View Full Version : Mental Falling Effect & Vibs

16th April 2006, 05:32 PM

18th April 2006, 10:04 PM
The complexity of finding a consistent solution for getting into the mind-awake/body-asleep state is all the variables involved: One's level of tiredness, one's level of relaxation/tension, one's natural ability, the amount and intensity of everyday life distractions, to name a few.

The short answer to this is "practice, practice, practice". But I think it's more than this. It's practicing consistently and effectively.

I've had pretty good success practicing in the middle of the night. After a few hour's sleep, I turn over and usually wake up. This is the perfect time to practice slipping into the mind-awake/body-asleep state: I'm already relaxed; my mind is already pretty clear; my body is still tired but my mind is relatively alert; and--maybe most importantly--I don't have anything else to do, so I can practice pretty much every night. At least four or five times a week.

I think this may be one of the keys to rapid progress.


19th April 2006, 04:11 PM

4th June 2006, 10:52 AM
I have to agree with Brian that practicing right after waking up is the best time. In fact all of my OBEs to date (that I'm aware of) have been from that state. I've almost relied on it too much. I create an affirmation in my head to attempt an OBE that evening/morning. As soon I wake up and realize where I am and what I'm doing, it's like a flip of a switch. The familiar sensations come on and I make my attempt.

15th September 2006, 03:23 PM
Oh right, i've always tried AP before I go to sleep, I always thought that was the best thing to do... is morning better?

15th September 2006, 09:12 PM
For me it is: I'm already relaxed from sleeping, and can get to the hypnagogic state fairly quickly; yet lucid because I already slept for some hours, and there is the added advantage of knowing that soon the sun will come up and any subconscious fear of projecting I might have is canceled.
*Sorry for those of you that have read me say this over and over again*

29th December 2006, 04:46 AM
I have also found this particular time of day to be the best for projection, (during the night) But I am frustrated because, like most people I guess, I want to be in control of when I project. I want to be able to sit down and induce a trance state whenever I jolly well wish. I am getting frustrated with this now. Altough, my new falling visualization is quite good, (falling down a very large cliff, and hitting the wall alot on the way down, grabbing branches etc.


15th January 2007, 05:28 PM
Though I mostly try at night considering my mornings are generally hectic, at best, I have had one or maaaybe two solid astral experiences at night, and one full projection. In the mornings I've had maybe 5 or 6, and 2 successful projections.

I generally discount these as my energy levels were so low in all 3 cases that I fell to my floor paralysed or was pretty much dominated by my dream mind, but evidence clearly suggests the morning is better.

And now I'm beginning to wish I didn't choose to sleep in this morning. :?