View Full Version : After a global catastrophe ¿what would you do?

8th September 2011, 05:25 PM
Dear Sir...

Beyond paranoia 2012 related, if a global catastrophe hits Earth, leaving our civilization with a technology/general development level of, let's say, that proper of Stone Age, ¿what would you do in such a circumstances in order to survive, done your psychic development level?

My best regards,

Robert Bruce
9th September 2011, 05:29 PM
I'd probably become my tribe's medicine man and spiritual protector.

typically, stone age people spend two hours per day working and hunting, and the rest of the time socializing and relaxing.


11th September 2011, 03:52 AM
Dear Sir...


I'd probably become my tribe's medicine man and spiritual protector.

Many times I had thought that spirituality avoids technology dependancy, so much as technology dependancy restricts spirituality.

Technology gives a wrong sense of security, things of spirit and psyche are neglected to a large extent. Furthermore, happiness lacking arises done the fail risk of technological resources, ever trying of to get new and higher levels of reliability.

By other hand, spiritual individual are more happy in an isolated (and technology lacking) environment, like that you conceptually explores at http://www.astraldynamics.com/vBulletin/wwwroot/content.php?652-Astral-sight-an-interesting-Question.

Technological dependancy brings to life an hostile character, specially when isolation from technological resources and other individuals becomes unavoidable and when is unexpected. Mental and behavioural disturbances are direct sequel. Usually individual may feel going nuts.

In a hypothetical catastrophe scenaryo like I postulates at thread top, spirituality of sure would give to catastrophe survivors a bright hope, but surely only strong minded individuals can exert control over the new self environment.

In that case, although survivors generation, surely exhibiting a great syndrome of technological dependancy unsatisfied, madness and desperation would arise (except some strong minded individuals); then, you could to exert your mastership with new generations who born in a desvastated world, and therefore more accustomed to such an environment. That would be a great opportunity for you. May be, to counter the risk of your accidental death, the special commandment of to teach others as you has taught may be a smart strategie. Spiritual force and tendencies from an endangered leading individual geographically isolated can frustates any opportunity of global development. New paradigm' enforcement spreading policy would be the solution.

typically, stone age people spend two hours per day working and hunting, and the rest of the time socializing and relaxing.

Since there aren't written records of such (let's remember, Stone Age was at prehistoric times) ¿basis for such an assert are your Askasic Register explorations? ¿Or there exists, today, some human group whose technological level is at the Stone Age?


¿My thoughts are right or wrong? Criticize them, as you desires.

My best regards,
