View Full Version : How to stop this??

26th August 2011, 06:10 AM
Hello Robert Bruce.

I need to ask for your help how to stop this man coming and forcing me out of my body??

I was raped and tortured by a psychopath in 1980-81..he did take me out of my body with force, and
he still come´s and forces me out of my body...like last night....this still awaken´s the terror in me...
I want to learn to be in control totally and in every moment.

I was so happy to find you RB because I know you can help me...I do not want to be out of my body
like this...I want to come out of my body calmly and gracfully...not by force.

For some year´s ago he again did dragg me out of my body and started to force me through my window
and out...and I did say...stop, stop...and he stopped...he said...you can do it...(both fly and go throug materia, this has bean my fear always...I am afraid of hight´s and very wimpy on pain...I am afraid it will hurt to go through materia....becaus of my fear)...when he said you can do it...I said...maybe so...but I do not want.....This I said because I do not want to do it by force..I want to come out of my body by
my self and not like this.....

I have told this before to people who claim they know "everything" and theire answere to me was..that is not possible...but this happend´s to me over and over again...I need this to stop other wise my self confidence will never gain and I get to stop my fear´s.

Please help me!!


PS. For your info I have worked with my baggage for 30 year´s and very intensivly in the 9 last year´s. I did go to bottom of my whole childhood and did find memories what showed how my right feeling´s and knowning was manipulated..for example...my mother always said..I was the only child (I have 3 sibbling´s and I am number 2 child)..whom have not bean to hospital...when I did this memory work I did find a memory where I was in a elevator ...my father did carry me and I was looking down on my mother...she did look at me with furious look...very angry look....I asked my mother where have I bean in an elevator with her and father where I seam to be like one year´s age...Mother instantly started to cry and say...you can´t remember this...I said..I do not accuse you for anything but I must know...so she did tell me that I was nearly to die and they come to get me home from the hospital...I was there for like 2-3 week´s....Why I tell you this is so you kan know...that I have done my home work...and the last 5 year´s I have only digested my memories and forgive my self and other´s...I did reach that place in me where everything erazad and was washed away...I felt like a virgin...nothing bad has ever happened to me...:)
It seam to me that the only thing what is left is this who do kidnap me and force me out of my body issue...I am stable and calm and do not have any problem´s what so ever becides this how to stop this happening.
Yes off course my life is full of strange happening´s but that I see happend´s only for that reason so I can practis my own will...but I need support and help...this has always lacked in my life...so I need practis but still need help how to do this self deffence.

Robert Bruce
18th October 2011, 08:29 AM

The best approach here is to learn and practice a banishment pentagram - see my book 'The Practical Psychic Self-Defense handbook. Also, learn the full LBRP (Lesser Banishment Ritual of the Pentagram).

See this site for an explanation of how to use pentagrams

And on this site you will find instructions on how to do the LBRP. You'll also find videos on youtube on this.

Learning how to induce a deliberate OBE will also help enormously. You do not have to fly, but it helps to be able to pass through walls, which is quite easy to do. Alternatively, you can make 'commands' to be taken outside, or simply visualize your back yard, or somewhere you know well, and 'wish' yourself there, and you will shift there.

A banishment done in the astral is far more powerful than when done in the physical, and if you are bothered by a person, you can banish them easily.

Regular spoken affirmations, and prayer, will also help to stop these unwanted OBEs.


18th October 2011, 08:35 AM
Thank you RB.
Yes, continued practis will do wonders, I am working on this topic, and I will master it in time.
