View Full Version : Details at Ancient Holy Person Pictures

21st September 2011, 07:46 PM
Dear Sir...

A special detail at ancient holy person paintings were a golden yellow circling his crown.

¿Such a characteristic is spiritual evolution related? ¿That is a target that must we to aim for?

¿What another aura characteristics are related with spiritual evolution?

¿How different is spiritual evolution fom intellectual evolution? ¿The second may be spontaneous sequel of the first, surely Kundalini related?

¿What aura details defines the second?

Thank you very much...



Robert Bruce
23rd October 2011, 02:14 PM
A highly spiritually developed person will have a glow around them, but you would need to be able to see auras and energy to really see it.

As for the characteristics, you would need to observe more than the aura, as the deeper parts of the chakras and energy body would be expanded and quite different from that of a normal person. The energy field around the hands, for example, which are like a flat disk extending from the palms, will be several feet across.

I am making my own observations on the deeper levels of the energy body and this takes time. I will release this information when I have enough to speak on.

The difference is ... a spiritually developed person has compassion for all things, because the oneness and connectedness of all things will be keenly sensed.


30th April 2012, 08:04 PM
Dear Sir...

¿What's your opinion about tradition of painting angels like winged beings? ¿Such wings can be an auric field effect interpreted by ancient artists as wings?

My best regards,

Robert Bruce
21st May 2012, 12:05 AM
People with a high level of spiritual development produce more light and sensitives (including artists) will often see a light around them. This is often seen around the head because that area is not covered in clothing, which interferes with the aura.

True spiritual evolution is based upon personal experience. Many people are knowledge hounds and people like this can accumulate a lot of spiritual knowledge, but lack the experience to actually evolve spiritually. This can be because they are often so busy learning that they have little time for 'doing'. And some people use their knowledge as a shield to insulate themselves from life.
