View Full Version : I did see you Robert Bruce in my mind´s eye

24th August 2011, 08:39 AM
Hi Robert Bruce.
Yesterday evening when I went to bed...I always look throw my mind´s eye...and suddenly I saw you
Robert Bruce, my heart did make a huge jump :)....My question is....Why did I see you...I do not particularly think of you but I did ask my higher self to take me to you...I wanted to test if it work´s...is it why I did see you??...I have not before known that there is this way to ask help from the higher self until you told so...
Is it why I did see you??...Sorry for my childishness, but I am that unsure so I have to ask.

Robert Bruce
25th August 2011, 06:13 AM

If you asked your higher self to take you to me, but were not out of body, then your higher self would do the best it could with what it has to work with, in that it gave you a clairvoyant vision of me. Well done. This is good progress. This demonstrates to you that your higher self is listening and proactive, as well as showing you that you have clairvoyant ability.

To make progress with spiritual development you need a few ounces of personal experience, of evidence. You just got given another ounce. Try this again.


25th August 2011, 08:31 AM
Thank you Robert Bruce for your answere.....I will try it again....Thank you for telling about the higher self...wow..

Maybe you can tell me about all these different state´s of mind I have.

I see through my 3:th eye like looking with my flesh body eye´s...or like a video...or like a photo (there are rare but happed´s)...or like in dawn...or
like nightvision (every day)...You did come like I call...nightvision....but very near my face and only your face floating in the air...but totally recognisable for me that it was
you....Is some of these seeing´s out of body vision??...or is it all clearvoyant??...I often when going toilet at night..I never turn light´s on...and when I blink with my eye´s I see bright light...like a flas-light...what is this??

I have had painproblem´s in my body for 30 year´s....so when I got to get to read your book my condition has dramaticly
got better....I have not taken any pain-killer´s for 6 day´s....now I do energy-work everyday...several
time a day...and started to gain better realaxation in my body it has bean a huge difference....I am so blessed and happy
to get to know about you and your work...you are my hero...:-))

Thank you!!


Robert Bruce
18th October 2011, 07:53 AM
G'day ia,

All 'vision' relates to the Third Eye (brow chakra) including astral sight, clairvoyance, etc.

The light you see is 'the astral light'. You'll also notice this during meditation, as a light shining down from above in your mind's eye.

The ability to see in the dark also develops, if you allow it.

Affirmations will help you to develop these abilities further. Spoken aloud affirmations are the most powerful, so make good use of travel and waiting time, and driving time, for these, as well as silent affirmations.

You might like to check out my 'Manifestation and Self Healing' video program, on http://www.astralbob.com

This was filmed at the ARE headquarters, VA beach (Edgar Cayce Foundation) during a 3day workshop I did there in 2009
