View Full Version : The effect of strong imagination on the energy body?

25th August 2011, 12:12 PM
Dear Robert Bruce,

Sometimes while reading a story, or being a part of a fiction in some way (books, movies, video games), or even creating my own, I get very intense energy surges. I was wondering, how much effect on the energy body does a creative or imaginative process have? When I say imagination, I mean more than visualization of energy work or energy bodies. If someone was to imagine themself as something else, or be apart of a very intricate imagination for a long period of time, could it have a long lasting effect on the energy body? How do imaginary processes effect the energy body?

Robert Bruce
18th October 2011, 07:58 AM
Imagination is a creative ability, also called 'visualization'.

If you imagine something strongly enough, it will manifest in physical reality.

Reading and watching movies, music, etc, all stimulate the imagination and this can cause emotional and energy surges.

If you imagine a change in your body strongly enough and for long enough, it will manifest. This is the underlying principle of self healing and change, and spiritual and psychic development.

Combining imagination with energy work 'shapes' the energy and adds qualities.

Regular practice using constructive imagination is the way to develop this ability.
