View Full Version : Language questions

29th August 2011, 06:59 AM
first of all I want to say thank you for superb writing in both Astral Dynamic and MAP. My question is about the daily affirmations in MAP. I have begun today to listen to the daily affirmations (day 1) and i am wondering if it has any impact for me wheter i listen to it in english or if I write them down translated to my native language (Swedish)? I figure its how I interpret them that mathers and also that I understand what they mean. if i listen to them in english i understand everything but I cant help to wonder if it is more effective if I recite them in my native language?


Linus Trulsson

29th August 2011, 04:02 PM
Hi Linus.
Affirmations work better in the language you think in. I for example, speak English as a second language, but I've been speaking it so long I think in English- therefore I do them in English.
If you think in your native language, definitely translate them, write them down (visual) and read them out loud, so your subconscious both "sees" and "hears" the message. And always remember to do them in the present tense, as if the result is already a fact.

30th August 2011, 05:35 AM
Thank you for a great answer!
I did as you wrote and it feels good so I'll keep doing that. Although i think in both my native language and english combined i suppose my native language works better for now. I actually take the affirmations from the cd I got with the MAP book and translate them to my native language. Even though I am only on day 2 on MAP i think i already feel i can stick with this method.
