View Full Version : deep breathing

5th September 2011, 03:37 PM
hi guys
i have noticed that there are two different ways of deep breathing......now i am confused which way to use......
in one way we have to use our nostrils (i mean we kinda shrink nostrils) and chest to breath the air in......its like sucking in air with some force.....
and in another way we just have to expand our belly with the minimum effort of nostrils or chest.....but in this type of deep breathing it feels a little weird.....i mean it feels like i am not satisfied with the breath......
which one should i use.....?

5th September 2011, 03:51 PM
The belly breathing feels weird to me too. The breathing feels more shallow and not as full right? Like you are not taking in sufficient amount of air.

I think with the belly breathing you are still filling your chest with air, meaning as you slowly start to take in more air your rib cage will naturally expand, as it is designed to do, along with your belly.

As you are belly breathing, if you are holding your chest tight and not allowing it to naturally expand when you take in more air, i have found that it can give you that short of breath feeling. I think one of the important parts in belly breathing is aking sure your chest is relaxed and that you are not holding it closed and tight when expanding the belly.

5th September 2011, 04:20 PM
The belly breathing feels weird to me too. The breathing feels more shallow and not as full right? Like you are not taking in sufficient amount of air.

ya it feels smooth and effortless but dissatisfying too......and its not long and deep too......
so which one do you use......?
is there any video or something by robert bruce on deep breathing.......?
have you guys heard about the yogi complete breath.......? i wonder if complete breath can be used for deep breathing

5th September 2011, 04:44 PM
best way to breathe during obe is to inhale while contarcting ur glottis(contracting muscles in ur throat) and exhale the same way. Also a helpful way to induce a deep trance is a 8:8:8:0 ratio breathing which means that you will inhale counting to 8 but slightly pousing between each count, then hold your breath to 8 counts and exhale counting to 8, also pausing between each count and then you just take a normal pause(0) and begin again. If 8 seems like its too high of a number you can change it to 6, therefore making it a 6:6:6:0 ratio. Hope this helps!!

5th September 2011, 05:26 PM
Hi Soul,

I let my breathing follow my state of mind. In the context of obe i lull myself into a slumbery sleepy wet noodle like relaxed state and my breathing changes naturally. Usually a full inhale and quicker ehxale, very simular to the pattern you will notice while you are asleep..

If i am looking to get into a peaceful state, ill think of something that inspire peace and try to feel that as much and at as high a level as i can, and the breathing pattern will follow. Peacefulness is a long gentle inhale and a long gentle exhale for me.

Love can be a long strong inhale and a long strong exhale, but this is only when love starts to have a sexual quality to it.

5th September 2011, 05:49 PM
well i was always confused with deep breathing..........i think there should be a video.........what if i use chest and nostril but fill by belly........
anyway i just checked astral dynamics and this is whats written there

Just as we did earlier, breathe slowly, deeply, and regularly, in through your nose and out
through your mouth.
well thats a surprise for me.....out through mouth.......?
do you guys exhale through mouth.......?

5th September 2011, 06:14 PM
well i was always confused with deep breathing..........i think there should be a video.........what if i use chest and nostril but fill by belly........
anyway i just checked astral dynamics and this is whats written there

well thats a surprise for me.....out through mouth.......?
do you guys exhale through mouth.......?

breathing through the nose ftw~!

5th September 2011, 07:11 PM
Ok, a few things:
The exercise soulreaper is doing is a particular exercise from MAP designed to teach you to breathe in various ways, and direct the air in various ways too. It is not "teaching you to deep breathe", but "teaching you to belly breathe as you do the specific technique in the specific day" indicated. This week he learns to count breaths (adding time to the breathing and then contracting time to the breathing) and belly-breathing.
Even though some yogic breathing exercises the lungs are supposed to 'stay' while the air is directed by the belly, other yogic techniques use the belly to expand first , then the lungs, and do the opposite to come out.
There are various reasons to do this, but IMO this exercise is specifically for the student to learn to breathe consciously- it's not supposed to be easy, it's supposed to make him think as he breathes, to attain control and awareness of the breath. The idea behind this is to
1-learn yogic techniques, and maybe become interested in learning more (like pranayama), and
2-to learn to use the attention without verbalizing; i.e. as mental relaxation, as opposed to physical relaxation (which was covered earlier in the program, in the form of muscle contraction/release and other stuff.

So even though there are various ways to do this, the reason for this is not to 'learn to deep breathe', but to 'learn to breathe consciously'.


5th September 2011, 07:12 PM
i just checked astral dynamics and this is whats written there

"Just as we did earlier, breathe slowly, deeply, and regularly, in through your nose and out
through your mouth."

well thats a surprise for me.....out through mouth.......?
do you guys exhale through mouth.......?
Sometimes, after a good workout and as part of meditation. But this isn't AD, this is MAP, and you're not learning to deep breathe, you're learning a breathing technique to incorporate into your practice.

6th September 2011, 01:30 AM
you tubed

seems pretty easy :)


6th September 2011, 04:27 AM
actually i am having some breathing problems and i have noticed that it is somehow related to my deep breathing (probably i am doing it wrong)
like from time to time i will automatically breath forcefully during the day......its like i am not satisfied with breath so i forcefully breath more air......
i noticed this problem intensified when i did the ring technique, which involves deep breathing......
thats why i am asking because it is possible that i am doing it in wrong way.......Mr. robert never said it in MAP about the exact way to do it......he just said to take long, slow, deep breaths

6th September 2011, 03:14 PM
Awareness of breath is probably making you realize you're not breathing deeply enough in your daily life. Nothing wrong with that, as long as you don't become obsessed with it. If you feel you're not getting enough air when this happens, just let out all the breath out of your lungs, breathe as deeply as you can (while your back is nice and straight) and then let go and relax.
Most people just breathe shallowly, it's natural.

6th September 2011, 03:15 PM
he just said to take long, slow, deep breaths That's clear enough.

6th September 2011, 03:31 PM
thanks everybody:grouphug: