View Full Version : What Is the nature of Reality?

7th August 2011, 08:33 PM
What is reality? Is reality free from the extremes of both monism and plurality? Mādhyamaka says:

a. Since one cannot claim that anything exists, all that is left is illusion. Things may seem real, if unaware that things lack the identity imputed by concepts.

b. Know that there is a primordial freedom from grasping your mind. Mind being defined as the thing that always conceptualizes past, present, and future.

Robert Bruce
10th October 2011, 04:44 PM
Physical reality is an illusion, albeit a very persistent illusion...

We create this with our thoughts and beliefs.

The consensus reality is the world view, of how the world is...expressed powerfully by the collective consciousness, from the sum of its past and present.

The Greater Reality mind is free of ego, thus free of anything that concerns the ego.

We probably understand 1% of the Greater Reality and how all this works.

There is lots to discover...

...and it is in this discovery and learning that the meaning of life is found.

All knowledge rests with you....within everyone.

It is the journey that is important, not the destination.

We call this 'life'.
