nd November 2023, 06:49 AM
Unless is something more awkward, I was having a cinematic experience but I wasn't in the dream itself, like you described a spectator but around the end of the experience I heard the voice of my Father somewhere around me "Change the channel this TV show is boring" which make me wake up.:lol: This happening a lot so far, like a TV show from another timeline. Actually on several occasions I was having Classical OBE where you stand up from your body when you feel the time is right, but my body was never at the couch, also the lights are very dim and looks like some hollow version of the world. In normal dreams electronic always malfunctioning and everything is inconsistent but not here, there was a fully functional TV and a remote control from which I could change through various of channels like sport, news, movies, cartoon's and also some xxx :lol:, last time I stood there for 30 minutes watching some action sci-fi movie with Sylvester Stallone, I was speechless.

When I do remoteviewing I see many times in dim light...maby you did that ?

2nd November 2023, 06:50 AM
In Last night dream I lost a child...miscarrigade...the milk was running from my breasts and I asked if I could have some padding to put in my bras..

3rd November 2023, 11:27 AM
In last night dream I was bitten in my left hand palm??

7th November 2023, 06:53 AM
In last night dream I was watching a bugg running over a rugg...and quickly go under the rugg...and I was thinking in the dream that should I stand up and go and kill the bugg by walking over the rugg and cruch it...then I started to analyse and notice that I could not see from my angle...the rugg and it was not my rugg...so I did know I was dreaming...and then I woke up for real and was so happy that I start more and more know in the dream and take in the reality and that way know when I am dreaming....so I could analyse in the dream that I was dreaming...wow...

8th November 2023, 10:08 AM
In last night dream was more a test how I handle a tool...it was a one meter long brush and the handle/shaft was loose...so you had to put the handle on the brush in a hole...and sweep the floor...it was not easy at all to get it right and be able to do the sweeping from side to side like an 8....it took me a good while before I knew how to do it...it was very fullfilling feeling when I got it right...

11th November 2023, 10:57 AM
In Last night dream I was given small bits of metal...I knew it was a puzzle...after I was given few bits I did guess it was a key what I was building...and before I got all the pieces they told me that I was right....

18th November 2023, 03:43 PM
In last night dream I was watching a bugg running over a rugg...and quickly go under the rugg...and I was thinking in the dream that should I stand up and go and kill the bugg by walking over the rugg and cruch it...then I started to analyse and notice that I could not see from my angle...the rugg and it was not my rugg...so I did know I was dreaming...and then I woke up for real and was so happy that I start more and more know in the dream and take in the reality and that way know when I am dreaming....so I could analyse in the dream that I was dreaming...wow...
I've noticed that these kind of things happen almost only to people who... are interested in dreams. People who are not interested in dreams might have maybe once or twice such an experience in their entire lifetime, but that's all. These are people who are usually very tightly connected to mundane matters, their "down-to-earth" life and problems, science etc. These people are sort of half-people, they loose a half of reality in their lives, but think that the life they have is everything what is reality. Note that the same is with animals. Animals are very down-to-earth creatures, they are very focused on mundane and material level of reality and thus living half-life (except some - probably - exceptions for e.g. cats, cat-like animals and so who are said to have a second life when they sleep).

I think that extension of consciousness is the first step to the next level of existence. I'm not talking of just having OBE, LD isolated experiences etc. - these are just tools, or - if to search for a better word - "toys" for the mind to focus on, just like ancient Chinese said that the (lower) mind needs a "banana" to grab its attention. An isolated experience as mentioned (LD, OBE...) is just an example of some possible steps to the real next level of existence. Taoists who seeked for immortality often were - after living centuries on the Earth - abandoning the physical shell, but some of them did not, i.e. they stayed on the planet in their physical bodies, while being aware of the wider reality despite keeping the body, or - speaking more technically - to vibrate on the physical level, not the subtle level.

19th November 2023, 10:07 AM
I've noticed that these kind of things happen almost only to people who... are interested in dreams. People who are not interested in dreams might have maybe once or twice such an experience in their entire lifetime, but that's all. These are people who are usually very tightly connected to mundane matters, their "down-to-earth" life and problems, science etc. These people are sort of half-people, they loose a half of reality in their lives, but think that the life they have is everything what is reality. Note that the same is with animals. Animals are very down-to-earth creatures, they are very focused on mundane and material level of reality and thus living half-life (except some - probably - exceptions for e.g. cats, cat-like animals and so who are said to have a second life when they sleep).

I think that extension of consciousness is the first step to the next level of existence. I'm not talking of just having OBE, LD isolated experiences etc. - these are just tools, or - if to search for a better word - "toys" for the mind to focus on, just like ancient Chinese said that the (lower) mind needs a "banana" to grab its attention. An isolated experience as mentioned (LD, OBE...) is just an example of some possible steps to the real next level of existence. Taoists who seeked for immortality often were - after living centuries on the Earth - abandoning the physical shell, but some of them did not, i.e. they stayed on the planet in their physical bodies, while being aware of the wider reality despite keeping the body, or - speaking more technically - to vibrate on the physical level, not the subtle level.

Yes you are right. Have to have a genuine interest to develop all kind of skills.
Do you refer when speaking about to vibrate on the physical level...what you have bean speaking about ...rejuvenation...and live for ever...?About the DNA changings?

21st November 2023, 09:09 AM
In last night dream I was watching a very pequliar and odd one...it was like a new construction...like a ground for a building...this odd one was sniffing and it looked like a huge nose sniffing the ground....I went closer...and I was thinking what is it....and to my surprise it stopped and stood up...it was not more than 10 cm high and had high heels ...white....and it stood there looking at me and was very proud and happy with the white high heels on...here I awoke...I feel happy to have my dreams back...even if it is only for short period.

21st November 2023, 06:48 PM
Yes you are right. Have to have a genuine interest to develop all kind of skills.
Do you refer when speaking about to vibrate on the physical level...what you have bean speaking about ...rejuvenation...and live for ever...?About the DNA changings?
Yes. I think you have a very good, extended picture of what is the subject about - the vibrations can shift into different directions: from the sublte to physical ones and in the opposite direction. DNA reacts to vibrations - codes in the program in DNA react to what energy is put onto it.

23rd November 2023, 09:05 AM
In last night dream I was looking at a up hill forest...first it looked like it was a fire because of the smoke...then it turned to look like a zunami...and after a short time it was a herd of horses comming running in panic down hill....it was not smoke it was sand wirvled up by the running horses....?

23rd November 2023, 11:05 AM
Yes. I think you have a very good, extended picture of what is the subject about - the vibrations can shift into different directions: from the sublte to physical ones and in the opposite direction. DNA reacts to vibrations - codes in the program in DNA react to what energy is put onto it.

Yes I do believe DNA reacts to vibrations....and keeps you not to age so quickly...but I do not know nothing about to extend the physical body to live for ever...do you?

24th November 2023, 04:55 PM
Yes I do believe DNA reacts to vibrations....and keeps you not to age so quickly...but I do not know nothing about to extend the physical body to live for ever...do you?
Yes, I study the subject since 2019. I wrote a bit on it on the forum.

24th November 2023, 05:18 PM
Yes, I study the subject since 2019. I wrote a bit on it on the forum.

Yes I remember you wrote about it..but I can not find it...can you give a link to it?

25th November 2023, 06:51 PM
Yes I remember you wrote about it..but I can not find it...can you give a link to it?
Sure, here are links to threads where I wrote on this subject:


And mostly in this one:


But I go with the technical approach to everything, which might be not preferable to all people. Some people are more into "feeling" of a subject, rather than combining all the technical pieces together. If this is your preference, then I'd suggest going into more "feeling" things like art, music etc., which might be missing technical details, but give an overall, feel-able picture of the subject - provided that you're interested in it.

If you are interested, please write what do you think currently about the subject or what are your views on it.


I still research the subject, so don't think the conclusions in these threads are final. Most of these posts were written more than 2 years ago, and I didn't stop on what I wrote then. One of the ways used by the ancient people to the youth state was through the physical and energetic personal alchemy, particularly preserved to this day in the old Chinese Taoist texts.

Here are some notable excerpts from these posts:

When the matter takes over the soul (which is almost always the case), the person dies. To overcome this, one needs to provide more light into the matter so that it was transformed, which results in prolongating the life of the cells, i.e. leading to longevity.
In other words, mind can influence and control the matter.

The inquiring question is what is that original energy (the one that has been purified previously, or doesn't need purification at all) which is - after incarnating - enmeshed with non-original energy (basically, matter)? (The original energy often is called "pure energy", and the latter - "impure energy" in the alchemical texts). ... There must be some original energy of the conscious / soul which gets into the physical body of an unborn baby. Taoists believed that this original energy is put around the lower tan t'ien and is the primary source of rejuvenation - the original energy. They called it yuan qi:

I.e. this theory suggests that we have original energy with which we come to the existence in the physical realm (the Earth). This is "real you" - when you live on this planet more and more, you "pull in" more and more not-yours energy and become less and less your-real-self. In other words we loose connection to our real energy which results in degeneration of the body and energy (called Ka in Ancient Egypt).

the DNA / cellural matrix and all the parts of the body can work better than just relying on the "yin" quality (i.e. on the typical material life processes, as it is present in animals). This is possible thanks to the fusion between the spirit (yang) and the material blueprint DNA (yin). Then the rules (law) changes drammatically - because of the hightened frequencies down to the cellural and atomic levels of all the cells in your body provided by the yang quality.
I.e. combinantion of yin (DNA, cells) and yang (energy) is the key to controlling the aging processes.

one scientist sums up this in a very insightful way:
"Ra was the basement and the guarantee to the existence"
This is more occult thinking, and states that we all have the very internal source of energy - like the Sun is the very essential to existence in the solar system.

I think it is important to know what causes the body cells to integrate, and what makes them desintegrating. DNA strands are actually in the core of this life-death (sustainance-enthropy) duality process when the Earth-based biological forms are considered. DNA is like a program (yin) to our cells; energy (yang) is like fuel to our cells. This means that we have 2 factors at hand to deal with: to provide proper, high, cleanse energy to cells ("cleanse" is quite a relative term - there is a criterion under which something is cleanse or not; in terms of human energy it is a difference between core frequency / spirit and the actual - temporal - frequency of one's energy); and to re-program DNA. Reprogramming DNA is not difficult, as it may sound. It just takes applying your high consciousness (spirit) with help of the body. Body is prepared for this process, as it has the "gates" to the other dimensions - glands - which in turn may modify the body - and they do, all the time. The difference between automatic and deliberate influence on DNA / body is that we need to set such an intent. The biggest guiding, directing gland is pineal gland, the higher tan t'ien, 3rd eye, providing the spirit (shen) energy into the aura and body. Doing that is like learning riding on a bike, or anything - step by step it becomes more natural and obvious, to the extent that you would start to think how come that you didn't do this before. Rejuvenating body is just a process - the energetic one.
The thing is to not thinking "it's hard, it's unknown, it's impossible" and things like that. The thing is to have a proper mindset: to reset what you already think that you "know" on this, and re-view the subject with the fresh mind. Then you may get a better idea of what is going on and what to do.

Go with the mindest "I WILL have an idea" about it, not with "I don't know but I want to find out". See the differnece?

26th November 2023, 08:40 AM
I have noticed another state of mind...I do not know what to call it....it is very different from dreaming....and it is something between ...full awake and mind awake when body is sleeping....I totally noticed this today more clearly...but did not pay attention to the conversation I was having...maybe with myself...but I will start to pay attention to this and make notes...so that I more clearly will pay attention when it happens...it is happening more than dreaming now days....

26th November 2023, 12:37 PM
f you are interested, please write what do you think currently about the subject or what are your views on it.

Yes I am interested about the subject...I believe to feel bliss and very deep love/and total happiness is one of the keys...To feel these feelings without any particular reason...will slow down to age.

30th November 2023, 12:05 PM
Last night was different than I am used to. In the dream there was a beautiful ribbon and I streched my hand to take it....here I come to full awake but I could feel and see the dream atmosfhere or what to call it...and I had my arm up streched to take the ribbon....I was surprised that I did not have the ribbon in my hand...it was so real...but what is new is that I could see the dream and wake state totally clear...it seamed that dream atmosphere is different from wake state atmosphere...could see clearly the divider line so to say between these 2 states of mind.

8th December 2023, 07:36 AM
In last night dream I was in a place/appartamen with my sister in the bathroom and me with 2 tigers in the livingroom...tigers where calm and playing calmly with a water bottle...off course it burst and water all over the room floor....now the tigers went to some other room so i wiped the floor and went to knock on the bathroom door and asking what is she doing and if she can open the door for me...she said she is cleaning but she opened the door and here I awoke....

11th December 2023, 05:29 AM
In last night dream I was walking behind a man riding a dark brown horse who is walking with very stiff legs...soon we see a man looking at horses in a pasture...I for some reason shouts to him....look who is comming here...the man lowers the electrical fench...and goes into the pature to the horses...the man riding the stiff horse takes the horse in one hand and tosses him over the electrical fench into the pasture...the horse lands on the grund but is up very quickly and has transformed to a normal horse but black horse....here I awoke....

14th December 2023, 09:54 AM
In last night dream suddenly a man leading a blue bull...they appeared in front of me very suddenly...I jolted in my whole existence...and at once I was awake....

15th December 2023, 02:20 PM
In last night dream a women showed huge interest in me...I could feel that she is flirting with me....she all the time come very near me and in one occation she took my hand and put her finger cross mine...I could feel she was a bit moist/sweaty in her palm....Here come a thought to me...she is like me in my teens....very sweaty on my palms...when someone come too near me or spoke to me or took contact with me...I was terrifyed to take in others hands because of the sweaty thing....Did I connect with some part of me what I have lost in early ages of my life??

20th December 2023, 08:31 AM
In last night dream I dreamt that I lost one front tooth...It felt strange in my mouth and I looked in a mirror and saw the lost tooth...In the dream I had bigger theeths than I have in reality....

30th December 2023, 04:55 PM
Lately I have had such a dreams I can not dress in words...

Last night I got a small hint....I did see through...to the reality...and it was not what I had expected....the strange thing was....that I did forgot it at once...I have only a chock feeling in my whole existence/body and beyond...I think I have to get used to...so I guess it will go very slowly ...to not parisch from the chock so to say....a bit frightening....

1st January 2024, 12:14 PM
In Last night dream I was in a house with a window wall...the house was near water...I see 2 children looking like twins...diving in the water...holding there breaths very long time...I was in total awe....I mimiked....are you twins...they did not understand so I went outside...and they come up to the surface and asked again...are you twins...No they said...we went inside the house and started to play catch....the house had no furnitures...and the room was small....I said...it is too small to play catch...

In this episode I was with a brown horse...I pet it and liked to be with him....

5th January 2024, 07:43 AM
In last night dream it was those dreams what are so bright in colores and a high feeling it feels bigger so to say...

I was walking in the dream towards a big cathedral...a man approached me and I did see that this church was called Kaplan church...he asked if I was going to visit this church...No I said...but do you know where the big church is...yes he said...it is just behind this church...he asked why I am going there...I said....I parked my car on the parkingplace at this big church...he laughed and said...yes that is a good reason too....

In this episode I was visiting a women and she had made coffee...and invited me in....she asked me of some episode what she had heard have occured where I live...I notice that a door was closing...so I took this a sigh not to gossip...so I asked where the bathroom was...when I come back she said that my telephone rang...I joked that when I am few meters outside my home they think I am a runaway....here I awoke...

8th January 2024, 11:19 AM
In 2 nights I have not bean able to sleep at all...I got so much energy that it was impossible to sleep...but last night I fell to sleep...but I was between sleep and awake state...It sounded like....heeelp....heelp...I was focused and listened ...I noticed that it was my wind-pipes what made a sqeesing noice...
so it sounded into the sleep state like someone was calling for help :-)

9th January 2024, 07:01 PM
In 2 nights I have not bean able to sleep at all...I got so much energy that it was impossible to sleep...
What is the reason for non sleeping high energy issue? Is this something that you deliberately want to acheive (e.g. effect of meditation etc.), or is there some other reason that too-much-energy issue disallows you to get sleep? Do you have any suspicions of what's going on?

Does such issue often happen to you?

There are techniques and tools which help in getting sleep, if you need them.

9th January 2024, 07:36 PM
What is the reason for non sleeping high energy issue? Is this something that you deliberately want to acheive (e.g. effect of meditation etc.), or is there some other reason that too-much-energy issue disallows you to get sleep? Do you have any suspicions of what's going on?

Does such issue often happen to you?

There are techniques and tools which help in getting sleep, if you need them.

Someone did send me energy...I did see huge energy waves poring over me...I know several techniques for sleep and did use them all...but was unable to fall to sleep...still I am not sleeping properly...ony small naps...and no dreams...when I got these energy waves as it was this time...it comes from people...when I get those what fluches through my crown chakra it comes from hights ...from universe...
Thank?s for your advices....do you feel it is something else then what I feel??

10th January 2024, 03:51 PM
Someone did send me energy...I did see huge energy waves poring over me...I know several techniques for sleep and did use them all...but was unable to fall to sleep...still I am not sleeping properly...ony small naps...and no dreams...when I got these energy waves as it was this time...it comes from people...when I get those what fluches through my crown chakra it comes from hights ...from universe...
Thank?s for your advices....do you feel it is something else then what I feel??
Not sure. Is the source of this energy disturbing your dreams, sleeping, and possibly life, of supernatural nature, or just a physical person, like mage, yoga practitioner etc.?

10th January 2024, 05:53 PM
Not sure. Is the source of this energy disturbing your dreams, sleeping, and possibly life, of supernatural nature, or just a physical person, like mage, yoga practitioner etc.?

I am not sure who the sender is...I have experienced this before for many many years ago...and in that case it was human...but the mage I was in contact with did not believe that...he was not sure ...but I was...so maybe it was some supernatural nature...you make me unsure now....what do you think??..I do not feel ill of the lack of sleep because I am so energy filled ...I am bit disturbed when bean used to sleep x hours a night...maybe I should just relax ...and start to be used to another rhythm of sleeping...

11th January 2024, 07:47 PM
I am not sure who the sender is...I have experienced this before for many many years ago...and in that case it was human...but the mage I was in contact with did not believe that...he was not sure ...but I was...so maybe it was some supernatural nature...you make me unsure now....what do you think??..I do not feel ill of the lack of sleep because I am so energy filled ...I am bit disturbed when bean used to sleep x hours a night...maybe I should just relax ...and start to be used to another rhythm of sleeping...
I'm pretty sure that this might be a supernatural entity. I.e. there's no clear cause for its activity.
This also might be connected to the yoga exercises you have attended to, which triggered the entity to get into this strange interaction with you from another dimension.

Entities who interact with matrix don't want themselves to show up and be recognized. I'm not sure why - if there is a law forbidding them for this, or what? But the fact is that the matrix (Earth system) was created millions years ago, and the lack of perception + lack of memory is DELIBERATE AND HAS BEEN DESIGNED.

11th January 2024, 09:13 PM
I'm pretty sure that this might be a supernatural entity. I.e. there's no clear cause for its activity.
This also might be connected to the yoga exercises you have attended to, which triggered the entity to get into this strange interaction with you from another dimension.

Entities who interact with matrix don't want themselves to show up and be recognized. I'm not sure why - if there is a law forbidding them for this, or what? But the fact is that the matrix (Earth system) was created millions years ago, and the lack of perception + lack of memory is DELIBERATE AND HAS BEEN DESIGNED.

I did get little more sleep last night...I did awoke abruptly when I saw ...it is hard to decribe but it gave me a feeling of something what was forbidden....now when you say about the law forbidding them for this...make sense....I did not know how to write about this picture what come up when I woke up this morning at 5 ....I will start to "want to know" with time I am sure I will get some answeres......I have get to see through things before also....I will know more if it is as you say about deliberate and designed....and the cause of ...why....

12th January 2024, 09:13 AM
In last night dream I was in a dessert and debating about how we will save the gecko lizard and how much it will cost....

18th January 2024, 07:31 AM
In last night dream I was sleeping in a tent...but to my surprice I had my legs out of the tent...and the tent opening was so narrow that I was like stuck ...so I had to work hard to pull my legs into the tent....

In this episode I was needing aid...so many was there to root for me...and soon we heard that one special person will give aid to me...but I did not dare to nore hear or to look who it was??

20th January 2024, 05:33 PM
I did get little more sleep last night...I did awoke abruptly when I saw ...it is hard to decribe but it gave me a feeling of something what was forbidden....now when you say about the law forbidding them for this...make sense....I did not know how to write about this picture what come up when I woke up this morning at 5 ....I will start to "want to know" with time I am sure I will get some answeres......I have get to see through things before also....I will know more if it is as you say about deliberate and designed....and the cause of ...why....
Did your sleeping improve recently? Do you feel exhausted or drawn when you're experiencing these issues?

Have you learnt more about this in the meantime?

I told you about my experiences before with the entity etc. However, I am very determined to get asleep even if this is very difficult, and altough I even sleep up to 12 hours a day, finally I get my goal acomplished.

21st January 2024, 10:21 AM
Did your sleeping improve recently? Do you feel exhausted or drawn when you're experiencing these issues?

Have you learnt more about this in the meantime?

I told you about my experiences before with the entity etc. However, I am very determined to get asleep even if this is very difficult, and altough I even sleep up to 12 hours a day, finally I get my goal acomplished.

It fluctueats....some nights I fall into sleep...mostly I stay inbetween sleep and awake...I am surprisingly well....but start to lack motivation to do physical things...I have a rather quiete mind...but lately it has started to come words repetedly into my mind...words what I myself never would use...negative words even swear words....I do not put this into the account of alien entities...but more of my resistence to block out these words...and now it comes up so I start to handle them and not forcefully block them...like they do not exists....and if I do not think of them...they do not exists...like denyal.....

21st January 2024, 10:24 AM
In last night dream a man had taken refuge at my place....I let him stay..

It is common that people who trust me to protect them take refuge at my place...it is more common that I see this after image when I cross over from dream state to awake state....but last night was totally in the dream state...it is first time that I keep me in the dream state....and experience this and know what it is....

21st January 2024, 05:28 PM
It fluctueats....some nights I fall into sleep...mostly I stay inbetween sleep and awake...I am surprisingly well....but start to lack motivation to do physical things...I have a rather quiete mind...but lately it has started to come words repetedly into my mind...words what I myself never would use...negative words even swear words....I do not put this into the account of alien entities...but more of my resistence to block out these words...and now it comes up so I start to handle them and not forcefully block them...like they do not exists....and if I do not think of them...they do not exists...like denyal.....
I had similar experiences with words - and also images - coming from outside of my mind. Frequently negative, but sometimes positive. I had strong suspicions that they come randomly to me - i.e. the words are not mine, but come from "something" else. I suspected a ghost or something, a non-physical parasite etc.

But all this thing appeared to be surprisingly a story similar to the ones which happened to many shamans, people channelings spirits (they are called "channellers" I guess) etc. This entity was gradually, for years, pressing on me, and was disturbing my life - all of that only to get my attention. Just like with many channelers that I read about. Similar to you, I had a feeling of resistance, and then handling them in various ways. But I learnt that these entities have A LOT of techinques and powers which make us thinking that something we thought is our thought - but it is not. They decide often for us, change our moods (to negative or positive), they are able to easily control energy in one's body etc.

Weird thing with such entities, to me. They feel like aliens anyway, but I guess they are able to control that feeling too.

21st January 2024, 07:46 PM
I had similar experiences with words - and also images - coming from outside of my mind. Frequently negative, but sometimes positive. I had strong suspicions that they come randomly to me - i.e. the words are not mine, but come from "something" else. I suspected a ghost or something, a non-physical parasite etc.

But all this thing appeared to be surprisingly a story similar to the ones which happened to many shamans, people channelings spirits (they are called "channellers" I guess) etc. This entity was gradually, for years, pressing on me, and was disturbing my life - all of that only to get my attention. Just like with many channelers that I read about. Similar to you, I had a feeling of resistance, and then handling them in various ways. But I learnt that these entities have A LOT of techinques and powers which make us thinking that something we thought is our thought - but it is not. They decide often for us, change our moods (to negative or positive), they are able to easily control energy in one's body etc.

Weird thing with such entities, to me. They feel like aliens anyway, but I guess they are able to control that feeling too.

I am more thinking of not any entities but because we are like computors...all what we see..hear..experience etc from the first minut when born and also before birth we register...the family I was born too in this life do use very hars and hard language...and it is these words is echoing from my inside now...I was more or less in chock how the family I was born too talk and behave...very dysfunctional....I never accepted and did not want to be part of.....so I do think now when I am older the wall is becomming thinner and I am sure I have to go through this before time is up so to say....

23rd January 2024, 07:35 PM
I am more thinking of not any entities but because we are like computors...all what we see..hear..experience etc from the first minut when born and also before birth we register...the family I was born too in this life do use very hars and hard language...and it is these words is echoing from my inside now...I was more or less in chock how the family I was born too talk and behave...very dysfunctional....I never accepted and did not want to be part of.....so I do think now when I am older the wall is becomming thinner and I am sure I have to go through this before time is up so to say....
Yes, we are unconscious in a large part. But we are also unaware of the mental influence on us - all the time - from the invisible sources.

24th January 2024, 09:06 AM
In last night dream I inherented an appartament from an old lady...the person who come to me to give me the keys...he went with me up to the appartament...it was on the 5th floor...we took the elevator...the elevator was a bit broken but did function...it was a beautiful home with beautiful furnitures and also a piano...but no livingroom table??

In this episode an old co-worker visited me...I saw her putting something into my bag....I was afraid she will accuse me to have stolen that from her...so I found a little hand bag it was pink...I went at once to her and gave it to her back...she did not say a word...not eighder me....when I left her.

24th January 2024, 09:13 AM
Yes, we are unconscious in a large part. But we are also unaware of the mental influence on us - all the time - from the invisible sources.

That may be the case but it does not mean it is bad all through...

24th January 2024, 05:49 PM
That may be the case but it does not mean it is bad all through...
Of course. And it also shouldn't mean it's good for us after all. IMO we have 2 choices:
- either to ignore the invisible influences
- or to find a way to recognize them, become aware of them etc.

24th January 2024, 06:18 PM
Of course. And it also shouldn't mean it's good for us after all. IMO we have 2 choices:
- either to ignore the invisible influences
- or to find a way to recognize them, become aware of them etc.

And then what??...Even if we recognize them and become aware of them...if they are not humans...I am sure they are so much more advanced and stronger then us...for me it is enough that know they exists...and of course hope that they are for our good in the end...Maybe they are for our development and evolution.

25th January 2024, 12:00 AM
and of course hope that they are for our good in the end...Maybe they are for our development and evolution.

Or maybe they are just pushing their own agenda on you, it's like you have a choice. What if a entity told you in order of you to become a super being in the future, you must go through a 1000 years of misery or become below average being but have instead a 1000 years of a happy life, what will you choose, of course freewill is an illusion by some, so they are gonna just push your buttons like in a video game. Sooner or later you are gonna realize this physical world is a prison of the mind, actually Robert Monroe and others reached similar conclusion.

25th January 2024, 12:25 AM
There are techniques and tools which help in getting sleep, if you need them.

Now you got me all curious, what those 'techniques and tools' can be?
Nowadays I don't get sleepy at all, having insomnia and also DSPS(Delayed sleep phase disorder) doesn't help either, sometimes when I woke up in middle of sleep I can't return to sleeping for a hour or two. Most days now I'm sleeping between 4 and 6 hours. Some days when having low sleep for days I'm getting those 'sleepy spells' that I need to lay down and sleep in the middle of the day or I'm gonna fall asleep while standing.

25th January 2024, 06:16 PM
Now you got me all curious, what those 'techniques and tools' can be?
Nowadays I don't get sleepy at all, having insomnia and also DSPS(Delayed sleep phase disorder) doesn't help either, sometimes when I woke up in middle of sleep I can't return to sleeping for a hour or two. Most days now I'm sleeping between 4 and 6 hours. Some days when having low sleep for days I'm getting those 'sleepy spells' that I need to lay down and sleep in the middle of the day or I'm gonna fall asleep while standing.
Could you more precisely describe your experiences?

Lots of people experience the same "issues" recently. And I'm afraid that this is not a coincidence. This is deliberate.

There is indeed, as you wrote, AN AGENDA on the Earth - to "awaken" the people. This is done by some of the entities that I mention. Of course it is a bit twisted, as these entities are somewhat tricky and treat the "awaken" word not just as a metaphore, but also literally. Anyway, observe your body, in particular the top of the back and especially around your neck - on the back side of it, where are smaller entry-points (call them "chakras" if you want), and check what is happening in these areas. Also verify whether and why you feel "awaken", i.e. why your physical body and physical energy have "switched" to the non-sleeping state.

Recently I am being awaken by the entities in the night as well. I learnt how to deal with that in some ways. My work is in progress, but recently I go to sleep very early, let's say 9 p.m. (before was 10 p.m., and before that even later, but I gradually went to 9 p.m. as the optimal hour for sleeping - this allows me to keep energy high during a day, despite having off 1, 2 or 3+ hours of non-sleeping in the night). I was learning and verifying several techniques, some standard, some modified by myself, adjusted to my needs. Have you tried anything so far, anyway?

My idea is that this is the beginning of something totally NEW happening on the Earth. Some people are chosen for this agenda - silently. In my case it started several years ago, but I became aware of the whole thing when I experienced the entity attack which I described on this forum in the late 2020.

When people hear that someone has been "chosen by nonphysical entities", they typically think that such people are special. For instance, those who channel entities. But I'd rather think of such people as experimental rats - scientists choose some rats for their experiments, but rats not necessery want to be chosen by them. ;)

Or maybe they are just pushing their own agenda on you, it's like you have a choice. What if a entity told you in order of you to become a super being in the future, you must go through a 1000 years of misery or become below average being but have instead a 1000 years of a happy life, what will you choose, of course freewill is an illusion by some, so they are gonna just push your buttons like in a video game. Sooner or later you are gonna realize this physical world is a prison of the mind, actually Robert Monroe and others reached similar conclusion.
IMO this is exactly what is happenning on this planet, anyway.

And then what??...Even if we recognize them and become aware of them...if they are not humans...I am sure they are so much more advanced and stronger then us...for me it is enough that know they exists...and of course hope that they are for our good in the end...Maybe they are for our development and evolution.
You have a choice. You may stay as you are now, i.e. ignoring what is going on beyond your physical senses, be the subject of the hidden influences, etc. If these influences have had played with you, you would think probably "oh, this was just me, my subconsciousness or something,what just came to me!", and never get back to this.

Or, to realize that you are in the matrix. After all, everything what you experience is in the end what takes place within your own mind.

Then the real adventure of the new whole reality begins. Most people won't react to such an influence and ignore it. But this is also opporunity to learn how the mind works - this is how I see such influences.

25th January 2024, 06:53 PM
Then the real adventure of the new whole reality begins.

And what is that??

30th January 2024, 06:20 AM
In last night dream I was on a big boat...the sea was crazy...we ended up in a tornado and spinned around and like a miracle we went out of the tornado in one piece....when I looked backwards I see a huge wave chasing us...the boat was miraculasly fast and we did just be infront of the wave withouot hitting us...when I look forward I see a huge wave building up and I said....do this wave hit us...but it did go to the left and we again did be safe....huh...it was so intence so I had to awake me from the dream....

1st February 2024, 08:48 AM
In last night dream I was reading a cook-book...when I turned the page I saw text....Alter-Ego...Here I started to laugh so hard that I awoke myself....haha..

1st February 2024, 06:38 PM
Then the real adventure of the new whole reality begins.

And what is that??

I think you are just entering it - beyond the mundane. Let's look into your last dreams:

In last night dream I was on a big boat...the sea was crazy...we ended up in a tornado and spinned around and like a miracle we went out of the tornado in one piece....when I looked backwards I see a huge wave chasing us...the boat was miraculasly fast and we did just be infront of the wave withouot hitting us...when I look forward I see a huge wave building up and I said....do this wave hit us...but it did go to the left and we again did be safe....huh...it was so intence so I had to awake me from the dream....
This seems to me like a clear reference to the astral. Tornados, superfast waves, vast water and big, fast boat on it - like an energy waves incoming and moving sideways, around you. :)

In last night dream I was reading a cook-book...when I turned the page I saw text....Alter-Ego...Here I started to laugh so hard that I awoke myself....haha..
Alter-ego - are the entities surrounding us. Cook books have recipes - but in this case this is not a recipe for a physical food.

2nd February 2024, 12:03 PM
I think you are just entering it - beyond the mundane. Let's look into your last dreams:

This seems to me like a clear reference to the astral. Tornados, superfast waves, vast water and big, fast boat on it - like an energy waves incoming and moving sideways, around you. :)

Alter-ego - are the entities surrounding us. Cook books have recipes - but in this case this is not a recipe for a physical food.
Thank you Antares for your interpretation...really good :-)...but alter ego means ...your own making of characters..that would mean the astral is then full of our own made stuff/things??..or what??...I did laugh to when I saw a full page of alter egos...wow...I am very inventing and creative ...

2nd February 2024, 05:43 PM
Thank you Antares for your interpretation...really good :-)...but alter ego means ...your own making of characters..that would mean the astral is then full of our own made stuff/things??..or what??...I did laugh to when I saw a full page of alter egos...wow...I am very inventing and creative ...
Once I also believed in these alter-ego characters being effect of our less or more subconscious mental work, and astral being full of such creations. People doing OBE often take it as granted. After all, Robert Monroe also describes such stuff in his preliminary journeys. But this implies that the universe and our matrix is somehwat primitive. After I found out what is possible in the matrix - not just with physical senses, not just with energy, not just with astral imagination, but also with small thoughts in the mental, and even beyond that - your attitude and intent can be manipulated in the multi-dimensional, multi-level matrix - I concluded that this hypothesis is at best obsolete, and must be thoroughly reconsidered with a wider perspective in mind.

2nd February 2024, 07:12 PM
Once I also believed in these alter-ego characters being effect of our less or more subconscious mental work, and astral being full of such creations. People doing OBE often take it as granted. After all, Robert Monroe also describes such stuff in his preliminary journeys. But this implies that the universe and our matrix is somehwat primitive. After I found out what is possible in the matrix - not just with physical senses, not just with energy, not just with astral imagination, but also with small thoughts in the mental, and even beyond that - your attitude and intent can be manipulated in the multi-dimensional, multi-level matrix - I concluded that this hypothesis is at best obsolete, and must be thoroughly reconsidered with a wider perspective in mind.

I did not even know what alter ego ment I googlet it and it was explained as I undestood it that authors use alter egos....
Yes we believe things until we get new knowledge...I do not have that knowledge about what you are talking about...so I can not argue nor deny...I have to waite until I know something about what you are talking about....get empirical knowledge...

3rd February 2024, 04:30 PM
I did not even know what alter ego ment I googlet it and it was explained as I undestood it that authors use alter egos....
Yes we believe things until we get new knowledge...I do not have that knowledge about what you are talking about...so I can not argue nor deny...I have to waite until I know something about what you are talking about....get empirical knowledge...
Do you still make any experiences that you attempted before? With mental states, sleeping etc.?

3rd February 2024, 06:03 PM
Do you still make any experiences that you attempted before? With mental states, sleeping etc.?
Yes I am....

4th February 2024, 08:06 AM
In last night dream I was offered 3 bags of looked like snacks...I took from the first bag and it did not tast anything...I took from the second bag and it was prepped with something what made me start to laugh and feel funny...so here I awoke myself....

4th February 2024, 05:44 PM
Yes I am....
Do you want to share anything on that?

5th February 2024, 10:17 AM
Do you want to share anything on that?

No nothing to share ...yet...

5th February 2024, 10:17 AM
In last night dream was so nice...my aunt from Finland come to surprice me...the dream went like this....I was comming home to my new flat on the top floor...I saw a twins 2 women running to look at the vacant flat on my house complex..I told my son that I know those women...so nice if they move here too...nice to know some neighbours.....we went up to our flat...my sister was already there...I say to my sister if she can put some coffe on...suddenly I was hugged by my aunt...she asked ...what was you shouting about...I said...to get some coffee since I have not even got my morning coffee yet....I got a glimse of how I can decorate this flat...(vision of a bit future)

6th February 2024, 04:44 PM
Do you want to share anything on that?
Ok, then. You might share how do you feel about them however, if you want. :)

6th February 2024, 04:47 PM
Ok, then. You might share how do you feel about them however, if you want. :)

Can you be a bit more specific so I know what you want to know about?...Who do you have in mind when saying...them??

7th February 2024, 08:47 AM
In last night dream was a bit weird...someone have put together our Christmas tree (plastic)..but now there was 2 christmas trees....how could they get 2 out of one??...I shouted to my son....have you played a prank on me...but he said he have not....who then??

7th February 2024, 09:54 PM
Do you still make any experiences that you attempted before? With mental states, sleeping etc.?

Yes I am....

While you are all still on the topic, I want to propose you a simple experimental method for inducing "experiences", the method is based on self hypnosis or trance state, it is not a silver bullet but if you give him at least one month of test, you can have an experience from beyond! The method is very simple and short, and does not require wbtb(wake back to bed), long mediative session's or losing sleep, the worst it can happen is you falling asleep unconsciously. The only requirement is that you are really tired and sleepy, maybe when going to bed or taking a nap. It consists of two phases and here are the steps:
First you need to set an intention that after 5 minutes give or take you are gonna open your eyes to see where you are or where you ended up, then with open eyes passively focus on what are you seeing in front of you for 3-5 seconds while keeping your eyes relaxed, then switch to the sense of hearing and passively notice the sound around you for 3-5 seconds, repeat this for around two minutes but don't count in your mind, we don't want precision, now with gradually closing your eyes focus passively on the space behind your closed eyes for 3-5 seconds and then switch to hearing around you (again passively and effortless) for 3-5 seconds, repeat this for the next 3 minutes gives or take. (the main goal is to be able to effortlessly switch between those two senses)
When you do this open your eyes and make observations on your surroundings, make a reality check or two to be sure in what state you are if you are confused of what is happening, whether you had an experience or not. Don't forget to post your weirdest experiences here.:mrgreen:

8th February 2024, 07:02 AM
While you are all still on the topic, I want to propose you a simple experimental method for inducing "experiences", the method is based on self hypnosis or trance state, it is not a silver bullet but if you give him at least one month of test, you can have an experience from beyond! The method is very simple and short, and does not require wbtb(wake back to bed), long mediative session's or losing sleep, the worst it can happen is you falling asleep unconsciously. The only requirement is that you are really tired and sleepy, maybe when going to bed or taking a nap. It consists of two phases and here are the steps:
When you do this open your eyes and make observations on your surroundings, make a reality check or two to be sure in what state you are if you are confused of what is happening, whether you had an experience or not you can keep a note of what you experienced during the exercise and don't forget to post your weirdest experiences here
I do not have any blackness when I close my eyes....I have twilight/dusk and it happens always something in it...so I can not write everything I see for then I have to sit and write all day long....and I hear also in awake state so I can not see what your exersice would do a difference??

8th February 2024, 10:19 AM
I do not have any blackness when I close my eyes....I have twilight/dusk and it happens always something in it...so I can not write everything I see for then I have to sit and write all day long....and I hear also in awake state so I can not see what your exersice would do a difference??

Fixed it for you, enjoy:thumbsup:

8th February 2024, 12:37 PM
Fixed it for you, enjoy:thumbsup:

I do not understand your assertion..my English is not so good...so my understanding is poor ...it sounds for me that you are saying that you fixed it for me...my seeing?? I have had this all my life...when I meditate I see colores...

8th February 2024, 01:08 PM
Now I see what you did there;)

8th February 2024, 01:24 PM
Now I see what you did there;)

Why are you doing this?? Never say straight ..always hinting...but never what you mean??..Where did I do there...and where is there??

9th February 2024, 10:29 AM
In last night dream I was visiting a family...I asked...how can I help you...the women said....I want pancakes...Okay I said...where is your stowe...she showed me to the stowe..it was those with gas....where is your fryingpan...she said...we do not have any fryingpan....but how do you cook...she showed me like a huge plate over the stowe...we fry on this...here I awoke....

9th February 2024, 06:13 PM
While you are all still on the topic, I want to propose you a simple experimental method for inducing "experiences", the method is based on self hypnosis or trance state, it is not a silver bullet but if you give him at least one month of test, you can have an experience from beyond! The method is very simple and short, and does not require wbtb(wake back to bed), long mediative session's or losing sleep, the worst it can happen is you falling asleep unconsciously. The only requirement is that you are really tired and sleepy, maybe when going to bed or taking a nap. It consists of two phases and here are the steps:
When you do this open your eyes and make observations on your surroundings, make a reality check or two to be sure in what state you are if you are confused of what is happening, whether you had an experience or not. Don't forget to post your weirdest experiences here.:mrgreen:
Thanks. What is your weirdest experience?

Anyway, the method seems to be pretty standard... why do you think it induces experiences in a better way than the other methods?

Can you be a bit more specific so I know what you want to know about?...Who do you have in mind when saying...them??
I just asked how do you feel about "them" - excercises.

9th February 2024, 06:36 PM
Thanks. What is your weirdest experience?

Anyway, the method seems to be pretty standard... why do you think it induces experiences in a better way than the other methods?

I just asked how do you feel about "them" - excercises.

What excercises??If you are refering to me trying to know what level ...and what body is involved...so I do not do any exercises for now...becauce I am trying to find out
on my own methods....meditation.

10th February 2024, 05:49 PM
What excercises??If you are refering to me trying to know what level ...and what body is involved...so I do not do any exercises for now...becauce I am trying to find out
on my own methods....meditation.
Yes. I asked about your methods and how do you feel about them.

10th February 2024, 07:26 PM
Yes. I asked about your methods and how do you feel about them.

Setting an intent in my meditation...intent to know where I am and in what body...no success yet.

11th February 2024, 09:21 AM
In last night dream I was asked to work in a kiosk....the owner come and he stood outside the kiosk and he opened the like a window and asked me how I feel...I leanded towards him...he was a man with dark hair and dark eyes...I had difficulty to breath and my heart raised....so I told him...that I can not work this close to customers....and here I awoke myself from the dream...

11th February 2024, 10:17 PM
Fixed it for you, enjoy:thumbsup:
What I meant was that I fixed the original post with more clear and simple directions, you can see the edit stamp don't you.

...it sounds for me that you are saying that you fixed it for me...my seeing?? I have had this all my life...when I meditate I see colores...
You answer was awkward so I try to play humorous.

Why are you doing this?? Never say straight ..always hinting...but never what you mean??..Where did I do there...and where is there??
But you suddenly snapped on me, so I let it drift for a while.

Thanks. What is your weirdest experience?

Anyway, the method seems to be pretty standard... why do you think it induces experiences in a better way than the other methods?

I was really tired and was preparing for a nap( I'm always trying my OBE on the sofa on second floor of the house), I set an intention first to open my eyes after approximately 5 minutes, then I did it two minutes with open eyes and the 3 minutes with closed eyes... then I opened my eyes and became really confused, I was on my bed on the first floor, my first thoughts were that maybe I'm having a false awakening and tried some Reality Checks... but I wasn't dreaming, I was actually awake. I looked at the clock and surprisingly I was missing 3 hours, but I knew I only did it for 5 minutes. How I got on my bed on the first floor through several doors, stairs and some obstacles on the way. It was a complete mystery to me, I also were wearing different set of clothes. How I did all of this with closed eyes??? Also found some dirt on my shoes in the morning, did I get on a walk, where? I really wonder what happened during those 3 hours?

12th February 2024, 07:07 AM
@Sh@dow...but why not say directly as it is...why express so clodly that it will missunderstood???...I did not snap...I was genuinly sad..:(

12th February 2024, 11:07 AM
In last night dream I was visiting an old couple...the man asked me to go out for a walk with him...his wife get yellous and went to bed...when we arrived from the walk..I visited the bathroom and to my surprice there stood an Romani women...preagnent...I asked how did you get in here...she said that the door was open...in the livingroom there was her 3 children makeing a mess....she apealed to my empathy for her being preagnent and having already 3 children...but I had to tell her to get out...she was not invite and can not do this for an old couple...when she left with her children I went out to look for the old lady...she was in bed sulking...she showed her toe she said it was hurting...so I had to give her sympathy and soon she was happy and we could dring coffee and all was good....

12th February 2024, 05:12 PM
Setting an intent in my meditation...intent to know where I am and in what body...no success yet.
You can then try something else. "No success" is a standard situation in the excercises like these. :)

Anyway, this very, very large forum recently is very interesting - I'm coming here to view just one section, this thread only :)

16th February 2024, 04:39 AM
In last night dream was strange...a horse chaced me and I do not know why....when I was up hill the horse was down walley...and started to run for me...when he run up hill I run down to walley....and so forth??

19th February 2024, 08:03 AM
Last night dream was so strange...I can not make any sense out of it...It went like this....If I gave one thing out....I got 4 things back....I was thinking in the dream that there must be some catch to this....who gives back more then they receive???

20th February 2024, 12:12 PM
I read so many of your dreams, but one thing is truly bothering me, I don't want this to sound too blunt or insensitive, but why your dreams are so mundane and kind of boring, not that's a bad thing or anything... are you only interested in those kind of dreams and ignore all others... the more weird ones?

20th February 2024, 01:35 PM
I read so many of your dreams, but one thing is truly bothering me, I don't want this to sound too blunt or insensitive, but why your dreams are so mundane and kind of boring, not that's a bad thing or anything... are you only interested in those kind of dreams and ignore all others... the more weird ones?

Well..what to say to that....wow....it is my dreams so....I was not going to record this last night dream but now I feel it has something to say to me....it went like this...I was with native people and one man gave me a knife....I asked...why do you give me this...I do not use weapons....and here I awoke...

20th February 2024, 07:28 PM
@IA56 are you sure you are awake...

20th February 2024, 08:57 PM
@IA56 are you sure you are awake...

What are you refering too??

20th February 2024, 09:47 PM
What are you refering too??

I was expecting a more constructive answer, but instead I'm getting this:

I was not going to record this last night dream but now I feel it has something to say to me....it went like this...I was with native people and one man gave me a knife....I asked...why do you give me this...I do not use weapons....and here I awoke...
For me this is like a red flag...

20th February 2024, 10:08 PM
I was expecting a more constructive answer, but instead I'm getting this:

For me this is like a red flag...

21st February 2024, 04:14 AM
I'm leaving this for you to figure out, as I'm taking a vacation from this place.8)

21st February 2024, 07:29 AM
I'm leaving this for you to figure out, as I'm taking a vacation from this place.8)

Insuanating and leaving ...okay...have a nice vacation...maybe you come back with new strength and can give answeres full out ...Peace out.

23rd February 2024, 06:44 AM
In last night dream I at last got to the centralstation....the dream went like this....I was out to a club with my sister....she come to me and said...we must go now...I said I have to find my jacket...I went into the club and serced and did find it...my sister had already gone...I asked the door man for directions to the centralstation...I asked if I have to go to left or right...he said right...but not more did he say for helping me...so I started to go to the right and to my surprice a man walked becides me and he said he was going to the centralstation....and in a very short time we where there....in we went...and I felt that a narco dog did take a wift of me...I let it happen ...and I took my phone to ring to my sister...but for some reason the fire alarm went off and the water sprinkles went off...and here I awoke...

27th February 2024, 09:37 AM
In last night dream I was sleeping in my bed....my father tickled me on my neck (when I was teen and very hard to get up on the morning my father waked me this way)...I wake up and I say to my father...okay...okay...I will get up....(my father went over 2016)

28th February 2024, 09:05 AM
In last night dream I was buying ear rings online...it was blue dragonfly charm...when I got them one was broaken....I contacted the sales man...and he promised me my money back..but he wanted the ear rings back.....he was very arrogant....It felt that when he did understand it was me who have bought them...he did not want me to have them and he did damage one of them so he could have them back??...strange feeling....?

29th February 2024, 08:13 AM
Last nights dreams has bean about death ....when I am falling to sleep ...I can not breath and has to awake me from falling to sleep....this happened several times last night...so 2 times I had to get up and be awake like an houre...and when get back to sleep it happened again....I first thought that this was really happening for real...but it showed to be only this kind of dreams...and I suspect that this has to do with the 6 months what I can not remember when I was beatened up in the 1981....I do not even remember to bean in hospital....my son have asked me why I was in the hospital hooked into some maschine and tubs all over me....he was 3 yrs old when this happened...my sister will not tell me..or talk about this...just starts to cry...and saying...I do not want to talk about this.....I know that my sister had my son at this time....

2nd March 2024, 06:55 AM
In Last night dream my aunt took help from me to talk to her husband (her husband did abuse me as a child, I was 15 when I exposed him..my aunt wanted to divorse him and her lawer did talk to me and my sister and my aunts daughter because he have abused all of us..her husband nearly killed my aunt to take back the divorse and she did..my aunt said I am sorry to me but did not say or help her daughter...the abuse did continue towards her daughter)...so in the dream we are sitting me becides my aunt and her husband on the other side the table...she looks at me and in her eyes she is hesitant...I say to her...you do not have to do this for me...she looks at me and asks...for whom then....for your daughter and for yourself....Both are on the other side....we had her funaral at 16/2-24 she was 94 yrs old.

8th March 2024, 06:50 AM
In last night dream I was scolding a mother of 2 small children...I have bean helping her to take care of the children. I gave her a bake machine but she did sell it...I said...what ever I give you to make your life easier you (http://said.so/)sell...do you even care about the (http://sell.so/)children.... (http://children.so/)so (http://children.so/) I asked the children if they wanted to live with me...and they become so happy and said...yes....she did not mind ...so I took the children with me...

9th March 2024, 09:10 AM
In last night dream I dyed my hair to pale brown...I was asked why...I said...because I was so gray....

11th March 2024, 06:41 AM
In last night dream I was with a mother of 4 children...we where driving in a big car...suddenly the mother stop the car and took the youngest child of 2 months age and went out...the 3 children left with me they all run into my lap...I told them that I will not leave them alone...we will find your mother and she will tell what happened....I drow the car at there home...and here I awoke....

14th March 2024, 08:01 AM
In last night dream was a bit strange...I was waiting for a couple to meet me...but 2 men come...and I thought I knew one of them...so I asked ...were is your wife...both men looked at each others ...and then looked forward...and few persons where walking a bit away from us...so I thought in my mind that the wife was walking with that other croud....we walked nearly in silence...then I turned and looked at the men and I saw that I did not at all know them...and I said it to them....I do not know you...No they said...and now I noticed that they where criminals/conmen....they did appreaciate that I after I got to know who they are I still respected them....

In this episode I was partisipating in a strange seremoni...I had stuck in between teeths looked like a floss thread....in the seremoni the head master was the one to remove it...he started to try to get it out pulling downwards...I was sure he will pull out my teeths...so I asked if he could try to pull upwards maybe there is more room so to say and can be drawn out...but here I awoke...

15th March 2024, 05:30 AM
In last night dream I was called to a home with a baby crying and the mother was passed out of exhautedness...I took the baby out of the appartament and calmed her down...went back to give the baby to the mother who was still sleeping....I started to say...do not be afraid....do not be afraid....and she woke up and I gave the baby to her and she put her on the bed....and I left....

16th March 2024, 07:54 AM
In last night dream me and my sister was onbord a train....the train stopped on a platform and we went out...on the platform was a huge bear so we jumped back into the train....

20th March 2024, 07:15 AM
In last night dream I met an animal whom I knew....I said to the animal ..wow how big you have become...It was a white cat like animal more like a Lynx than a cat....It did come to me but it did also behave like an wild animal?

21st March 2024, 08:51 AM
In last night dream was so strange...I had to find curage to meet a horse...I could climb up for a high ladder to see the horse...I talk to the horse and I said...I will kiss you when we meet...so the day is here when I must meet the horse...I am so afraid so I tremble....and when I enter infront of the horse it changes to a man....and the last thing I see is he holding my hand...and here I awoke....

22nd March 2024, 08:15 AM
In last night dream I was traveling with a man...in the dream I did know who he was....we where to visit where I was born in Finland...but we did visit a lady who did know everyone in the villiage....the man asked the lady if he could have a sandwich...I did see that the lady was very poor so I said to him...no we go out and eat...and I invited her too....when we come to the food place I had to visit the bathroom...noticed that the toilet did not work...so I relieved myself into the floor drain...a young man come and I just let me go...he asked what cast we are from...I said..we are not from any cast...just passing by....and here I awoke...

27th March 2024, 07:54 AM
Lately I again have misstaken dreams to be awaken state...like last night...I move my legs in bed and I feel a sting...I moove my legs back and forth and I noticed that it is a needle sticking up from my bed where my legs are....so I feel this several time...but when I wake up and I investigate the bed...there is no needle??....My thought was when I felt the needle that I will look at it when I get up...in the dream I thought I was awake...but too tired to investigate the bed at once...

I have had several other happenings what I have not recorded...as I thought I was awake...and that things happened me thinking about happenings...so the dream state is becomming so similar to awake state so I think that I might not be able to keep them appart...I hope not...I want to be clear about what is dream and what is not....

29th March 2024, 07:20 AM
In last night dream I was looking out of a window or a glass wall into a room...feeling was that it was a classroom...2 men where sitting in the room...like detention...I opened the door and went in....one of them whispers to me....Ed go back to the room....but I pull out the chair and sit down....and here I awoke....

31st March 2024, 09:01 AM
In last night dream I was getting married...the wedding was going to happen abroad...We where in line to go omboard the airoplain....we landed and I wanted to go to the beach...suddenly a man approached me and said he is my cousin...I did not know him...he invited me to go to a club with him...I said...I need to take a shower and change clothings...he said ...you look okay...so we went out....soon I noticed that he was not whom he claimed to be...and here I awoke...

1st April 2024, 08:04 AM
In last night dream I was watching 2 women ..dressed up in some kind of tribal costymes...gesticulating...like sighn language...she become frustrated because it took so long time for me to understand that she was trying to speak to me....the only thing I did get was...speak up...

3rd April 2024, 10:53 AM
In last night dream I was getting a thorough health check-up...It was on going whole night...and before I woke up they told me that I have to sit on a bicycle to check on my heart....and here I awoke...

4th April 2024, 08:21 AM
In last night dream I was seeing a man treating a women...like a physiotherapist....so I approached him and said...sorry if I am intruding...but I want to ask if you can look at my lower back...he put his hands into my pants and nearly to my privat parts and he sat down and he said...now you sit down on my hands....and I did...I was imbarresed but I did it....I did not feel anything special....but this morning when I get up my lower back pain is better??

8th April 2024, 08:19 AM
In last night dream I was with someone...in the dream I did not first know who it was...but suddenly a bright light hit my face and I was totally blinded by the light...someone grabbed my right hand and started to pull me away...I shouted...my first husband name and father to my son...do not let them take me....when I looked at the right hand sight it was total pitch black and i could not see who was trying to pull me away from where I was....here I awoke....
I started to think what could this mean....my first husband is on the other side....are we not allowed to communicate with the dead??...Why was the one who was trying to dragg me away total black?? ...why could I not see who it was??

12th April 2024, 11:34 AM
In last night dream my sons ex girlfriend hugged me and did not want to let go...I do not have any contact with her at all in real life...interesting to see if she will contact me....

13th April 2024, 06:56 AM
In last night dream I was in a team....we all hade very strange vehiles...and all of us had our own way to manuevre the vehile we had....I had a very stiff one...we did travel on water...it took long time for me to put my hands in the water and help the vechile to move forward little faster....My destination was a library....I walked very slowly because the vechile was heavy....2 girls was standing on my path...so I kindly asked them to let me pass them....it was very narrow...so I asked them....you do not belive I get through this passage...so I did pass and I had like a station where I parked...and called out to the team members that I am on my location....and here I awoke...

14th April 2024, 04:50 AM
In last night dream I was back in my second marriage...in the dream my husband had let a women rent a room ...so she was living under our roof....I come from work and my husband is sleeping....I shut the bedroom door ...but it went only a sek when my husband come out and asked why I did not come to bed...I said...you where sleeping...I will not attack you during your sleep...soon the room mate come out...and the feeling was...she would have come to bed if he had bean her husband....we had dinner and the women joined us without we asking her...like it was the most normal thing to do....I got furious...and I asked her if she was inwited...I an not sure the rent a room will include her to invade our live...she was looking at my husband and like begging him to come to her aid...I said...most surely you do not even pay rent...right....In the morning the room mate and my husband waited for me...they stood outside the front door...I was angry and I said...for pete sake....I have own key to lock the door....I went to the train station....but it had changed.....one track was the end track...so the train would turn and go back so to say...I looked at the bord where it is announced where it will go....It stood....Orlog....I do not know what place that is...I looked at the other track...and it stood...Norge....here I awoke myself...

15th April 2024, 04:23 AM
In last night dream I bougt a new house ...huge...with very big land...my neighbour was a very nice women...we did get along very well...my sister come to visit me...we where out looking what was growing on the land...my sister did trample down where she went...so I stop her and said...you are like a elephant in a kina chop....look down where you put your feets....behind my house was a mountain....I looked up at the mountain and I spotted one ex boyfriend of mine....sun bathing ...I said to my sister...look up there...do you recognize who it is...she smiled...I said...will I ever get rid of him....

16th April 2024, 09:46 AM
In last night dream a man with a bitbull come towards me...the pitbull was clearly fond of me...I cuddled with the pitbull...the man said to the putbull...show your scratch to her....the pitbull lift his face near me face...it had a schratch on the upper lip on the left side....I took his head between my hands and I looked closely at the scratch...the pitbull did look at me with love in his eyes...I looked in his eyes and said...you have to be more careful...

17th April 2024, 07:03 AM
In last night dream I was in a town and I see a handcraft shop...I love handcrafts...to my surprice the owner talks Finnish with a customer...I am on my way to the centralstation and need help for direction...I saw on the right hand a path what I have taken before and know it will not lead to the centralstaion....so I wait for the shop owner to be done with the customer so I can ask her for direction....but soon comes 2 women in and they seamed to be friends to the owner...so they ask her if she is ready to go....and it was here I stepped towards the owner and politely asked for direction to the centralstation....she said...we are heading at that direction....so you come along with us....but after a while I she met some friends and they started to talk...and I felt that I can no longer stay...I looked at all directions but I lost my awareness here....

19th April 2024, 04:47 AM
In last night dream I was at a bar with a man....we sat down at a table with 2 women...The man did go after a pen and paper...I saw that he was very interested in one of the women...so I just left and went home...felt that I was no more needed...
In this episode I was in a pasture...I saw that the fench had left open so I schut it and I had someone with me...I said...in this pasture is a horse...soon we saw the horse but it was not the one I was thinking of...this horse did look like ailien...and I was so surprised....

20th April 2024, 11:21 AM
In last night dream I was telling someone about spots in my body what hurt or what I am a bit worried about....in my left leg I am worried to get a leg ulcers...the one I was with...did not be alarmed....then about my variose veins..in my left leg....and now when I looked down it was much better...so I said...am I on my way to heal.....then it come to and this person said...I will make you a supper....I asked what....white fish and rise....first I said...I am for now only keeping down loose made out meal....then I tooned in...so I said...I will try....

21st April 2024, 07:10 AM
In last night dream I lost a filling from a teeth...
in one dream I was with a gang of people...we where in a building where we was not allowed to be...I hear police sirens...I said...we have to hurry to the side of the building we are allowed to be before police take us....we did manage in time...

23rd April 2024, 07:04 AM
Last night dream was a bit too much...It went like this....Swedish prinsess Madelaine come for a reading....She had dropped out of school and she wanted to know the reaction to that...I felt so tremendend sorrow...the whole country was morning and feeling sad...I nearly could not hold me collected to delivere the reading....

24th April 2024, 09:35 AM
In last night dream has to do during the abuse time of me 1981...I was so thin and lifeless...the dream went like this....I saw this thin lady and I knew her...I was sure she also recognize me...but did not....I stood infront of her and said sarkastic matter but teasing too...By no means do not stand up for me....we hugged and she was so weak...I told her that I will carry her on my back...but she nearly fell off...so I asked...shall I take you to the doctor...she mummbled something ...but I could not make anything out of it...here I awoke..

25th April 2024, 01:02 PM
In last night dream I was helping a farmer...he cut the oats and I binded the oats sheafs....

28th April 2024, 09:11 AM
In last night dream a man come to my home (lika a visitation) he appeared in front of me and started to talk how much better I am then a few years ago...that I am on the mend...then he told me that he have a 19 year old boy who he have lost to drugs...I said to him that we can save him...our combined energy is strong...but he was not convinced so I did not push more on that..

29th April 2024, 06:45 AM
In last night dreams I was watering plants and checking the self watering jars to have enough water...
In this episode I found a old kines dragon made in wood...and handbags contained all kind of waluable items but the price was very low...I wondered if they knew that the handbags was not empty?

2nd May 2024, 05:55 AM
Last night I have not bean able to sleep...so I fell to sleep this morning...and a man approached me and gave me 4 candels??...I do not understand this symbol....

3rd May 2024, 06:55 AM
In last night dream my first husband (I was married to him when I was 19-22 yrs old) ..had his arms wrapped around me as I am now...over weighted...I said to him..when I have lost my over weight we are going to go out to dance...he said..yes and we go as often as you want....
When we where married he never wanted to go out with me....to dance or anything els....he took his life 2004.

4th May 2024, 07:37 AM
In last night dream my sister took my white dress and when I tried to take it back...she did not let go....I looked in my closet and I found exactly same dress so I was so happy...I told my sister friend what my sister did...she had difficulty to say anything...I saw on the window shelf small like flower flyes or banan flyes...I opened the window and with my breath I blow them out from the window...and closed the window seeing them buzzing outside and trying to get in....
In this episode me first boyfriend (15-17 yrs age) some women come and asked me if it was true...yes I said...we have 3 years appart...him being exactly on the day 3 yrs older then me..Him and I was going out to dance...I saw in the mirror that I had no make up and told him that I want to look nice...it was when I was putting make up that those women appeared asking.....(.his parent did think I was too young so they mooved back to Finland and he never come back after the military...but he kept contact with me..and christmas 1999 he called me ....he had canser and wanted to see me...we met and now his parents said...now we can see what he missed in his life all this time...they where buffeled that it was only 3 yrs what diffed between us...he died 2001)...Strange that I am having dreams about my past so much??...

6th May 2024, 08:17 AM
In last night I was out sun bathing...my new bf come with a friend...I had my keys in my hand...he said ...I love you...and he kissed me and did not want to stop...so I stopped and said...we can not imbarres your friend...we had not seen each others for a week...I said...I do not have anything home not even a bisque...We entered my appartament...it is open planned...huge...my bf is very happy to show it to his friend....I asked how it went with his ex gf...he started to tell me...but here I awoke??

8th May 2024, 04:00 PM
In last night dream I saw my little brother standing with 2 persons...when my brother saw me he looked very imbarresed...when I come nearer the 2 persons dissapeared...left was only theires water bottles...I bend down and took the first water bottle and felt it is my aunts...and the other was her son...I said...you can come out now...you are revieled...the went visible...she asked me ...how long is it when we met....I said 25 yrs....she asked me if I can go with her and reserv a table for our familys re-union...we went into a restaurant for making the reservation...but she ordered a meal and sat down to eat...after she was finnished I asked her...are you really able to eat more when we will have the re-union with our family....oh yes she said I am....

10th May 2024, 11:28 AM
In last night dream a huge gorilla was going wild ...attacking a wan ...soon the gorilla come behind my window/wall...it was like a sliding door...soon I see a huge bear attacking the wan...I can not now see the gorilla...the bear have now come behind this sliding door wall/window.....I told my sister to look because she did not believe me...I told her to only open the sliding door very little...but she opens it wide open...the bear starts to rise upp...and the gorilla comes from the right and try to grip my hand....I awoke here in distress..

12th May 2024, 04:40 AM
I woke up in the middle of the night when I felt a hand on my left shoulder...the man was standing on my left side and put his right hand on my shoulder...and the message was....I got your back....

17th May 2024, 12:29 PM
Last night dream was wierd....I saw a huge parkingplace and a store...I knew that the parkingplace was owned by someone else...I put a symbol in front of my car...it looked like a round circle within a circle and a crystal in the middle like a dot....I went into the store and asked who owns the parkingplace...they did not know...here I woke up...

20th May 2024, 07:31 AM
In last night dream I was invited to a wedding...The man who come to talk to me was very gourgeous man...but when he talked the fokus was on his mouth...first I thought he has false teeths...but when he laughed with his mouth wide open I could see he had his own teeths...so I consentrated to look closer...he had his front teeths was false teeths and they where a bit loose...Cant make any sense why the fokus was on his teeths??

21st May 2024, 07:00 AM
In this dream I was a spectator...watching a film crue travelling in a war zone and filming....they found a free zone and the actor said...I am capable to do this...from the free zone....No clue what that means??

23rd May 2024, 05:06 AM
In last night dream I was going to visit a person in a hospital. I saw a friend of mine and I drow my car and parked besides hers....To my surprise I noticed that she was on the breakdown truck and now the truck drowe away me also on it...I was frustrated..why did you not tell me this...I want you to stop the truck and let me off...to my surprise she was also off the truck and now I saw that she did not have any car only a trailer...on the trailer was 2 items...I asked her...are you moving away?...Now I see that I am in Poland and do not understand the language...I told her to write down so I find back to the hospital ...I was going to visit a person on the hospital...here I awoke...

25th May 2024, 04:48 AM
In last night dream a brown bear had come to my appartament...I climbed up to a cupboard had a ukulele as a weapon to hit on his nose if he opened the door to the cupboard...was lucky to escape to the stairwell...run up the staires to the topfloor and planning to take the elevator down if he comes after me....here I awoke..

27th May 2024, 07:54 AM
In last night dream I was taken to a hopital...I had to sit in a wheelchair...a women and a man come to take me to the x-ray...they had ..looked like...tinfoiled clothings...I asked what are they going to x-ray on me...they said...your heart...the women said...and the man said something I could not understand because of his accent...I asked if he could write it on a paper what he is saying...I could not understand..but the women said..it is not that important...Then the man asked where do I have pain...I pointed on my chest and then I pointed on his chest to be more clear....and here I awoke..

30th May 2024, 12:50 PM
In last night dream I am a spectator...I see a women in bikini...she is communicationg with a man who is far away on the shore..she is on a ponton out on the see....I can see she has bean swiming but now is showing the man her right arm...She has tatooed a name on her arm...Cleare Olofson...she show her back where she has tatooed a big rose....
I can not understand why I am seeing this dream??

2nd June 2024, 11:22 AM
In last night I was in a town and I was bicysling and to mysurprise I did recognize where I was...and I now did see where I have gonewrong prior when trying to find my way to the centralstation...I now seeclearly and this makes me so happy....

7th June 2024, 08:33 AM
In last night dream I awoke in the dream...feeling someone sleeping on my foot end...he was fondoling my feet and a strong energy wawe went through me so I gasped after air....I asked him to come up from the feet end and show himself for me...I recogized him to be a ex boyfriend...when I looked at his hair I noticed a spot withhout hair...like hair just started to grow...looking like baby hair??...I awoke here....

8th June 2024, 11:23 AM
In last night dream I rescued a family ...2 adults and 2 children...I had a military Hercules plan...I went out to buy food...the family was so hungry and exchausted....I left them in the plan when I went out to buy food.. (http://food.here)..here I awoke...

13th June 2024, 05:51 AM
In last night I am moving into a new appartament...doors are open and we are carrying in stuff....I notice 2 pre-teeners boys...using creons and writing things on the wall...I took one of the boys and with his back to me I grabbed him arms down and I said....now we are going home to you to tell your parents what you have bean up to...first they say wrong adress but after a while when they noticed I do not give up they took me home to them....the mother was single mom with other children with special needs...I understood that she did not have any support so I said...I will fix wallpaper and these boys are going to help me put them up...the boy whom I grabbed did look he was pleased someone care about him this way....here I woke up

14th June 2024, 05:04 AM
In last night dream I was starting to work in a nursing home for old people...I was shown around where things was...and they show me a list where I have to sighn what I have done ...whom I have tended..to sighn with initials...there was several levels of tend...physical and psyhologigal....

15th June 2024, 09:08 AM
In last night dream I was agressivly approaced by a women whom I have locked out of my life...she have lied behind my back...and costed me a lot of money too...she approaced me and said...you could at least hold my hand...I an paralysed and in chock...I thought she will keep out of my life ...but now she has appeared in a very agressive way...I can not cope ...I wake my self here....

16th June 2024, 05:49 AM
Last night dream was so strange that I do not know if I can express it...I try...I was given like a ostrich egg ...I had to develop it to a string...and all was music....??

2nd July 2024, 05:57 AM
In last night dream was again strange....I was dancing in a very strange way with this man...he was shorter then me....we stood infront of each others...hands down and holding hands...trying to dance walse...but when he was so much shorter then me I all the time lost my balance and it looked like I was drunk....it was so uneasy so I awoke myself from the dream..

2nd July 2024, 05:59 AM
In last night dream I was pondering how to make the copy machine work to get text on both sides....It was a document to post to big companies...and I was thinking to send a shorter document to privat persons too...It was about a better world and life....

2nd July 2024, 06:00 AM
In last night dream my son was sadling a hors...it was winter...he asks me if I can ride out with him....I said no because it is winter and it is pitch black out...I said...it is too dark to go out now...and it is very risky as it is also winter....I went indoors and to my surprice my doctor is reading the news paper out loud ....here I awoke myself...

2nd July 2024, 06:01 AM
Last night dream was strange again....I am in Bulgaria...talking to homeless people...a man ...gypsy...he is keeping him near me...I hear someone saying....139...I try to understand but I can not hear the meaning about that 139....

In this episode I am living neighbour to a young women who is single mom with 2 children....I hear a heated argument...a women saying that she will report her to authorities ...she do not take care of the children....I feel this so hard to listen to so I awake myself.....

2nd July 2024, 11:52 AM
OMG!..I am in tears of happiness here....I will give little background...1994 when I was active member of a church...I partisipated in a circle of bible studies with a preast...He asked what are our presious passages in the bible...when it was my turn to speak I said...I do not know where in the bible it is...or if it is in the bible...but it goes like this...covered in my mothers womb...my substans was not hid from you...something like this I said....Oh the preast shine up ...it is Psalm 139....and we read it for the group...my tears was running down my cheaks as they are now...I do forget how presious we all are...❤️...Now I understand the dream about 139.

4th July 2024, 03:14 AM
Last night dream was like cartoon in black and white...this kind of dreams are many many years ago I bean having...It was a big black bear comming up the hill where I was standing ...I was not afraid ...this surprised me...but the dream dissapeared quickly...

In this episode I was again workingn in a nursing home for elderly people..

8th July 2024, 05:17 AM
In last night dream I was working again in a hospital but this time my friend
from real life was communicating with me whilst I am at this hospital and I notice that the hospital is not on earth...I can see my friend but I am not sure she sees me...but I said to her...com here before you say yes to the other work you have applyed ...this hospital is much much bigger then the nursing homes I have bean working on before in my dreams...

12th July 2024, 07:51 AM
In last night dream I was watching TV with a bunch of other...The TV was those old thick TVs and it was placed on the floor?..There I was sitting I could not see the TV screen so well ...so I went and turned the TV slightly so I could see it better...I did this few times ...the last time when I went to turn the TV and when I come back my seat was taken...I said...it is my place...and the women did give it back to me...she did not even look at the TV..I noticed that they did it to see what I will do...if I dare to say that it was my seat when I did only go to correct the place of the TV...I was pleased to solve this "problem" without some heated argument...In the TV started some series and some commented that is this the next episode...the colores was so bright ...and the picture was so clear...I said...I do not know...I have not followed this serie at all....Now also the atmosferic disturbance was over...all was calm.

21st July 2024, 06:10 AM
In Last night dream I was on a railway station...I was some kind of assistant to the train cleark...I helped groups of people in right trains...suddenly 3 persons was not allowed omboard..and the train left...I was totally perplexed and run to the train cleark and told what happened...then new train arrived to the other track...I looked at the cleark ...I looked into the train waggon what was open...no seats ...people sitting on the ground in the waggon..It did not look right to me...so I here wake myself from the dream....when I woke up I felt like they where deportet???

28th July 2024, 09:28 AM
My dreams have changed characteristics..I do not at all understand them anymore....I can not put them in words...but the feeling is good...and there is colores...most pink?

31st July 2024, 07:25 AM
Last night I had normal dreams again after a very long time having dreams I could not dress in words.
In last night dream I was with my childhood friend and her daughter...she did hit her daughter over her mouth and my friend did not show any feelings at all (like my mother)...the daughter run out to bathroom crying...soon she come back but my friend did not show any feeling nor did she appologize to her....soon my friend went to my livingroom window and started to make a knot on my curtains??...I did not say anyting just looked at her wondering what is she doing...Soon after I started to bruch her hair...she had got new hair...curly and thick...I was amazed.

In this episode 2 men from my past rang on my door bell...I opened the door and one of the men did hug me and hold his arm wrapped around my waist...the other man whom I have had a relationship was a bit imbarresed but did not say anyting...He just went out to the pation...I was living in a terrace house..the man who hold my waist was giving the impression that we did have more going then we did ...I was thinking that is he trying to make the other man jealouse?? ..here I awoke myself..

2nd August 2024, 05:24 AM
Last night dreams again was strange...I was up in air and looking down...I saw a rektangular shape moving...it was grean/white...after a while I saw long as a train but it was not a train....it was white...

4th August 2024, 05:24 AM
Last night I glided into a dream and a dilevery boy come with a buket of flowers to me so I awoke from the dream...
I falled into a new dream...I was sitting with 2 persons ...a man across the table and someone sitting besides me whom I could not see who it was...I did not even feel what gender it was....but those 2 had fixed a blind date for me...I said jokedly...wonder who old buffer it is...the man across the table reacted very strongly...so I said ...to fit this old girl...I wanted him to know that I am self aware ...because he did put his hands on his belly what was a bit big...as mine....

6th August 2024, 05:17 AM
In last night dream I was helping a person to clear out a mans car from pocket flasks...they where at least 100 of them...the man had just come out from rehab...he was sitting there and looking at the flasks and wondering what a mess he have made.

7th August 2024, 05:10 AM
In last night dream I was omboard a boat...I was eating breakfast when I remembered I have not bought anything from the boat...and it had just arrived to harbor...I saw a worker from the boat and I complained that I have missed out to buy gifts from the boat shop...she said...make you ready and we can go to the shop so you can buy what you need....I was so happy.

9th August 2024, 09:06 AM
last night dream I was living in a house with externalgalleries...I was standing on the gallery and looking to the other side ofit...seeing 2 young boys...only teens...having guns...standing behind adoor...I shouted ...what are you doing here...they only showed there guns tome...like back off....the door opened and the boys went in...I run there andthe boys run out and I went inside the appartament...an old lady was livingthere...I asked...did the boys rob you..did the threatened you with the guns...shedid not dare to answere so she said...I do not know....I went out but the boyswhere gone...I started to walk back to my appartament when I met a women with avery strange animal...the animal was a size of an sqirrol...but it did havefront legs very smal ones...and when the women hold it she said...oh no he betof an tooth.....here I awoke myself because it become so strange that I couldnot anymore understand it...

10th August 2024, 06:02 AM
Last night dream happened very much...I was visiting some kind of shop...they sold old and new things...a man recomended a poem book..he said it is very old and many classics is in it...so I decided to buy the book...my son was with me and he wanted to buy a quotation sighn...he gave it to me to pay for it ....I was surpriced when a women took a photo of me...she come to talk with me...she took my hand and started to like fortune tell what is going to happen...she said that I had made success on a party where all was so fine and dazzled up and I come in ordinary clothings...I was a bit puzzled what that meant...I left the shop and a women I somehow knew even I did not know from where...she wanted us to go to a place she wanted me to see...off we went...and time passed and it was night...she said...we have to find a hostel to sleep in....the hostel owner was a bit abusive so I said...I do not sleep here...and I went out...she followed me and now suddenly I had my sons backpack...she took me to a scary forest...soon we come to a lood and she jumped but fell into the flood and with my sons backpack on her...she went under the water and now it was deep...I could se very scary animals ...soon she come out of the water but still in the flood...I felt very clearly she wanted to delay me for some reason...now she had fanzy clothings on her...I now remembered the women telling me what will happen....now I left her...I felt her grip on my ponytale trying to dragg me back...but I walked on....I did not know where I was...I asked a women in a kiosk and she showded the map to me...and I was so far off where I supposed to be....now my son come and had a boy in his own age with him....the boy had a phone and I asked if i could lone it for a minut...but I was not able to google so he helped me...my own phone was totally smasched...but here I awoke myself it was too much.....

11th August 2024, 06:42 AM
In last night dream I met my cousin who went over to the other side for 2 yrs ago...the most strange was that I did not react over her form...a trach can...white top and blue body so to say...and where you put the trach it was where I looked in and I was so happy to see it was my cousin...whom I miss very dearly...

19th August 2024, 09:30 AM
In last night dream my mother was visiting me (she is on the other side)..door bell rang and I opened the door...My aunt (87 yrs) come on visit and carrying a parsal in her hands...she and mother who also hade a similar parsal in her hands...they went into another room to give the gifts to each others...mother come and she had a rather big leftovers of a cake...my son took the cake in his hands...and he gave it to me...I tried to be kind when saying...take a plate so I can put the cake on it...he came with a dirty plate...I said ...no a clean plate...I was so imbarresed so I awake me from this dream...

In this episode a man was having a class about different trees...he had branches of the trees to tell more about...he stayed at my place and he asked if he can use my washingmachine....it was very complicated so I do not even know how to decribe it more further of the dream..

20th August 2024, 09:03 AM
In last night dream I was in a town walking when I saw Gert Fylking (swedish controversial celebrity)..He shined up when he saw me...I was surprised he recognised me and I was thinking how and from where....he asked me about a man and a women (do not remember there names) ..I said...they are living in the house...(in the dream I knew and was familiar with both the persons and the house)...Gert was happy to get this information ...

23rd August 2024, 08:41 AM
In last night dream I was looking in a mirror to see what was wrong with my left eye...I bend the eyelid backwards and I see some kind of blobb..I touched it with my nail it felt hard....

24th August 2024, 09:12 AM
In last night dream I was in an accident...I woke up in bottom of a ravine...I got help to crawl up from the ravine and taken to hopital...They put plaster on my both legs...the doctor said I should go back to the accident place...I said in horror..no that is impossible...it was in so deep ravine it is impossible to go back there...okay said the doctor...we will take an sample from your ear...there is a place where the spine fluied is flowing by...I asked if it hurts...yes the nurse said ...it will...

25th August 2024, 10:03 AM
Last night dream was fun...I was out having fun and was just going home...when a man run towards me and asked...where are you going...I said home....No no he said...and now I recoknized him..I have bean having fun with this man...really fun time with him...It was so nice feeling to be reminded of that...but suddenly I said...I am married...oh he said...the marrigde has made you gain weight....ha ha...
In this episode I was somewhere with out phone and money...some boys passed by and I asked if they can call a cab for me...they did...it was very complicated place where the site was not so good...so I went up so I could see down to where the taxi will come...soon I spotted the taxi and it was a women driving...she shouted to me to hurry...I run down and now she said...grab the buns for me...a women from a kiosk gave me 2 huge buns...the taxi was very odd.....had to sit up on the roof and I said...it feels slippery will I manage to sit without falling down....here I awoke..

29th August 2024, 06:43 AM
In last night dream I chared an apple with The Crownprinsess Victoria of Sweden??In this dream I chared a bath with a women I do not remember the dialog we had....Here in this dream I was in a pasture with cows...they went bonkers and run throw the fences...

2nd September 2024, 07:17 AM
In last night I was with my parents...I cleaned and I was angry...father tried to calm me down (as he did towards mother)..mother was all the time near me..like glued to my side...I went on with rant towards mother...father again said something ...why are you so angry....I said ...because mother did harm me and gave me so much pain...now mother liened more so I could feel her love towards me...here I awoke...I felt real katharsis...my parents both are on the other side...In this dream I was back to my childhood house (in real life the house is not there)...I was standing in front of the house and I see my aunt and uncle coming...my aunt said...I was imagening you have dark hair...and you are totally grey/white...I laughed ...yes time passes....

3rd September 2024, 06:17 AM
In last night dream I was searching for an insurance office...I aske for direction and young boy said he take me there...he walked very fast and I had hard time to follow him...he took me to a climbing adventure...very hard for me to follow him but I did my best and soon he was gone and I went on to searce for the office...soon a women said she help me....she took me to a mall like place with many shops...I saw a sighn ...EEGLE..and I knew it was a railway station...so I went outside again and asked for help...a women said she take me there...but she took me to a place where there was already 4 people sitting around a table...we sat down...I did see smiles they hide ...like a smirk and I felt offended and rose up to go...they went in a little panic but they let me go...I did not find my coat..so I went back to the room and asked where they put my coat...the women come to show me...but she started to talk...and here I lost my consiousness and woke up...

5th September 2024, 05:08 AM
In last night dream I was looking at my belly...I saw something moving under the skin...I started to push and out come a worm like creature?..I get out few of them worms...5 cm long...I was by the lake and the worms dropped into the lake water...the water was so clear so I could see to the bottom of the lake...I saw several other worms there...I had someone with me and he/she asked ...do you think these worms will harm the creatures what lives in the water...No I said...I think the other creatures will eat them...

6th September 2024, 09:40 AM
Last night dream was very playful...we where playing throw balls and you have to duck and if the ball hits you..you are out....and then we play catch...running and some chasing you and when the chaser gets you...you are out...I notised when I ran that I was very heavy and slow...the chaser said...I am happy you are so much better now...?

11th September 2024, 07:06 AM
In last night dream I had so many animals...first a big bison ox chased me...I run into a shed..he was so angry so he went rampage on other things...then I was riding an elk and we met a cow...I said to the cow..go home...she went bonkers and demolised a pasture with fenches...I was so exhausted so I sat down...now the bison have changed to a big man...he appologized for have fightening me so much...

In ths episode I was into town and looking for clothings in shops...when I decided to go home I had walked a bit when I noticed that my handbag was left in one shop...I went back but of course it was not there...someone have taken it...I was devestated...I met a women whom I knew from somewhere...she was also so happy to see me..we hold hands and she said she will pay for my tiket...I said I must call my bank to close my debitcard...I was so happy to remember that I had nearly nothing left on the card but I was soon expecting money to come...so those who took my handbag will not gain nothing...here I awoke..

12th September 2024, 08:39 AM
In last night dream my parents had moved to a new appartament (both are on the other side)..I come to a high building I knew they live there but I did not know what flor..I asked but did no one wanted to tell me...I find an elevator but it did not funktion...so I took the staires....flor by flor I asked no answeres so I had to check every door to see if I find there names..but when I had reached rather high up one lady said...she is under surveillanse...I went into a room and there I see my mother...looked like she had a stroke...she did look at side like se saw someone there and said...you do not have to come here...and here I awoke..

15th September 2024, 07:18 AM
In last night dream I got a name to read...I can not pronaunce it...?intl-g-nt...
In this episode my childhood friend T come briefly by me..she said..we are going out for breakfast...I asked...To the hotel? (she is on the otherside)

17th September 2024, 08:57 AM
In last night dream I was flying past a school class cuening to enter a bus.
I saw my childhood friend having pakets of flower...she saw me and said very gladly...com and see the play I am acting in a haloween play and I am a witch...

18th September 2024, 11:45 AM
In last night dream I was driving an old car..it funtioned very well...I had a man in my car with me...he said...drive faster...faster..it was winter and slipery..car started to spinn...it went several laps around...and suddenly stopped...I could not re-start it...so I opened the huv...and I felt that it do not get petrol...I did something with my hand...and it started...

23rd September 2024, 07:54 AM
In last night dream I was dreaming in a dream that I looked into a mirror
and my face was with brown spots...I skraped with my nail and it was like dryed clea?..I was like several layers ...it went from one layer into next??

24th September 2024, 07:14 AM
In last night dream I was with someone walking in a forest..it was early autum...lefes from trees has fallen down...but it was warm weather...I had only a short sleved shirt on me...we come to a part of the forest where it was a stream...but now frosen??..I was surprised and I crawled over the ice...to the other side??