View Full Version : "dramatic events"

1st September 2011, 07:57 PM
Dear Sir...

At one of your recent answer posts ("Going to other planets in the solar system" thread) you quotes:

"4. I think there will be some dramatic events in 2012 that will be lifechanging for many."

You says dramatic events but not tragic events. Also, you says lifechanging but not lifecropping. Too, you says for many but not for all.

¿Such events are they, perhaps, related with uplifting sea levels, that without personal casualties, give birth to a massive migration of environmental refugees?

With regards to you, please, ¿could you to share with us your sightings about near future in order to justify previous quote from you?

Thank you very much.

My best regards,

Robert Bruce
18th October 2011, 09:59 AM
I so not see the sea levels rising dramatically and nor do I see any dramatic man made climate changes. The climate is always changing....this is a constant factor. But people have been here on earth for a very long time, and we will not disappear.

I am not yet ready to share what I have seen of the future.

Please do not believe all the doom and gloom stuff you hear everywhere, concerning man made climate change, or 'the end of the world'.

We are going through some difficult times, but this is necessary for our civilization to pass through a very small window of opportunity, in order to progress to a more advanced consciousness and civilization.


18th October 2011, 05:54 PM
Dear Sir...

I regards your silence policy but some events develops a different levels almost simultaneously.

¿From a financial/social viewpoint following videos (spoken in english) provides hints about what will to happen?


(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGEUQR-nkbc)Thank you very much...

Robert Bruce
23rd October 2011, 11:14 AM
What will happen will surprise everyone....
