View Full Version : Here's a theory

12th September 2011, 11:21 PM
" Admitting the magnetic field of the body pulls the etheric or astral body back, one should try to understand the source of that pull, in order to minimize it."


13th September 2011, 12:44 AM
" Admitting the magnetic field of the body pulls the etheric or astral body back, one should try to understand the source of that pull, in order to minimize it."


do YOU believe in this theory?

13th September 2011, 02:10 AM
This theory is almost opposite Yamabushi's Meissner field theory.
My problem with the magnetic theory is that it begins with a premise and doesn't really support it.

13th September 2011, 06:52 AM
do YOU believe in this theory?

Well, calming the mind and the heart rate is part and parcel of deep trance, of that bit I have direct experience. Whether the rest of it is relevant is arguable and I guess to prove it you'd have to design a controlled experiment.

13th September 2011, 02:27 PM
Well, calming the mind and the heart rate is part and parcel of deep trance, of that bit I have direct experience. Whether the rest of it is relevant is arguable and I guess to prove it you'd have to design a controlled experiment.

do you think that astral projection will ever be scientifically provable? measurable? quantifiable? verifiable?

13th September 2011, 09:00 PM
Who knows? I never say never when it comes to human ingenuity. It comes down to desire and then inspiration though, sometimes, something discovered in another area suddenly makes other things possible.