View Full Version : how to utilize travelling....?

6th August 2011, 02:17 PM
i travel around 4 hours daily in bus
how can i utilize this time.....?

7th August 2011, 08:05 AM
Use it to do do New Energy Ways http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/content.php?130-new-energy-ways. Also, you can read books or journals about projection and lucid dreaming. You can also create your own games, for instance, detecting the auras of fellow travellers or seeing what you can pick up empathically and you can use the time for affirmations.

9th August 2011, 03:04 AM
i have heard that it is not advisable to meditate or do energy work in a train/bus or when travelling

9th August 2011, 03:25 AM
I recommend study; anything spiritual that will propel your spiritual pursuits forward but it also has to be something that you're genuinely interested in (not study for the sake of itself).

Do you work with the tarot? That might be a fun first project on the bus.

9th August 2011, 09:16 AM
Well, I didn't suggest meditation, just raising energy. I think meditation would best be done in the quiet but I've raised energy in all kinds of places (supervising exams, waiting rooms, etc). Perhaps the movement and rumbling of a bus would raise issues in detecting the subtle energies of your own body. All you can do is try and if it's not for you don't bother anymore.

As part of your study you could also download suitable podcasts and listen to those occasionally.

25th August 2011, 11:20 PM
I usually do a bit of energy work on long train journeys. If no one's sitting beside me I'll put myself in a trance state too. I've attempted to project on trains numerous times but without success. It hasnt done me any harm.

26th August 2011, 03:38 PM
I've meditated and done energy work in transit- due to the nature of the experience (sitting with others, where you are is moving, noise, etc.) I've never projected (and I think it would be very difficult) but I've gotten interesting visuals and even once had etheric sight. So it's doable and I don't think it's harmful at all.