View Full Version : After 12 years my OBEs stopped

5th September 2011, 05:10 PM
Robert my name is Ela and I had been an experienced traveler for the past 12 years. I had natural ability to leave my body and also was successful at inducing obes ( i would naturally AP 3 times a week and induce it 1 a week). Everything was going great, I was able to go anywhere and visit anyone and also had frequent sleep paralysis that did not bother me since exit was so much easier at that point. For the past month everything stopped. No matter what I did and what methods I tried, I still could not project. I tried energy work on myself, stimulating my chakras, quieting my mind and so on but nothing worked. I don't understand why this happened because I did not change my sleeping patterns or my diet and I don't have any big problems or worries occupying my mind. I also make sure that I dont want to project too much since I know this can cause tension. Can you please help me?

PS: I bought your book on inducing AP and I must say that it is the best book I ever read on this subject. I am reffering it to everyone of my friends and site members because it was very helpful to me and it also helped my friend who never had any OBES to be able to induce one using methods given in your book. Great job and I hope you will have some new books soon!!

Robert Bruce
20th October 2011, 03:47 AM
I do not know why this happens, but sometimes projectors go through dry patches.

This can be a natural break in OBE activity, and it can also be the result of blockages or attachments in the chakras...typically the throat chakra.

Spoken affirmations are the best way to restore this, as well as meditation, energy work, etc.

OBE ability usually comes back if you keep at it, often at a more profound level.
