View Full Version : Supplements and Projection

18th September 2011, 12:44 AM
I notice there's not much coverage in Robert's book on using supplements during the projection process. I realize they're not at all necessary and shouldn't be used as a crutch.

I'm not sure if anyone has any advice here, but I've found that Theanine Serene is very helpful in bringing about deep physical and mental relaxation without making me tired or unfocused. In fact, L-Theanine, the primary ingredient, seems promising in the whole area since it induces relaxed brain states without the tired factor. Just my experience.

Note that I'm not endorsing any product here, only relating what I've found helpful. Also, I may very well be going over old ground, my apologies if so. Ashwagandha seems helpful as well, but I'm really not sure at what dose, still experimenting.

Hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend.

I've removed your link because you have under twenty posts - a rule to limit spam. This is a forum where you really do need to read the rules. Please do so. (Beekeeper).

22nd September 2011, 12:46 PM
So Theanine can be found in regular tea? In that case, which tea is best suited? We have alot of tea at home so i guess i can try your method if regular tea works :)

22nd September 2011, 05:50 PM
"supplements" i just LOVE that word

23rd September 2011, 12:40 AM
Yeah, I wouldn't go that route. It takes a LOT of tea to get enough L-Theanine in you, and by the time you've loaded up you're peeing and spun from caffeine, not exactly conducive for meditative trance states. I recommend getting it in supplement form. I take a ton and find it helps, but never to be treated as a shortcut or crutch.

I threw "supplement" out there for psionickx, as it seems we have a mutual love for a fantastic word. Ahem.

23rd September 2011, 12:04 PM
Oh alright, well in that case im not sure i would take the substance :) Thanks for the info anyways!

10th October 2011, 10:15 AM
Thanks for the info' regarding this supplement,I have never heard of it,so I will have to do some research on it.

How much are you supposed to take?

I guess for relaxing the muscles Calcium & Magnesium would be a good choice.

10th October 2011, 05:08 PM
I've removed your link because you have under twenty posts - a rule to limit spam. This is a forum where you really do need to read the rules. Please do so. (Beekeeper).

My apologies to all. I didn't think a link to Wikipedia, which is an objective source of information, and does endorse products or ideas per se, would fit the spam bill. I will make sure to go back and revisit the rules, however.


10th October 2011, 05:13 PM
Hi Markinsydney,

L-Theanine is very safe, I've taken large doses of it without any negative impact. Do some reading, I can't post links here yet as I don't have 20 posts under my belt. But, starting doses are around 200mg. I've gone up to over 1000, but everyone is different, play it safe, start with the absolute lowest you can and go from there.

And yes, Calcium and Magnesium are essential. In fact, without an adequate amount of magnesium in the system, there is simply no such thing as true muscular relaxation since mag is a calcium channel blocker, the mineral responsible for relax spectrum of the contract/relax cycle. And most people have no idea how deficient they are in magnesium until they begin supplementing and realize how many unwanted physical problems naturally resolve.

Take care.

11th October 2011, 05:45 AM
So just to clarify here, does L-Theanine make you physically relaxed yet mentally alert? Or perhaps a better question is, how does it feel for you to take L-Theanine SoulSail?

11th October 2011, 10:33 PM
So just to clarify here, does L-Theanine make you physically relaxed yet mentally alert? Or perhaps a better question is, how does it feel for you to take L-Theanine SoulSail?

L-Theanine helps me relax both physically and mentally without becoming drowsy--similar to the desired end state of mindfulness meditation. I need to clarify that, of course, a supplement isn't going to stop inner-dialogue. That's work we all must strive for and can't be short circuited, but when a supplement helps drop me into a meditative or trance state in half the time it usually takes...yeah, I'm all for that. I still have to focus my thoughts once there, still have to do the work, but I arrive in better shape for the work. Here's a bit more on L-Theanine:

"Research on human volunteers has demonstrated that L-theanine creates a sense of relaxation in approximately 30-40 minutes after ingestion via at least two different mechanisms. First, this amino acid directly stimulates the production of alpha brain waves, creating a state of deep relaxation and mental alertness similar to what is achieved through meditation. Second, L-theanine is involved in the formation of the inhibitory neurotransmitter, gamma amino butyric acid (GABA). GABA influences the levels of two other neurotransmitters, dopamine and serotonin, producing the key relaxation effect." (I'll drop the source in on this later).

I should also add that I'm not suggesting that "faster" is better. Our world is way too focused on getting to things and places quickly. Meditative and trance states shouldn't fall into that category necessarily. However, it's useful for me to get to trance states quicker given how limited my time is as a busy guy, husband, father, writer, and all the other things I do. Make sense?

I recommend you try some L-Theanine and just see if there's any benefit. You can pick some up cheap on Amazon and just give it a spin. Can't hurt. Also, if you're interested, I can recommend other supplements I use routinely to help with physical relaxation and bringing about a consistently positive mood and state. I think I've got a fairly good, safe ♥♥♥♥tail worked out.

Take care...

12th October 2011, 05:47 AM
Alright. I read about it yesterday and it seems like L-Theanine is perfectly natural and safe to ingest. I bought a jar of pills yesterday and will give it a go in the weekend. Although I have to admit that I don't feel attracted at all to words like "pills", "♥♥♥♥tail" and "drugs", this feels better even though im weary when i first read about it. I'm currently eating Spirulina, which has nothig to do with L-theanine, but before i began realizing that it also was a natural "wonderproduct", I was equally sceptical. It's just a process i have i guess.
I too live a busy life, working and comming home rather late etc. etc. so this should not only help with meditation and trancestates but in general too. I'll give it a go and hope that people here in the forum that read this understand that it's a natural way to a relaxed state and not a chemical ♥♥♥♥tail of doom ;)

Regards - Linus

12th October 2011, 10:00 AM
Asof now i have a problem that is groing. You see my girlfreidn does'nt share the same view on wheter this is a drug or not. I have been trying to explain to her how i see L-theanine; as a natural product that just as well could have been sold on teh same shelf as vitamins and minerals that herself take. But it's veryhard to try and get her to respect my choise about this. She sees this as i'm sure many others do. Namelly as a drug that I want to take to get into a state of mind which i could'nt get to otherwize. Which I'm sure I could given enough time.
I'm not sure she will ever accept it or what she will think of me if i try this out but i cannot change her mind about this it seems.

I think she despices me for wanting to try it actually and now I'm afraid to try it. It's really hard to reason wioth her and I'm wondering if anyonehave any advice ont his matter. This is offcource a matter of relations and not MAP but in any case it ultimatelly discerns MAP.

Regards - Linus

12th October 2011, 12:07 PM
I'm not sure she will ever accept it or what she will think of me if i try this out but i cannot change her mind about this it seems.
Regards - Linus

Hi Sirius,

A couple of things.

First, this is getting beyond the pale of what the MAP forum is about so I suggest we take this offline to personal messages. However, L-Theanine is NOT a drug. It's an Amino Acid, and you consume these daily or you wouldn't be alive. It's 100% natural.

Take care,

12th October 2011, 01:32 PM
I moved the thread to OBE R & D, and I thank you for keeping it legal.

14th December 2011, 01:32 PM
Have you tried with C. zacatechichi?
I read in website that calea work for dreams.
I think the people of this forum who has vivid lucid dream with the skill to change the reality or can astral project naturally when they whant can make a oniric research can ask in this planes what i need to achieved a lucid dream or oobe.
P.s:i tried once calea and is terrible bitter.

14th December 2011, 03:45 PM
Have you tried with C. zacatechichi?
I read in website that calea work for dreams.
I think the people of this forum who has vivid lucid dream with the skill to change the reality or can astral project naturally when they whant can make a oniric research can ask in this planes what i need to achieved a lucid dream or oobe.
P.s:i tried once calea and is terrible bitter. Hi drax. Calea is not legal in some places, therefore the forum rules apply. Please don't discuss illegal substances.
Thank you.
"Calea zacatechichi is an unscheduled substance in the United States, meaning that it is completely legal to grow and sell. However, Louisiana State Act 159 makes the substance illegal to grow, cultivate, harvest or sell in Louisiana if intended for ingestion. The act applies to more than 40 types of plants.[9]Tennessee proposed a bill that would have made many "hallucinogenic" plants, including Calea zacatechichi, illegal when "intended for human consumption," but the law was changed to ban only Salvia divinorum and Damiana (Turnera diffusa).[10]
Calea zacatechichi was banned in Poland in March 2009.[11]"

14th December 2011, 04:06 PM
im sorry for the post i don wanna foment the illeegal substances.

16th December 2011, 06:28 AM
I just bought a bottle of GalantaMind, a lucidity enhancing supplement of Galantamine, Choline, and Vitamin B5. I will let you know how it works when I try it out!

16th December 2011, 10:16 PM
Alright. I read about it yesterday and it seems like L-Theanine is perfectly natural and safe to ingest. I bought a jar of pills yesterday and will give it a go in the weekend.
Just yesterday Dr. Oz (from TV in the US) spoke very well about it, recommends it for all kinds of things, apparently it's good for your brain and for your nerves too.


26th February 2012, 03:41 PM
I believe there is much to be discovered in this area - there hasn't been much research about how food/herbs/drinks affect our consciousness, yet we know that Shamans have been using "supplements" for thousands of years to achieve higher states of consciousness.

What I discovered is that being hungry increase consciousness in general and it is easier to achieve LD and OOBE while being hungry than the other way.

26th February 2012, 06:46 PM
What I discovered is that being hungry increase consciousness in general and it is easier to achieve LD and OOBE while being hungry than the other way.

Hey embrace,

I love it that you're going through so many posts and adding your experience. That's awesome.

To the point here, I agree that an empty, or emptier stomach is best. Otherwise the energy body is focused on digestion. Fasting can really bring about some clarity if needed as well.


15th July 2012, 01:12 AM
I threw "supplement" out there for psionickx ,as it seems we have a mutual love for a fantastic word. Ahem.

Well i'm neither british nor american but where i come from in our dialect when we say "throw" we say so to address pets or animals mostly as in "threw scraps at the dog ; please dont feed it it's already been fed" , stuff like that.

Long time back i would've found certain forms address demeaning but i'm going to quote a quote which i qoute everywhere ( i just love it) : but not anymore im happy to say :thumbsup:

24th July 2012, 10:03 PM
While I generally don't use supplements to achieve any effect on dreaming or projection, I still observed a "side effect": For months my dream recall hasn't been very strong. Recently I decided to take Magnesium again, to prevent leg cramps. The Magnesium supplement also contained C, E and various B vitamins. Since then my dream call improved a lot, I was quite surprised. Since I've taken vitamin C at times before that and it had no such effect, it might be due to the B and E vitamins or the Magnesium.

Since I usually eat no fruit (though sometimes drink fruit juice) and also now for quite a time drink tap instead of any mineral water, I might have simply been lacking something.

24th July 2012, 10:48 PM
Magnesium comes with so many benefits I wouldn't be surprised if dream enhancement is among them.

I've backed way off on dream supplements, figure it's best to go native as much as possible, but I found that taking Huperzine A is just about the most potent of all the stuff I've tried so far. Gets the dreams going early and strong, but they're often a bit scary.


25th July 2012, 08:03 AM
Magnesium comes with so many benefits I wouldn't be surprised if dream enhancement is among them.
It is beneficial in many ways. It's good for treatment of certain kinds of chronic pain and stress disorders, too. Be careful with it, though, because too much will have you on the toilet all day, to put it rather indelicately.

In all honesty, I find that just being in generally okay health (which may include having to take supplements; for example, I have a tendency to become anemic, so I have to take iron supplements) enhances dreaming, meditation, psychic phenomena, and all kinds of other things. Basically, regular, appropriate exercise, well-balanced diet (which may include supplements), portion control, careful intake of sodium, low fat, and nothing too GI-loaded (for me, high GI meals trigger headaches, irrational hunger cycles, and a lot of other stuff, so I have to be really careful what kinds of carbs I choose and what I eat them with). It's common sense, really. Not at all mysterious, but it does work very well, on lots of levels. (I actually think that being careful of what you eat and actually paying attention enough to take care of yourself is a good part of it; the intention to be healthy and well is pretty obvious, and it does manifest).