View Full Version : Help!!!- freaked out

Deva Raja
13th September 2011, 05:39 AM
I ve been practicing for some months now and I can feel my astral body moving, I can guide it upwards but I could never continue enough to have an astral projection...
Last night I was trying to astral project and this time I said I should continue till the end...

The method I use is I try to focus on my forehead and 3rd eye. After a while it feels like it is expanding and "swallowing my whole being into it", that is the feeling I try to get and most times I can have it, but not enough to actually 'change level'...

Last night I did the same but this time I tried to hold on to this feeling and try to pull my self "into it" again and again. After a while I think I was very deep inside this state and got scared. I dont know if I was "out" or if my head was out but the feeling was very intense, I felt a lot of energy in front of me. So I decided to go back into my body -at least that's how it felt- and after doing so I started to feel completely disoriented in my body, like I was completely stoned.
This scared the crap out of me and I thought something happened to my brain and me going nuts... After a while I started feeling better but my body and especially my head was feeling numb for about half an hour...

So what do you think happened?
Are these natural symptoms to AP?
Did I do something wrong?
And...is there any mental danger in doing this stuff???...

Thank you in advance

13th September 2011, 08:32 AM
It sounds like straightforward disorientation that created fear. Consider trying another method other than a focus on the eyebrow centre if you continue to feel this way after further attempts.

Have you familiarised yourself with Robert's website?

Kali's Child
14th September 2011, 04:32 AM
I think for a lot of us overcoming fear plays a huge part of our development in the beginning. I can't say I've ever personally felt any lingering physical effects, but I have certainly felt all kinds of weird sensations while attempting to get out. Like Beekeeper says though, you might try a different approach if this keeps up. It sounds like you're really close! Just fine tune your exit strategy and you'll be on your way.

Deva Raja
14th September 2011, 07:27 AM
Thanks for your replies :)

I ve tried a lot of methods but the "expanding third eye" method seems to get me closer to an AP
than the others.
In this experience the thing that freaked me out was the sensations when I came back to my body.
For a few milutes I was feeling completelly detached from reality like I was somewhere else experiensing the surroundings of my room... Also the intense numbness which lasted some time made
me think that something had happened to me...

Anyway, thanks again

Kali's Child
15th September 2011, 06:25 AM
Are the problems coming with the 'trance' part or the 'seperation' part?

Deva Raja
15th September 2011, 07:05 AM
The problem most of the times is that I cannot exit the body. After getting
in trance I guide my body upwards and I can actually feel my astral body a few intches above the physical but cannot continue out.
Sometimes energy seems to accumulate at that point...
Is feeling a blast of energy normal? Is it dangerous?
I think something like that happened.

15th September 2011, 07:15 AM
I don't think you're in any danger rather you're passing through a developmental stage. You're only making it as far as your etheric body and not into the next body (astral) that let's you get a lot further away from your physical body. When do you do your practices?

Deva Raja
16th September 2011, 10:51 AM
I usually practice at night.
I wanted to ask something. People who practice astral projection do
experience such kind of sensations when they return to their body???
I mean detatchment from reality and numbness of the body.
And for how long???

16th September 2011, 02:58 PM
Sometimes, when I'm out for a long time, or when I have several exits in one session. It doesn't last long, maybe half an hour at the most. But I practice in the morning when I do, so a cup of coffee usually snaps me out of it.
Realize though, that fear drains your energy, so the tenser you are during the process the more sapped of energy you will feel.

17th September 2011, 02:06 AM
I suggest you experiment with doing your practice after 4 1/2- 6 hours of sleep.