View Full Version : need help ,urgent if possible

10th September 2011, 03:43 PM
hello sir
i need your advice on the following subjects.......urgent if possible

1.) When i relax, my left leg becomes extremely heavy........specially the knee part.....it feels like my knee will break...it is very tensed and heavy and its very very distracting........
because of this problem i have to move my leg in between relaxation season.....pls help me on this one...pls.....i have tried putting my leg in different positions but its not helping much....

2.) If i stay in one position(lying down) for around 1 hour or more, the area at the back of my head and tailbone start to hurt...they feel uncomfortable.....i have tried putting pillow and some clothes under them but its not of much help................because of them i cant prolong my season....pls help me

3.) When you say to breath deeply.............which type of breathing you are referring to, belly breathing or chest breathing......?

4.) I have found a really strange problem in my imagination/visualization
for example if i try to visualize a big sponge.......i cant
i mean the sponge will tear apart automatically......i cant control it......
i imagine that i am sponging my limb but the sponge will automatically tear in two pieces.......
its same with rolling pin........if i visualize that i am running a rolling pin on my limb, it will break too....
and i cant fix those objects again,i can imagine a new sponge with some effort but it will tear again.....
its so frustrating......
i imagined that i am scratching my hand with my fingernail, but automatically i started visualizing that my nail is ripping my skin off....
what is this strange problem.....?
whats wrong with my visualization......?

Robert Bruce
23rd October 2011, 12:30 PM

hello sir
i need your advice on the following subjects.......urgent if possible

Sorry this is tardy...email admin if there is something urgent in future.

1.) When i relax, my left leg becomes extremely heavy........specially the knee part.....it feels like my knee will break...it is very tensed and heavy and its very very distracting........
because of this problem i have to move my leg in between relaxation season.....pls help me on this one...pls.....i have tried putting my leg in different positions but its not helping much....

This sounds something like RLS (restleg syndrome). The best solution might be to use a chair, or to prop yourself up in bed with several pillows, as if about to eat dinner in bed. (I do most of my meditation and obe from an office chair with no head support. When I exit, I let my chin droop onto my chest).

2.) If i stay in one position(lying down) for around 1 hour or more, the area at the back of my head and tailbone start to hurt...they feel uncomfortable.....i have tried putting pillow and some clothes under them but its not of much help................because of them i cant prolong my season....pls help me

Again, use a chair for your practices.

3.) When you say to breath deeply.............which type of breathing you are referring to, belly breathing or chest breathing......?

Chest breathing, unless otherwise specified.

4.) I have found a really strange problem in my imagination/visualization
for example if i try to visualize a big sponge.......i cant
i mean the sponge will tear apart automatically......i cant control it......
i imagine that i am sponging my limb but the sponge will automatically tear in two pieces.......
its same with rolling pin........if i visualize that i am running a rolling pin on my limb, it will break too....
and i cant fix those objects again,i can imagine a new sponge with some effort but it will tear again.....
its so frustrating......
i imagined that i am scratching my hand with my fingernail, but automatically i started visualizing that my nail is ripping my skin off....
what is this strange problem.....?
whats wrong with my visualization......?

with 4., The problem here is inner discipline. These problems can be stopped by using brute force will power. However, you may be best to stop visualizing/imagining entirely and focus instead on feeling the action only.
