View Full Version : Sleep Paralysis Question

20th September 2011, 08:00 AM
Hi, I need to tell about my sleeping paralyses what happened last night, when I go to bed always try to project me out of body, and last night was no different. I am visiting my son and sleeping over.
I started with energy work and when I felt my energy body moving I started with the rope tecqniec and I felt very much on my crown chakra but suddenly I went into sleeping paralyses and now I felt an very strong energy lying besides me, I did panic, and I started to try to yell to my son....but I am not sure what he heard, but I tried to yell to him...come and lit the light´s on...my son did hear something from me and he said...what are you making this noice, you did awake me from my sleep, and when he lit the light´s on the paralyses did end and the strong energy did go away?? and I could talk normally and thank my son and say I am sorry to making noice but I had to get his attention. He do know of my work to get out of body so he is not surprised :-)

Now my question´s are....Was it my own energy body out of my body and landing besides me??
or was it a neg??

What do you think??
I would be happy for some feedback.


20th September 2011, 09:26 AM
I think it was your energy body or a thought form. It didn't do anything "neg-like", did it?

20th September 2011, 03:36 PM
Beekeeper has a point. Personally, I don't believe in negs anyway. My interprtation would be that, sometimes when one tries to induce an OOBE, the amygdala (often associated with fear) activates the nervous system by stimulating the hypothalamic region of the brain. Adrenaline is secreted which may cause a change in body temperature and palpitations.

Unusual activity in the thalamus will then create strange sensations, slight distortions in perception or hallucinations. You'll have to excuse me because I don't believe in energy work in a mystical way. To me, the sensations you experienced are purely physiological and partially psychological. It's all very normal and nothing paranormal.

Word of advice: when inducing an OOBE, don't be afraid that negative entities or demons might come for you otherwise this is what is likely to manifest. Your mind is an amazing thing and has the potential to create such things.

20th September 2011, 06:56 PM
Thank you Beekeeper, no it did not do any neg thing, I did suspect my own energy also, so I do accept it for that.

Summerand, I can assure you there are neg´s and other entities too, or then it was other out projector´s making fuss with me
in several year´s, I could write a book about this subject....but I have to be sure about whom to point out...

I did have a real fun dream about this too....I did awake in my bed in a dream when a very strong energy did come besides me
...I have decided not to let any energies/entities/negs to enter my space without them saying whom they are...so I did ask "him"
who he is....he said...if I tell you whom I am then you send me away....and I said...No I do not, if you tell me who you are you can stay...and he said he was a famous Finnish murderer....I felt he have bean drinking so I asked if he was hungry and he said he was so I said I have only wholemeal bread and he said it was okay.

So this has make me re-think...who would I re-frase whom are allowed to enter my space?...I am little bit compelled how to think or be ore behave....any thought you can give me??!!..Please.


20th September 2011, 08:48 PM
An affirmation such as, "I am completely protected and only entities who care for my highest good are permitted access to my space," perhaps? This might eliminate contact with other lucid dreamers though, so you might want something different if that is one of your aims.

20th September 2011, 08:59 PM
Yes Beekeeper that was very good idéa, I will think on that direction, thank you so much.


20th September 2011, 10:09 PM
Beekeeper has a point. Personally, I don't believe in negs anyway. My interprtation would be that, sometimes when one tries to induce an OOBE, the amygdala (often associated with fear) activates the nervous system by stimulating the hypothalamic region of the brain. Adrenaline is secreted which may cause a change in body temperature and palpitations.

I see you are getting your nerd on here! You go boy, nerd it out!

The above is more of a description of the "how", in terms of functionality, but it doesn't explain the "why".

I can see how explaining it away from a materialistic point of view could help reduce anxiety and fear though. Some people may not relate with that point of view so easily.

22nd September 2011, 03:49 AM

Word of advice: when inducing an OOBE, don't be afraid that negative entities or demons might come for you otherwise this is what is likely to manifest. Your mind is an amazing thing and has the potential to create such things

In my case it is little bit complicated because I have bean abused since very early age and my body does how this to deal with too, I have worked focused to relese the bound energy to memories of abuse in 9 years, and I have worked with the memories of the abuse from the psycopath man since 1981, during this abuse I did get the knowledge of our undestructuble core and that we are not our bodies and that I shouldn´t be afraid of the body death because I the real me can´t die....so if it is a real thing me in several year´s was kidnapped from my bed and raped in energy form....I have fight so much against this so my physical body have had bruises from an energy fight....this did increase in 2001 when I did meet a Shaman during this time it was horrible and it did end when I did get him out of my life...or infact he did leave me and saying...that I was the only one he was not able to help??...but as we all know this did also give me much knowledge and I am digesting it still...I did feel very much during this time that other out projector´s maybe his adept´s where harrassing me...I did say this to him but he denyed it....so I know I will in time know what happened but I do not in writing moment know .....I can tell that during this time I was also picked up by some one and I did get very easy out of my body and went out flying with this "man"...first I did not see him and I said to "him" that it is not fear that he can see me but I can´t see him...so I asked him to show him self to me....and I was surprised whom he showed up to be...it was a man with whom I did have a short fling with...as the Shaman did tell me that energy can form it to what shape my imagination has....so my surprise was total to see this man coming and getting me for a astral flight??...this did make me disbelief him...as I did not have any reason to think of this man because it was a chock for me to meet him in real life...so why would I create him....I did feel more that this was an out projector and knowing about this man because I did tell about him to this Shaman so my thought was that he did use all knowledge or information I have given him he used in some way....So what I am trying to say here is that I am rather aware about this fear created images...and I am still working to know my own energy or my own thought form´s.....I think I have rather good faith in my self to have a good protection but there are always more to know...so thank you for your input...I do value it much.


25th September 2011, 10:13 AM
I continue to write in this thread......

I have bean thousand´s of time out of my body, but now when trying to get out consiously it seam not to work??

Yesterday I did though get a energy sensation of my own energy.....I am like communicating with it...saying...it is okay to be out of body in a calm way....not only when being abused....it is like my energy only know´s to get out of body in big danger??
So I have started to talk both loud and in thought´s....I know how to get out .....I float out very easy and calm....

It is strange also how my energy body does not respond any more to the tactile stimulation??...The death threath is over...so my energy-body is relaxing and not responding for now....Can it be possible that I need a time to relax and know the death threath´s is over....I am not going to put my self in danger anymore....so it feel´s like my energy body need´s time out??

Please give me feedback on this!!


25th September 2011, 05:02 PM
First thing is that I wanted to say that even though I did read your original post I didn't see the question you asked in it regarding your energy body- I wanted to add that more than likely what you felt next to you was your physical body- you had dislocated and were in your energy body feeling your physical body. This is more common than what most people think, and has caused many people to worry.

Now that I got that out of the way, for your latest post:
If you have any subconscious fear whatsoever, you may block yourself from projecting, even if you feel calm. Or, when you do project, it will be different than before, once you do it. That's because in overcoming this fear, you have 'elevated' yourself and are ready for 'the next thing', whatever that is.
It is possible that you do need to take a little time off- it doesn't have to be a long time (depending on how frequent your attempts are) but sometimes you need time off to integrate your experiences and grow from them. So alloting a few days to quiet contemplation or meditation without any expectation or attempt to project might do you some good.
I don't know if your energy body needs time out- I would say all of you does, mental, physical and spiritual.

25th September 2011, 05:22 PM
Thank you CFT..Yes I am sure you are right. I have today started to go slow and do nice thing´s to my self only....I took a loooong bath with nice aromas and as you also said....wonderful meditation without any expectation´s or trying what so ever...My whole life has bean a looooong war so to speak.....what I got out of it...is a very good exersice to keep up my patience...so I will practis it some more.....LOL.
Thank you for your patience with me!!


25th September 2011, 05:51 PM
First thing is that I wanted to say that even though I did read your original post I didn't see the question you asked in it regarding your energy body- I wanted to add that more than likely what you felt next to you was your physical body- you had dislocated and were in your energy body feeling your physical body. This is more common than what most people think, and has caused many people to worry.

That is a new thought to me totally.....Brilliant!!...That I was in my energy body and felt my physical body...WoW...yes that do ring true to me....Thank you CFT.
