View Full Version : How to make OBE longer?

21st August 2011, 12:58 AM
Hi Robert,

I have been having OBE since December last year. They have been interesting but very short. The longest one felt like 3 ~ 5 minutes, usually less than 1 minute.

I have tried watching my hands, paying attention to the surrounding objects, spinning... Nothing work very well. I don't have fears or anything like that (at least I don't think I have fears), although when I sense I am leaving the astral for the physical, I start watching my hands and become a little nervous.

I wonder what the key factor of making it longer is, and what I should do?

Thank you very much in advance!


Robert Bruce
10th October 2011, 04:58 PM

3 to 5 minutes is pretty good.

The limit to obe time out is determined by how long it takes your physical body mind to fall into deep sleep after the obe exit.

This is obviously limited.

Because once in deep sleep, the astral body cannot get back in.

Falling asleep, or being in the mind awake + body asleep state is required for the obe exit to occur

the reverse applies, and the physical body mind must be capable of awakening in order for the astral body to reenter.

Long obe's are generally flukes, where something has woken the projector...a passing truck, a phone, etc.

So, to have longer obe's, you need to work on your obe recall.

Improving your normal memory by exercising it is also a help.

Affirmations also help a lot.

Beyond this, practice and experience over time is the way to have longer obe.

Be patient with yourself...you are doing well.
