View Full Version : If you imagine a red ball do you literally see it?

7th September 2011, 12:46 AM
If you, Robert Bruce, imagine a red ball do you literally see it?

If someone had such a capability, is the following viable for manifestation?

1. Imagine (see) a crystal translucent ball/bubble containing a desire for a sports car.
2. Imagine (see) this ball floating up and being received by your Higher Self, maybe seen as a pair of hands.
3. Sports car manifests

Robert Bruce
23rd October 2011, 11:27 AM
Yes and no. Whether I see something or not depends on whether my clairvoyance activates at the time.

Visualization is not a visual phenomenon. Imagination is a better description. Imagination, fantasy, can be so real that you perceive every fine detail, but you don't actually see what is being imagined.

Visualization, when trained, becomes clearer and more detailed, and it is 'like' seeing visually, but not quite the same.

This issue is widespread, and many teachers that have some clairvoyance 'do' see what they visualize/imagine. But it is wrong to expect everyone, all students, to have this ability.

Yes, the car would manifest 'if' your 'beliefs' agree with the manifestation process. This means that you need experience and faith, based on personal experience, in the process.

If you have perfect 'faith' and the personal experience to back it, they the car would manifest instantly.
