View Full Version : Energy work for lucid dream induction.

19th August 2011, 04:39 PM
Hi robert. A Couple of months back there was a minor windstorm in my area. It was afternoon and i usually have a siesta. Just as the gusts of wind started blowing, i intuitively started doing some breath work, imagining energy from the wind being absorbed through my palms and feet ( sort of full body circuit as described in your book ' Energy Work' ). I did this for around 5 to ten minutes and then went for a nap. What happened later was that i had a wonderfully vivid dream which i could even recall later with clarity. Even after my awakening from the dream, the environment seemed surreal. In your written works, you say that doing energy work enhances/boosts dreaming and OBEs. Do you recommend a certain energy work exercise to help in dreaming ?

Robert Bruce
18th October 2011, 07:43 AM

I do this, too.

There is a lot of invigorating energy during wild weather.

This is a bit like some Qi Gong exercises.

I like to stand up and also use my arms to sweep energy into my body, during wild weather.

Any type of energy work will help with lucid dreaming and OBE, even if you only brush your hands and feet for a few minutes.

The only thing you have to watch for is that, for some people, too much energy work prior to sleep can cause insomnia, because the mind is too energized to sleep easily. A herbal type sleeping pill will usually fix this.

You can repeat what you did that night as closely as you can, and this will probably help.
