View Full Version : I'm looking to raise some Kundalini
24th June 2005, 07:29 PM
Like the title says, I would like to eventually raise my kundalini to the highest level, but I have yet to find answers to a few specific questions that I haven't seen answered elsewhere.
I'm in my mid-20s right now and I have no intention of fully raising it until my 40s or 50s. By then, my future kids should be raised and I'll be close to retirement, allowing me to "get old and eccentric" as it were.
Are there other, mini-goals related to Kundalini raising that I can do in the meantime to prepare for it? (like 1 year, 3 years, 5 years, 10 years, etc.?) Most of the kundalini raising tips I see are geared towards short-term (and in some cases "instant" KR, within a few months, but nothing really longterm that's not written in Sanskrit and basically says "balance yourself" and other vague stuff like that.
Thanks for your patience,
24th June 2005, 07:56 PM
Things to physically improve your health like proper nutrition, sleeping enough, and exercise are useful for getting ready. A meditation such as focussing on your breathing, combined with core image removal, would help to clear away energy blockages without putting so much energy through you that you will be pushed faster than you want to go. The only problem with the kind of path that you are talking about is that it is not very dramatic or abrupt, so it can be difficult to see signs of progress.
25th June 2005, 01:14 AM
Dear Xap,
There are several things needed for this goal to come together smoothly.
1) Building of the energy body
2) Mental Discipline
3) Emotional Discipline
4) Physical Body health
5) Ego Discipline
1) Building the energy body:
Think of the energy body as the energy equivalent of a physical body. You want this to be healthy, vital and strong, so you can energetically handle and contain the energies of full kundalini rise. Robert's recommendation is to work hard on gradually building your tertiary, secondary then primary (major chakra) energy systems. This is the physical work out end of things. Have you read Robert's NEW method tutorial? Just in case here is the link. There are many steps in the NEW method and it does take quite a while to build a strong energy body.
2) Mental Discipline:
Concentration, silence of the mind, one-pointedness help with sound mind as well as helping with doing the NEW method itself. Of all the books I recommend, "Concentration - A Guide to Mental Mastery" by Mouni Sadhu. The exercises in this book will take you a long way on the path of mental discipline.
3) Emotional Discipline:
Strong negative emotions can be very damaging to the energy body and draining to your whole system. Some people claim that negative emotion is even more damaging that eating a poor diet or unhealthy foods, which is another source of energy drain. Now, one way to avoid negative emotion is to go into isolation, meditate and live a very calm life for so long that it just becomes you. But this is not practical for most people. Another way (of many) is to remember the old adage that what we dislike in others is what we most dislike in ourselves. We can actually use our reactions to others to find the flaws, hot bottons, old hurts within ourselves. The trick is to not let old programmed reactions to play out but stop them and instead look carefully at what caused the initial reaction. It is funny, ego will try to justify and excuse it all away but it is important to dig deeper and there was something to this -- a learned response or old hurt or insecurity or flaw we do not like about ourselves. These can lead us to the great axiom, "Man know thyself." Try to avoid harsh opinion and judgement and monitor your thoughts as much as possible. It is preferrable to act smoothly with common sense, logic and sensitivity in life and avoid reaction. The minute we react life and others in a way control us. Attitudes like seeking to understand before being understood help. We all have old hurts and ego paint we pour over our insecurities and pain.
4) Physical Body health:
The mind uses the brain as a vehicle. You want to keep your brain in good health and working condition. Smoking and drinking can damage the body and anything damaging can require energy for healing and repair. They can be a drain. Some feel that getting the body in good condition is the first step but once again I am a bit backwards. I tend to feel that when the mind and emotions are in good stead the body follows. Not that I am not in decent condition. I am forty, look very young for my age, pretty fit at 125 lbs and 5'5'' and do eat healthy. However, I am not strict about eating habits. Not into fasting beyond one day for example. This may prove more important for the final stages.
5) Ego Discipline:
A humbling thing to note is that many 'spiritual practitioners' are not more moral, kind, sensitive to others, logical and level headed than some who never take up practices like kundalini. Swamis and many public spiritual leaders have ended up in court for their misdeeds. Ego can strangle the benefits of even the most beautiful spiritual event. I am well on my way towards full kundalini rise at 40 years old with 50 being my target age for this. I feel the ida and pingala turns around the central channel and gentle flow up the central channel (good preparation signs) with strong chakra turns in minor and major chakras. Have had white light projections. etc. Oddly while these are exciting events when they first happen they do not make me or you a better person or necessarily a happier person. Actually if anything they can be just another thing that ego latches on to and can be a pain in that respect. For me, I feel why even bother with having lots of energy and consciousness, if I do not have the mental, emotional and ego balance to use all this energy lovingly and wisely.
I made an attempt to answer, hopefully you feel there is value here.
Very Kind Regards and Deepest Respects,
30th June 2005, 03:14 AM
Thank you both for the feedback. I have a few questions and comments, tho if you don't mind....
I've been trying to do a fair amount of body and mind training as well. Running and weights (and hopefully back to martial arts training soon), as well as reading "deep books" and the like.
About the physical health, though, I have a question. A couple of years ago, I was laid up for 3 full days after having a freak back spasm that came out of nowhere. I'm fairly young and healthy, so this took me completely by surprise. I was opening a door one second, and the next second, I felt like the muscles between my shoulder blades had twisted in upon themselves. Very painful! I have yet to fully recover from this.
I know that spasms are a potential symptom of kundalini and this would certainly fit that bill (completely out of nowhere and off my feet for 3 days). Any kundalini-related feedback would be appreciated. I have no experience with it, but if this was its attempt to manifest then OUCH ;)
I've done NEW for several years now and I feel that my energy body is fairly developed. I can stimulate the secondary centres and move on to the primary and full-body circuit and I usually start to feel "full of energy" after about 5-10 minutes. I don't do this everyday, however. I don't notice a big drop in skill (I went back to it fine after an 8 month absence) when I don't do NEW, but I'm thinking I need to do this everyday in order to increase the health of my energy body?
I also use a little "technique" which greatly increases the results I get from NEW:
I've recently grown concerned that I may be stimulating my base chakra and either drawing too much energy from it (thus weaking it), or messing around with kundalini unknowingly. Once more, feedback would be appreciated!
Can you comment on these white light projections? I believe I had such an experience the first time I attempted to project (after reading Robert's treatise on OBE), but I backed out of it due to fear.
It was pretty intense. I descended suddenly into trance as I've done before, but then I "went further" into trance, almost like trying to have an OBE within an OBE. At this point, white light filtered into the darkness from above with a subtle presence behind it and I "KNEW" that I was about to cross the threshold between life and death.
I backed out of this experience and my room faded back into view around me. I tried to consciously call back the white light, but in doing so, I felt steadily increasing in the center of my forehead until I stopped and walked away (while wincing due to the very real pain of my now very real headache). I'm pretty sure my muscles were not tensing. The attempt to call back the white light was mental.
I think that either
1. This is normal and it was just new to me, or
2. Perhaps something out there saw that it was my first attempt and decided to throw me a bone.
Comments, questions, etc. are welcome.
30th June 2005, 01:37 PM
Dear Xap,
White light projections are projections to either higher planes or even to your higher self. If you had relaxed the white light portal would have opened further and in addition to brilliant rays of light around the edge a different more fluidy gentle light energy would have started pouring from the center. It is the most intense love energy you will ever feel in your life. It causes my eyes to tear even though I will never feel more safe, and loved and potected in all my life. Then a massive energy connection occurs and you feel like you are travelling at the speed of light. Most people loose consciousness by this point. It does not always happen like this for all people but this is how it happens for me.
Unfortunately all I can offer is an opinion on why it happens. I don't really think it is a bone or even another intelligence deciding when we are or are not ready. I tend towards the belief that it occurs when our energy body is ready and if our thoughts are often focused on positive spiritual things. If we are often in the right frame of mind and energetically ready eventually the formula results in the right energetics for the experience. If we fear then the process stops on its own accord until next time where hopefully we will relax and let it happen. But that is just how I look at it and how I have peiced together the puzzle of events which have happened to for sures here okay.
Be aware that anyone can raise kundalini, if they work hard enough at it. This can be done whether they are spiritually ready for it or not. But if they do not also work very hard on their mental, emotional and spiritual love aspects of self prior to raising kundalini then they could become what some consider a very dangerous person, (i.e. a dark magician). With that much energy coursing through us we could inflict horribe hurt on others if we did something as simple as getting angry with them. When we interact with people energy is always exchanged, whether we realize it or not. Only now, massive energy is transfered, whether we intend this or not. But equally if we hurt others they might also start hating us and the energy exchange can get out of control. It can be quite a spiral down and instead of transforming into light we can potentially transform into darkness if we do not realize what is happening to us and start gaining control over our thoughts and feelings.
One positive thing about doing a lot of distance healing is that a person starts realizing how much energy passes between people over huge distances. Just thinking about another seems to have an significant effect. That is why I believe what I wrote above -- again just an opinion though.
Big Hugs,
30th June 2005, 02:01 PM
Dear Xap,
You may find it helpful to read Robert Monroe's first book, "Journeys out of the body". It is a diary-like account of his first projections and experiences. It is very enlightening. He does not go into much discussion about how his white light projections start but he does discuss where he projects etc. It is an excellent read. Seems a bit different for him in that the white light portals opened up on an angle and not directly from above...seems like everyone is slightly different. I am not sure about the significance of whether a portal opens up on a horizontal or from above. Have had them open up on both and notice a difference but again too few experiences, I feel, for me to draw any conclusions.
Very Best Wishes,
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