View Full Version : Stroking of energy in feet with hands

12th September 2011, 08:58 PM
Bob, Thank you, my energy work is progressing nicely, even though I've only been at it a week! I have excellent feeling for my astral hands, but am a bit confused on how I can go about moving them to stroke my feet and legs upwards. Is it up to my imagination, or will I have the very real sensation of my hand energy body moving?

Robert Bruce
23rd October 2011, 12:41 PM
Your 'awareness hands' will stretch to any length and angle, and you'll find that in practice this is very easy to do. For example, brushing your feet.

The use of the analogy of 'hands' is just something to help explain what is being done.

Think on this, when you brush both your hands simultaneously, how is this done? Even though that is difficult to answer without getting confusing and using even more analogy, it is easy to do...and this is also easy to do on your feet, and any other part of your body.

the essence of body awareness tactile imaging is to imagine and 'feel' your focal point(s) of awareness moving through different parts of your body. EG., circle your awareness around your right knee...this has the added explanation of 'imagine you are wrapping a bandage around your knee'. The imagination part is just to give context and direction to the action, so people will understand it easier.
