View Full Version : Astral Protection Wristband

6th August 2011, 01:24 PM
No, it's not a typo in the subject line, this is not about an "astral projection wristband" (although I'd like to have one if it exists ;)), but about astral protection.

It starts from an ongoing dream where I was looking for my sports shoes I left in a concert hall (after the concert) that was situated in a much bigger complex. I wasn't bare-footed though, as I searched to find an entrance to that hall again. I then went out of this complex which also was a kind of giant mall (with clubs and shopping centres) into broad daylight in a big city. I went around the huge building-complex and entered another entrance to a kind of club (still looking for my shoes only). It looked like a kind of 'American' club (I'm European) with American colours and lots of red-white and silver glittering stuff (like you see it on election campaigns in the US a lot).

I saw some security guys at the entrance. Also a man at a table with a till/register on it, so it was a kind of cash point and so it looked to me that they demanded an entrance fee. I did not want to pay any money for this (I was just on the search for my forgotten shoes) and also the security men somehow deterred me. So I turned around. I felt all the time they still looked at me expectantly.

I saw a security woman at the exit again who let me out but before that gave me a (reassuring? / demanding?) sign that I could/should turn around again and go back inside. I ignored it and went outside again, even with a faster pace so they could not come after me.

However, exactly that's what happened. A blond, muscular and tall security guy was 'chasing me' catching up with me and walking past me, first just looking at me. First I thought 'well, seems I am in trouble now'.
I walked on, trying to get a way from 'this club' and their hired staff. He then started talking to me. Actually it was only a question. He was walking to my left, then pointed to my left arm / wrist and says sth like this:

"I saw that you wear this armband. It shows you are protected. You're one of them, aren't you?" :shock:

You know, it was a 'normal' dream situation/state for me, so I wasn't (getting) lucid at all. Neither did I think about his words in a deeper sense, like I do now in awake state as you might imagine. I still 'considered' myself in this 'mundane' situation of trying to get a away from a bouncer with strange questions.

As a natural reaction, still walking, I then looked at my wrist myself and saw there were my watch and indeed a kind of wristband, both were black. It's that kind of sloppy cloth thing you usually wear as a kind of admission ticket on open air festivals (remember I was on a concert before in that dream so that would even show some consistency here).

I did not know what it meant and if it was there before. I was looking for an explanation myself. I finally said to him that it was a kind of cable for an mp3 player (I saw a plug then at the moment when I said that), but I lost the player now. I then asked the guy to help me how to get back to that concert hall and told him about my lost shoes, he smiled then and suddenly he looked also like a different person then.

Some thoughts and background on this:

I had another dream before that was showing me the notion of friendship and protection (meeting old friends and feeling save), so maybe this was a kind of 'theme' being kept up.

As to the wristband, well, there might be another or additional explanation. I was doing a lot of reality checks again with my hand lately - also mainly the left hand. The reason for this is that I wear a (rather huge) wristwatch there with an alarm that goes off every 2 minutes. So mostly I looked at my left hand then. And next to the wristband I wore this watch in the dream, too.

But why does it stand for 'protection'? And who are 'one of them' (the protected ones)? As the reality checks are for gaining lucidity could it mean that you enhance your security by being lucid? Well, maybe. On the other hand, it seemed to me that he meant that I am kind of "marked" with it, so it shows some protection by a "higher force" or friends/helpers. Or maybe also serves to warn off any negs or enemies? Maybe both?

Another idea: Maybe it also shows to me that it's a kind of "accreditation" or pass for areas that were 'off-limits' for me before? The club' staff inviting me and waving me in might hint to that.

A last idea is that he also acted as a kind of awakener, who wanted to 'provoke' me to look at my hand - and thus get lucid? (I wrote about this here: http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?12131-Dream-Programming-Experiment-7-The-Awakeners-Prompters)

Be that as it may, in retrospect, it was an encouraging dream. Being re-assured to be 'protected' is a nice thing, although i had not asked for it or programmed this dream in any way. (Actually I am asking for very different things at the moment and do not have a fear issue, at least not on a conscious level!:?).

Btw, I did not recover my sports shoes, or at least don't remember it, I still do have them in physical life, but as they were very old ones and worn out, I couldn't care too much about them anyway.;)

6th August 2011, 09:29 PM
Just a few hours ago now, another synchronicity happened in waking state with regard to this dream, although with a part I did not give a detailed account of.

As I'm too lazy to write it all again here, this is a copy from the entry in my personal log (unedited):
"I am in a little concert hall again and watch a more desolate ACDC gig / they play half naked (which is not unusual at least for their gitarisst to play) and do a normal show / but the audience is strange, as they are finished, no one applauds and no one wants to have them back on stage for an encore / later, as I left from there, I note I forgot my shoes, in a kind of locker room, maybe of a swimming pool also, but also the ACDC changing room, I try to gain access again but do not find sth. / then I go outside and the dream continues with another memorable episode, see left"

This is the point from which I more or less started my account above.

Now, this is what happened a few hours ago. My neighbours from upstairs unfortunately were very loud again (unbearable, I need to move out of here soon!). And so I again, in my despair, resorted to my wireless headphones (they can be a bliss sometimes!). First I did not know what CD to listen to. Then I made a decision. As I have a huge CD collection, many of which CDs I have not heard for ages, I decided to start with a complete run through ALL of them now (even if it takes me months or years to finish the run.). And I just wanted to make it easy and start in alphabetical order from A-Z, as on my CD racks they are also all in alphabetical order by artist / group.

So I took the first one from the top out, not giving it any deeper thought. On the 2nd or 3rd song however it dawned on me! I was on their dream gig tonight. It's AC/DC's 'Back in Black' Album from 1980.

Since as I felt still desolate myself (completely unnerved from my upstairs neighbour's permanent psychological terror) I now somehow understand their rather 'desolate' performance of which I dreamt of hours before.

Well, of course, maybe it was just an accident, as the skeptic in me likes to remark. Or it could have been my subconscious making the decision according to the dream I had before? But it was around two corners in this case because, as I explained, I did not take AC/DC out of the shelf willingly, they just were the first in order from A-Z.

Moreover: My concert dreams are always very special. Something exciting always happens then. I meet guides, get insights, etc. For example, maybe some of you remember my long post about the night with several dreams regarding my job-change (see thread there), that was a concert too. Many similar dreams are with concerts. Of course, the reason is that I am still a concertgoer today and was a musician years ago. So they are always special to me.

Still, I also should note that I am not an AC/DC fan at all, so dreaming of them does not make sense from that perspective. Yes, I bought their album a few years ago cuz I felt I should have one so it became one of their most legendary one. But I hardly ever listen to it.

This reminds me of having also been to a 'dream concert' of Amy Whinehouse, which also made me wonder why I dream of her as I am not a fan at all (and don't even have an album in her case). In this dream she was on stage performing happily, lively and very well, even dancing (a bit strangely even) with a group of dancers (unlike in the physical life where her last concerts were very sad and desolate due to her drugged and ill state, I also think I remember she never danced). She also was in better shape then (literally, not as slim as we know her from her last years). That dream was 3-4 days prior to her (announced) death. This makes it even more strange now for me.:|

As said, concert dreams are sth very very special for me.

7th August 2011, 07:56 AM
I read your first post before noticing your second post and I had the thought that there'd be some follow-up IRL, so the subsequent post wasn't surprising.

7th August 2011, 12:50 PM
I read your first post before noticing your second post and I had the thought that there's be some follow-up IRL, so the subsequent post wasn't surprising.
Yes, it is amazing how more and more there are interrelations between my dreams and some of the following (!!) physical life events.:-)