View Full Version : Bleach

17th August 2011, 03:39 AM
hello Mr. bruce...i have a really interesting point of view to share
i love watching animes and reading mangas because they are like an immense source of mystical and spiritual information.......
the mangaka(writer) of the bleach is tite kubo.....
talented artists always channel information with their imagination......
i dont know from where kubo got the idea of bleach but it is awesome and it is closely related to astral projection
i dont think kubo has any idea of astral projection possiblity but just watch this show....i mean damn how can he come so close if he doesnt know about astral projection
usually i dont share my views anybody because people are still not ready(not enouh open minded yet).....they can just make fun of it.....as people used to do when obe was first introduced
here is the link to bleach if you wanna read about it.......just read the plot.....
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bleach_(manga) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bleach_%28manga%29)
in this anime.......the main character is a human but he can see spirits(highly evolved than others)
in bleach there are two possibilty for a human....either he can become a hollow or a soulreaper
and this process starts happening if someone cuts the chain of fate (how interesting it is similar like silver cord and it is attached to middle of chest)
if you cut the chain of fate......either you become a hollow(similar like possession your body by negative entity) or you become a soulreaper (it gives us a hint.......what might happen if someone intentionally cut the silver cord)
soulreapers gets their zanpaktou......zanpaktou are swords of soulreapers.....they are actually manifestations of a small part of their souls into sword form....and this sword can injure any astral body including soulreapers......
you can watch some of the youtube videos if you wanna see the chain of fate or other things
soulreapers live in a another dimeinsion.....which is called soul society.....only spirits can access soul society and there is a gatekeeper too in this dimensions (gatekeepers are true and have been reported by many travellers)
so i think soul society is a reality and tite kubo is actually channeling the story of another dimension.....
even if its not exactly the same like anime/manga but i think its still pretty close
i cant type all the info i have on bleach.....(i am up to date with latest chapter and episode :D)
you have to watch bleach on your own to see more connections.......there are so many connections.....
soul society's main work is to keep a balance between thesouls (seems quite logical)
soul Society (尸魂界 (ソウル・ソサエティ), the Japanese spelling used literally translates to "dead spirit world")[1] (http://bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Soul_Society#cite_note-0) is the afterlife (also called the spirit world). It is meant to correspond to Heaven or Nirvana in Human belief systems. It is the place where most departed souls (http://bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Soul) and the Shinigami (http://bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Shinigami) dwell.
While Rukia Kuchiki (http://bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Rukia_Kuchiki) initially describes Soul Society as something of a paradise, where nine out of ten times it is better than the living world and hunger is never a problem,[2] (http://bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Soul_Society#cite_note-1) Soul Society is portrayed as anything but sublime. In fact, aside from the slowed aging and aforementioned lack of hunger, life there is much like that in the living world.

The Soul Society consists of the Rukongai (Rukon District in the English version), where souls first live when they arrive in the Soul Society, and the Seireitei ("Court of Pure Souls"), which is at the center of the Soul Society. The mode of life here closely resembles that of feudal Japan.
The Human World and Soul Society are parallel to each other and are two sides of the same coin. Families separated by death are rarely reunited in the Soul Society unless they arrive in Soul Society together. People live nestled together like a family of strangers. One never gets hungry (if she or he doesn't have spiritual powers) and aging is slowed to a great extent, with lifespans of 2000 or more years not being unheard of, though such ages are limited to Shinigami or other Soul Society dwellers with high spiritual power. Children can even be born as they are in the Human World (http://bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Human_World). People can also be killed as regular Humans are, though they are capable of surviving wounds that would normally be considered fatal. A soul that dies in Soul Society is reincarnated on Earth as a new Human with no past memories.
some people might say its just a work of fiction.....than i think those people dont know what fiction is
fiction is a product of imagination.......imagination is a tool to connect with parallel realities and dimensions
so people change your defination of fiction.....fiction of our dimension is reality of other dimension.....
the only difference is in the distance......i mean some of these fictional dimensions are close to our world and some are far away..........
bleach is one from the close group......bleach is quite close to our dimension.......
parallel realities are true and that makes this statement true "nothing is impossible"
whatever you can imagine, does exist somewhere (in parallel realities)
the zanpaktou(sword) has its own name and it has awareness(consciousness)......i mean zanpaktou are alives.......and they have their names too
zanpaktou's name is the most important thing because first you have to learn its name only than you can use its power......
this sword can manifest in human form too....after all its a part of our soul
the size of the sword represents spiritual pressure...we can call it energy level of spiritual level too
i think we all have our own zanpaktous.....to summon them and use them......first we have to learn their names.....
this is not all.....there are so many connections and interesting things to think about
like if you are a

Robert Bruce
10th October 2011, 04:53 PM
Very interesting...
