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25th October 2021, 08:19 AM
In last night dream I was on a big boat like a cruiser...I saw a young girl on the floor ....drunk...I asked if she needed help...she was only smiling...then she said...no I am good....there was a strange table where you could teleport your buyings direct home...I was very fasinated over this table...??

27th October 2021, 04:06 PM
In last night dream I cuddled with a cat...it was so lovely...after awhile I pulled me backwards...the cat took with it´s teaths on my blause and pulled me near itself to cuddle more...so lovely ...

29th October 2021, 07:08 AM
In last night dream I told my grandfather from mothers side...it is the first time he have come into my dreams...he did never show emotions when he lived...he died 1973...I tried on time to hug him and he was so stiff and liened backwards to really show how he did not like nearness....but in the dream he took my hand and wanted to connect with me...I was so upset and told him that you do not even look into my eyes...and you awoid nearness...so he did look into my eyes and it was here he took my hand...to show he has changed....it was very surprising dream to say the least...

31st October 2021, 10:09 AM
Last night dream was totally sick in my oppinion....Background: When I was 15 yrs old I met my first boyfriend he was 18 yrs old...bf mother did not like me..she said I was too
young and she did separete us by them moving back to Finland...and my bf had to do his millitary in Finland and he never come back to Sweden...so the dream was like this..
I was back to my bf and his mother did abuse me by kissing me and touching my breasts and privat parts...I was in totall chock and just froze...and I wake up in panic??

2nd November 2021, 07:04 AM
Last night dream I found a vallet on the street...I openend it but no driving licens but one card to a feet care taker so I phonet her...I knew he driva a beige volvo combi...she at once knew who he is...she told me that he is very ill....I phoned him and he gave me his adress he was very irritated...I arrived to his adress and I had found in the vallet a name...Kaino Vaino....he opened the door and he was irritated...he had his grand daughter with him....she was drawing...I joked and looked at her...oh the boss is grumpy...she laughed and I looked at the man and he turned his face away but I could see he smiled....when I left them I did not find my way back...I talked to a tourist from Germany a women somehow she knew to help me and here I woke up....

6th November 2021, 07:42 AM
In last night dream I was a spectator...white fluffy cat did get some treatment ...they had some gadjet with some gas in..and they put it to the nose of the cat..
after a short time the cat was puking out thick mucus....

11th November 2021, 10:14 AM
In last night dream I was in my mothers appartament...I went from kitchen and looked into the livingroom and there on the couch was my sisters husbands sister who passed away some yrs ago...I was so happy to see her...we decided before her death that she will come and visit us if it is possible...and here she was sitting on the couch...I went to tell everybody but when they come she has left already...but I was happy to have seen her...thank you little R.

18th February 2022, 07:10 AM
I had this dream I was in an elevator and I was holding yarn and suddenly the seling of the elevator started to go upwards and the yarn had did also go upwards and I holding the yarn and going upwards as the seling did...soon it stopped and there was a crack so I could see outside ...I did see some nativ people...and it seamed that they where kanibals...I woke up in fear...

I was on a balcony in a very high building on the top floore...I looked down and I felt dizzy and was near to faint....I see a little boy bicycling on his bicycle coming from the indoors out to the balcony...and somehow he flew over the balcony reling but did grab the reling with his hands and having his legs outside the balcony in the air...I paniked and started to shout...Irja...Irja...and grabbed the boys trousers and pulled him back in...woke up ...

In this dream I met a women who told me that she know about how I am injured in this life...and I felt releved that someone knows about it....she said...deep injuries both physical and mental...

In this dream I felt someone holding me..I felt someons arm and I opened my eyes in the dream....I asked who she is...she was communicating with me by sighn language,,,she sighned that I am very old...I asked my age in this life...no she sighned ..your soul...


In this dream everyone must wrestle...I was doing disches..and was thinking that it will be very hard for me to wrestle...when thinking this I hear someone saying...NO you can not wrestle because of my injuries....and I asked so you know about my xrays...yes the voice said..I felt reveled.....

In this dream I was wakened up by energy hands holding my head...felt that this energy was afraid that I will ot wake up from my dream so it did wake me this way...like the hands re-charged me??

In this dream an orca said to me...feel my tongue how roughe it feels...to me it looked very smooth..I was hesitant to come nearer the orca...but my curiosity took over and I stroke whit my hand the tongue...now the orca shifted to be a cow...I started to laugh and I put my head towards the cows face...I am very familar with cows...so I felt secure....

28th February 2022, 09:50 AM
In last night dream I went inside a house...to my surprise they had left behind a baby girl...She was lying in a cot with a moscito net over the bed....I lifted the net and picket her up...I asked if she was hungry...and she said...yes...I started to look if there was some food I could give her...did not find anything suitable so I took her with me...

In this episode I was in a strange place...I was driving a car..I had a women with me...I told her that we must get some petrol for the car...we found a fuel tank very near a canyon so it was tricky to drive not to fall over into the canyon...I could not see what the price was only that I put full tank and it was 40 liter.....It was so strange feeling in the dream so I had to wake me up from the dream....

6th March 2022, 07:46 AM
Yesterday night I had this dream...I was above a sea..looking down and seeing 2 black sharks swimming in the sea...next I was in the sea and in theires inviroment...feeling huge fear...and remembering where I felt secure and I shifted back to be above the sea...it is first time I felt the shift and going back where I felt secure...instead of awakening me from the dream ...it feels huge for me this development....

9th March 2022, 07:07 AM
In last night dream my accordion did break in two peaces???

13th March 2022, 09:16 AM
In last night dream I am a bit puzzled...I do not know what is was about...I only remember the last part when I was going to leave the dream...I noticed that I was inside a ring...and someone was like blocking my way out of it...I first got surprised and was thinking who is blocking me...but then I noticed the sword and now a glims of a thought come up...that maybe I was not blocked put protected??...so this I am ponderig on now...was I blocked or protected??

19th March 2022, 09:21 AM
In last night dream I was promoted...I got this higher office...I tried to ask what that office is about...what kind of duties it contains...but it was all that I will see in time....

30th March 2022, 06:41 AM
In last night dream I was on an auction selling men?s wrist-watches??

suddenly I remembered this episod from my dream last night...I opened one indoor door...the window flew wide open...the room was filled with smoke...not from a fire but maybe someone smoking some drugs??

11th April 2022, 08:04 AM
In last night dream I was walking with a women and we where looking for a place to eat...we met a couple who told us to look at there car...we where up on a town and when looking down where the road was sevral floors down..it was very odd looking place...and there car was half out in the air abowe the road...it was an enigma how the car was in this position..almost impossible but there it was...the couple was waiting for help to come...we walked on the women and I...and I felt that she wants a drink...she had called someone and I heard...it was not yet time...she was like impatient...so I thought I will surprise her and went to get her a drink...but when I looked at where she was she had already get a drink...so I walked back...and somehow I was relieved....it was several peculior happenings...like an black man who had a huge afro hair...I was totally blown away how it could be so big...huge...and so on....

14th April 2022, 06:17 AM
Last night dream was a bit strange...In the dream was one man and a women and I...It was understood that the man and the women was a couple...and they where about to get ingaged to be married...I was happy for them...and I asked if I can see the ring...but she did not have one...she said..I do not want a ring..I know we are ingaged to be married...oh I said...you could have taken the ring and givit to me...and I felt that deep down I was interested in the man but I couldn?t expose that...but the man did react to what I said...I felt imbarresed and awoke myself from the dream...

18th April 2022, 09:14 AM
In last night dream I was running to a bus stop..I am nearly there when the bus drives away and did not stop even I wawed my hand for stop...I stand on the bus stop when a man comes bicyceling and hallores to me...hop on..it is strange looking bicysle with a very long lugage carrier...so I hop on the carrier and of we go...he stops and tells me to wait on that spot..he will come and be driving the bus what I was supposed to be on....and here I awoke...

26th April 2022, 12:15 PM
In last night dream I was invited to a wedding...I contacted my grandmother (she is on the other side) I told her that she also is invited to the wedding and I will come and pick her up.

In this episode I was visiting my onkel he was not at home...and when I come outside the house I see him coming home and he was drunk...when he spotted me he tried to hide..so I did meet up him but he said he has not time today...I asked if he want some food...I have some stake...he asked now...no I have to go and get it from my home...he accepted.

1st May 2022, 07:22 AM
In last night dream was several seequences with snakes...in one episode the snake had made a knot of it self around my ankle...the left ankel...??..so it was several sizes and colores of the snakes...

3rd May 2022, 12:35 PM
In last night dream I got a call from a women...she asked me...where are you at?...I said...I am not at home...I am in Huddinge....she asked me...what shall I do...I said...I do not know...if you wish you can come at my lokation...and I told her where I was...I was in a forest with a high mountain...she who was with me...I was pushing her up hills...she was sitting and I was pushing her up the mountain wall??

7th May 2022, 11:06 AM
In last night dream I got a confirmation and appreaciation to me as a person...it went like this...In the dream I was with Kevin Costner...we where naked and very relaxed ..he knew I have bougt new outfits...so he wanted me to put them on me and show me what I have bought...he was really consentrated and giving me his whole attention...we have good laughs and I have never bean treated with such a respect and appreaciation of me as a person...Thank you...it boosted my selfconfidence a lot :)

8th May 2022, 09:13 AM
In last night dream I saw 2 horses got loose...they where sadled so wondering if the rider have bean cast off...the horses come to me and suddenly there was a person who took the first horse and sat up the sadle..I said...I do not dare to ride...so the second horse morfed to an odd looking animal...with soft fur and very frendly face with long neck and in the body like a lama but with long tale...it was light golden brown...very tame...and talked...I do not remember our conversation but he wanted me to feel secure...it handled me the leach...

In this episode I was moving...again :) and this fiendly animal was helping me ...??

14th May 2022, 05:06 AM
In last night dream I was working on a hospital...when I was walking to the hospital a young girl spoke to me and she said she is so happy to also work on the hospital..and she said...I want to learn to do what you do...and I saw a picture where I do something special I can?t even dress in words....

16th May 2022, 04:44 AM
In last night dream I was buying leather things...jackets....purses etc...so beutiful things...

19th May 2022, 05:44 AM
In last night dream there was a new born baby...the second day it stood up on s(he?s) feets....I took the baby in my arms and gave it to a women...and the baby spoke...I do not want this blanket it smells cigarett smoke....

In this episode I was looking down to the cellar in a housse ...I saw so beautiful paintings on canvas not framed...so I went down to see...the cellar was under renovation...huge...and I could see how wonderful it will be when it is done...

20th May 2022, 07:20 AM
In last night dream I was visiting a family who where really weathy...they offered me to wear this branded clothings...but I said..No I want to wear my own clothings...and I went out and my way to the bus stop I met a women who said..you can come with me to the center...??

29th May 2022, 07:37 AM
In last night dream I had a visitation..this man had visited me for several years ago...then he asked me if he can be my boyfriend...I said NO...but now he was back...he wanted me to follow with him..I really love this guy...but I feel that if I go with him I can not come back..it is so far away...he called me but it was so hard to hear what he had to say...so I just said...I wish you a nice evening....

5th June 2022, 08:33 AM
In last nights dream was strange..I do not know if I can express it...I was in a mountain town...a croud of people show me eroded lid and they wanted me to listen to a recording...I couldn?t concentrate so I can not say what was recorded on the strange lid...I asked help to get to the central station...no one wanted to help me...if they said anything it was to point me into a wrong direction...so I went on my own to try to find my way to the central station...I felt something in my pocket and I pulled it out...I noticed me to have black leather glows on me...and what I pulled out of my pocket it was strange coins with strange symbols on them...no marks of the value of the coins only symbols like head of some kings or likely? I noticed also that
my hand was big like a mans hand??

7th June 2022, 09:36 AM
In last night dream I was only a spectator...it had to do with wolfs...people hunting them...doing painful experiments on them...etc...it was very painful to watch and know that I can not interven only to watch??

1st July 2022, 11:54 AM
I have hade these same themed dreams for a while now...I first thought if I ignore them maybe it stops...but it goes on and on....so I decided to put it out here and see if it will make difference...the dream of last night was like this...I am in a group of people...we are very high up on a mountain...and the only way to go further is to jump down to a lower mountain...the group of people place me always in the front line...I am first so to say to jump..I am very afraid of hights...so they come nearer and nearer me so in the end I have to jump or to be pushed out...this night the inviroment was with snow...on the lower mountain..to make me feel it will be soft to land on the snow...but what I notice is that the platoe is so small that it will be very hard to estimate my jump to fit into the mountain plaine spot so to say....and I have to awake me from the dream because I do not have confidence to make the jump and succeed landing right....It feels like they try to make me as bold as I was when I was younger...so in a way I have lost my courage...

9th July 2022, 04:29 PM
In last night dream I had beautiful white pearled ear-rings...the pearls was so big and beautiful...

22nd July 2022, 06:56 AM
I want to put this here...during my meditation I saw my mother (she is on the other side) she was like behind a window glass...she spotted me and she was vigoreusly waving at me...and I said in my mind ...yes mother I see you...this made me so happy...and that we where able to sort out the missing feelings between us before she went.

23rd July 2022, 09:57 AM
In last night dream I freed an Elk was trapped inside it looked like an garage...

24th July 2022, 07:57 AM
In last night dream I was working in a hospital...I went into a room there was a man with so filthy hands...so I wanted to help him wash them...but he was afraid of touch...so I started to build up a trust between us...and soon I was able to wash his hands...he had peet all his bed so I asked him to come up from the bed...to my surprice he had his left leg amputated ..he was very tall man...he standed a while on his right leg but started to lean backwards...I helped him back to the bed and went out to get help to change in his beddings...here I awoke...I was slightly in chock about his amputated left leg....

30th July 2022, 05:53 AM
In last night dream was an Asien man with some significant markings on his right leg...In the dream I knew the meaning of it...but it is lost now when I awake from the dream :(

3rd August 2022, 06:45 AM
In last night dream it was like somekind of oracle card reading....in the middle was as the man who was the reader...said...no father can function without a mother...a mother can not function without a father...and he said...of course you got these cards??

In this episode I got a gourgeous ring made of white pearls....and it was put to my left hand ring finger....

6th August 2022, 06:22 AM
In last night dream was a bit embarresing or I felt shy...there was this women strong and self aware...she was sitting so you could see her privat parts...she felt total in control and nothing to hide.

10th August 2022, 06:46 AM
In last night dream I was wearing very bright yellow shoes with crystals...very beautiful....

21st August 2022, 07:15 AM
In last night dream a man asked me to marry him??

In this seequence a fox was comming my way but when we got eye contact he turned around and run ...

27th August 2022, 06:59 AM
In last night dream I was invited to a couple to celebrate...I went out and there was a car..I opened the door and went into the car...I found a envelope..I opened it and there was a photo of a women and a man and a letter...the women come out to look for me where I went...she told me that the man want to play a casett with music...when the music started I felt that the women in the picture (old picture black and white) was me and the man in another life...and the music on the casett was our music from other life...the women who was this mans wife in this life had no clue...and I am not sure the man knew either...it was very special feeling in me and I got flaches from the other life....strange feeling....

7th September 2022, 05:22 AM
In last night dream I was looking at the sky...it looked like northen lights..rusching with high speed towards me..I thought it will knock me out...but it was gently and soft what wawed over me...??And a loud voice said...PETRI..??

8th September 2022, 03:29 AM
In last night dream I washed a giraff..I had soap water in a yellow bucket....There was someone els too...I was very concerned first how to do it...so I noticed there was someone els who showed how to do it...to put my hand up so the giraff come down with its head to start with...and then the giraff layed it down...now it become easy :)

9th September 2022, 03:45 PM
In last night dream I was face timing with a huge man...I did know him in the dream (never seen him in IRL) we where both happy to talk to each others...he asked me how I am...when I started to talk my voice was like when you have a cold...and I felt my chest hurt and I told him this...I do not remember more about this dream....

11th September 2022, 04:31 AM
In last night dream I was in a house with glass doors out to the garden...a dog come and showed him self to me...he showed his belly and it was full of bleeding scars...he was pleading for help...(I am afraid of dogs) but the suffering made me go out and bring the dog indoors and take care of his wounds....

14th September 2022, 04:43 AM
In last night dream I had my cousin P who reasently passed over..she had bought new boots in green leather and she had hard to close the zip..she hold with her right hand her chest..(we have not yet get her obduction report but we think it was heart attack.

19th September 2022, 04:56 AM
In last night dream Anders Bagge told me that he find me funny to be with but he can not ...I asked if it is because I am from Finland but he did not answere me...??

23rd September 2022, 06:31 AM
In last night dream there was a very little baby girl...I took care of her...one day she cryed and told me that her mother have taken her wallet...I consoled her and said...I will look into that..it will be okay..

25th September 2022, 06:01 AM
In last night dream I hear a commotion indoors..I go out to look and I see on the porch a bull calf..who have being rumbling round in the livingroom and now have make his way out to the porch but the door is closed so I from the window open up the door out and the calf goes out...no when looking around the livingroom I see that a puzzle is destroyed and candys has bean trampled down...now my father comes in and to my surprise he has bought a huge basket full of candys...I asked him if he has bean on some travel...yes he said I did buy this on the boat and he shows me the box and the basket full of sweets....

29th September 2022, 06:30 AM
In last night dream I have just got my dream appartament when suddenly I was threathed again and I have to run away...but before I run away my father said...take your car and now I realised that it is a good idea I can sleep in the car and I will get much far away if I had run...or walked.

In this episode I realised that my boyfriend was cheating on me...he tried to convince me to be wrong...but I had seen his new girlfriend.

30th September 2022, 07:21 AM
In last night dream I was in a barn from hell....there was a head of an animal in a leach and swawing in the air...only a head??..the suffering was horrible...I found a door out and outside was sunshine and beautiful...back in barn it was a real hell...out again and beautiful sunshine...I have not slept well last night at all...my body is in a fear state still...

1st October 2022, 07:18 AM
In last night dream I was visited by 3 male scientists...they where so happy to see me?? They really showed theire appreaciation...

2nd October 2022, 06:27 AM
In last night dream there was a lady with a tiny tiny baby...like 5 cm...she was pinching the baby who cryed and cryed...so I went to look what is happening...I saw her pinch the baby...so I said...I can hold the baby..but she did not give the baby to me...and infront of me she pinched the baby...I could not believe my eyes...I told her to stop...and she become very defensive and started to attack me...and she told me not to interfere....the attack become so fiers so I told her to leave and not to come back...I woke up total horrifyed...and thinking...what could I do...what should I have done....could I just take the baby from the mother???

4th October 2022, 06:57 AM
In last night dream I was workig with scientiest we where taking samples from the nature...one co-worker we knew will come late so we saved a beehive for him to take samples from..
we found a dead mouse with living babies still in the woomb..I reacted very strongly if we can save them...but that was cuestionable because they where not developed enough...I woke me up from the dream it felt too dificult for me to handle....

6th October 2022, 09:24 AM
In last night dream I was headhunted for a new job...I was surprised when I arrived to the new working place that there was a young girl who had this job and now had to step down because I have got it...it did not feel good for me and I was thinking if I want to have this job at all...

7th October 2022, 08:21 AM
In last night dream I was invited by my doctor (I have a female dr) to go with her and her husband to look for a house they a planning to buy...it was a former church Pentecostal movment..at once we entered the house or mansion...all my body hair stood up...it was so strong energies present....when we entered a big room I felt at once...if you buy this house here you can have yoga and I promise I will take a course....in one room there still was one man living and he handled me a plate...I asked if he will move out when the house is sold...yes he said....

8th October 2022, 04:48 AM
In last night dream I had a visitation...it started with me being sleeping in my bed...I wake up when I feel so strong energy that I am gasping for air..breath taking strong energy...when I am stable in me...he show himself for me...very good looking man...looking very exotic with brown skin and some tatues litle bit looking like a maorier....I ask him from whrere is he from...he is nearly to tell me but stops himself from telling for some reason...he is naked...I ask him if he wants a robe..he looks funny at me like he does not know he is naked...I ask if he want to have some breakfast with me...no he says he have work to do....he gives me a kiss on my lips but it does not feel like the same if a physical person givs a kiss or a peck....he somehow want to give me more self confidence...I in one moment said...I am so old...and he did really give me feeling that there is no such a thing as old...and I know energy wise I feel young...so it was a nice visitation....thank you.

12th October 2022, 07:29 AM
In last night dream I suddenly noticed that I was very near the central station...I was stopped by a man who said that I need a permission to enter the central station...he will help me..so I sat down on a bench to wait...suddenly I hear a radio announcment and I see the radio host and she is saying to me to apply the radio host posission...(I see her in a vision in the dream her and she is talking to me) ..I am perplexed...and I shook my head...now a young man approaches me and he tells me to apply and accept...he want this job...and he gets it if I will accept it....
Now I am in the dream in real liffe telling about this happening on the central station to a friend...we are now in a restaurant...and a man approaches me and tells me not to leave the restaurant he wnat to talk to me....and I get the feeling that it is about the radio host job....I have to awake me from the dream it is too much for me...A dream in a dream ...

13th October 2022, 09:46 AM
In last night dream I faced a huge huge snake...man eating snake it was that big...I run and tried hide me and people closing there doors and windows so I had to climb up on a fire ladder...and here I awoke me from the dream..

In this episode I was with a horse...I have bean riding this horse many times but I now noticed it was very small horse..and I could not believe my eyes that I have bean riding this small horse...??

16th October 2022, 05:38 AM
In last night dream I was in somekind ofgathering..the strange thing was that I had bought an apron ..it was blue andred...suddenly I see a women wearing it and it was sown on her ..and it was the wrong way round..I try to tell her that it is mine and I have a reccipt...she runs away..

19th October 2022, 04:28 AM
In last night dream I took care of a baby....and I saw a new plowed field...

In last night dream I took care of a baby ...and I saw a new plowed field..


In last night dream I took care of a baby ...and I saw a new plowed field..

22nd October 2022, 06:25 AM
In last night dream I have healed my bf who had cancer (in reality he died) but in the dream he recoverd and I got a message as a rebus as a tatoo..left hand inbetween thumb and pointingfinger...it had a lizard and letter J and something more....my bf asked what does it mean..I said...I do not yet know...I have to solve it...then he said...he have bean summoned to talk about to open a new firm ...as a watchman

23rd October 2022, 07:45 AM
In last night dream I have met a man who had a boy around 10 yrs old...he was hunter so I asked him what does he hunt (just to keep the conversation going) ..he looks at me like he thinks I am a fool...and he says...animals...and then he says...you talk too much...I said...if I go quiet you do not get me talking again...

25th October 2022, 03:41 AM
In last night dream my car was stolen...I visited a store and when I come back my car was stolen...I put my hand into my jacket pocket and my cell phone was replased with an old one...thoose big ones...a man who was like a watchman over the parking place told me that a criminal women have taken my car...and he helped me to dial the police number...after a long time a man answered my call and took notes but dissapeared ...whilst I was walking home and tried to find my way I asked a younger man for help...he dialed the police number but when I gave me the phone it was like a manga game ...so I asked him what the number to police is...he said...11920...I try to dial the number but do not succeed...here I awoke myself from the dream...

27th October 2022, 06:24 AM
In last night dream I was sleeping...my cat awoke me and cuddled with me...she lay down for a minut besides my pillow...after a short while she tried to get me up...I told her that I am too tired and need more sleep...she went away but I got a strange feeling and thought ...how is she that long...but after a while when I get up I see my cat mating with a he cat...I just look with eyes with open...from where did he come....I go to kitchen and both cats also come...I gave them food...and after he have eaten...poof he was gone...I pet my cat and told her that we can not have kittens...

In this episode I was out walking and met my neighbour...we talked little and departed...soon I got to know that she has filed a report about me...and 2 women come to talk to me...and saying that I have to take back the report...I was stunned....it is not me who have filed the report it is her...I have only talked regularly with her and did not notice anything being wrong at that time...and from no where she reports me....for what??..I again met her out and now she put a mask on her face and not saying anything...wierd....

28th October 2022, 07:50 AM
In last night dram I was looking in the sink with disches...water was running down on the disches when I noticed several reels of cotton...I started to pick them up and noticed a strange looking device...with sharp blades in several directions...I tried to pick it up but did cut my fingers in both hands...so I had to give up and take care of my woonds....

29th October 2022, 05:32 AM
In last night dream I was a spectator...I see 1 women and 2 men...the other mans wife is not visible she is in a clothes closet I can see furs and expencive clothings....one of the men are planning to murder her...and the other women keeps an eye on the men that they do not do anything stupid...

1st November 2022, 05:44 AM
In last night dream I was on a school of easthetician...I was outside of the school when a women with a car fully loaded with wood statues bringing her son to the school...I show them the way and helped to unloade the car to the school and welcomed the son who was a new pupil...

2nd November 2022, 08:58 AM
In last night dream I was sleeping and one man approached me and I got so scared so I awoke and could see the man fading away...it was in the dream...I have never before seen the dream world and waken world at the same time...it was like at the same time dream and awake...

3rd November 2022, 08:06 AM
In last night dream I only remember one seequenze...I am taking to the right staires but before I enter I hear someone shouting to me...waite...and I see a man running from a buss uphill and he is waiwing with something in his hand...he asks me if I can take this transparant envelope (I see some coins and a letter) he knows where I am going...uppwards...and he wants me to take the message with me....and he handles me the envelope....

4th November 2022, 08:59 AM
In last night dream I was invited into a cult or a church...on the walls was some kind of markings what I had never seen before...like hiroglypths...the young women who was sitting becides me started to sing like messing...one older women stopped her..and I got the feeling they do not want me to know...I assured the young women that she can go on...but she did not dare...and soon I see people smoke all around me...astrays everywhere...and this did really surprise me...and here I awoke myself...

5th November 2022, 07:51 AM
In last night dream I was on an Island and a huge snake come swimming towards the Island...I went into panic...skall I swim to the shore or shall I hide on the Island for the snake...I had several senarios in my mind but did not find any holding solution so I awake myself from the dream....

11th November 2022, 07:22 AM
In last night dream was strange and I am not sure I can express it thorogly...I was with a young man with bare chest and a staff and a very old women..she was very thin and small with grey long hair...it was about our ansestors...somekind of manifestation...we where to a lake with a bridge...the man asked me did you catch it...no I said...so he come and he hugged me and wow what a strong energy...thank you ...now I catch it....soon the old lady come and she hugged me and said...your seed is like a pale ghost...she opened her mouth and pushed her mouth towards mine and said...take it...I was a bit hesitant...but I trusted her...she said..take the bonbon ...and it was big and oval like a crystal like bonbon she helld it between her teaths...I took it...she said...did you feel the Lord...I was not sure what she ment...so I did not say anything...she said something about a like a octopussy refered to somekind of force...I did not understand....I just was into the moment....I hope I will remember more in time....

15th November 2022, 06:25 PM
I have bean thinking back and forth if I shall log this dream...so okay here it goes..I do not undrestand it though...

I was in somekind of casle I had to collekt some documents ..I knew they where in a brown leather shoulder bag...I go from room to room and in one room I see it on the floor...I enter carefully....I take the bag and I hear a voice saying to me...help...take the daggers out of me...he had 3 daggers in him so I carefully removed them...then he say...GO now...I am hesitant to leave him ...but he is firm to say...go...I am in a room with coats...so I take and lay the coat on my cholder to seal the bag...when I come out of the casle...a man is threatening me...but suddenly a man blocks the man and smiles to me...like go....and here I wake up....

17th November 2022, 08:00 AM
In last night dream I had a conversation about my painting...I was asked if I paint still...I said ...I have not done it for years but I have lately bean thinking to bring up my painting materials from my cellar storage...so maby I do...

18th November 2022, 12:29 PM
In last night dream I was outside of my house...I see a big bear a bit further down near the hill not so far from me...I was petrifyed and went indoors...checking all my windows and doors to be clouse.....

19th November 2022, 08:17 AM
In last night dream I was asked to come to a laborotory to participate in some tests...I came to the building where the laboratories was...I took an elevator with few others and I asked where is the test laboratory...I got help into a place and was told some will come and get me...I was in a waiting room ...I could see into a place with people ...it was a glas door...long time have elapsed and I looked at the floor ..I see several blue pills...I bend down to touch it...and it was an halusination...I started to laugh...I looked on the wall and first I thought it was some standing there it was also an halusination...when I knew this it stopped....soon I knocked on the glas door and pointed to open the door so I can leave...and they opened the door...when I was out I was thinking...if I was tested in this way without them telling me I was tested....I think so...

20th November 2022, 09:27 AM
I last night dream I was asked to water some plants...I took the watering pot and poored some water over the plant...and all water went to the ground??..I put my finger to feel the soile...it was no soile...it felt like some kind of fungus??.. I tried to push down the fungus and then poored the water and it did function....the fungus was too dry to swollow the water....

28th November 2022, 06:39 AM
In last night dream I was like a look out on a horse farm...I sat high up and I had a good view of the whole farm...Down on the farm a women was working with the horses...I see a grey/white horse have done a outbreak and was running from the farm...I shout one is out...and the women dropped all what she was doing and started to run after the horse...I shout to the horse....come back home...the horse stopped and turned around and was now running back to the farm...I shout to the women...she is comming back...and the women stopped running and was now waiting

29th November 2022, 08:23 AM
In last night dream I did see something what I do not know how to express it....it was pitch black and a light speck was so bright and I did know it was me?? Is there any explanation to this??

1st December 2022, 07:04 AM
In last night drem my cousin O asked me if I have bean selling meet...I asked ..who told you that...He said...a shaman told me that...oh...then the shaman had to be in my dream because I did sell meet in my dream because I do not eat red meet....

4th December 2022, 06:31 AM
In last night dreams I finally think I am starting to understand my inner fears...The dream was like this...there was a pitbull and in the first dream I was afraid as usual...but then something changed and when the pitbull neared me I did feel it?s inner intention what was nothing but good...and the pitbull come and cuddled with me and gave me the opportunity to handle my fear...to control my inner fear...and to breath into my guts...it is not yet totally passed but I had an oppotunity to feel how it should be...

In this episode I was talking to a very old colored women...she had made some sort of chart...of future happenings...she did not tell me what will happen but she had write down dates and names....

In this episode was a old colored man and he predicted future catastrops..this made me so angry and I said with firm voice...better call the dogs back in...that we all can die together...(what is new for me in this dream is that I could feel anger...I have before acted or spoken angry but I have not felt my anger in the dreams...so something is sure happening in my inner to change in the depts.)

5th December 2022, 10:52 AM
In last night dream the colored man from previous dream was looking for me...he passed by my window...I felt intimitated...and I pulled down the roller blind...I could see him pacing back and forth....and looking at my window...

8th December 2022, 05:42 AM
In last night dream I had created a cushin and one detail was a crescent moon as a women who have jumped up with hands up and bending backwards in a pose of viktory....but on the backside there was a tear....one man who have bean in my energy space for very long time...I have always seen him together with some man company...he has never bean alone...and therefore we have never bean able to establish any near relationship...he wanted to fix the tear in the cushin...

10th December 2022, 06:41 AM
In last night dream I noticed that the mailbox in my appartament was someone opening ..so I pushed it down to mark that I do not want them to do that...but this did repeat several times...so I started to hold it down so they could not open it from outside....soon a hand did come throught and try to grab my hand....here I awoke myself from the dream...I was in total schock and in fear....

11th December 2022, 08:16 AM
In last night dreams was white rattle snakes....I was invited to Swedis royalties and I gave my last shrimp rose to the kings sister...I got a huge flower hamper with several exotic flower and also white roses and other wonderful flowers....there was so many dreams that I can not remember all ...I was living in my mothers old appartament...something with cars etc etc..

16th December 2022, 07:30 AM
I have had so strange dreams lately...for instance...I was shown how the hallus valgus looklike...the doctor had cut of the toejoint and the bumb was inside and he showed where he had to saw off and then put back like a lid on the toe joint??

In this episode it was like a jet of water one smaller with cold water and one bigger and deeper with warm water...I saw 2 fishes swimming in the cold water jet...and the stream was rather strong so one of the fishes was nearly going down to like a out flow...the fish had the mouth wide open like in fear...so I helped it back to the jet...

In this episode I saw a soap floating in the cold water jet and I took it and thought that it would be better in the warm water jet...

18th December 2022, 10:08 AM
In last night dream was like a apocalypse..first it was chaotic on the earth but when it started to be invation from the sky I gave in...one from the sky invadors capture me I said...I am afraid and gave in....soon I feel a slap on my face and I was out of the dream...and the feeling in the slap was...you do not give in...fight...

In this episode was a heard of horses going wild...they where in a guarry and I was so afraid they will injure them selves....

25th December 2022, 01:40 PM
In last night dream I again was on a location and needed help to find my way back home..I asked several persons and no-one helped..suddenly my little brother was infront of me and he said I can go with him...I was so happy to get help...thank you.

27th December 2022, 09:54 AM
In last night dream a women I know E asked me to stay with her into the end...I hold her hand..I knew what was going to happen her...she asked me ...do you know what is to come...yes I said...you will be hangd..and in that second she was hangd....

1st January 2023, 08:15 AM
The only thing I remember from last night dream when I hear a voice say with a lot of guilt in hes voice when he said....What have you done...and this made me woke up in distress....

2nd January 2023, 08:16 AM
Last night dream I was with a man who was naked (reminded of an aboriginer) he was very kind to me...we hold hands when we where walking in Stockholm ...he told me that he knows about a world famous gallery..I was thrilled...in we went and I was in awe what I saw...soon he was summoned upstaires and I continued to look around me in awe...soon a women come for me and took me upstairs too...she did give me lots and lots of purle neclesses..I was speachless and too much of emotions so I awoke myself here....

3rd January 2023, 07:03 AM
In last night dream I was sitting in a car but I was not the driver. The man who was the driver was in charge. He had his window down and a boy child come and asked if he can use the phone and I gave mine to him...the boy said his dog was missing and he wanted to call someone for help...the man driver did not like so he cut shot the phone using before the boy did get any answer the phone...I was very nervous all the time to irritate the man and cause his anger...I got out of the car and had the feeling...I had enough of this...and started to walk up a steep hill with snow...I had to work hard to get on top of the hill/mountain....awoke before I could see what was on top of the hill/mountain...the man had followed me he did not want to leave me alone ...maybe not to loose the control of me....

7th January 2023, 06:31 AM
In last night dream I was in middle of an ocean on an isle with only huge rocks...the isle is huge mountain...I am climbing up and down..and suddenly I see 2 bear cubs...I am sure the mama bear is near...I hide...and I panic...the water is rising...all goes pitch black...and I feel alone and abondened....suddenly I see a road a bit away and 3 cars driving on the road...I start wawing my hands....here...help...I am here..one of the cars have a spotlight for using when they search for people...soon I hear a man saying...here take my hand...and when I take his hand all the light comes on in my eyes and I can see and to my surprise I am on the shore standing on a stone and the "ocean" is behind my back so to say...what?? did I go blind for a minut?? what happened?

In this episode I am going to visit my nice and visit her horse B...outside the stable a man is standing...I ask him what kind of plants I can give the horse...he give me a branch from a birch...he tells me that when the horse have grabbed the branch for me to pull back the branch...I am halloring to B hallo B I am coming to visit you...and the horse nighs back to me...but when I am going where the B is I meet a white horse and a man who is angry...and when they go a bit further out of sight a scuffle starts...my sister is running to stabilizize the stable doors...I am paralyzed as I always go when fights go off...when something big like this happens if I cant run and hide I go paralyze...very good picture why I can not defend my self.

8th January 2023, 10:56 AM
In last night dream I was on a holliday resort....I came in small group..my shildhood friend was also in the group....everyone did get there rooms quickly and no one gave me my room...so I asked and I approached the desk and I saw a writing pad with only numbers..person had a number and the number of the room...when I tried to look into the writing pad they took it from me...and one said...follow me...and I took my suitcase and followed...she took me to a room with 8 beds...I at once felt claustofobic and in panic...I said..No I can not be in so crouded room....and the started at once to talk me over...No I said...I need a room with fewer persons...and I stand my ground...soon 2 women came and gave some sort of present to 2 of the women standing there...I felt they are testing me if I get yellous...but those things I am just happy for those who got the present....and after a long argument and me standing my ground...I gave up...and I entered the room and I shut the door harsly and when I turned around I was in room with one bed....I was so happy and I at once open the door to thank them for giving me own room...thank you thank you thank you....
I remembered what happened when I came out of my room and found a group of women so I went to sit with them....I have no problems to share about my life ...so when the group like waited for me to say something...so I started to say....I have always bean a spectator...when I grew up on the countryside...women had very good community and they had so much fun...they also drank alkochol when it was not allowed for women to do so...so they shered this secret..the women did look surprised but amused...

10th January 2023, 06:06 AM
In last night dream I was in a appartament (not mine in reality) in the dream it was mine....some people come to visit me....I said...If some of you have horror of contagion will find it very hard to be here because I have not cleaned for 2 weeks...

11th January 2023, 05:58 AM
In last night dream I was sleeping on my left side...I abruptlu awke in the dream when a man is trying to forsing his hand into my privatpart but I manage to stop his hand and I say...please do not hurt me and I am appealing to him...he is so angry...but to my surprise he takes his hand away and start comversating like nothing happened....

13th January 2023, 04:08 AM
In last night dream I had a girl visiting me...she was 8-9 yrs old...she had taken my Bible and started to look into it...when she opened the covers she pointed on my nots...Yes I said...I have written down passages what I want to find easy...she continued page by page...and when she come to the middle of the Bible there was a another book...(I do not remember now what book it was)...she pointed at the book...Yes I said...I know that the book is there....she continued to turn over the pages...here I awoke...

I went back to bed for a small nap and I had this dream...
In the dream I did not want to fall to sleep so I sat up...my grandchild A put her head on my lap and I bend down to kiss her cheak...she wakes up a bit and sayd..ooh I thought it was a cat...and was a bit dissapointed...I?m sorry I will let you sleep...after a while I realize it was a dream...I ask my son...was A here...he said...A is to Africa...oh I said...then all was only a dream...

I wonder if this is somekind of try for me to get lucid dreams...I am trying daytime to find a trigger for me to know the difference...but I have not had any luck so far.

14th January 2023, 05:03 AM
In last night drem I saw several different cars??..but when I saw the rear of a dark gray car I like made a jump or jolt and awoke abruptly...did not get any connection what this is about??

16th January 2023, 05:36 AM
In last night dream I was teaching about how to cook....this is so compelling because I hate to cook...and in real life make very easy dishes...so maybe the dream is about something els??

18th January 2023, 06:14 AM
In last night dream I was shown an image... it looked like a coffin...the upper and bottom lines where made more prominent so that I would understand what to look at...inbetween the lines so to say...and another image was like a wooden plank....??

19th January 2023, 05:14 AM
In last night dream I saw a women with 3 daughters...they where dressed in same way..dresses made by same fabric so you could see it was mother with her 3 daughters...oddly I saw this in black and white...??

In this episode I had a little girl on my back...this little girl was totally appathic...I tried to do trix so she would start to laugh but she just was lifeless??

The first dream is from my life...I was around 10-11 yrs old...The family with the 3 girls was living in same house...we lived on the 2ond floor and the family with the 3 girls on 5th floor...I was so depressed ...I think it is why I saw it in black and white...the mother of the girls asked me if I could look after the girls when she went to the dentist...I was so surprised to be asked...of course I said...she did show me if we went out to play where the spads and buckets are and if we wanted to be indoors what we where allowed to eat...all went well and she payed me 50 kr what was a lot of money that time...I was so happy and run home to tell mother...and she was so angry so angry...stop lying to me..and she snatched the money from my hand...and stomped out to ask the mother of the girls...and she come back but I do not remember if she gave back the money to me...mother did not say anything to me just looked at me with very angry eyes....There was another neigbour who "adopted" me as theyre daughter...this did also anoy my mother...but I think that others did see how I was treated by my family....and this neigbour lady did give me a silver ring as a snake...I do not remember what happened to that ring...one day it was gone...

The second dream is me trying to help my inner child who still is sad...but it shows how depressed and sad I was growing up....I am crying here today...it will be a day with a lot of tears...healing tears.

20th January 2023, 07:50 AM
In last night dream I was 25 yrs old...I was with 2 other women...we where dressed up to go out to dance...one of the women grabbed the dress on my lowerback and said...this must be fixed....during the whole dream I was dragged from place to place...I tried to say that I must go home...I want to take a shower but was disrupted to do other things...I did not get my voice to be heard so I awoke myself from the dream....

21st January 2023, 08:11 AM
In last night I have bean in and out of dream and awake state...I know I have had dreams but what is clear is the in and out state...maby this is what is called shadow memories...the dreams in the background...if it is...then I now know...thank?s.

23rd January 2023, 11:14 AM
During my nap today I awoke when I saw all the light shooting out of my heartchakra...never seen like it before...wow

25th January 2023, 08:45 AM
In last night dream I was dragging a green trolley..heavy...I felt in hurry because something comming at me...I felt nervous...and tried to lift the trolley inside my house...I had stone steps up to my house and from no-where I got help to lift the trolley inside my house....thank you who ever you are who helped me.

27th January 2023, 08:22 AM
In last night dreams have bean so intense that I feel in my body like I have bean working out...can harly walk....It was many options in last night dream what I could choose to work with...if I wanted to work with a whole new system...no manuals at all...or if I wanted to work with children...or with some Asiens...did get totally dizzy of all options...

28th January 2023, 10:10 AM
In last night dreams I was to a new place to look at a new appartament...I went up the stairs to see on what door my name is on....I did not find it...and when I was comming down the staires I hear some children saying...there is a grand ma on the staires....

In this dream I was to my sisters old appartament...they had re organized the cabins and it took some time to find what I was looking for...the thing you mince cheece with....I found it but at the same time my aunts husband (he is on the other side) started to slice cheece in a maschine...enormous mounts??

29th January 2023, 06:20 AM
In last night dream one ex boyfriend luered him back to my life...after a while he was back to his old habbits...he just cant help him self...he did not understand that I could both hear and see what he was doing...I told him to go out of my life...he did try to not leave...but of course in the end he had to.

30th January 2023, 06:42 AM
In last night dream I was wandering in a town I did not recqnize...I was dressed in a night dress and a towel wrapped around me...I met 2 women who was taxi drivers...one of them said she will drive me home...but first she want to have a cup of coffee at her home...when we entered her home...the dream went into another dream...it was my teen boyfriend (he is on the other side) I asked him when have he come to Sweden..one week...he is studing....my son was with me ...he looked at us and asked....are you in love...here I awoke myself...

31st January 2023, 08:59 AM
In last night dream there was an old man...I saw him before and after image so to say...he had perced his earlobs and put gold earrings on him...I told someone about this...I said...he is really old and did do this to put ear rings on both ears...I was facinatied that there is no age to say..too old...

2nd February 2023, 07:57 AM
In last night dream I saw my father from the abowe so to say...he was standing with his back to me...dressed in white T-shirt and white shorts...carrying on his left sholder a camera...and on his right sholder a bag...(my father is on the other side..never seen him in white shorts?)

In this episode I was to a place with in one room was art...second room was nailes to be done...in third room was beeds and so on...when I entered this place I said...oh I am sorry...maybe only invited persons can come...No no they said...all is welcome...

3rd February 2023, 05:09 AM
In last night dream I was asked to do a work on a library. Had to cleanse the library first from some kind of negativity...so those who borowed a book did not get something negative with them...had to dust with a protection powder...I had some help so I was not alone on this huge work...had to check all books that they had the protection powder...but I saw in 2 books a small speck what was not powdered totally...so I used those sticks with a bit cotton on the ends...to powder the specks....

4th February 2023, 09:08 AM
In last night dream I was standing on a buss stop...it was winter and the ground was slippery...Buss driver was a women and she did not let me enter the bus...she did show her power this way...denying me to take the bus...

8th February 2023, 07:56 AM
This dream did I have some days ago...In the dream I was sitting on my bed...and in swaved a light blue shirt with left sleve twisted...the atmospher in the room was thick so to say...I started to do the bannishment but could only sighn a triangle...the atmosphere went lighter so I could do the whole bannishment...and all went to normal...

Last night dream was about me working at a workingplace...feeling bad...but continued to work...the boss wanted to talk to me...he said...I can see you do not feel well...I have a propsal to you...we are going to start a new postition on the firm and I want you to go the course and do the new work....I was so happy....I accepted...started the course and was so surprised it was only few hours a day...and rest I was commended to go home and rest...It was what I needed...I talked to the boss and told him how greatful I am...we are too greatful to have you....wow...

9th February 2023, 09:43 AM
In last night dream I was travelling with a group on a bus what was constructed with real beds...I went to look under the bus...and there you could see where the beds was day time...this bus was huge...and beds for a real big group.. I did not count the beds....but it was many....and when night come you did drag the beds up...they where allready made so to say....impressive costruction.

13th February 2023, 08:05 AM
I have been thinking about my sons father who killed himself in 2004.

He come into my dream last night and wanted us to be together again...he said...we do not have to re marry....so no change there in him....he stopped to come to visit his son because I did not want to be with him when he visited us...he had no feelings for anybody but himself.

15th February 2023, 09:28 AM
In last night dream I was in a big town ..it was something familar so I must have bean here before....I was walking upwards an alley with shops both sides of the street...I look downwards and there is a huge window of the shops...for some reason I take a stone and cast it down and it breaks this huge window...first thought was to run...but then I feel I have to take responsibillity and report this that it was me....I try to find the polist station...I ask a women where the polis station is...she ponts first at one direction...and when I look where she point...she vanished in the thin air.....I see some sailors come out from a door...I ask them where the polis station is...and he grins and I understand that I stand just infront of the polis station...I went in and went to the reception...I see that I have to take a cue ticket...I ask where is the bathroom...and here I woke up because I have to for real go to the bathroom...

16th February 2023, 09:30 AM
In last night dream I was a spectator...I saw 2 persons riding horses...and suddenly the horses went bonkers and threw off the riders and took off....riders running after horses...I was like forzen looking at this happening...
In this episode I was fed with something...looked like a half strawberry...I woke up when opening my mouth to take it.....

17th February 2023, 04:15 AM
Last night before I fell to sleep I saw a vision ..very far away I saw people going into a cave or a big tent...

My dreams from last night was about the whole world woting for something what I have now forgotton...I hope I remember more later....

18th February 2023, 09:17 AM
In last night dream was a bit strange...I was invited with my sister to a mans home...I felt a bit interested in him....when we come to his home his mother was there...at once she saw me..she smiled and said to me to come with her into a living room...she said to my sister to keep company to her son....the mother sat her very near me I was a bit unconfortable when she took my hand...she was so interested of me and this made me very unconfortable for some reason....so unconfortable that I awake me from this dream...

19th February 2023, 07:41 AM
In last night dream I had a vision ...I saw like I was abowe the red haired women...a man hide her face with his hands...

In this episode I was with some people ...they said to me that I do not need any money...I went with them and they took me ombord of a huge boat...those big ones where you can buy stuff on...I was so dissapointed that they have said to me that I do not need money...it means I can now not buy anyting on the boat...I was so dissapointed that I awoke myself from the dream...

20th February 2023, 09:57 AM
In last night dream I was in a garage parking my white car (in reality I have a red car)...the car next to me on the left side had on his windschield a aluminium blanket to cover the windschield??...why have that when parking in a garage??

23rd February 2023, 09:52 AM
In last night dream a man attacked me and cut my hair...I looked at him and asked ...does it look good?...He looked at me with tears in his eyes...felt like he felt that his attack did not land in me as he had wanted.

I went to my aunt ..she was sweeping the floors...I asked for help but she turned her back on me...I went to my other aunt..her daughter (she is on the other side) was helping my aunt to move ..she was packing her things...(maybe my aunt who is 95 yrs old are leaving us)?

24th February 2023, 07:07 AM
In last night dream I was debating with a Jehovas Witness...The debate become heated and I called my father by phone but the signal was so weak so I had to give up (my father is on the other side)..I was in neutral energy...the energy between me and the Jehovas Witness was diffrent...

25th February 2023, 11:43 AM
In last night dream I was in a big gathering...one young man was so happy to see me...he run to me and embraced me...he had a earing covering his whole left ear....one other young man also embraced me but he was only acting polite but did not like me at all so here I awoke myself from the dream.

26th February 2023, 08:44 AM
In last night dream I was fed with something very rich on both protein and something good for the testines....it tasted like fish and kimschi...

1st March 2023, 10:00 AM
In last night dream I was again buying train tickets...I wanted to know if I could take my train from this spot instead of going to the central station...but a man who is a professor in kriminology was talking so loud that the lady refused to call to ask the train cleark...so I tried to push him further away but he refused to move...so I awoke me from my dream...

3rd March 2023, 11:29 AM
In last night dream I knew I had bean out with friends bar hopping...next morning I started to figure out what happened...but I did not remember much...I started to take out items from my pockets...I was searching for my bank card...I had some unknown female bankcard in my pocket...but did not find my own bankcard...I had a thing like a squered phone with a big screen...the sound was off and when I turned up the sound it was a search for a missing child...I turned off the sound...I had also a lego those big ones what small kids build with...a red one...I was compelled...what!

4th March 2023, 06:04 AM
In last night dream I was visiting a consert of some sort...I was looking at the croud and I saw a very beautiful man..I said to my friend ..look...he is gourgeous...after the consert he was waiting for me...I was so surprised...he said...you are magnetic...your eyes captevated me...I was totally floored...he said I had so strong energies...but so do he too...

5th March 2023, 07:36 AM
In last night dream I was sleeping outside..people reacted and made faces at me while I was lying on the ground...one girl sat near me...and I said without opening my eyes to her...I just want to tell you that I can see through my eyelids...making her aware that making faces or other things I can see it...she had a paper and pen and she wanted to ask some questions...I asked still with closed eyes...what kind of questions? She said...if someone would made a dish of you...what dish do you think it will be...and why? Here I awoke myself...

6th March 2023, 07:59 AM
In last night dream I was sorting out things of some sort....I send it to the bin...toilet...and uteria...??

10th March 2023, 06:36 AM
Last night dream was hard to understand first...I noticed first that my arm was numbd..and when I noticed that a severe pain invaded the arm...I had to test few strategies to help my arm...the numbness was easy I had just to adjust my posture but the pain was more difficult to find out how to ease the pain...it took me several try before I find out how to do it....I feel more composed today....

12th March 2023, 07:40 AM
In last night dream I was looking in a corner ...if you look into a corner of a room...you see the both walls...to the right and to the left...it was a white walls corner....the most strange thing is that I was looking into this the whole night??..So it feels like a some kind of symbol...

13th March 2023, 10:55 AM
In last night dream I am bikeing and I comming in a high speed...to catch up with someone...I reach to a car and when I open the backdoor ...a women says....she is going to voulenteering....the man said...No she is not....

In this episode I was monetering happenings from abowe...To my surprise I did not have to be present on the spot...I could influence from distance...it is very hard for me to put in words what the happenings was...It had to do with my will something....

17th March 2023, 04:45 PM
In last night dream I saw a wonderful beautiful watch...small very petit clock face...it had leather band...but I was thinking to change it to a golden band...it will look like a bracelet...and it was cheep too so I can afford it....happy.

19th March 2023, 09:50 AM
In last night dream I was like a mediator between a couple...the women said...I am dedicated and invested in my hen...the man took a step back...so I said...I see that you are not on the same page....

20th March 2023, 06:37 AM
In last night dream I was with a man...I danced around him and he was a bit confused...I was happy....when he was talking to someone he only talked about his deceased wife...so I felt that he can or will not go into a new relationship with me...I accepted...

In this episode I was with my friend on holiday to Greece...suddenly a storm broke out...and the rain was hard...I said...typical....

21st March 2023, 06:19 AM
In last night dream I was in Preyer and cleansing energies all night....

22nd March 2023, 10:55 AM
In last night dream a man come infront of me and said...I broke down....I started to prayer....??

24th March 2023, 07:17 AM
In last night dream I was asked to come to work on a place where the celebrities and rich people work...before I went to the workplace a women asked me to try on a coat...looked very expensive...so I said...I can not afford this...she said for you it is 475 and I was so happy and I said...that I can afford....the first day I took the elevator to the 7th floor....the work place did not look like a work place...it had very expensive furnitures...I half sat half layed down on a sofa...a women come to show me her ring...it was very beautiul...when she stroke her hand over my brests...I jolted in chock....the other persons laughed and I felt that they laughed to my naivity...so after this I said...No I will not work here...and I went to the HR to tell I quite....

25th March 2023, 05:54 AM
In last night dream I was talking with a doctor...I said...I want you to know that when I was under the surgery removal of my thyroid gland I wometed during the surgery and it was a bit of a problem....he said...but this time we do the surgery on your knee so I do not think it will be any problem....

4th April 2023, 02:18 AM
In last night dream I was summoned for question whom I have bean meditating with...to my surprise I hear me saying...with Guru Nanak...when I come back and sat down I see me sitting across Guru Nanak and he leaned him towards me and took my face in his hands and smiled....??

13th April 2023, 05:28 AM
Last night dream started with seeing a horse being in a house with the door going inwards and he is investigating the door with his mouth...I say to my son that we are going to run into the woods quickly and I do not want the horse to see us...we run and after a while we end up in a dead end so to say...there is a toilet under a roof so you can see someone has build that and are living there...I look at my left side and I see a steps going upwards...I see a door and I hear people talking inside...I knock on the door and a male voice say...you can enter it is open...I enter this hut and I see a man sitting by the table and a women doing the disches...I ask if they can help me and my son to find our way to a big road so we can hitchhike...the man takes out a big map...he says that he will be right forward and show us where we are...and he will give directions for us to go forward...I notice that we have not prepared at all for this journey...we did not even have a bottle of water with us??

19th April 2023, 06:21 AM
In last night dream happened something strange ...I was standing and the door was on my left side and it was open...In shines so bright light that I was stunned...and I asked ...is there something special happening?...I did feel there where somebody with me but the light did shine so bright that I was blinded....the energy what was so full of love that I burst to tears...what was this?

25th April 2023, 06:15 AM
In last night dream I was invited to a big gathering...when I arrived to the meeting and tried to sit down around the table every chair was taken...so I took one chair and sat down...soon around me people started to gossip...I asked one what are they talking about...but only silence meet me....so I stood up and said...what kind of people is here...I will not stay...so I went away...and one person run after me and said...follow me...we are going up...and here I woke up....

2nd May 2023, 07:13 AM
In last night dream I was making love to a man...after we where done he said that we have to visit some person...I was naked and I was shaking my boobs and said...then I have to put something on me so I do not embaress people...

3rd May 2023, 12:19 PM
Last night dream I found coins and one 7 mark paper money..(Finland had as currency mark but have euro now)..I was surprised to find 7 mark as to my knowledge they have never had that ...5 mark...but not 7...I started to count the coins...it was not only finnish marks but other countries currency also...

8th May 2023, 09:23 AM
Last night at 1 o?clock...my neighbourous where fighting...it come to my dream...the energy felt like it was in my appartament...I was in paralysed state....all went black and white...I said to myself...wake up and I shook me....now I come more to wakeed state...I hear the comotion but I have hard to wake up...it took me long time to come to waked state....I have never before experienced this...

15th May 2023, 03:19 PM
In last night dream I was with a little baby...I gave it (do not know if it was boy or girl) a pacifier...it took it out of its mouth and looked at me...I asked if I skall rock it...no not really....it wanted to look at a guitarr ...so I took the guitarr and let it look at it...here I awoke...

18th May 2023, 04:59 AM
In last night dream I was a spectator...seeing a couple and the man come out as homosexual...every one was shearing and congratulating him and his partner....the women was forgotton how devestated she was to loose her loved partner...the man where making out and kissing and she tried to get away but all the time the man was keeping an eye on her and bringing her back...she tried to look happy for his sake...and he was saying to her...LoL...LoL....

19th May 2023, 04:06 AM
You amassed quite the collection here! Do you write them down in more detail for yourself? And do you interpret them? :)

19th May 2023, 05:36 AM
You amassed quite the collection here! Do you write them down in more detail for yourself? And do you interpret them? :)

Hi Korpo :heart:

Long time no see :D I do not write all in my dreams here and I do not write more home then here...I am total blind into myself...I am hoping someone like you to give some pointers...some of the dreams I do understand....but most of them I do not...somehow I do not feel every dream is about me...I think other people come into my dreams and feel the energy of others and I write them down here and the same at home....I start to write here and then I copy to myself the same ....I do have several dreams per night..but I do only write what makes an impact in me....for some reason...as last night dream I have not write down at all...it was about me being in relationship with a man...he hired an cleaning women to help me at home...it showed that my man and the cleaning lady had a relationship...and my man told me that they are going to holiday togeather...I was so hurt and I said...you never asked me....and of course he did not ask me because they go together....the cleaning lady said I have an dentist appointmen at 2 0?clock...I look at my wrist watch and the time is 3 I ask my man how much is the time and he said 4....I said I am late to dentist and I felt such a stress in me...the cleaning lady had not told me that I have dentist appointment so what help is she to me??

How is life with you Korpo??


21st May 2023, 10:38 AM
Hi, ia.

I can't say I dream as often. I have 8 dreams recorded for this month, which seems well above average. I do think I have some kind of filter installed, because I only recall certain kinds of dreams. I've been told and have read there are other kinds of dreams, but I haven't encountered them much, not in the last decade or so when I made an effort to record them. I'm a weird sample. :D

As regards the dream you just wrote... my first impression was that maybe the intention of the first half of the dream was to experience a certain emotional state. Maybe that's helpful for dealing with stuff that's bottled up inside?

Reading over it again, especially the second half seems heavily coded - this is often where a habit of interpreting dreams can be helpful, as they tend to become clearer and less coded after a while. The symbols stabilize and start to conform to a sort of inner dictionary and the meaning reveals itself more often. It even cross-bleeds with physical reality a bit, as I tend to see symbols in my waking life as well. Just like that hot air balloon drifting over the freeway yesterday evening, looking like it was close to landing.

How is life with you Korpo??

Hmmm. Quiet, I guess. I'd say focused on processing the past, but that's good. I feel like it puts closure to things. :) Rather curious what happens next, though.

I also wondered where all the people end up that used to come here? Surely there's need... It had been on my mind, so I came to take a peek here. :D

And how about you? :)

21st May 2023, 11:49 AM
Hi, ia.

I can't say I dream as often. I have 8 dreams recorded for this month, which seems well above average. I do think I have some kind of filter installed, because I only recall certain kinds of dreams. I've been told and have read there are other kinds of dreams, but I haven't encountered them much, not in the last decade or so when I made an effort to record them. I'm a weird sample. :D

As regards the dream you just wrote... my first impression was that maybe the intention of the first half of the dream was to experience a certain emotional state. Maybe that's helpful for dealing with stuff that's bottled up inside?

Reading over it again, especially the second half seems heavily coded - this is often where a habit of interpreting dreams can be helpful, as they tend to become clearer and less coded after a while. The symbols stabilize and start to conform to a sort of inner dictionary and the meaning reveals itself more often. It even cross-bleeds with physical reality a bit, as I tend to see symbols in my waking life as well. Just like that hot air balloon drifting over the freeway yesterday evening, looking like it was close to landing.

Hmmm. Quiet, I guess. I'd say focused on processing the past, but that's good. I feel like it puts closure to things. :) Rather curious what happens next, though.

I also wondered where all the people end up that used to come here? Surely there's need... It had been on my mind, so I came to take a peek here. :D

And how about you? :)
Hi Korpo and thank you so much. If I am strickt looking at the dream and see what bleeds into the real life happeing in my life...If I take that the man would be my last husband whom I divorsed in 1996..he was keeping things from me and not bean honest...like he come home and told me that he is going to a work trip or gathering with co-workers..to cabin what is owned by the company he works for...I asked who are going...is all co-workers going...no he said only men are going...so I joked and said...oh only hunters...yes he said...the phone rang and one women co-worker calling if my husband has left yet. to pick her up....no not yet I said...and this hurt me a lot..I aske my husband why he can not be truthful towards me....so and when he went to a holiday abroad...I did not go with him...so of course the question rose in me if he really went alone or with someone...but we never spoke about that....so maybe this dream tries to wake up some hurt feelings what I have not dealted with properly....so you are right....thank you :D
So what about me now...I must say I am very happy...doing only things what gives me joy and good feelings...doing yoga and handcraft...most knitting beautiful socks...:D
Not meditating that much anymore...but still some. I think people maybe want to do other things for a while, I am sure they come back and keeps an eye at this site.
Love ia

22nd May 2023, 05:47 AM
Hi, ia. :)

When the being experiences quiet, it releases the old. Quiet is a very active state - it kind of reverses the flow. Where activity tends to overload our capacity to process and ends up "stuffing in" whatever we cannot process, this capacity does the opposite when we are quiet, taking good care of ourselves, pursuing simple, joyful activities - or discovering the simple joy in activities we couldn't see before. That's what I think...

When things finally settle down, we spend time with ourselves. In my experience that can drag up a lot of stuff. 2022 was such a year for me. But I knew while this was happening and I know also in hindsight that the amount of stuff to come up within us is finite - there will be an end. I needed to know this because it was hard. Just to know that one day it will be different and better. And then it was. :D

And speaking of symbols. If this was indeed digging deep... then maybe that was what the dentist appointment was... they do have a tendency to dig deep and it can be painful... :? ;)

Or think of it another way... after all it was a cleaning lady. Maybe there will be some cleansing...

22nd May 2023, 07:24 AM
Hi, ia. :)

When the being experiences quiet, it releases the old. Quiet is a very active state - it kind of reverses the flow. Where activity tends to overload our capacity to process and ends up "stuffing in" whatever we cannot process, this capacity does the opposite when we are quiet, taking good care of ourselves, pursuing simple, joyful activities - or discovering the simple joy in activities we couldn't see before. That's what I think...

When things finally settle down, we spend time with ourselves. In my experience that can drag up a lot of stuff. 2022 was such a year for me. But I knew while this was happening and I know also in hindsight that the amount of stuff to come up within us is finite - there will be an end. I needed to know this because it was hard. Just to know that one day it will be different and better. And then it was. :D

And speaking of symbols. If this was indeed digging deep... then maybe that was what the dentist appointment was... they do have a tendency to dig deep and it can be painful... :? ;)

Or think of it another way... after all it was a cleaning lady. Maybe there will be some cleansing...
Hi Korpo :D. You are so good and clever...It is my lucky day that you come by...Thank you. You have started something in me...last night I had a dream where I said to a women with 2 children to stay for a bit and let me celebrate her birthday...I never clebrate my birthday...maybe I have to start for a reasons what eludes me...why should we celebrate our birthdays? I had another dream also...I was told to block the bridge that no-one can drive over it....so I did...and then they gave me a list with namnes to check out when they arrive...??
Korpo you are so good with dreams...and symbols...I hope you stay and help me with my dreams...I feel as you write...there will be an end...I am very close to that I think...with this cleansing inwards...as you may remember from where I come from...I have come very far in my own oppinion..but there is alsway place for improvement. or then it is prepearing me for the harder stuff to come what I have not bean ready for before.
Do you feel you have done your cleansing clear or do you think it goes in waves??

22nd May 2023, 04:19 PM
When the being experiences quiet, it releases the old. Quiet is a very active state - it kind of reverses the flow.
I must say that 1-2 years ago I believed in the same thing, that "it" clenases, "it" releases something etc. This "it" apparently has its own intelligence, it doesn't work blindly - yet clearly it is independent from us, from our will. Something behind is releasing, cleansing etc. in reality. To us it seems that it "just" happens - automatically, just like for a farmer vegetables "just" grow automatically. Can you see the connection? What intelligence is behind this "it just automatically happens"? ;)

So, today things are different for me - and I think people who are deeper into such topics are asking the essential question: what is this "it"?

Besides, I also have a tendency, when answering such questions like "how is your life" - as asked here in this thread - to reply with an assumption that everything what happens in my life (seemingly) depends on my will. But recently I discovered that for most virtually nothing depends on their will - and thus nothing happens because to their will (hence affirmations won't work - but they may seem to be working), i.e. the conclusion is that we are under a strict, in particular mental, control - I mean, our lives, and hence minds (and vice versa). For most of people, also for me, it's too controversial, so this thought is typically refused. I wrote more about it in the strange dreams journal: https://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?28974-Strange-dreams

23rd May 2023, 02:33 PM
I must say that 1-2 years ago I believed in the same thing, that "it" clenases, "it" releases something etc. This "it" apparently has its own intelligence, it doesn't work blindly - yet clearly it is independent from us, from our will. Something behind is releasing, cleansing etc. in reality. To us it seems that it "just" happens - automatically, just like for a farmer vegetables "just" grow automatically. Can you see the connection? What intelligence is behind this "it just automatically happens"? ;)

So, today things are different for me - and I think people who are deeper into such topics are asking the essential question: what is this "it"?

Well, if you ask like that... My personal answer is not "it" but "them." :)

In things I do I feel "them" at work. I believe the human mind and all experience is a shared experience. For myself, I have long since accepted that in the moments between my conscious moments "they" hold the steering wheel - directing my gaze, for example, so I always pay attention to where my eyes end up when they wander. Sometimes "they" play music into my mind and I riddle of its meaning. When I am writing music, "they" give me ideas and direct my learning of the necessary skill and I thank "them" from my heart.

When you talk about affirmations, I think of reality creation. I believe that the wishes we send out are prompts for "them" to answer, but "they" know a much larger agenda than I am aware of, including what I need to learn. So I recently triggered such a reality creation change in my life. At first it seemed like nothing much was happening. By now I have received several dreams that I interpret as "them" showing me how it slowly filters into reality from the other side where "they" work. Slowly things are getting more defined, more concrete, the potential is gradually being limited down to specific scenarios.

For the last few years I have tried to become aware of "them," of how "they" interact with me, my mind, my experience, and tried to see "their" work in the lives of other people. I never feel controlled, though. But I would agree that I'm not in control, either. It's an exchange.

I don't want to give the impression this is some "verbal" telepathic exchange. It's more a felt thing. Also based on my observations and on things I've learned from others that has held true for me.

23rd May 2023, 02:41 PM
Do you feel you have done your cleansing clear or do you think it goes in waves??

Hi, ia.

So far my life experience has pointed that most everything comes in waves. :D

I can't say if this will end or change. But like waves transport you from one place to another, each a small push in itself, I think we end up in a different place than before. When we learn to go with the wave, we may end up there faster.

In my experience, cleansing is part of what takes us from one level to another. There may be many such stages or not, I guess it's not so important. I can point to the years in my life when I ended up in a new place in myself. Often this was preceded by a dramatic change in my life. Those were the waves that crashed over me, but I guess I stayed afloat...

Thank you for your kind words. :) If I can give feedback I will. I mostly understand dreams and symbols close to the ones I experience. :)

If you feel you've come a long way that has validity. We can measure ourselves by our past selves, for example. I sometimes do that and realize how different I am. I generally like it. I guess that will have to do. ;)

23rd May 2023, 05:25 PM
Hi, ia.

So far my life experience has pointed that most everything comes in waves. :D

I can't say if this will end or change. But like waves transport you from one place to another, each a small push in itself, I think we end up in a different place than before. When we learn to go with the wave, we may end up there faster.

In my experience, cleansing is part of what takes us from one level to another. There may be many such stages or not, I guess it's not so important. I can point to the years in my life when I ended up in a new place in myself. Often this was preceded by a dramatic change in my life. Those were the waves that crashed over me, but I guess I stayed afloat...

Thank you for your kind words. :) If I can give feedback I will. I mostly understand dreams and symbols close to the ones I experience. :)

If you feel you've come a long way that has validity. We can measure ourselves by our past selves, for example. I sometimes do that and realize how different I am. I generally like it. I guess that will have to do. ;)
Thank you Korpo...I feel too as you say...goes in waves and sometime craches ..it takes longer time to be clearer after a real crach....I dreamt last night again about a man who is looking/seeking for me...in last night dream I was in high building and looking down and seeing the man on a bike and I feel very clear that he was seeking for me...and when he sees me he feels releved??...I wonder if this man is from the future?? It feels like he is....;)

24th May 2023, 08:47 AM
In last night dream I was given an dandelion...when it had turned to over bloomed..when you blow at it the seeds spred to the wind like smal parashoots...but when it was given to me it opened up memories in me when I was looking at the small parashoots floating upwards...I remembered after a very big effort I was sure I will be rewarded...but the only thing happened that I did know that the only reward is to get to another level and the work continues....the only reward is to know you are alive and life continues....as long as you learn to love life...it continues...and it is worth the effort.

24th May 2023, 04:49 PM
Well, if you ask like that... My personal answer is not "it" but "them." :)

In things I do I feel "them" at work. I believe the human mind and all experience is a shared experience. For myself, I have long since accepted that in the moments between my conscious moments "they" hold the steering wheel - directing my gaze, for example, so I always pay attention to where my eyes end up when they wander. Sometimes "they" play music into my mind and I riddle of its meaning. When I am writing music, "they" give me ideas and direct my learning of the necessary skill and I thank "them" from my heart.

When you talk about affirmations, I think of reality creation. I believe that the wishes we send out are prompts for "them" to answer, but "they" know a much larger agenda than I am aware of, including what I need to learn. So I recently triggered such a reality creation change in my life. At first it seemed like nothing much was happening. By now I have received several dreams that I interpret as "them" showing me how it slowly filters into reality from the other side where "they" work. Slowly things are getting more defined, more concrete, the potential is gradually being limited down to specific scenarios.

For the last few years I have tried to become aware of "them," of how "they" interact with me, my mind, my experience, and tried to see "their" work in the lives of other people. I never feel controlled, though. But I would agree that I'm not in control, either. It's an exchange.

I don't want to give the impression this is some "verbal" telepathic exchange. It's more a felt thing. Also based on my observations and on things I've learned from others that has held true for me.
Although you use the "them" term in a quite mysterious way, not explaining what do you precisely mean, I have actually the same experiences and observations as you just described. My interpretation is different however.

If to ask me what I think about such experiences caused or influenced by "them", I think it's a kind of agenda in the upcoming years and decades to introduce those entities to people, at least some groups. You might say nothing new, as history of religions is full of such contacts with the "unknown" - spirits, angels, shamanic forces, or whatever you want to call "them" :) yet in a way it is different, more direct and probably available soon to masses, not just few clairvoyants, taoists, buddhists, mystics, shamans or christian people. I.e. people like you can experience how the matrix (see below) works - as you wrote, gradually. My experiences however are not just positive, but many of them are negative and unpleasant, and I can actually confirm what you wrote about the kind of experiences that "they" bring. They can change your mental perspective as I had this experienced many times (in fact, you can be under the influence of "changed perspective" for a really long time - hard to believe, but I noticed that it works this way!), just like you wrote it here:

the human mind and all experience is a shared experience
I use instead of "shared" word, the "influenced" word, according to what I was experiencing. :)

I examined it in practice, as I had the opportunity to do so in the recent years, and to me it's something like an alien energy field for the time of experience is covering your energy field - which, I mean energy, is consciousness. Consciousness works on all levels, including the physical level, but on each level it's different type of consciousness. Human mental body is different than a spirit's mental or astral body - in the sense that while incarnated you use your physical body and electricity flowing through it for mental processes, and spirit of course doesn't. I wouldn't believe it if I haven't experienced it myself, just like I mentioned above, and typically it was unpleasant or negative experience to gain this information about how "shared" or "influenced" or "channeled" (or whatever term we would use) conscious experience works empircally.

When you talk about affirmations, I think of reality creation. I believe that the wishes we send out are prompts for "them" to answer
What can I say is that the physical reality is a matrix - I mean, physicality is real, it's energy, but it is levereged through tones of energetic "contact points", which - like a lever - influence our physical reality (in particular notions of people), and thus the physical reality is created. I think a single person, if is not a master, has not enough power to change the world/reality. Hence my conclusion about affirmations actually having no real, direct effect. But for instance, alchemy is a knowledge of techniques how to leverage (and not to create). Leverage the physical and energetic "infrastructure" that is already created within the physical body of the human. You can achieve "miracles" thanks to inner alchemy not because you create something, technically speaking, but because you use the mentioned "contact points" within your energetic system, which like a lever or like a snowball, has an amplified effect through the next stages of the energetic and physical processes. Hence so much talk about the DNA in the esoteric fields recently - as DNA is a mediator between energetic impulses from the energy field and the physical body, being - according to the current state of the official science - "source" of the processes within the body. Of course, I think most people on this forum goes a step further and is aware that it's not actually DNA the ultimate source of the processes, but it's consciousness using or affecting energy which in turn uses or affects DNA... and that's how alchemy, and in general our reality, works IMO. Hence affirmations are a psychological mainly tool which may help, but I wouldn't put much trust in them :)

28th May 2023, 07:50 AM
In last night dream I was in a group...I was told to call a number and there will be Maria answering....so I dial the number and a voice said...oxygen...and here I woke up.....

30th May 2023, 06:24 AM
Thank you Korpo...I feel too as you say...goes in waves and sometime craches ..it takes longer time to be clearer after a real crach....I dreamt last night again about a man who is looking/seeking for me...in last night dream I was in high building and looking down and seeing the man on a bike and I feel very clear that he was seeking for me...and when he sees me he feels releved??...I wonder if this man is from the future?? It feels like he is....;)

Things I notice. He is on a bike - so you perceive him having a "vehicle of consciousness." You're in building, so in this dream you might be perceiving sub-planes of the planes you're on. So these are hints to inner senses working, not necessarily a dream expressing your inner state but a more broad, plane-oriented experience. That doesn't necessarily mean it's clear or can be taken at face value - the same "dictionary" you use for bringing back dreams is being used here, but the general nature of the experience gets through. This would naturally improve over time if more such experiences are had, documented, and looked at.

Seeing something on the energy level and "the future" often feel the same - and they can be one and the same as the future exists in potential, unexpressed form right now. Sometimes it foreshadows concrete events before they take form as they travel from the formless to become manifest. And sometimes it's an experience you have at a level where energy is more directly experienced. Sounds interesting both ways. :D

30th May 2023, 06:34 AM
I think a single person, if is not a master, has not enough power to change the world/reality.

I don't think that's how masters do it, either. Technically it's always co-creation from my point of view, though I typically don't use the term. But to me "reality creation" is the conscious participation in a process that happens anyway to all human beings, though most of them unconsciously. Though I also get the sense you might use the term "creation" to mean something like a miraculous act, maybe?

Affirmations alone have their impact purely depend on the strength of a person's will. While there can be value in developing such will, it's not easy and probably a hard way to obtain any result. Similarly people talk about the Law of Attraction from incomplete data.

Just in general, it seems to me we have made similar observations of reality. Different outcomes and conclusions surely, but I can relate to your basic data. :)

30th May 2023, 09:07 AM
In last night dream I was not succeeding to take the train nor the bus...when I went to the train station the bus went...and vice verca...so in the end I went to the train tracks and one train was standing there and I knew it will go back to the central station empty...so I spoke the man driving the train...and he come out of the train and given me a stack of money...and he gave me the feeling that I am trying to free ride...so I said and gave back the money and said if you want me to buy a ticket I have money...and I started to walk to the ticket place...but he left me...so I saw a girl and I asked if she has a friend with a car who can drive me to the central station ..I will pay...so she call a friend and she come...the car was total disaster...full packed with stuff and bearly anywhere to sit...the girl sat infront of the driver...and the windschield was blocked by a pillow...I said...you can not drive this car...you have no clear visual...I awake myself here...

30th May 2023, 09:13 AM
Things I notice. He is on a bike - so you perceive him having a "vehicle of consciousness." You're in building, so in this dream you might be perceiving sub-planes of the planes you're on. So these are hints to inner senses working, not necessarily a dream expressing your inner state but a more broad, plane-oriented experience. That doesn't necessarily mean it's clear or can be taken at face value - the same "dictionary" you use for bringing back dreams is being used here, but the general nature of the experience gets through. This would naturally improve over time if more such experiences are had, documented, and looked at.

Seeing something on the energy level and "the future" often feel the same - and they can be one and the same as the future exists in potential, unexpressed form right now. Sometimes it foreshadows concrete events before they take form as they travel from the formless to become manifest. And sometimes it's an experience you have at a level where energy is more directly experienced. Sounds interesting both ways. :D
WoW Korpo :heart:. You give me a pressious gift here...I have many dreams about being in high buildings and likely...I have never understood the sub plans or the formless so I have not given any thought at that...but now when you decribe this way I get the feeling back to more understanding....when I have not understood I have stacked everything in and left them there for future understanding...I am at the brink of that now...to be more clear....you are a real gift Korpo...Thank you so much.

31st May 2023, 01:33 PM
In last night dream I was complimentet that I have a Voldemort allert???

31st May 2023, 05:09 PM
I don't think that's how masters do it, either. Technically it's always co-creation from my point of view, though I typically don't use the term. But to me "reality creation" is the conscious participation in a process that happens anyway to all human beings, though most of them unconsciously. Though I also get the sense you might use the term "creation" to mean something like a miraculous act, maybe?
About the creation process I write below. In short, it's a much more technical than mystical thing, but people are just kept in the believes of how it "could work".

But to me much more important thing than creation is the presence of unconscious mind - or, I would rather say, there is on such thing as unconscious mind (sorry) :) There are of course many "layers" involved in the mental processes of the human being, however, if something is not conscious, it exists beyond yourself.

Thinking of a fish swimming in the water is a good point of reference: until you don't realize that you are not the water which flows through "your" body all the time, you may think that the water is a part of yourself... that's how people exist on this planet of unconsciousness, and, actually, a primitive level of advancement...

When you incarnate into this planet, you have a plan for your physical existence here. And this plan is a sort of the creation. How does it work - I write below, but in short, a human being is a product of advanced genetic engeenering and has been designed to be manipulated: psychologically and physiologically. That's how the creation in the matrix works...

Affirmations alone have their impact purely depend on the strength of a person's will. While there can be value in developing such will, it's not easy and probably a hard way to obtain any result.
I myself develop the will, and what I can see it is not quite like that - the will alone is not the only element which is involved in the process of creation.

But what I can say about how our matrix works, and I already mentioned it, is that the reality we can see with our physical senses, which is sometimes called matrix, works due to usage of "leverages" - just like you can control, with buttons and a wheel, a car, a plane or other vehicle...

I mean, it's sort of science, not just will, involved in the process of manipulating the reality so that it brings certain results. Of course not the science of the sort we know on the Earth, as science on the Earth is of course primitive still, but there are various energy levels (frequencies) involved in the whole process of manipulation of the matrix and these levels are treated technically - which in the end a naive person calls "creation" or "the law of attraction". Or believes that his or her affirmation was the only element which "magically" brought the effect. (S)he can see only the final outcome, just like a primitive driver may only think of a wheel used to control the car. You and me know that the wheel is just a convinient element to get the real mechanism in the car running, but a naive person could think that it's the wheel alone which controls the car. :)
Exactly the same thing is with the reality. And with your body. And, probably, with your mind. People don't realize that something they call the subconscious mind could be just a mental "car"...
How about that? :P And this "car" has been designed. And has been designed with lots of energetic "buttons" which allow to control unconscious and unaware people. Then "they" create the whole system for incarnations, reset your memory and when you are incarnated, "they" use these "magical buttons" to control your life, and keep you in a false belief thay you are responsible for making decisions in your life, and that you can affirm whatever you want (or "decide" about anything you want to affirm), and it would happen. That's how we are supposed to think here.

So we think with our mental "cars", and, like the fish from the example above, we think that these cars are "us".
But it's not. However, we have far forgotten the real "us".

And now we live in the mental matrix, astral matrix, etheric matrix and physical matrix. AFAIK these are the 4 qabbalistic worlds - matrixes below the "creation". This is what I experienced... And the matrix is under the control.
Just the terrifying fact however is that it's not under our control. ;) (Hence, it's not us who control the reality. Hence, affirmations actually don't work). So people will slumber because the truth is terrifying and they are not ready for it. Unfortunetely, the Matrix movie - symbolically, not physically - reflects the truth about the reality. Our senses are cheated, our minds are also cheated. Deliberately.

If you take a closer look for instance on the ancient scriptures, images etc. which are treated as "magic" by today's historians, they are surprisingly very technical. Even religious scriptures are very technical, even mechanical. Have anyone asked the question: WHY?

Similarly people talk about the Law of Attraction from incomplete data
Yes, this is probably the propaganda (sorry new age fans :) ) which is to introduce a new sort of religion, adjusted to the mentality of the XXth and XXIth century. BTW the "Law of Attraction" term has been made up by those who you call "them". Of course this doesn't mean we have to believe it, just like we don't have to believe that there is a god in the heaven with a long white beard who is a man and who only awaits for souls to come to him after the physical death and has nothing else to do for his entire eternity :)

Just in general, it seems to me we have made similar observations of reality. Different outcomes and conclusions surely, but I can relate to your basic data. :)

3rd June 2023, 05:46 AM
In last night dream my door bell rang...I opened the door and outside was standing a teacher with his students....the teacher said that one of his students want to talk to me....okay I said...one boy about 8-10 yrs old said...I want the darkness what you have...I was so surprised because I was unaware that I had some darkness....the only thing I could say was...maybe it looks like darkness when you are looking in...but from the inside it looks like sunshine and rainbows...he wanted to live with me...so I said that off course he can...and he stayed with me??

4th June 2023, 09:52 AM
In last night dream I had hard time to wake up in the dream....I saw an eye in the ceiling..when I noticed it ..it make fear in me...I battled to wake up and when I in the end wake up and I look up at the ceiling it was a painted eye and not a real eye...felt little bit confused ...who have painted an eye on the ceiling?

5th June 2023, 05:50 AM
In last night dream I was robbed...they took the stones from my rings and the wrist- clock from the the band....??

6th June 2023, 08:44 AM
In last night dream was very symbolic...I can only say this what was said....You are new born??

9th June 2023, 07:10 AM
This happened in real life....I have bean examined on my left breast...they have taken exaples with a long neadle...no cell changes...then they call me back and new x-rays taken...called back for tissue examples 4 pieces....doctor told me...lime is hard...it is why we have taken those 4 tissue examples and we succeeded to get the lime pieces too to look at...if it is only lime and no other changes then we call you back in 2 years for new x-rays...so in last night dream this happened...I am in a sauna and the heater does not fuction...I call for help and I am waiting and lyiening down ...a man comes in and he started to puch on my left breast...it hurts...I said...do not do that...they have taken tissue examples and it has not healed yet....here I awoke myself....

11th June 2023, 03:55 AM
In last night dream I was walking on a path seeing in distance a huge flock of dogs...big dogs...so I turned around and went in opposit direction...the dogs spotted me and they started to run towards me over the field...I walked in very slow and steady pace...no-one of the dogs did run towards me but walked behind me...I was tensing up but kept my cool....I see a man who is photografer and he did see my dilemma so he seamed to know the dogs by theires names and he said...you lye down here and you stand there and as he did arrange the dogs to a group picture I just walked away and felt such a relief and greatfulness....thank you photographer.

12th June 2023, 05:12 AM
In last night dream I was not succeeding to take the train nor the bus...when I went to the train station the bus went...and vice verca...so in the end I went to the train tracks and one train was standing there and I knew it will go back to the central station empty...so I spoke the man driving the train...and he come out of the train and given me a stack of money...and he gave me the feeling that I am trying to free ride...so I said and gave back the money and said if you want me to buy a ticket I have money...and I started to walk to the ticket place...but he left me...so I saw a girl and I asked if she has a friend with a car who can drive me to the central station ..I will pay...so she call a friend and she come...the car was total disaster...full packed with stuff and bearly anywhere to sit...the girl sat infront of the driver...and the windschield was blocked by a pillow...I said...you can not drive this car...you have no clear visual...I awake myself here...

There's a chance that you were exposed to some training regarding an energy body here. I always pay attention to vehicles in my dreams this way, assuming they are "vehicles of consciousness" and then try to see if an interpretation unfolds from there, explaining other details of the dream. Typically I find myself either the driver or the passenger, and over time I've come to observe many, if not most, times that my company is a guide. In cases where I'm driving, I might already have some command over the function of the vehicle, so I'm being merely accompanied in my explorations of body or body and plane. (For me, body = vehicle, pretty much.) But if I'm the passenger, that's also a lesson. It's more about an exposure to a body I cannot yet control myself - or cannot control that day.

This "car-sharing" is really typical for me and I have dozens if not hundreds of dreams featuring it. The state of the car is then interesting - the stuff it was packed with may be things that need processing or absorbing before better use can be made of that vehicle. The windshield being blocked by a pillow is an indication that some inner senses associated with that body may not have worked very well. Vision on any plane of being is often a complex thing, coordinated between the higher chakras of that particular body. On the other hand, being able to experience oneself in a body, experiencing a space around you (dimension), and being able to move, all of these point to activation of the lower chakras to some degree on that particular plane. The purpose of this experience may have been to stabilize that achievement and see what can be further activated in that particular body. I cannot tell you which body it is, though, as I'm lacking clues from the environment.

12th June 2023, 06:15 AM
There's a chance that you were exposed to some training regarding an energy body here. I always pay attention to vehicles in my dreams this way, assuming they are "vehicles of consciousness" and then try to see if an interpretation unfolds from there, explaining other details of the dream. Typically I find myself either the driver or the passenger, and over time I've come to observe many, if not most, times that my company is a guide. In cases where I'm driving, I might already have some command over the function of the vehicle, so I'm being merely accompanied in my explorations of body or body and plane. (For me, body = vehicle, pretty much.) But if I'm the passenger, that's also a lesson. It's more about an exposure to a body I cannot yet control myself - or cannot control that day.

This "car-sharing" is really typical for me and I have dozens if not hundreds of dreams featuring it. The state of the car is then interesting - the stuff it was packed with may be things that need processing or absorbing before better use can be made of that vehicle. The windshield being blocked by a pillow is an indication that some inner senses associated with that body may not have worked very well. Vision on any plane of being is often a complex thing, coordinated between the higher chakras of that particular body. On the other hand, being able to experience oneself in a body, experiencing a space around you (dimension), and being able to move, all of these point to activation of the lower chakras to some degree on that particular plane. The purpose of this experience may have been to stabilize that achievement and see what can be further activated in that particular body. I cannot tell you which body it is, though, as I'm lacking clues from the environment.
Thank you Korpo. My flesch body is very injured and it is showing more dysfuncktion as I age....my eyes for example is starting to have more and more blurred vision and not even glases helps...I have bean injured by beatigs by boyfriends in the past...so more and more pain is present...I have just learned that places you have had bruises the tissue develops lime on the scars what bruises have caused...my left breast was after a beating in the 80 ties...totally one big bruise black..have never had so bad bruise as this was...and now that breast has developed lime and as I wrote before 4 tissue examples has bean taken with lime and I hope it is only lime and have not turned to cancer...so I am sure that car with clutter is my fleshbody...it is always easy if it is somebody elses car then mine in the dream ...it is more easy for me to start to look at it as it is still so much mental pain ...physical pain is more acceptable because of my age...the train and bus is the other bodies what I can not yet access so to speak...so thank you that you gave me opportunity to look at this dream more deeply...you give me curage. :-)

12th June 2023, 09:13 AM
In last night dream a cat was very intense towards me...it showed such a agressive nearness that I went into a nearly fight mode..I agressivly schussed it away...but as intensivly I schussed away it like attacked me and clinged to my leg...not using biting nor clows....as this was going on I went into a confused state....

13th June 2023, 02:46 PM
so I am sure that car with clutter is my fleshbody...it is always easy if it is somebody elses car then mine in the dream ...it is more easy for me to start to look at it as it is still so much mental pain ...

Maybe not the physical body, though the possibility exists. Clutter could for example point to beliefs held in the lower mental body, a candidate for a body you might need the assistance of a guide to develop. Given your active dream life it's probably not the astral body (the body of emotion and desire) as most active dreamers already have a good command of the astral body, it would also at this stage probably feel like "your car..." Beliefs could be anything - ideas about yourself that you might've internalized and stem from others, for example. Often physical ailments can stem from such beliefs remaining untouched, or can exacerbate them. The mental level energies, for example, can stir the astral body again.

Sorry to hear you still have to carry such experience in your body after all this time. :(

13th June 2023, 04:04 PM
Maybe not the physical body, though the possibility exists. Clutter could for example point to beliefs held in the lower mental body, a candidate for a body you might need the assistance of a guide to develop. Given your active dream life it's probably not the astral body (the body of emotion and desire) as most active dreamers already have a good command of the astral body, it would also at this stage probably feel like "your car..." Beliefs could be anything - ideas about yourself that you might've internalized and stem from others, for example. Often physical ailments can stem from such beliefs remaining untouched, or can exacerbate them. The mental level energies, for example, can stir the astral body again.

Sorry to hear you still have to carry such experience in your body after all this time. :(
Thank you Korpo. When I read your words about that I might?ve internalize and stem from others...Yes...my mother...I was not old just a baby when I started to understand my mother but since she did not want to have any contact to me...I tried to develop wordless communication...and that drive her crazy...she somehow did undertand but did take it negativly...she said...If I was not sure I have given birth to you I do not believe you are my daughter...my mother had also mental issues and she blamed me for everything...she also blamed the abuse what I went through to be my fault...that I did allow it...and it took me very long time to understand what she meant...I was adult when I did understand what I had to endure in my very early life....I did not even understand when I left home at 17 yrs old...I only felt that if I stay I will not keep my mental health...and I will go crazy. So thank you Korpo...I will look at this more deeply and closely.

14th June 2023, 05:56 AM
One person close to me is also currently still in the process of unraveling the failure of bonding with her mother with the help of a therapist. Failure from the mother's side. The things she internalized and have plagued her ever since turned out to be quite heavy. She at least had the comparison with another, later child as an anchor point to know that it doesn't have to be this way. (As a child she assumed this is normal.) It's certainly a lot of trauma to process, but I'm glad she's doing it after all, she carried that around for decades. That's long enough to say the least.

14th June 2023, 07:49 AM
One person close to me is also currently still in the process of unraveling the failure of bonding with her mother with the help of a therapist. Failure from the mother's side. The things she internalized and have plagued her ever since turned out to be quite heavy. She at least had the comparison with another, later child as an anchor point to know that it doesn't have to be this way. (As a child she assumed this is normal.) It's certainly a lot of trauma to process, but I'm glad she's doing it after all, she carried that around for decades. That's long enough to say the least.
I did have the conversation with my mother and it started at 1982 when I went to therapist and I used this and said...the therapist asked me to aks you about this and that...so this way I did get to know about my mothers childhood too...because everytime I asked about my childhood she only told about her childhood...so I did understand that I will never get the answeres I need ...it have taken me very long time to accept that we never will be mother and daughter but as friends...and when I did get to this revelation and was able to live it out...much between us did ease up and we become as friends...and my wishes or as she did feel my demands...but I still have the sorrow that I feel I never had a mother in this life....and the sorrow that I had to understand her but she never did understand me...

14th June 2023, 07:53 AM
In last night dream I was with my first husband (my sons father) he was lying on my arm very near me...I said...can you belive this to be true...no he said...no me neighder can...it was sweet feeling....wonder if I am near death?

16th June 2023, 04:59 AM
In last night dream I was out with friends and I took taxi home ...the taxi driver told me that there is 20 busses missing...next day I was on the buss stop and waiting for a bus with many others...no buss comming...the I remembered what the taxi driver told me last night...so I said...there are 20 busses missing....and i strarted to think ...shall I walk to my work place..ore shall I call for a working friend to come and pick me up....I woke up here...

In this episode I was walking on town and I hear loud out call from the speakers....I saw a broad steps up so I went to look what was going on...there was a show off for all kind of vechiles...big trucks...helikopters...etc...the grass was so green that I was totally blown away...

19th June 2023, 10:24 AM
I have had this kind of dreams now for some days...like last night...I do not know if I was shown a picture of meat cut in small pieces...or if it was a thought about making a cassarole....or if it was a signal from my body because I have not eaten meet for a long time??...go figure...

20th June 2023, 08:14 AM
In last night dream I was living in a 3 floore building...I took the elevator to the top floor what was 3...first I could not open the door when the elevator hit the 3th floor...it went down to floor 2...I pushed the 3 floor and now the elevator did not reach totally up to the 3th floor but I could open the door...and it was like half meter so I had to jump up and I landed on my belly and dragged me up ???

21st June 2023, 04:11 AM
This last night dream depicts how I felt during my childhood and very long time of my adulthood too....the dream was like this....My sister wanted me to go with her...I was stressed but I followed with her....she was trying to get me to the hospital for making me look like I was mad...I told my sister that I must not be late for my work...and when I looked at my wrist watch it had stopped...my sister had a friend with her and I she told me that the time was 2.30 middle of the night....I told my sister ...it is enough now...I go back home...but she insisted me to go with her to her home....after a long argument she won and I followed her...back at her home she showed how irritated she was of me...I felt such a fear...I went to the door to look if it was locked..no it was not...so I locked the door...I told her that the door was not locked and soon you could see the handle go down...someone tried to get inside...I tried to look out of the peep hole but he who was behind the door put it?s finger to block out ....soon my boyfriend come too there...he had a girlfriend with him...I felt devestated....I told my son...I will not stay here for any more minut....and here I woke up....in agony....I want to get this old feeling out of me....NOW. Period!

22nd June 2023, 03:06 PM
In last night dream I was living in a 3 floore building...I took the elevator to the top floor what was 3...first I could not open the door when the elevator hit the 3th floor...it went down to floor 2...I pushed the 3 floor and now the elevator did not reach totally up to the 3th floor but I could open the door...and it was like half meter so I had to jump up and I landed on my belly and dragged me up ???

Buildings with multiple floors often stand in for navigating a plane of existence. Planes typically have 7 sub-planes, but our access to individual sub-planes is restricted by how far we have developed that particular body as a vehicle of consciousness. (We actually usually do not perceive sub-planes we cannot access.) Typically the ease of moving between sub-planes is reflected in the means to do so. It's continuum from really hard to really easy - a vertical climb is hardest, then walking up a slope (depending on gradient), walking up stairs, taking an escalator, taking an elevator, flying, instantaneous changes. This is how I typically experience changes between sub-planes.

Anyway, in general I would say the dream represents learning to activate more chakras of that body to actually learn to navigate the respective plane. As somebody who has such a rich dream life, this might very well be the lower mental plane as you shouldn't have such problems on the astral plane. Not much more can be said here than that a particular body or vehicle of consciousness is typically developed through simulations that focus on parts of its abilities - like here the mobility between sub-planes and being able to tell which sub-plane one is on. It's possible that this inner sense was trained in isolation in order to make better use of it in the future.

You might actually benefit from reading Kurt Leland's "The Multidimensional Human" to give yourself some context on what might be going on in such dreams, and some practices you might want to try. :)

22nd June 2023, 05:17 PM
Buildings with multiple floors often stand in for navigating a plane of existence. Planes typically have 7 sub-planes, but our access to individual sub-planes is restricted by how far we have developed that particular body as a vehicle of consciousness. (We actually usually do not perceive sub-planes we cannot access.) Typically the ease of moving between sub-planes is reflected in the means to do so. It's continuum from really hard to really easy - a vertical climb is hardest, then walking up a slope (depending on gradient), walking up stairs, taking an escalator, taking an elevator, flying, instantaneous changes. This is how I typically experience changes between sub-planes.

Anyway, in general I would say the dream represents learning to activate more chakras of that body to actually learn to navigate the respective plane. As somebody who has such a rich dream life, this might very well be the lower mental plane as you shouldn't have such problems on the astral plane. Not much more can be said here than that a particular body or vehicle of consciousness is typically developed through simulations that focus on parts of its abilities - like here the mobility between sub-planes and being able to tell which sub-plane one is on. It's possible that this inner sense was trained in isolation in order to make better use of it in the future.

You might actually benefit from reading Kurt Leland's "The Multidimensional Human" to give yourself some context on what might be going on in such dreams, and some practices you might want to try. :)Thank you so much Korpo :heart:. I have that book Multidimensional Human by Kurt Leland....If I remember right...I had an experience when I tried to come out of my body I only get my hand out of my head...and Kurt answered that it is called something as astral hands....for some reason I have not read his book but I have now dusted it of and I will start to read...for some reason I have avoided all what matters so I have to re-start again...You give me inspiration....:D

23rd June 2023, 09:15 AM
In last night dream suddenly was said...life threathening...my being responded at once...there is not such a thing as life threathning...life is eternal and nothing threathens it....phases of life comes and goes....ends eras upon eras....life continues.

This is very hard to really put on words..but it was long these lines...

24th June 2023, 08:39 AM
In last night dream happened suddenly someone calling out....it sounded like this....alla walla lee....it felt like ...all want to leave???

26th June 2023, 05:57 AM
In last night dream my son asked me to drive my fathers exavator to a hill where he wanted to exavate....so I did it....then my son changes his mind so I drowe the exavator to my grandfathers yard...my father come to ask me where the exavator is so I said...it is on grandfathers yard...no it is not he said...oh then I do not know...

29th June 2023, 09:19 AM
In last night dream a window was open and my table cloth swong out....I went to the window and looked out...I was living on the first floor...a man walked by and I hallored at him and he come nearer and I asked him if he can try to give my table cloth to me...I hung out of the window and asked him to strech his arm with the table cloth towards me...but it was too high...I said..ok I come out to get it....

5th July 2023, 07:29 AM
In last night dream I was shown vinyl LP and it was said...produced in Himalayas...

7th July 2023, 07:06 AM
In last night dream I was looking at myself...I knew it was me even if I was looking from the outside too....I was covered in the whitest white I ever seen...like angel hair curly white and it was from top to ground...I looked more closely and I saw my legs...I have got new legs...I do not know what it was made of but it looked strong and sturdy and it was beige slightly tanned...

8th July 2023, 04:37 AM
In last night dream I was in an elevator...I pushed the topfloor...but the floor before the topfloor there was a sigh ...likvaka...(wake in swedish)...I come to the topfloor but here I awoke...

9th July 2023, 06:01 AM
In last night dream I was in an elevator...I pushed the topfloor...but the floor before the topfloor there was a sigh ...likvaka...(wake in swedish)...I come to the topfloor but here I awoke...

Elevators are a good sign. :D They show that you can easily switch between sub-planes on that plane. "Wake" could mean anything in this context, I guess it was not very clear. Often there are mistranslations, especially early on, that hit the same "category" of the word that would more accurately translate the energy but not quite. If you awoke before the top floor then you likely had problems retaining the memory of what it was like. In my dreams this can show up as going up a hill, then heading down, and missing the in-between part.

In last night dream I was shown vinyl LP and it was said...produced in Himalayas...

What do you associate with either?

Recordings, tapes, books, discs, etc can all be "energy information packages" - basically the idea of "prerecorded" or "written" information translates to "a complete energy transmission" ready for download. Seeing it as vinyl is very hipster, I hear. :lol:

9th July 2023, 06:22 AM
Elevators are a good sign. :D They show that you can easily switch between sub-planes on that plane. "Wake" could mean anything in this context, I guess it was not very clear. Often there are mistranslations, especially early on, that hit the same "category" of the word that would more accurately translate the energy but not quite. If you awoke before the top floor then you likely had problems retaining the memory of what it was like. In my dreams this can show up as going up a hill, then heading down, and missing the in-between part.

What do you associate with either?

Recordings, tapes, books, discs, etc can all be "energy information packages" - basically the idea of "prerecorded" or "written" information translates to "a complete energy transmission" ready for download. Seeing it as vinyl is very hipster, I hear. :lol:

I did come to the top floor but when the doors opened I awoke....The wake sighn did awake a bit of fear in me...funerals are not fun so to say...but I think it means I am ready to let go of my past at last....and the vinyl do feel that I ought to listen more music...or other recordings...I have had a very long silent period have not listen to any music at all.
Thank you Korpo :heart:
I think it is also a pointer towards the book Multidimensional Human...Kurt Leland do also make music...maybe I should listen to what he makes?..It has already made me remember..and awakens strong feelings in me.


10th July 2023, 05:27 AM
In last night dream I was in a group on a shore...we knew we have to swim and I went into the sea and started swim at some direction...when I have swam and saw a new shore I knew it was wrong so I went into the sea again and started to swim back where I come from...I met several swimmers and I told them it was wrong and soon a women was swiming towards me and I saw she stop breathing and she went under the water...I was very near her and I catched her before she sank too deep and I started to shout...hallooo help...she went under....help...and here I awoke...

11th July 2023, 02:29 AM
In last night dream I was to some kind of gathering...I had my embroidery with me..I went to get some coffee I put 2 lumps of sugar (I do not use sugar in my coffee) and the host commented...you have your embroidery with you...yes I said...it is my life line...I went back and I saw people opened my embroidery and was looking at it...to my surprice I have made an abstract embroidery...only 2 details was highlightened...the face made as ancient farao sort of...and first I thought it was a needle but it was a pen...the people was scrutinizing it..they turned it over and looking on the back of the embroidery---here I awoke...

12th July 2023, 11:52 AM
I think it is also a pointer towards the book Multidimensional Human...Kurt Leland do also make music...maybe I should listen to what he makes?..It has already made me remember..and awakens strong feelings in me.

Music is the closest to exchanging energetic information (= speaking energy, what Kurt calls "feel/think" after Robert Monroe) in physical reality. It is a direct way to transmit emotions and emotional changes and other abstract concepts - and to do so in time.

"Music and the Soul" (also by Kurt Leland) has been an extremely worthwhile read - I'd recommend to anybody interested in music as a listener or to make music. Unfortunately it's hard to get a copy these days.

12th July 2023, 12:21 PM
In last night dream I was to some kind of gathering...I had my embroidery with me..I went to get some coffee I put 2 lumps of sugar (I do not use sugar in my coffee) and the host commented...you have your embroidery with you...yes I said...it is my life line...I went back and I saw people opened my embroidery and was looking at it...to my surprice I have made an abstract embroidery...only 2 details was highlightened...the face made as ancient farao sort of...and first I thought it was a needle but it was a pen...the people was scrutinizing it..they turned it over and looking on the back of the embroidery---here I awoke...

This might be one of the patterns you keep enacting in your life. You might be attached to this pattern enough to call it your life line. Alternatively this pattern is actually a template for your life that you adhere to - that governs it (like a "pharao" would). The other people are checking this pattern to get an impression of your life - like for example reading your "ident" as Robert Monroe would call it.

The pattern and embroidery generally here seem to relate to the concepts of "pattern", "message", "reading", "picture" - but it's unclear which it is. Over time your vocabulary for translating dream images might get clearer and then it becomes more obvious what is meant from the images in the very least.

In last night dream I was in a group on a shore...we knew we have to swim and I went into the sea and started swim at some direction...when I have swam and saw a new shore I knew it was wrong so I went into the sea again and started to swim back where I come from...I met several swimmers and I told them it was wrong and soon a women was swiming towards me and I saw she stop breathing and she went under the water...I was very near her and I catched her before she sank too deep and I started to shout...hallooo help...she went under....help...and here I awoke...

This is likely a misunderstanding interfering with translating the scene - unless you live near an ocean and oceans feature for that reason in your dreams.

More archetypically, oceans are often planes - the body of any plane, like the astral or mental planes. The degree of immersion is typically how deeply your inner senses enter the plane. Swimming or diving is navigating that specific plane.

There's many reasons you might have seen her "stop breathing" - including her waking up and leaving the plane / not focusing in that body anymore (= being less alive in comparison but not dead, just unconscious towards this particular plane and its environs). Or this particular person was projecting from a higher plane and left their "sheath" on that plane behind when consciousness abandoned it.

But the general gist is "interacting with a large plane." Seeing the other share might relate to going to another plane (adjoining this one) and maybe you felt you are not currently able to access it (= "knew it was wrong").

The other swimmers might have also been projectors or dreamers navigating the plane or a similar simulation of navigating a plane.

13th July 2023, 03:17 AM
This might be one of the patterns you keep enacting in your life. You might be attached to this pattern enough to call it your life line. Alternatively this pattern is actually a template for your life that you adhere to - that governs it (like a "pharao" would). The other people are checking this pattern to get an impression of your life - like for example reading your "ident" as Robert Monroe would call it.

The pattern and embroidery generally here seem to relate to the concepts of "pattern", "message", "reading", "picture" - but it's unclear which it is. Over time your vocabulary for translating dream images might get clearer and then it becomes more obvious what is meant from the images in the very least.

This is likely a misunderstanding interfering with translating the scene - unless you live near an ocean and oceans feature for that reason in your dreams.

More archetypically, oceans are often planes - the body of any plane, like the astral or mental planes. The degree of immersion is typically how deeply your inner senses enter the plane. Swimming or diving is navigating that specific plane.

There's many reasons you might have seen her "stop breathing" - including her waking up and leaving the plane / not focusing in that body anymore (= being less alive in comparison but not dead, just unconscious towards this particular plane and its environs). Or this particular person was projecting from a higher plane and left their "sheath" on that plane behind when consciousness abandoned it.

But the general gist is "interacting with a large plane." Seeing the other share might relate to going to another plane (adjoining this one) and maybe you felt you are not currently able to access it (= "knew it was wrong").

The other swimmers might have also been projectors or dreamers navigating the plane or a similar simulation of navigating a plane.Thank you Korpo. I am starting to get new feeling about my dreams...but I still am stuck to earth so to say...as you say about ..template for your life that you adhere to ....It scares me to think in new ways..it feels like I am loosing myself....I hope you will go on and interpret my dreams so I can enter the bigger me consiously...thank you from my whole heart and soul :heart:

13th July 2023, 03:20 AM
Music is the closest to exchanging energetic information (= speaking energy, what Kurt calls "feel/think" after Robert Monroe) in physical reality. It is a direct way to transmit emotions and emotional changes and other abstract concepts - and to do so in time.

"Music and the Soul" (also by Kurt Leland) has been an extremely worthwhile read - I'd recommend to anybody interested in music as a listener or to make music. Unfortunately it's hard to get a copy these days.I thought I find music he have composed...but I only found a book about music...I want to find the book to read...I am sure it will give new experience to feel.

14th July 2023, 02:18 PM
In last night dream I was standing with my back to the direction of my travel..I stand infront of the person who is stearing the kick-sledge?we travel in very high speed down a steep hill?I do not let fear invade me?I just relax and I feel the relaxation in my whole existence?here I awoke.

15th July 2023, 06:04 AM
In last night dream happened much but the only seequence I remember is me bicycling ..when I see a car comming towards me on high speed..it took me off guard and my right fot stuck to the pedal so I nearly lost my balance..so I took a left turn into a mansions yard...and here I awoke..

18th July 2023, 05:32 AM
In last night dream I was in a building...I hear voices shouting...a child crying..so I go to listen behind doors from where it comes from...I locate the appartament and I knock on the door...the door opens and I see a child on the floor crying...the person who have shouted and making the child cry dissapears...I ask the child...what is the matter...he looks at me and I stretch my hands towards his...he takes my hands and stop crying...I try to ask what happened...but the child do not talk...he takes me to the kitchen where his mother is and ..here I awoke....

In this episode I am in my appartament...a huge heap of sand is in my kitchen and a hole is digged...I can see through the hole a canal floating under and I go out...on the other side is an excavater digging in the canal...digging up shoes...I pick up the shoes and I try to communicate with the man on the excavator..he says something like...what are you doing in the building with old people...I reply..maybe because I am an old women...he say...but you are not that old...oh yeah...not...I am 67 yrs old....

19th July 2023, 05:13 AM
In last night dream I was with somebody els and a huge man in a small room...the huge man had in his hand a transformer figure wich he tried to hit me with...the other person who was with me in the room had a gun ...a gun you could load with 2 bullits...as the man tried to hit me I said to the other person to load the gun...to give a signal to the man to back off...here I awoke...

20th July 2023, 06:28 AM
In last night dream I went into a building...and 2 bear cubs where playing in the elevator...so I run up the stairs...but they did notice me and run after me...so I quickly run into the elevator...I knew whos bear cubs they are...I pushed 5th floor...and rang the door bell...they did only open a little bit the door...so I did open it more...and told them to take in the cubs ...they do not let people into the building...and when I was talking to the lady..the cubs come and she took them in...and I went home...

22nd July 2023, 05:22 AM
In last night dream a man who is very good at hitting the right notes and tones when singing...he invited me to go with him to a gathering where you have to be good at notes...I was singing to my self quietly...I was thinking...me too can be good if I get guidans and training...I could feel my potential...it felt good and my self confidence grew...

In a distant I did see bears and wolfs?

24th July 2023, 07:54 AM
In few days I have have only remembered snippets of my dreams...like this..I know I go to a school...and when I was walking with my school friend...I was laughing so much nearly could not tell what was so funny...that I forget that I have a car...and take the bus instead....or...I hear a sound...and the sound carries the message...it was..".there is still left on the left side"...it was total clear to me that the sound carried the message....never happened before what I can remember...or that I met my second husband and we where talking about why it did not function between us...I said...it was because of the music...I do not like jazz...and I air played on a invisible saxaphone...to show what was so anoing....

24th July 2023, 03:55 PM
In few days I have have only remembered snippets of my dreams...like this..I know I go to a school...and when I was walking with my school friend...I was laughing so much nearly could not tell what was so funny...that I forget that I have a car...and take the bus instead....or...I hear a sound...and the sound carries the message...it was..".there is still left on the left side"...it was total clear to me that the sound carried the message....never happened before what I can remember...or that I met my second husband and we where talking about why it did not function between us...I said...it was because of the music...I do not like jazz...and I air played on a invisible saxaphone...to show what was so anoing....
Difference between the car and the bus is that for taking the bus you need another person to drive instead of yourself - which is the case with the car. In other words, you "forgot" that you can drive your life yourself instead of relying on someone else.

The music indicates vibrations. The vibrations between you and your husband must have not matched, and the influence of external vibrations (symbolized by invisible saxophone) showed clearly what was wrong.

24th July 2023, 05:01 PM
Difference between the car and the bus is that for taking the bus you need another person to drive instead of yourself - which is the case with the car. In other words, you "forgot" that you can drive your life yourself instead of relying on someone else.

The music indicates vibrations. The vibrations between you and your husband must have not matched, and the influence of external vibrations (symbolized by invisible saxophone) showed clearly what was wrong.

Thank you Antares. Yes in retrospect I know all this to be true what you are saying.
How is life with you?


26th July 2023, 08:11 AM
In last night dream I have had such a good cleansing from my resentment and hurt what has also happened in my relationships with men...in last night dream I saw my sister having a clear flirt with my man...I exposed them and went to the balcony to cool off....my sister come after me and did not admit what just happened...she just looked at me with a smurk on her face...that mad me so angry...so I said...I will go and hit him...(I never acted out like this in real life...I only ended the relationship pretty quickly, because if I asked they never admitted) ...I felt all the hurt and anger rusching through me...and I said...I will go hung myself...(this deep and hard I felt in real life..but of course I never acted on it) ..it was very cleansing to both feel and see my reaction this clearly...

26th July 2023, 07:25 PM
In last night dream a man who is very good at hitting the right notes and tones when singing...he invited me to go with him to a gathering where you have to be good at notes...I was singing to my self quietly...I was thinking...me too can be good if I get guidans and training...I could feel my potential...it felt good and my self confidence grew...

Pitch is physically directly tied to frequency (of air oscillation). The faster air particles vibrate, the higher the pitch. (Something like that.) Non-physically there are also frequencies. So it may be your singer was showing you how to hit the frequencies that correspond to the chakras. Music is anyway one of the closer equivalents to nonphysical transformations and communication, I guess. With guidance and training (like from this friendly being singing for you) you can indeed unfold also that potential.

I went into a building...and 2 bear cubs where playing in the elevator

Elevators can stand for changes between sub-planes, and the ability to select a particular one might mean that in that body you were in, you could navigate well and tell your position within the plane.

Pairs or triples of animals are often elementals, essentially the consciousness of each of our bodies. Depending on our wellbeing, these elementals can get quite rowdy. Or be untamed - like bear cubs - when they still need some training and care to be kept in check. They can also appears as lions, or as domestic cats, dogs on a leash, etc. This would then express degrees of control or having tamed them. Maybe you enlisted some help dealing with yours. ;-) After all, they followed you around.

In this episode I am in my appartament...a huge heap of sand is in my kitchen and a hole is digged...I can see through the hole a canal floating under and I go out...on the other side is an excavater digging in the canal...digging up shoes...I pick up the shoes and I try to communicate with the man on the excavator..he says something like...what are you doing in the building with old people

Since it's your place - maybe some past life stuff (= stuff from "old people") is being unearthed. Maybe he pointed out that this is different from you as you are now (= you are not "old people").

In general, when you are in your apartment, it is possible you might be in your own worldview, the current home of your personality within the planes. You have one on every of the planes you can access. Within those worldviews there might be all kind of material pertaining to you as a totality - the higher the plane, the more encompassing it gets. For example, past lives might have contained the karmic seeds forming events in your present life until this point, and maybe it's time their influence is unearthed. The canal might well be access to a bigger flow.

If this was your worldview and this being had access, his role was likely to help you make a needed change.

The room you found this in might also be telling. If you see a kitchen as a place to invite friends or share food with family, it might represents aspects from that body's throat chakra. Or you associate the kitchen with the familiar unit more in the sense of the heart, as in a hearth that makes a home a home. Or maybe it ties to the lower chakras - survival or even sensual pleasures. So what the kitchen represents is probably best known to yourself.

27th July 2023, 09:09 AM
Pitch is physically directly tied to frequency (of air oscillation). The faster air particles vibrate, the higher the pitch. (Something like that.) Non-physically there are also frequencies. So it may be your singer was showing you how to hit the frequencies that correspond to the chakras. Music is anyway one of the closer equivalents to nonphysical transformations and communication, I guess. With guidance and training (like from this friendly being singing for you) you can indeed unfold also that potential.

Elevators can stand for changes between sub-planes, and the ability to select a particular one might mean that in that body you were in, you could navigate well and tell your position within the plane.

Pairs or triples of animals are often elementals, essentially the consciousness of each of our bodies. Depending on our wellbeing, these elementals can get quite rowdy. Or be untamed - like bear cubs - when they still need some training and care to be kept in check. They can also appears as lions, or as domestic cats, dogs on a leash, etc. This would then express degrees of control or having tamed them. Maybe you enlisted some help dealing with yours. ;-) After all, they followed you around.

Since it's your place - maybe some past life stuff (= stuff from "old people") is being unearthed. Maybe he pointed out that this is different from you as you are now (= you are not "old people").

In general, when you are in your apartment, it is possible you might be in your own worldview, the current home of your personality within the planes. You have one on every of the planes you can access. Within those worldviews there might be all kind of material pertaining to you as a totality - the higher the plane, the more encompassing it gets. For example, past lives might have contained the karmic seeds forming events in your present life until this point, and maybe it's time their influence is unearthed. The canal might well be access to a bigger flow.

If this was your worldview and this being had access, his role was likely to help you make a needed change.

The room you found this in might also be telling. If you see a kitchen as a place to invite friends or share food with family, it might represents aspects from that body's throat chakra. Or you associate the kitchen with the familiar unit more in the sense of the heart, as in a hearth that makes a home a home. Or maybe it ties to the lower chakras - survival or even sensual pleasures. So what the kitchen represents is probably best known to yourself.
Thank you Oliver.
You give keys to the voice/throat chakra in 2 of my dreams...when I had to undergo surgery of my thyroed gland they injured my discant ...I had a bass voice when I come out ot the surgery...they had cut of the nervs..and also in my most whole life I have not had own voice so to speak in relationships...before the surgery I was thinking of healing with tones you vocal with your voice...I have not gain back my high pitch...and maybe never will because of the injury...and maybe I still hope to find guidence how to use my voice in different way. The bear cubs may point that I have a new opportunity to learn to handle the different elements ...I have had dreams where I have handled real beasts of the lower and ruffer plans and did indeed be successful...maybe the higher plans scares me more then the lower??

27th July 2023, 09:46 AM
and maybe I still hope to find guidence how to use my voice in different way.

Let's hope you can! In both ways. :)

I have experienced the interaction between thyroid and throat chakra lately, and until I figured out what to do it cost me a lot of sleep as I would just wake up smack middle in the night and be wide awake. So changes in the throat chakra also get reflected in the thyroid, I guess.

The bear cubs may point that I have a new opportunity to learn to handle the different elements ...I have had dreams where I have handled real beasts of the lower and ruffer plans and did indeed be successful...maybe the higher plans scares me more then the lower??

One way to see the bodies is to think of them as resting on top of each other. So, to bring through an experience from a higher plane, all the lower bodies need to "fall in line" and become aligned. In Theosophical literature this is represented as becoming "transparent" - they basically become reflections of the next higher body.

In general day-to-day life, however, the bodies can go out of alignment because of issues within the personality aspect they are part of - emotions for the astral body, beliefs for the mental body. If we are in inner turmoil, we cannot rely on those bodies to be part of the experience, they become unruly. One aspect is taming them in general - this is a longterm process of undoing certain tendencies and habits of these bodies which stir them all up. The other aspect is a sort of holistic hygiene. By taking good care of ourselves, our living space, our needs on all levels, we keep our bodies aligned. These are two aspects of the same process - long and short term.

While we identify fear as an emotion, it's often a result of what we believe. So mental body constructs about our safety, what we believe we need to be happy, etc, also count as beliefs and their stir up the lower bodies. The astral body generates emotions as fear in response. The etheric and physical bodies are sort of the grounding agents for these. Issues in the physical body can then stem from issues in the mental level of being, being ingrained through repeated reactions into the very flesh of our bodies until it becomes an issue.

Take care,

28th July 2023, 08:19 AM
Let's hope you can! In both ways. :)

Yes I hope that too :D

I have experienced the interaction between thyroid and throat chakra lately, and until I figured out what to do it cost me a lot of sleep as I would just wake up smack middle in the night and be wide awake. So changes in the throat chakra also get reflected in the thyroid, I guess.

Yes I do think that too...in my case I never found my voice so to say and the thyroid went bonkers and they had to remove it all...I have to eat thyroid hormone rest of my life...it took very long time to find the right doze so my body function is okay.

One way to see the bodies is to think of them as resting on top of each other. So, to bring through an experience from a higher plane, all the lower bodies need to "fall in line" and become aligned. In Theosophical literature this is represented as becoming "transparent" - they basically become reflections of the next higher body.

Okay if I understand this right then I have only my lower body what is under the fleshbody...fleshbody and astral body in aligment ...I did see this and felt it very clearly...

In general day-to-day life, however, the bodies can go out of alignment because of issues within the personality aspect they are part of - emotions for the astral body, beliefs for the mental body. If we are in inner turmoil, we cannot rely on those bodies to be part of the experience, they become unruly. One aspect is taming them in general - this is a longterm process of undoing certain tendencies and habits of these bodies which stir them all up. The other aspect is a sort of holistic hygiene. By taking good care of ourselves, our living space, our needs on all levels, we keep our bodies aligned. These are two aspects of the same process - long and short term.

I understand....I do not have this yet in my life...but soon..it will be interesting when I have my life in better order...by moving into a better and bigger appartament for one example...

While we identify fear as an emotion, it's often a result of what we believe. So mental body constructs about our safety, what we believe we need to be happy, etc, also count as beliefs and their stir up the lower bodies. The astral body generates emotions as fear in response. The etheric and physical bodies are sort of the grounding agents for these. Issues in the physical body can then stem from issues in the mental level of being, being ingrained through repeated reactions into the very flesh of our bodies until it becomes an issue.

Take care,

Hi Oliver. I have put my answeres after your writing..I hope you can see them

29th July 2023, 10:34 AM
Yes I do think that too...in my case I never found my voice so to say and the thyroid went bonkers and they had to remove it all...I have to eat thyroid hormone rest of my life...it took very long time to find the right doze so my body function is okay.

Yes, this is important, especially since it also affects sleep and "available energy" so much. I've been on thyroid hormone for decades - supposedly had low function from early on.

it will be interesting when I have my life in better order

You should see an impact from the changed circumstances alone. :) Sometimes this can be followed by releases of stresses that one had no capacity to process before - when we have space and quiet outside of us, our inner space and quiet often increases, too. And that's a big part of what processes our experience. But I think you will see some positive effects. :)

Take care,

29th July 2023, 10:46 AM
Yes, this is important, especially since it also affects sleep and "available energy" so much. I've been on thyroid hormone for decades - supposedly had low function from early on.

You should see an impact from the changed circumstances alone. :) Sometimes this can be followed by releases of stresses that one had no capacity to process before - when we have space and quiet outside of us, our inner space and quiet often increases, too. And that's a big part of what processes our experience. But I think you will see some positive effects. :)

Take care,
Hi Oliver and thank you for your reply.
My sleep cycle is very wierd some period I sleep much and other periods not at all in days...Yes and Yes the new place will give me new energy...there is so much more space and that will be so wonderful.
How are you doing?? So you have thyroid problems too...sorry to say this but this make me feel so much better...I think you know why :D

30th July 2023, 08:01 AM
In last night dream I see myself in a mirror...I am putting make up on my eye lasches...I am surprised to do this because I have not used make up in years and years...

30th July 2023, 08:41 AM
Hi, ia.

How are you doing??

Doing good. :)

sorry to say this but this make me feel so much better...I think you know why

No worries. :lol:

Take care,

30th July 2023, 11:41 AM
Hi, ia.

Doing good. :)

No worries. :lol:

Take care,

Hi Oliver...Wonderful...thank you :heart:

31st July 2023, 06:13 PM
How is life with you?

After the mysterious events, which I wrote about in 2020 on the forum, and bit later, everything changed, and of course will never be back on the previous track. I'm generally confused, there's lots of information that I, and AFAIK no one else whom I heard about, knows virtually anything, but researching the subject - the reality of our matrix. That makes me very surprised - how come that nobody talked about it except some very vague, indirect and very general suggestions, instead of concrete and explicit, bare facts reports?

In a way I know why it is so: the matrix has primarily mental nature. The physical illusion is not that important. Mental illusion, in which we, people, live, has the biggest impact on what is going on the Earth - and 99% of people will never even think about it.

And since they will never think about it, they have no chance to even question it - "it" is their usual (forced) way of thinking.

People are like fishes, they don't realize that they live in a sort of "mental water". They are deeply immersed within this highly influencial "water" of mental waves. These mental waves are part of the system - the mental matrix. We, humans, are a designed project - designed to react to these waves. They keep us imprisoned in the matrix, and they disallow us to think freely.

The most important question is: why? And the answer is: because of this mental matrix. This is a vicious ciricle: people don't think about the mental matrix because they live in the mental matrix - because they don't think about the mental matrix, so because they live in the mental matrix they don't think so they live further in the mental martix so they further don't think... (in other words, we are manipulated from the day one when we are born, and my suspicion is, we are also manipulated before we are born, and everything seems to support this hypothesis). In short, there are things which are really hard to even describe in this universe, and I am confused when writing about it as I even don't know where to start. Research is ongoing, but I'm overwhelmed by the amount of data that I am bombarded with every day. Yes, that changes a lot in your way of thinkng. The mental matrix is the one touching purely your way of thinking, feeling, your attitudes, moods and so on - you need to be watchful, probably 99% of our thouhts are not ours. Would you belive it?

Since 99% of our thoughts are not coming from within us, then the question is: from whom?
Did you ever ask yourself this question?

I have a number of hypothesis based on what I experienced, which are diametrically different from what I've read in esoteric books. Esoteric tradition is old - coming from times when people were not too technically prepared and educated. They were thinking in terms of "angels", "demons", "ghosts" and other natural (this includes "super"-natural) phenomena. We are more educated, as we are aware that some mechanisms, computers, artificical intelligent devices and other thechnological stuff like that can be produced, and used against the people. This is what I'm thinking what is going on here, but keep in mind that the bottom line is even not the manipulation of vibration of human kind (of which some esoteric books write about), but our minds.

In brief, the aim of creating the (mental) matrix - is to breed minds of humans, like flowers in the garden. People are naive, again, because they exist in the mental "sphere" of illusion (i.e. the matrix), they feel and think that the universe should be friendly etc. But we live in a theatre - all events, catastrophies, wars etc. are the stage, humanity is like puppet-actors participating in the spectacle. And the focus is on minds of these unaware of this whole thing people...

Now, how one can live with such a discovery in other way that researching further the subject?

I discovered that there are no coincidences. Everything on the Earth is designed, planned and is intelligent. There are no chances that there is anything in your life which wasn't planned. Hard to believe, you probably won't believe it, but even our thoughts are planned - so you can see now how I am confused trying to figure all these data which I'm researching for more than 2,5 of recent years, which often deny everything what I learnt before...

31st July 2023, 06:38 PM
After the mysterious events, which I wrote about in 2020 on the forum, and bit later, everything changed, and of course will never be back on the previous track. I'm generally confused, there's lots of information that I, and AFAIK no one else whom I heard about, knows virtually anything, but researching the subject - the reality of our matrix. That makes me very surprised - how come that nobody talked about it except some very vague, indirect and very general suggestions, instead of concrete and explicit, bare facts reports?

In a way I know why it is so: the matrix has primarily mental nature. The physical illusion is not that important. Mental illusion, in which we, people, live, is most important. This is why we still are in the matrix, and 99% of people will never even think about it.

The most important question is: why? And the answer is: because of this mental matrix. This is a vicious ciricle: people don't think about the mental matrix because they live in the mental matrix - because they don't think about the mental matrix, so because they live in the mental matrix they don't think so they live further in the mental martix so they further don't think... (in other words, we are manipulated from the day one when we are born, and my suspicion is, we are also manipulated before we are born, and everything seems to support this hypothesis). In short, there are things which are really hard to even describe in this universe, and I am confused when writing about it as I even don't know where to start. Research is ongoing, but I'm overwhelmed by the amount of data that I am bombarded with every day. Yes, that changes a lot in your way of thinkng. The mental matrix is the one touching purely your way of thinking, feeling, your attitudes, moods and so on - you need to be watchful, probably 99% of our thouhts are not ours. Would you belive it?

Since 99% of our thoughts are not coming from within us, then the question is: from whom?
Did you ever ask yourself this question?

I have a number of hypothesis based on what I experienced, which are diametrically different from what I've read in esoteric books. Esoteric tradition is old - coming from times when people were not too technically prepared and educated. They were thinking in terms of "angels", "demons", "ghosts" and other natural (this includes "super"-natural) phenomena. We are more educated, as we are aware that some mechanisms, computers, artificical intelligent devices and other thechnological stuff like that can be produced, and used against the people. This is what I'm thinking what is going on here, but keep in mind that the bottom line is even not the manipulation of vibration of human kind (of which some esoteric books write about), but our minds.

In brief, the goal of creating the (mental) matrix - are minds of humans.
Hi Antares :heart:. I both feel and hear your desperation. Can it be this way...that you are one of the front runners and are rather alone about the information you are bombarded with...and why you feel so alone in this?..I think that we are so on different levels and why the communication does not work so good. I just want to say...do not give up...keep up the good work. I root for you.

1st August 2023, 06:37 PM
I both feel and hear your desperation. Can it be this way...that you are one of the front runners and are rather alone about the information you are bombarded with...and why you feel so alone in this?..I think that we are so on different levels and why the communication does not work so good. I just want to say...do not give up...keep up the good work. I root for you.

This is what I am asking myself. How come that we cannot hear about anyone who experienced it?

NDE, OBE, LD etc. seem to be very simulated experiences - in short, you cannot trust your senses. You cannot trust your thoughts. We are surrounded by invisible super-advanced, energetic and mental technology, of which people have not even vague idea.

What old people called magic, and modern people used to call affirmations, work actually very different way - or, I'd say, the "structure" of how the whole universe works, is very, very distant from the common ideas about it.

In fact, I also didn't think about it before. There are sort of "alert-systems" which monitor thoughts of human kind in this system of Earth's mental control. So "they" know every single thought of every single human in every fraction of every second... and when one thinks about the system - "they" immediately know about it (so yes, now "they" know that I'm writiing it here, of course). But now, when I tried to logically figure and connect all the dots - facts that we know, that we are actually sure about, plus what confirmed my direct experiences - it all seems very clear to me. (With our thoughts it's like with modern science - they are very fragmented, so we don't see the big picture, we don't see immediately connections between many different points etc. - but it can be changed, your thoughts can work like you had some mental super-poweres and immediately combine different facts which people, including scientists, still didn't connect - occassionally I experienced it as well, and could see how everything here works... invisible "walls" of mental, not physical nature, surround us, restricting our possibility to think - in particular, to think about the system itself! that's why I wrote that it's imprisoning).

The conclusion is the following, which will be for the majority of people too controversial and overwhelming, destroying their beliefs about the world, so called "heavens" etc.:

don't believe in NDE experiences and their consquences. Now I know that it's easy to simulate those. Your memory can be re-created, your senses can be tricked, your thoughts can be projected - and you will still think that these are your thoughts, that you experience your own perception and that you use your own memory, while they are not coming from yourself... They come from this advanced "system". I know this all sounds like from a SF movie, and hardly ressembles things what people like Franz Bardon and other occultists, modern and ancient, have written, but the universe is different than people used to think! You don't try to talk to an ape about rocket science :) In similar way, simple old people have being told about "angels guardians" etc. - this is not like that, not at all. There's no need to have such a primitive system of "guarding" that every person have a seperate being called "angel" for their own. I realize they didn't have too much possibilities as we have now to understand the reality...

The bottom line is: the time is different in higher so-called dimensions of reality, it works differently, and has a lot of strange consequences which are hard to even imagine for us, as we are closed in the 3-dimensional reality. The reality "there" doesn't ressemble the reality "here" in many, many ways. Even most weird SF movies, or OBE experiences, for an unprepared mind, don't give a vague idea about what is possible in the universe, when you consider other dimensions than physical one.

People like Robert Monroe only described the closest to the Earth projections of other realities - and focused mostly on the Earth anyway. It's worth to ask: WHY? IMO the answer is: because they were not allowed to talk about anything more than that, and they didn't experienced it - i.e. Robert Monroe's, Robert Bruce's and other people like them were pioneers, who incarnated on the Earth, to begin a new era, which purpose is to end the age of religions as we knew them before. But their experiences were planned from the beginning to the end - they were not coindicental, none of them! Robert Monroe was an unaware "agent" whose mission was to experience and introduce new generations to the other dimensions than physical one.

But that's just a begining. I'm certain that in XXIth century there will be miracles to which Robert Monroe's experiences seem like coming from a stone age.

why you feel so alone in this?

Lack of references and similarity more to most unbelievable SF movies is a major obstacle to explain even to people who have open minds - so how can I explain it to a layman? :) I have really no idea.

the communication does not work so good

It's hard to describe with words what is going on here. But as I mentioned, the most important thing is to watch your thoughts and feelings - they are probably not coming from yourself!
Remember that the time "there" is different than it is "here" - which means that your single, "quick" thought can be for "them" like it lasted very, very long... "They" are not unlimited, but have enough possibilities to control every single second on this planet in every place. 8 billions of people is not that many for such advanced systems, even our eletronic systems can process 8 billions of data :)

The conclusion is that we are unaware participants in the project called Earth.

1st August 2023, 06:58 PM
This is what I am asking myself. How come that we cannot hear about anyone who experienced it?

NDE, OBE, LD etc. seem to be very simulated experiences - in short, you cannot trust your senses. You cannot trust your thoughts. We are surrounded by invisible super-advanced, energetic and mental technology, of which people have not even vague idea.

What old people called magic, and modern people used to call affirmations, work actually very different way - or, I'd say, the "structure" of how the whole universe works, is very, very distant from the common ideas about it.

In fact, I also didn't think about it before. There are sort of "alert-systems" which monitor thoughts of human kind in this system of Earth's mental control. So "they" know every single thought of every single human in every fraction of every second... and when one thinks about the system - "they" immediately know about it (so yes, now they know that I'm writiing it here, of course). But now, when I tried to logically figure and connect all the dots - facts that we know, that we are actually sure about, plus what confirmed my direct experiences - it all seems very clear to me. (With our thoughts it's like with modern science - they are very fragmented, so we don't see the big picture, we don't see immediately connections between many different points etc. - but it can be changed, your thoughts can work like you had some mental super-poweres and immediately combine different facts which people, including scientists, still didn't connect - occassionally I experienced it as well, and could see how everything here works... invisible "walls" of mental, not physical nature, surround us, restricting our possibility to think - in particular, to think about the system itself! that's why I wrote that it's imprisoning).

The conclusion is the following, which will be for the majority of people too controversial and overwhelming, destroying their beliefs about the world, so called "heavens" etc.:

don't believe in NDE experiences and their consquences. Now I know that it's easy to simulate those. Your memory can be re-created, your senses can be tricked, your thoughts can be projected - and you will still think that these are your thoughts, that you experiences your own perception and that you use your own memory, while they are not. They come from this advanced "system". I know this all sounds like from a SF movie, and hardly ressembles things what people like Franz Bardon and other occultists, modern and ancient, have written. I realize they didn't have much possibilities as we have now to understand the reality...

Lack of references and similarity more to most unbelievable SF movies is major obstacle to explain even to people who have open minds - so how can I explain it to a layman? :) I have really no idea.

It's hard to describe with words what is going on here. But as I mentioned, the most important thing is to watch your thoughts and feelings - they are probably not coming from yourself!
Hi Antares :heart:. I hear you clearly.
Maby it is good not to go into despaire..to keep faith that all is in the long run for our best...If it is designed ..does it get better to fight it??...why not just be still and observe??
I hope I do not offend you...I just try to give different input.
I want also to say...keep on talking about what you discover...and I am sure people will come forth and comment their thoughts and discoveries...and with the time you will get the right words to communicate this...as will I too ....so keep it up.

4th August 2023, 03:30 AM
In last night dreams a German Sheperd dog pushed his nose towards my face...I felt no fear but I froze a bit...I said to my father...please take the dog away from me...father pushed the dog and now the dog was frozen and fell to the floor and stayed down on the floor?

In this episode...I was having a conversation with a man...we where talking about how I most leave out details from my dreams..not seeing them as important...but he urges me to try to write down every little detail...

In this episode I was invited to a man to eat dinner...he asked me what I wanted to drink...I said water....he gave me strange drink ...it looked like youghurt with musrooms...I said ...interesting...and I tasted it and it tasted good like vanilla and the musrooms gave textur to it....to my surprise he put a whole sausepan with some kind of stuwe on my plate...I said...I can not eat from a sausepan...he smurked at me....

In this episode I was going to visit some people...I had a dark bottle with bear with me...the bottle had a red cork witch you could crew on...suddenly the cork disapeard...I gave the bear bottle to a man...and I said...I lost the cork...outside was a stream of water...I saw the cork floating on the water...but when I neared me the cork went under water and disapeared...soon I saw it again in the stream of water...and I again tryed to take the cork...but it went under water and after this I did not see the cork again...

5th August 2023, 03:47 AM
Last night I was visiting my aunt..door bell rang..I went to open the door and mother is standing outside...I was totally surprised and just stared at her...she asks what`s the matter??..I said...I am just surprised to see you here...I was planning to come and visit you...okay she said...we go to my place...No I said...you are here ...come in....

5th August 2023, 04:54 PM
I want also to say...keep on talking about what you discover...and I am sure people will come forth and comment their thoughts and discoveries...and with the time you will get the right words to communicate this...as will I too ....so keep it up.

Talking makes little sense actually, maybe a bit here, but honestly, I can see how little experiences people here on the Earth have in reality, even if interested in the subject. I prefer to write down what I experienced or concluded from the experiences or information. But in general I would say that its' a clash of dimensions, and it is an unpleasant one. I need to be honest, most of today's eso literature is a garbage. You need to rely on your own discoveries and train your own mind, not rely on such books, not to mention useless but often expensive courses. ;)

5th August 2023, 05:09 PM
Talking makes little sense actually, maybe a bit here, but honestly, I can see how little experiences people here on the Earth have in reality, even if interested in the subject. I prefer to write down what I experienced or concluded from the experiences or information. But in general I would say that its' a clash of dimensions, and it is an unpleasant one. I need to be honest, most of today's eso literature is a garbage. You need to rely on your own discoveries and train your own mind, not rely on such books, not to mention useless but often expensive courses. ;)
Hi Antares. I know what you have told me that you have read and serced ancient texts...have you read Kurt Lelands The Multidimnsional Human for example?? Or tested Robert Bruces teckniques..did you not found anything in them??..Can you elaborate what you mean "clash of dimensions"..
How is life in general?


6th August 2023, 07:42 AM
I know what you have told me that you have read and serced ancient texts...have you read Kurt Lelands The Multidimnsional Human for example?? Or tested Robert Bruces teckniques..did you not found anything in them??..Can you elaborate what you mean "clash of dimensions"..

First of all, are you aware that your thoughts are manipulated right now?

I have no time to read anything recently, didn't read Kurt Lelands, but I'm not expecting anything extraordinary there. Have you read it ? What is your opinion on it? I tested different techniques for many years, my opinion is just like I wrote below: you need to watch your mind during these experiences. They are simulated. By the clash of dimensions I mean that I experience intervention of the "the other-dimension forces" in my life. This is why most of my time is used for researching it. Like I wrote below, no books reflect the truth about the reality (i.e. matrix). Such experiences as you indicate might help, but don't trust them. I trusted them in the past, but now I know they are not reliable, just like I already wrote. The only tool to assess them that you have is your mind (this includes perception) - do you assume that experiences resulting from such techniques as you indicate are reliable? Most of people on this forum do so, I guess.

The most important idea about what I wrote before is the context: you are asking about life, and I'm trying to point out why people don't understand that life doesn't matter if they don't realize what is the reality they live in. It's like when you lived your entire life in a closed box and think that it's the whole reality - see the point and the problem arising from the perception of people living on the Earth? We are cheated and manipulated, the matrix is the system that manages our lives, our minds, our perception. Yes, this includes OBE and NDE. Again, please be aware that when you are reading it your thoughts are manipulated, watch your feelings as a reaction on these words... I hope you now understand why it's so hard to explain the matrix.

6th August 2023, 11:05 AM
First of all, are you aware that your thoughts are manipulated right now?

I have no time to read anything recently, didn't read Kurt Lelands, but I'm not expecting anything extraordinary there. Have you read it ? What is your opinion on it? I tested different techniques for many years, my opinion is just like I wrote below: you need to watch your mind during these experiences. They are simulated. By the clash of dimensions I mean that I experience intervention of the "the other-dimension forces" in my life. This is why most of my time is used for researching it. Like I wrote below, no books reflect the truth about the reality (i.e. matrix). Such experiences as you indicate might help, but don't trust them. I trusted them in the past, but now I know they are not reliable, just like I already wrote. The only tool to assess them that you have is your mind (this includes perception) - do you assume that experiences resulting from such techniques as you indicate are reliable? Most of people on this forum do so, I guess.

The most important idea about what I wrote before is the context: you are asking about life, and I'm trying to point out why people don't understand that life doesn't matter if they don't realize what is the reality they live in. It's like when you lived your entire life in a closed box and think that it's the whole reality - see the point and the problem arising from the perception of people living on the Earth? We are cheated and manipulated, the matrix is the system that manages our lives, our minds, our perception. Yes, this includes OBE and NDE. Again, please be aware that when you are reading it your thoughts are manipulated, watch your feelings as a reaction on these words... I hope you now understand why it's so hard to explain the matrix.
Dear Antarest...Do you know that I can?t breath when your energies are so stressed and forced...Yes I have read the Multidimentional Human...and I urge you to read it too...and Yes we are monitored by forces...as they train us to evolve our senses and our inner being...I do think that as long as you are not in aligment with your life path so to say...they will try to give us some pointers and I can imagen to make you feel as you do now...you have to find faith and to trust someone becisdes of yourself...we are tested in so many ways...I have bean tested in this lifetime few times...paths what was leading me away from my this life path so to say...and to let me know I was in wrong direction...I was as stressed as you are now...until I did leave the company of those who did not keep me on my path...and I felt very clearly...that the conviction I have...what I feel is my truth ...not to leave my truth what ever other say...or rediqule me to be a fool to believe in those things I believe....so yes...you are right...we are monitored and we get good help if we dare to trust the unseen energies who are here to guide and help us to evolve.
I send you new energy and love.

6th August 2023, 04:12 PM
I've read in the past quite a lot of books similar to the ones which you talk about. Now I know, as I wrote below, that all books are in fact channelings.

This means that they are sort of propaganda to the Earth citizens ;)

This means that our free will is really restricted. Almost all your thoughts are not yours! This includes what you wrote here. ;)

Do you know that I can?t breath when your energies are so stressed and forced...
Our physiology and bodies are controlled. Do you know that? I'm sure that you have breathing difficulties not because of me, but because of the fact that your (and everyone's else) body is controlled, monitored etc. "They" know about our discussion. "They" monitor it strictly; as well as your and my thoughts. Whenever you're sick, it's because of "them". If you're healthy, it's also because of "them". "They" invisibly control our energy.

...what I feel is my truth ...
So what would you say on that: what you feel is not your truth, it's the truth "they" just want you to believe that it is "yours", that you think it is "yours", but it's the influence that I'm talking about. What you feel and percieve internally is programming - the influnece of "them". You will disagree with me not because you will, but because it's the mental trick "they" use on and on - for centuries, so that there's almost no information about the matrix. (See why it's hard to talk to people about the matrix? ;) ).

Don't write about stress or anything like that. Our emotions are under control. ;) In other words, as I mentioned, your thoughts and emotions when you were reading my response were under an influence. And they are under the influence right now, and they were before you read it, and will be after you read it. Just like everyone else's.

It's beyond-verbal, invisible, difficult to identify influence. This - i.e. the control and thus also invisible programming of our minds - is a level, or I'd say several levels, behind the level on which human minds typically operate. So it takes training to identify these. Otherwise you think for exapmle that you're doing OBE, but you are just experiencing a projection on your senses the pictures, sounds etc. That's why in the past it was called astral projection, and not out of body experience. See the difference between these two? I know that because of "them" influencing me, so I figured how it works. I already wrote about that below.

The key to multidimensionality - multidimensional human - IMO, based on my experience, is mind. I.e. the mental sphere, not the astral sphere. Physical senses AFAIK are based on astral senses - they are actually almost the same. Hard to believe? ;)
This means that what you can see with your physical eyes is also controlled. It can be changed and modified in a fraction of second, so that you will see something else than there is in reality! A physician would say "impossible! it breaks the laws of physics", and I'd say: it's possible.
I experienced that. I also know about a number of cases when people saw with their own (physical) eyes things that they were not, or vice versa - didn't see something that there was in reality.

The physicality is similar to the astral plane. Technically speaking, the physical plane is based on the astral plane. This fact is very important, and it has a lot of consequences and explains a lot. Our physical senses are connected to our brains, the brain is connected to the mind, and our minds operate mostly on the astral plane. So our senses can be controlled from within the astral plane.

The astral technology is what controls our minds. Hence we live in the matrix.

I hope this explains the big picture of the reality we are in, but most of the time we are unaware of it. Most of people "think" (in reality not think, but are under the mental influence) that they should follow the lives they know from tv, internet, youtube etc. This is the propaganda from the beyond - to live their incarnations for, say, 70-80 years, on average. They believe that they will age and physially die. And, except the scientists and alchemists, people believe that it's impossible for the physical body to rejuvenate. But it is possible. Again, we live in the matrix, where people are under the mental influence. They believe in things which they are programmed to believe in (which are mostly based on their feelings - that's why I told below to watch your thoughts and feelings). ;)

I have a question: what do you think you will be doing after your physical death? ;) Majority of people even don't think about that. It's interesting.

6th August 2023, 04:41 PM
I've read in the past quite a lot of books similar to which you talk about. Now I know, as I wrote below, that all books are in fact channelings.

This means that they are sort of propaganda to the Earth citizens ;)

This means that our free will is really restricted. Almost all your thoughts are not yours! This includes what you wrote here. ;)

Our physiology and bodies are controlled. Do you know that? I'm sure that you have breathing difficulties not because of me, but because of the fact that your (and everyone's else) body is controlled, monitored etc. "They" know about our discussion. They monitor it strictly; as well as your and my thoughts. Whenever you're sick, it's because of "them". If you're healthy, it's also because of "them". "They" invisibly control our energy.

Don't write about stress or anything like that. Our emotions are under control. ;) In other words, as I mentioned, your thoughts and emotions when you were reading my response were under an influence. And they are under the influence right now, and they were before you read it, and will be after you read it. Just like everyone else's.

It's beyond-verbal, invisible, difficult to identify influence. This - i.e. the control and thus also invisible programming of our minds - is a level, or I'd say several levels, behind the level on which human minds typically operate. So it takes training to identify these. Otherwise you think for exapmle that you're doing OBE, but you are just experiencing a projection on your senses the pictures, sounds etc. That's why in the past it was called astral projection, and not out of body experience. See the difference between these two? I know that because of "them" influencing me, so I figured how it works. I already wrote about that below.

The key to multidimensionality - multidimensional human - IMO, based on my experience, is mind. I.e. the mental sphere, not astral sphere. Physical senses AFAIK are based on astral senses - they are actually almost the same. Hard to believe? ;)
This means that your what you can see with your physical eyes is also controlled. A physician would say "impossible! it breaks the laws of physics", and I'd say it's possible, I experienced that.
Hi Antares.
Yes I know the difference between astral projection and out of body is two different things...but you can investigate by astral projection too as I do.
I am just now learning all these plans and what sense the different bodies has...mental astral etheric etc...I am just starting to find out when I have projected where did I project ;)
So...why do you be so agitated by how the world is built...do you think you can change it...is it not that maybe you have to change to discover more about and accept how it works??..just wondering...without knowing ;)..I hope you do not butt your head in vaine...Can?t you not instead tell what you have found when you have investigated becides those who you feel is standing on your way...and maybe it is that why they monitor you closely is for your own best...you know that our inner senses and feelings, beliefs etc has to be in alignment with the shears/plans and be clean so to say...otherwise you polute with your uncleanse negative thoughts/feelings etc and that is one reason for closely monitoret...this is my two cents for now ;)

7th August 2023, 03:33 AM
In last night dream there was 2 dogs...Golden brown...and a black one....the black one was making a mess...so I put him on the balchony to cool off...the Golden brown dog wanted to go with the black dog I put to time off....I went to check on them and to see if he has calmed down....when I opened the balhony door the black dog tried to attack me...so I close the door again...after a while the black dog started to say...hey...let me in...so I opened the door little bit again...but no...he tried to jump on me...so here I awoke myself...

7th August 2023, 05:13 PM
I am just now learning all these plans and what sense the different bodies has...mental astral etheric etc...I am just starting to find out when I have projected where did I project
Ok, if you find out something, you may share somewhere on the forum or beyond it if you want.
What made you to start this new subject for exploration? When I was asking you 3 years ago or so, you wasn't too keen to explore it. :)

Can?t you not instead tell what you have found when you have investigated becides those who you feel is standing on your way
I found what I already wrote about. There are many things, but most of them are hard to express verbally. There are no appropriate terms for this, as I already wrote. But basically I found how mind works, how different levels work, how our energy work, how complicated is the physical-energetic system, and without body how it feels to be just a consciousness, without energy, without physicality, without any weight...

8th August 2023, 04:16 AM
Ok, if you find out something, you may share somewhere on the forum or beyond it if you want.
What made you to start this new subject for exploration? When I was asking you 3 years ago or so, you wasn't too keen to explore it. :)

I did not understand what you meant 3 years ago...I could not connect to your energy...we talked about this and you said you have high protection if I remember correctly...
and if I remember correctly you could not provide anything that I could feel and connect to..

.Korpo is open and has come with that kind of information that I can connect to and he have provided knowledge where to find more and that is in Kurt Lelands books..

The Multidimentional Human...I urge you to read it...Now when I understand what helps me and where to look...with time I will know what plans and bodies I have developed .....as bodies has properties of the plans..and when developed enough inner senses you know where and how and what those plans demands so to say...

I found what I already wrote about. There are many things, but most of them are hard to express verbally. There are no appropriate terms for this, as I already wrote. But basically I found how mind works, how different levels work, how our energy work, how complicated is the physical-energetic system, and without body how it feels to be just a consciousness, without energy, without physicality, without any weight...

Yes you have written about this...but if you read The Multidimentional Human...you will find terms for understanding and when you have these terms what Kurt Leland provids...as he have explored and come down with dictionary so to say to all these phenomen and how to express them...

Korpo is also very deep into this and can explaine very wide and deep...Now when you have your experience of these things...you only need words to express them...you find them in The Mulitdimensional Human...look and see if this is your key...it sure is mine ;)..I have write after you writings too...I hope you can see it...


9th August 2023, 02:31 PM
I took a nap...and I saw a image when I come out of the sleep...it was like someone blow air through my crown chakra...the image was...I saw a man building a pyramid...I did not see his face...the picture was taken so the pyramid was infront of him...the outlines was on place but there where missing pieces in the middle...the pyramid was made in colore deep Maroon red...

9th August 2023, 06:04 PM
Now when you have your experience of these things...you only need words to express them...you find them in The Mulitdimensional Human...look and see if this is your key...it sure is mine ;)..I have write after you writings too...I hope you can see it...

Nothing of this is finite, like exploration is done. I don't claim to be knowledgable on the universe, it's exactly the opposite. There are no words that can express everything, I'm not talking just about human's multidimensionality, but so many things that there are no proper terms for.

The main problem is actually even not about terms, but about restriciting (manipulating) human minds - so that they were unable to understand it.

Do you realize that your mind is manipulated right now? So that yo didn't understand what I mean?

9th August 2023, 06:45 PM
Nothing of this is finite, like exploration is done. I don't claim to be knowledgable on the universe, it's exactly the opposite. There are no words that can express everything, I'm not talking just about human's multidimensionality, but so many things that there are no proper terms for.

The main problem is actually even not about terms, but about restriciting (manipulating) human minds - so that they were unable to understand it.

Do you realize that your mind is manipulated right now? So that yo didn't understand what I mean?
Hi Antares.
If I ask you this way...Have you noticed if the manipulation is less when you are going in some direction?..(when you are in alighment with your life purpose for example)
And when you go in another direction...does the manipulation increse?? (maybe you are not in alingment with your life purpouse and the evolution plan are trying to tell you that you are on wrong path)
Just giving you some thoughts...I have noticed this very clearly in my life.
If this rings totally wrong for you...then I really do not understand you at all ...sorry in that case.

10th August 2023, 12:46 PM
Hi Antares.
If I ask you this way...Have you noticed if the manipulation is less when you are going in some direction?..(when you are in alighment with your life purpose for example)
And when you go in another direction...does the manipulation increse?? (maybe you are not in alingment with your life purpouse and the evolution plan are trying to tell you that you are on wrong path)
Just giving you some thoughts...I have noticed this very clearly in my life.
If this rings totally wrong for you...then I really do not understand you at all ...sorry in that case.

"Seeing very clearly" is something that was tested on me. It's part of manipulation. This is because "they" manage our consciousness (mental). People don't realize that, this world is not based on physical, but on psychic. The psyche is manipulated - "they" called physical world therefore maya. What "they" want to achieve is to manipulate our minds. "They" probably created - although I'm not sure of this, maybe just invaded - this physical realm and use it for their own purposes, they reset human memory so that we had no idea what is going on here, manipulate our "seeing" (perception) - just what you wrote above - which includes mental perception, i.e. thinking. I experienced exactly that, how our consciousness is manipulated. "They" need physical realm to be efficient, we pretend that we live here on Earth, but this is not living, this is a prison, like a virtual reality. They also create physical and psychic diseases. I also often hear that "a talk is now recorded" in context of manipulating minds of people I will be talking to in near future. This means that our talks are programmed. That's how this matrix works. For example some person is given some job not because of a coincidence but the talk between employer and employee is "recorded" i.e. programmed days before real talk. The same case is with a person that is out of job at the moment - of course "they" try to make such person who lost his or her job sad, angry, anxious about the future etc. "They" call it "development" when such personal dramma happens. This applies to everything negative, like for example when your relative is very ill or dies, and you feel sad. "They" created this system of personal drama for something that "they" try now to convince us that it is a soul development. Remember that all books on the Earth are channelings - hard to believe, but I know now this to be true.

Terminlogy is a question of discussion, but "soul" is impriopriate word, as I think now, for describing what is really the subject of manipulation. I would call it instead psyche. Psyche is a mental thing - it doesn't need body, even astral body. Clearly "they" cannot reach our psyches directly (except manipulating, in particular narrowing in the physical and astral realm, mental consciousness). That's why "they" need physical realm, to create an illusion for us so that we believed it is real. In a way it is real, but not in the sense we think. Life on the Earth is managed. Managed very strictly, not at all coincidental in any sense.

Most of people after the death "get stuck" in the astral - this is again not a coincidence as OBE researchers state. This system has been designed to create this illusion of being stuck in the astral. Later such "souls", i.e. psyches with astral bodies, are under the propaganda that they "need" just another incarnation, and they are manipulated why they are "bad" or "not enough good" and they "need" just to return to the physical realm, and then such "souls" have resetted memory. Resetting memory makes it way much easier to manipulate people.

The more I'm trying to research this topic, the more I experience manipulation from "them". "They" try to proove that they are super-powerful, and can manipulate in this reality virtually anything. For example, imagine that some person hates you, "they" can manipulate this person now to like you. Or vice versa. It's very easy to manipulate minds of unaware humans in every possible way, as I could see.

Humans live here unaware and have resetted memory for a reason, not coincidentally.

I think I reached the point which humans are not allowed to research... That's what is going on recently.

However, beyond the physical realm, when a person "physically dies", then he or she is further manipulated, and we are lied that we "need it" for so called development and we "need" another incarnation. I was analyzing how such talks with a "soul" that "needs" "just another" "incarnation" were like. It's now clear to me that we are victims of manipulation here.

Edit: one more thing. These entities are responsible for our moods, and program us to think in a certain way. More primitive incidents of such telepathic control are used by shamans - particularly animals are used by shamans. They mentally "get into" an animal, see through their eyes, hear through their ears, control their body etc. The same way we are controlled - by the entities manipulating the matrix. Of course we are unaware of this kind of posession, unless "they" reveal themselves to us. I've read some cases of possessed people in the past - this is one of example how "they" reveal themselves. The excorcism and magic mambo-jambo is just a show which "they" are laughing about. It works as much as if a soldier tried to dance in front of enemy army believing that the enemy go away. Of course, the opponent would only laugh, that's how the excorcisms are seen by "the other side". This is how they make fun of making fools out of people.

I was reading about the negs and such things. Some things weren't clear to me about them. In fact, it made no sense to me. Such cases, with negs attacking, are so rare, that they made me suspicious about the big picture assumed by most of people. There are so little people who have any knowledge plusa belief in negs, demons and stuff like that, and they are so little experienced, and their knowledge has so weak basis, that I understood that theory of negs makes little sense. I decided then to reject these theories and start over with researching everything by myself. IMO there are no demons or negs as such. This primitive belief comes from the times when people lived in tribes on the Earth, and needed any explanation. The theory about our reality that most of people have must is however false, and the whole occult knowledge, like coming from people such as Eliphas Levi, which is the basis for XXth and today's magic, is totally primitive and basically unsubstantial. I am therefore in the process of recreating and reconstructing the real image of our reality based on the new facts.

And what I can see everywhere, are assumptions about "here", "them", "us" etc. People think they know, but they know nothing about this reality, including what happens when they sleep for most of the time, except that they loose their consciousness, and are ignoring this fact!

10th August 2023, 05:17 PM
"Seeing very clearly" is something that was tested on me. It's part of manipulation. This is because "they" manage our consciousness (mental). People don't realize that, this world is not based on physical, but on psychic. The psyche is manipulated - "they" called physical world therefore maya. What "they" want to achieve is to manipulate our minds. "They" probably created - although I'm not sure of this, maybe just invaded - this physical realm and use it for their own purposes, they reset human memory so that we had no idea what is going on here, manipulate our "seeing" (perception) - just what you wrote above - which includes mental perception, i.e. thinking. I experienced exactly that, how our consciousness is manipulated. "They" need physical realm to be efficient, we pretend that we live here on Earth, but this is not living, this is a prison, like a virtual reality. They also create physical and psychic diseases. I also often hear that "a talk is now recorded" in context of manipulating minds of people I will be talking to in near future. This means that our talks are programmed. That's how this matrix works. For example some person is given some job not because of a coincidence but the talk between employer and employee is "recorded" i.e. programmed days before real talk. The same case is with a person that is out of job at the moment - of course "they" try to make such person who lost his or her job sad, angry, anxious about the future etc. "They" call it "development" when such personal dramma happens. This applies to everything negative, like for example when your relative is very ill or dies, and you feel sad. "They" created this system of personal drama for something that "they" try now to convince us that it is a soul development. Remember that all books on the Earth are channelings - hard to believe, but I know now this to be true.

Terminlogy is a question of discussion, but "soul" is impriopriate word, as I think now, for describing what is really the subject of manipulation. I would call it instead psyche. Psyche is mental thing - it doesn't need body, even astral body, but clearly "they" cannot reach our psyches. That's why "they" need physical realm, to create an illusion for us so that we believed it is real. In a way it is real, but not in the sense we think. Life on the Earth is managed. Managed very strictly, not at all coincidental in any sense.

The more I'm trying to research this topic, the more I experience manipulation from "them". "They" try to proove that they are super-powerful, and can manipulate in this reality virtually anything. For example, imagine that some person hates you, "they" can manipulate this person now to like you. Or vice versa. It's very easy to manipulate minds of unaware humans in every possible way, as I could see.

Humans live here unaware and have resetted memory for a reason, not coincidentally.

I think I reached the point which humans are not allowed to research... That's what is going on recently.

However, beyond the physical realm, when a person "physically dies", then he or she is further manipulated, and we are lied that we "need it" for so called development and we "need" another incarnation. I was analyzing how this talks with a "soul" that "needs" "just another" "incarnation" were like. It's now clear to me that we are victims of manipulation here.

Please check your inbox for the message.
Hi Antares.
I have also encountered these harrassers...not letting one sleep...mocking...etc...To listen to these entities all will go to drain with the life...so have to protect against them...by making a strong grounding....Do you have some Divinity you have faith in??..I am a strong Jesus beliver and believe in Archangele Michael...they provide with powerful protection...So start to find your way to start to cleanse your traumas etc...we do not have access to the higher plans if we have our astral closet stuffed with unprocessed emotions...Read Kurt Lelands Multidimensional Human...Robert Bruces The practical psychic self-defens handbook...Dion Fortune..For short term relief..These entities can only operate on up to lower mental plans ...I am not sure...but what I know is that they have no access to the more higher divine plans...these higher plans do not let any polution to enter so to say...so you have to fight this entity away...ask your guides to help you...Have faith in your own power and strength..

10th August 2023, 06:34 PM
The essential thing is not reading books and believing in anything like angels etc., but to understand how this reality on the Earth is managed by these entities. Let's face the facts, and not assume anything.

"They" control every inch of this reality. This makes irreleveant everything that we know about this universe...

11th August 2023, 04:03 AM
The essential thing is not reading books and believing in anything like angels etc., but to understand how this reality on the Earth is managed by these entities. Let's face the facts, and not assume anything.

"They" control every inch of this reality. This makes irreleveant everything that we know about this universe...
Hi Antares.
Okay then...we see differently on this...


11th August 2023, 04:22 AM
I just remember one thing from my dreams from this night...I circled my bear foot on the ground...it was light tanned ground with soil...no grass...when I circled my foot to the ground I made a sound...and this sound awake me from the dream...the surroundig was open and bright but only nature around..no houses ....

11th August 2023, 05:12 AM
Okay then...we see differently on this...

What I can see about these entities is that "they" manage our lives. We are told that their manipulations are our "life paths", which of course is a "marketing" label for deciding for us how our lives should be like. This is not true that we decide about our lives before we are born, as books such as LBL by Micheal Newton and other "researchers" trying to convince. The decisions are taken for us (which makes sense, because this system has to work somehow - I mean, important events in life, people, companies and so on).

People under hypnosis often say things which are inaccessible to their normal, conscious minds. We are told that this is something like superconsciousness. It's not - this is a channeling, i.e. another entity takes in posession the "sleeping", barely aware person in an ASC state, and uses his or her voice to make an impression that this is the same person when talking under hypnosis - but of course it's not, however the person under hypnosis still could believe that this is himself or herself talking to us.

We on the Earth are subjects of very advanced manipulation of psyche. That's why it's hard to talk about the MATRIX.

For example, this entity showed me how "they" manage finances or employees of any company, like the company in which I work. To make job positions for people needing money (i.e. work), "they" create artificial problems in the company, make this company earning bigger income, and soon afterwards manipulate minds of bosses or people in charge of the company that they "need" an employee to resolve their problems, and "coincidentally" the "potential" employee is manipulated to see the ad for this job position, goes to interview, and both sides are manipulated during the interview to get this person for this job position. Other potential employees who didn't get that position have a different sort of manipulation - they are manipulated to think "I am not that good for that position" - this is the propaganda to make them thinking that they for instance shouldn't look for this profession or that they need another job with different criteria. That's how, as I could see, "life paths" work on this planet. :P Another example: you resigned from your current job, and decided to not take another job but spend your savings. But in your life path there is a different event recorded: that you "should" work for another company now. So "they" make you loosing your savings and force you to go that company which badly "needs" an employee - of course, you, because it's on your life path. See the irony? My conclusion is that savings and planning on the Earth makes seemingly little sense, because you are stolen or given money anyway, when you are allowed or not allowed to have or have not. This is why I called this system the "matrix box". Matrix on the Earth is actually an economy game - managing resources. People minds are the central resources that are managed. Of course "for our good". :P

People tend to ignore the fact that this system has been designed and we are not alone. (This is deliberate - it is a matrix). We are surrounded by alien scientists who make experiments on people like we were animals. We are manipulated to believe that we are alone in the universe. Otherwise the experiment ("matrix box") could not work.

Of course, it is not just about jobs. It is about everything else in our "life paths" - relationships, dreams, career, even personal goals, or crimes. And of course problems in your life path. This system wasn't designed as paradise, but as a sort of training animals box. That's why there are so many conflicted sides on the Earth, locally and globally.

Theoretically, it makes sense. Practically, I can see that this system is faulty. Sometimes "they" reveal themselves and show people how they operate in this system from the hide, like in my case. "They" clearly have a malicious sense of humor, stating that people are animals, controlled by physiology. I could see exactly how this system of emotions-physiology works, how people are manipulated by triggering energy fields in their bodies to cause emotions in a certain way. For example, "they" trigger negative emotions in case of meeting a person if in your "life path" that you are not allowed to get into a relationship with that person. You aren't allowed, but you don't know that - and you aren't because it was not decided for your life path... So you can see how little free will is left for humans on the Earth plane.

I learnt also about how the "synchronicity" works - or rather, how we are lied that there is something like synchronicity. "They" create events on the Earth simultanously, and manipulate people to think that it is sort of "magic" - but with a modern word "synchronicty". :P

11th August 2023, 05:51 AM
Hi Antares.

I need to know how your social life is...are you very much alone...like go to work and go back home...??

If you are much alone...then the negative energies have let you know some of the "truth" but twisted it for their benefit...to keep you in place and get further into the despair...
and really think that there is no way out...

I want you look at that they have at least 3 times led you astray and you lost very much both money and strength and sleep. So stop believing in what they have fed you with...start fresch...take care of your need...sleep...rest...eat healthy...exercise both physical and mental...start build up your inner life...have good laughs...good talk with your peers etc..

Stop obsessing what you have "discovered" it is sure manipulated.


11th August 2023, 05:57 AM
I need to know how your social life is...are you very much alone...like go to work and go back home...??

Please read my previous message. I tried to convince people that they are manipulated in more or less subtle way, but I understood that the unconscious manipulation of people I'm talking to takes place before I talk to them: for example I am thinking that I'm going to talk to a person that I know about the matrix, and "they", the entities which I talk about, know it immediateley! So when I finally talk to that person, he or she is programmed in a certain way which makes him or her thinking that there is no such thing as matrix, or to have another view (which are prepared before). The Bible's confusion of tongues https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tower_of_Babel#Confusion_of_tongues is the example of how "they" operate on the Earth, disallow people to do anything against the will of so-called gods. "They" can change flow of thoughts in any person in a fraction of second! Would you believe it? The matrix is created in the way that the mental side is the essential point, the rest - the physically seen result - is illusion. The illusion is also the fact that these are we who make decisions. Again, we are constantly manipulated. The fact that you don't believe and ignore what I wrote is an example of how manipulation works. Try to silent your mind and watch where are your thoughts coming from. I'm sure you will be having difficulty in doing that. I don't work much. After the investments I mentioned, I can see that somehow this entity managed people in my work in a way that makes this job too comfortable, and block me with other options. I had other plans, but all at the moment became irrelevant for the moment, of course not coincidentally, but "because". The company needs a person like me, so I am forced to work there. That's how "free will" and "life paths" work. If you have bankruptcy recorded for your current incarnation, you will bankruty anyway, you will be forced to bankrut. You might be given false reasons why this or that person caused you to bankrut, but - again - this is just manipulation of the mind - of the reasoining that you "should" look for a reason. The truth is that our life paths are designed prior to the events we are suspects of in our own lives. See? So you can see the malicious sens of humor of the entities managing life on the Earth. Do you unerstand now the example I have given below, how this matrix system of economy works and is managed?

One more thing. I think that in near future (I guess few decades or so) these entities managing the Earth from the hide will be revealing to humans themselves more and more... It's just a beginning. If you think of events in the past 100 years on Earth, it becomes clear that such things as synchronicity (which I mentioned in my previous message) are just a preparation to a sort of revelation.

11th August 2023, 07:31 AM
Hi Antares.

I will tell you my story...I met a man in 2001...who was powerful and whilst I was in contact with him...I was invaded by same sort of energies/entities as you describe ...interupting and making me lack of sleep and having episods of psyhosis....I had my own company so I could decide when to take time of...and when to work...so this went on for several years as you decribe about your life....I was taken advantage of and I was loosing much money...until one day I decided ...this is enough...I left the man`s guidance...and went bankcrupty...I was totally ruined...

I started to build up my life again...I gave me time to heal...and I started to have inner knowing why this happened...it was my own doings...I had to start to look how my emotions is and why the energies so successully blinding and keeping me from to see what was going on.../ at that thime I was not able to process my traumas and not to understand my feelings...about jelousy...grudges)..I have just now resently started to get words to what is what....difference between negs and elementals... everybody has elementals as a part of the level you develp to and to the bodies is part of our consiusness...I am just getting words to link to my experiences.

When I got some distance to this happening with the "negs, elementals"..I started to feel why they have lost their grip of me....was that I was able to rise abowe them...I am on a higher level and here is another support what is positive...I had a vision about vertical ...and horisontal....I have bean pondering on this and now it feels clear...I have to start to develop the knowledge about the plans ...how are they built both vertically and horisontally...

I did by my own will go to bancrupty...I am not that kind of person who cares about ranks and weath as many on this planet does...they can not let go of the hamsters wheel...they have to just work more to get more money to get more bigger cars etc...
I did see the "black hole" what will never be filled ...so I let go..and all those who had claimed to be my friends ..disapeared because I did not have money nor anything they could gain on me (their negs..what is their unfulfilled needs and wants)...but what I riped in knowledge and clarity was enormeous..it was very painful and shameful to see me and understand what and why things happen in my life..I was driven as the most of people on this plandt...to gain famous and fortune...It is nothing wrong to be rich and famous..so do not missunderstand me......it wasmy astral closet what was filled with all kind of non processed emotions...

Everything happens for a reason...the evelution is build in such way...and every plan is build in different "needs" to be met before you can enter a new plan...deep self knowledge...and the higher plans do not let you enter before you have done your home work...so do not let the energies on that plan you are on to lure you away from the Source and the light...Read the Multidimentiona Human...

I can see that my words is wonky but I am sure I get better in explaining what I have understood and gain in knowing.
