View Full Version : My 2 Strange dream

30th August 2011, 10:06 AM
1st Dream 2/12/2010

I saw an alien space ship crash near my house. I went over to investigate, I helped a injured alien. I put the alien in my car and started to drive over to my dads, when I got their me and my dad helped it recover. For the help we gave it, the alien gave as in return the truth about what is going to happen to the Earth, and he will try to help us when the time comes.

2nd dream 10/3/2011

I was in some type of revolutionary war, I could fell a stone wall. I was walking about and saw a bridge, it was fully guarded with soldiers. I picked up an item, it sort of looked like a umbrella, I started to spin it and I started to fly. I flew towards the guarded area. I said to my self "Am I dreaming", I then hit a metal bar and woke up.

Then I fell asleep, and I went to the same place, this time a saw I friend and everyone was running towards the blocked off area. Their was a small gap in the wall and a few people even me jumped through it. When I came to the second wall I woke up.

What do you think of these 2 weird dreams, what are your thoughts.


30th August 2011, 03:29 PM
I don't know enough to have an opinion, but when you woke up as you were going through the gap in the wall I'd interpret it as a step in development, (that is, you are stepping away from the dream environment) but your next energy body isn't developed enough to handle the next place (plane, FoC) and you woke up.