View Full Version : Sono2's Dream World (used to be sono!)

29th August 2011, 05:03 AM
I am going to start a new dream diary here under my new log-in name, as I can't use my old name due to various technical problems. . . .

This weekend I had a couple of "teaching" dreams that I found signficant:

In one dream, I was lying on a bed, while being examined by 2 "grey aliens", who were taking my emotions "out of me" & setting them up in "graph form" next to the bed. There were 2 rectangular pillars, a low red one that showed 35% "red emotions", & a tall blue one which indicated 75%
"blue emotions". They seemed pleased with my progress, to my surprise, as I felt I still had a very great deal to work through.

And in another dream, I was participating in a group of students who were being informed by a woman lecturer that meditation was a waste of time. I hesitated, but finally spoke up & disagreed with her; in fact, I ended up giving the lecture, & she asked me questions! I had the distinct impression that I was chanelling the information, as I explained at some length that the mind needed to be both stilled & enlarged in order to receive vital dowlnloads; & that meditation was not a matter of concentration on a subject, but rather the absence of any subjective or objective considerations. . . .

30th August 2011, 10:15 AM
Interesting dreams. They seem to be indicating an advanced state of development.:D

30th August 2011, 03:26 PM
Oh yes, I agree.

31st August 2011, 05:44 AM
Hahaha - I hope you mean the beings involved & not me!!

BTW who was the lady from the forum who was playfully throwing me up in the air the other night
as we all sat in a circle? We were chatting & laughing. . . . then she grabbed me by the arm & playfully threw me upwards like a ball, I thought it was great fun!

31st August 2011, 09:20 AM
I was throwing a baby up in the air the other night (not by the arm though:!:) and he was having a tremendously good time.;)

1st September 2011, 03:50 AM
Interesting. . . was that in the physical or the Other? :lol:

1st September 2011, 07:58 AM
The other.

“Bouncing Baby”
I’m in an unknown house with a baby boy I treat as my own. He’s probably two but much slighter in build than my sons were at that age. I have to take him to pre-school and I think briefly about finding G so they can say goodbye but decide just to get moving because I need to get some cash from the ATM across the road.

When I reach the machine a crowd quickly forms behind me and the nearest man begins to exert pressure as my card fails repeatedly. I decide I’ll come back later to withdraw money and begin to carry the baby towards the preschool. As we walk I begin to bounce him up and down and he squeals with delight, much to my enjoyment.

5th September 2011, 06:33 AM
I had a dream this weekend about a person with whom my boss ocassionally has business dealings, although this man is known to be on the wrong side of the law, carries a gun, has a legendary temper, etc.

Anyway, I met him in dreamstate, after asking to be taken to a Teacher! He was draped in a white robe, but had retained his outlandish hair-style, & seemed to radiate peace & compassion. He didn't speak to me, as I was keen to get out of his presence, but now I am wondering whether I should re-assess my view of him in the 3-D world & ashamed that I have never tried to look deeper into his personality.

5th September 2011, 11:50 AM
Well, maybe he is a teacher of sorts but you meant one type and the dream gave you another.

5th September 2011, 03:39 PM
Maybe the teacher you encountered had some "rogue" or "rebel" quality about him that you represented by seeing him to look like the other guy. There's the notion of "crazy wisdom" in Zen, for example, where some teachers do seemingly unenlightened things to shock others out of their unconsciousness, a variation on "skillful means."

All of this doesn't necessarily reflect back on the physical person. IMO it is more likely that he was used as a symbol for something than you actually connecting with that specific person.

5th September 2011, 11:17 PM
Of course, a dream teacher can appear in any shape and may take on a surprising presence because of how you interpret their energy, as Oliver said. I'm also thinking, however, that the actual waking reality person could operate as a teacher even through waywardness, such as, "You don't want to do there." There's always another possibility that there is a quality in that person that you perceive as negative that in a moderate amount would do you good. As with all offerings on dream interpretation, ultimately it comes down to the exercise of your own wisdom on what message/s you will derive - only you can know what feels right.

6th September 2011, 06:02 AM
True! Thanks to both of you for your comments. . . I'd prefer NOT to have any dealing with this person in the physical, he is quite seriously scary. . . .

9th September 2011, 04:25 AM
I woke at about 3am this morning thinking, "I can't be sure that I'll remember this once I get back, I'm not really myself there". I had the definite impression I had been somewhere very much "higher" than usual, just wish I could remember more! Then, as frequently happens to me, I clearly heard some "illustrative music" music, the well-known tenor aria - "Vesti la Giubba" from I Pagliacci (which is about putting on a the outfit & makeup of a clown & carrying on the performance despite the inner suffering)

9th September 2011, 07:16 PM
Music can be a direct means to convey an energetic message. Finding an analogous piece in your memory might have been your best effort in translating the energy of the experience itself.

12th September 2011, 05:29 AM
I agree, Korpo, I have often found this to be true. Have a lot of work this week, so just quickly recording 2 dreams from this weekend:

1) I watch in amazement as an enourmous black cloud rolls along the ground, almost like "live" smoke (as in the series "Lost"!) I close doors & windows, & say, "Something is going to happen!"

2) I am taken by an invisible guide on a tour of a dying "water world"; I watch in awe as various types of UFO machinery removes & demolishes a structure built of some sort of plastic tubing, & agree that the 'church" should not have been built there, especially not of plastic. Then we wade along in a huge tank, meeting various sick, injured & dying sea creatures. Someone brings over a half-dead sea mammal to feed some other type of creature; I remonsrate but am told that as it's dying anyway, the other one can use it as food. Very vivid; more like an obe than a dream.

21st September 2011, 06:57 AM
And another dream. . I asked to meet animals from some other world, possibly Mars, & dreamed vividly of a huge (about 3 metre wingspan) flying insect/pterodactyl, whose wings folded backwards on themselves (almost like a machine) with all sorts of very complex physical structures, spinning discs, grid-work - very odd! It was blue-ish, & settled on my bed, where I placed a big glass cover over it so as to see it more clearly & as I was also concerned about the possibility of its being poisonous. I put one of my cats in with it for a few seconds to see how they would react to one other, but he was definitely very keen to get away from it although he is usually the most feisty of them all. After it had flown away, I found there were dozens of green-glowing small, scuttling insects, like "lice" or whatever, that had jumped off it onto my bed, so I bundled up the duvet & went to shake them off outside before putting it into the washing machine.

4th November 2011, 04:46 AM
I haven't posted much recently, very busy & fall into a heavy,dead sleep, but last night I had a vivid dream about 2 small, golden dragon statues about the size of a lagre chameleon. One was broken, & out of shape, with 2 sets of horns that were crooked. I straightened them out as best I could, & hung it in a dried-out tree to "exorcise" it, while performing sweeps of my hands over it to 'cleanse" it with energy.

As I went to sleep I had asked my HS to help me plug in to the "matrix from which all forms spring", but I don't really see how this fits in with that.

5th November 2011, 11:02 AM
Hello, sono.

In order to connect to higher states of consciousness (which ultimately is what you asked for, I'd say), all aspects of your being need to be well-aligned. I would say what you did here is an act of self-healing in which you tried to achieve this alignment as a prerequisite to achieving your intent from your affirmation.


7th November 2011, 11:50 AM
Thanks, Oliver - have you ever thought of going into business as a dream interpreter?! You're great!

8th November 2011, 01:03 PM

9th November 2011, 04:29 AM
Two dreams : an old friend tells me I "need to become Catholic as I will find less sin". (Am taking this to mean catholic not in the sense of the religion)

And another: UG Krishnamurti is dying, on a cot bed in a small cubicle in what appears to be a hospital. I fetch 2 silver gossamer ribbons to tie his hands & feet after he has vacated the body. A young woman hands them to me, & asks how I plan to do it. I reply that I don't know yet, as I have never done it before. Then I peep through the slightly open door to his room, but can see his legs vibrating beneath the sheet that covers him, so I tell some man standing at the door to an adjacent cubicle, that he has not yet finished dying. . . .

9th November 2011, 02:55 PM
If you are aware that the word 'catholic' means Universal, then I would say yes, it makes perfect sense.

10th November 2011, 04:50 AM
If you are aware that the word 'catholic' means Universal, then I would say yes, it makes perfect sense.

Yes, I am, thanks CFTraveller8)

25th November 2011, 03:31 AM
Rather disturbing dream experience last night, after asking to be told something in dream state that I have never been told before - I was lying on a medical examination table, with some indistinct beings around me. I was paralysed/anaethetised, but could still move my eyes with difficulty, & was semi-aware. I "told" them that I could still feel; I could sense some consternation about this; then some drops were put into my eyes. Apparently I was to "have an operation". While I was not terrified, I was definitely concerned!

27th November 2011, 04:50 AM
Perhaps it's not a negative event at all but you're ability to interpret the procedure is hindered by a limited range of reference. Can you intuit the purpose/s of the procedures?

28th November 2011, 04:58 AM
I don't think it was negative in purpose; I just felt rather helpless at the time. Wondered what "they" were doing?!

28th November 2011, 05:10 AM
Two water dreams this weekend; In the first, I am in the water of some harbour-like place, near the wall; it is night & the is water deep & dark but I am comfortable, bobbing along the harbour wall. Then a huge truck approaches, & begins to slowly drive over the edge of the wall, into the water. The driver calls to me to "sit still" as he's driving in - I am alarmed, & move away as the truck plunges in slow motion into the water & sinks.

Second dream: I am in a gentle, pale green sea - the water is very clear & translucent. It is night, but everything seems to have a green glow. Others approach me, & we realize that events will keep on replaying unless we change the sequence in which they happen. To do this, I must "swim"/propel myself over to a darker green, very deep place, where I can see something under the water, but I caution the others that we "should not disturb the dark, submerged masses".

I am thinking now that there must be something in my unconscious that I am supressing or avoiding (perhaps with good reason?!)

28th November 2011, 07:54 AM
I am thinking now that there must be something in my unconscious that I am supressing or avoiding (perhaps with good reason?!)

The mere thought is suggesting that it's something about to become conscious.

The first dream is similar to something I observed in one of my recent dreams.

28th November 2011, 08:54 AM
That's interesting re the first dream being similar to something you encoutered, too - I suppose all our dreams are connected in some way via the forums we belong to, among other things. . .

6th December 2011, 03:56 PM
Or they are archetypal. ;)

It seems like you're adapting to a nonphysical environment by immersing yourself in its "flows." In the first one you have some awareness of the currents surrounding you (being carried by them, bobbing on them). In the second one you put the different currents in relation to events that are happening/bound to happen.

This could be an indication that you learn - in nonphysical reality - to read and work with what Kurt calls "the forces in play." The immersion represents that you are not separate from these currents but you influence them and they influence you. You realise that when you change your own relation to them you might also be able to affect the outcome. Kurt would call this working with an "energy dynamic."

An energy dynamic is a certain situation set up by the forces in play. By changing the energy dynamic the outcome of such an interplay of forces is changed. It's not easily explained, but the pictures from your dreams seem to yield clues of how to achieve an intuitive understanding of such matters. Working with the flow has to do with observation, but also with working with the unknown part, the expectations, the the sub- or halfconscious beliefs that influence the dynamic as well.

The way you describe these might indicate some distrust in what you will find if doing so.


9th December 2011, 11:28 AM
Wow, thanks Oliver - I just read this now (had some log-in problems for a few days)!