View Full Version : Which way are we going?

3rd September 2011, 11:33 PM
Dear Robert,
When we have astral projections, are we really going "Out of Body" or are we just going deeper within ourselves? Is there a difference?

I have a friend with to I have been expressing my interest in astral projection and he has grown up in Russian Orthodoxy. This person is VERY concerned about me and believes that A: The astral realms are not meant to be explored by us and B: I am leaving myself wide open to become posessed by demons.
I don't buy it, but I'm at a loss for what to say to this person.

Robert Bruce
20th October 2011, 03:15 AM

In the first part, the physical universe is an illusion, a tad denser than the astral dimension. So when you go to the store, do you really leave your home and travel there? Its the same with astral projection. But its no good theorizing about it, you really have to do it to get the personal experience that tells you how real it is.

As for 'we are not meant to do this', I must ask, as I have written in my books, why do cats and dogs and hamsters, and people, astral project every time they sleep? Sometimes this is remembered, mostly not. Its the same with dreams and lucid dreaming. It is a 'natural' thing and a part of life and as such is not anything out of the box.

Your friend speaks from programming, from science or religion...and not from real personal experience and critical thinking. Do you think he is at less risk when he projects spontaneously every time he sleeps, or when he sleeps and dreams? No, he is not. In fact, people are more at risk after drinking a bottle of vodka, or similar, but that is 'okay' because it seems normal...

This makes as much sense as 'stop it or you'll go blind'.

Demons are not what they seem. Beyond the garden variety negs, demons serve a purpose in the greater reality..
