View Full Version : spot focus method

2nd September 2011, 12:04 PM
which approach is right for spot focus method......?

1. i should just stare at the spot and should not care about what my mind is thinking......
i mean even if my mind wanders, i should just keep staring

2. i should stare at the spot but i should keep my mind focused too.....i mean i should try to clear my mind and stare at the same time

i dont know exactly how this method works but if my concentration increases just by staring than why should i bother to clear my mind.......there must be something in the staring thats why it is used......
and one more question
should i ignore vision darkening phenomenon and just continue staring or i should clear my vision by blinking....?

2nd September 2011, 03:43 PM
which approach is right for spot focus method......? Whichever works well with you.

1. i should just stare at the spot and should not care about what my mind is thinking......
i mean even if my mind wanders, i should just keep staring That's usually what I do.

2. i should stare at the spot but i should keep my mind focused too.....i mean i should try to clear my mind and stare at the same time I usually do this after a while of ignoring my mind chatter. I find that thinking about it makes it worse, so I just ignore my thoughts.

i dont know exactly how this method works but if my concentration increases just by staring than why should i bother to clear my mind.......there must be something in the staring thats why it is used...... It's a tool to occupy your mind- doing something without verbalizing.

and one more question
should i ignore vision darkening phenomenon and just continue staring or i should clear my vision by blinking....? Notice and ignore.
Mind taming was my worst part of the program- there were things that were easier than others in the section and I found myself frustrated. I then found that if I kept trying to do it 'perfectly' I would get stuck. So I decided to do the exercises in order, get through them in the time alloted, and if I didn't do them right *too bad* I just did them as best I could and moved on.
It was later in my development that I found tricks to make 'mind emptying' easier.
So don't fret if it's difficult- Just go through it and get to the other side- experience is one of those things that will improve this particular skill.

5th September 2011, 03:28 PM

7th September 2011, 02:42 PM
1. i should just stare at the spot and should not care about what my mind is thinking......
i mean even if my mind wanders, i should just keep staring That's usually what I do.
this is what written in book

Pick a tiny speck or mark on a wall and focus
gently but fixedly upon it. Hold your mind
clear of all thoughts using breath awareness to
hold your surface mind clear. Continue for
three minutes or as long as you can.
so Mr. bruce is suggesting to clear mind too
but i have seen this same method and they have never mentioned to clear mind too.....
that was the reason of my asking
so is this going to work if i just keep staring and dont clear my mind.......?
well i need some motivation here because if it has worked for others than it will work for me too