View Full Version : Tool to help lucidity: recognizing inconsistency.

6th September 2011, 04:10 PM
Okay so, one day I was thinking of how if someone who was blind were able to continue to see while in their dreams, that would be a tremendous advantage to lucid dreaming because it is such a sharp and distinct difference between their waking reality and their dream reality, in such a basic way. I wondered if there was anything that could give a create a clear discrepancy in one's mind in a similar way, and what I've got so far is the phenomenon of "inconsistency" in dreams.

Inconsistency often triggers the recognition of dream reality, whether it's being in a room for one scene, and standing at the edge of a tunnel the next scene, or looking at some playing cards, knowing the hand you have, looking elsewhere for a second, and checking your hand to find it's completely different, it is a phenomenon which happens often in dreams (and thoughts) and because it can encompass many experiences, I believe it to be a reliable tool to help assist in lucidity.

However, I'm not quite satisfied with it. I feel like there's something more encompassing and fundamental buried in the heart of the nature of dreams and the perception of our waking reality. Anyone have any ideas?

6th September 2011, 09:05 PM
None that are helpful.

I find (in my case, I don't know about others) that when you engage in spiritual or occult practices your life gets a little less "normal" than someone who is completely focused on the material- and this makes me more accepting of weirdness, so to speak.
Possibly as a result of that (or, of my own peculiar psychology) I find that I have varying degrees of consciousness that are pretty much consistent:

1- Complete nonlucidity- that is, I have no idea I'm dreaming and accept anything on face value.
2-Dream lucidity- The knowledge that I'm in a realm which is consistent with itself and has 'different' rules- I can fly but have the usual fears that this ability affords; a sense of knowing what the rules are but not knowing that I'm dreaming- I believe in my case this happens because I have pretty consistent serial dreaming- I have dreams in stable scenarios that I keep going back to and developing more, places I have created and places that seem to be there. This gives this state a sense of continuity that keeps me from full lucidity when in a dream, but I do know that "when I'm there I can do this or that" but not full knowledge that I'm dreaming.
3-Full lucidity- I used to have better lucidity before I started consciously projecting than I do now, and I am pretty sure that the correlation is explained by what I said in #2.

See? Not helpful at all.

14th September 2011, 04:15 AM
I have the same problem - & often in dreams/projections I will think to myself, "Now, if this were a dream I'd. . . " & trick myself back into the loop.