View Full Version : Sleep Paralysis and Q Link Questions

2nd August 2011, 05:24 PM
Hi all,

I have two more questions. Please forgive me for not going all the way through old posts, but I'm trying to understand the nature/cause of the unpleasant vibrational ringing that occurs during sleep paralysis. I used to suffer SP for years when I was younger (20s), sometimes upwards of 10 times in one night. That all stopped for many years, but since I've been fighting a recent neg in my home, my old friend sleep paralysis has returned.

I have only had two episodes over the past month, the second of which was most interesting. First, this was by far the *longest* episode. I don't know exactly how long it lasted, but I made several hard attempts to snap it by forcing myself up. I had a slight OBE, but every time I got "up," after a ton of struggle and strain, the ringing became more intense with each inch my astral(?) body moved from my physical. When my "other" body was at its farthest point from my physical body, the ringing and vibration just became too much and I would drop back and suddenly be looking through my physical eyes again. I tried three or four times, with each effort ending up the same. So the question is, what causes the intense ringing, and why is it worse when more effort is put into moving?

(also, is it a bad idea to NOT resist during sleep paralysis and just go with it? I find I get "out" faster when I just lay back and breath and let go).

Lastly, I got a Q Link today, first day around my neck here and I'm trying to figure just how on earth this thing is supposed to have any impact. Perhaps it's the old skeptic in me, but do other people find these effective? I know Robert endorses them, but this thing is just a copper wire...any help?



2nd August 2011, 06:39 PM
Hi all, Hi A.

I have two more questions. Please forgive me for not going all the way through old posts, but I'm trying to understand the nature/cause of the unpleasant vibrational ringing that occurs during sleep paralysis. I used to suffer SP for years when I was younger (20s), sometimes upwards of 10 times in one night. That all stopped for many years, but since I've been fighting a recent neg in my home, my old friend sleep paralysis has returned. There are many explanations, and the one I like the most is that when your conscious awareness begins to switch from physical (body) to nonphysical (mind) awareness, the brain frequency goes out of synch with awareness, and the difference in frequency is interpreted by the brain by a vibration/hum/sound/sensation. This makes sense because when you go out of body you will feel the vibration slow down or 'organize' itself, and when you complete the transition it goes away.
It is interesting to note that when Robert Monroe was studying the phenomenon of the OBE, he found that galvanic skin response probes registered a 4Hz vibration on the ocassions the subjects acquired the proper state for projection. This makes me think that there is a synchronicity of the brain and other organs (or the whole body) as this happens. I don't know if these results have been replicated though, but it seems interesting to me nonetheless.
In other words, it's a physical thing, a transitional thing, and not a symptom of anything wrong.

I have only had two episodes over the past month, the second of which was most interesting. First, this was by far the *longest* episode. I don't know exactly how long it lasted, but I made several hard attempts to snap it by forcing myself up. I had a slight OBE, but every time I got "up," after a ton of struggle and strain, the ringing became more intense with each inch my astral(?) body moved from my physical. When my "other" body was at its farthest point from my physical body, the ringing and vibration just became too much and I would drop back and suddenly be looking through my physical eyes again. I tried three or four times, with each effort ending up the same. So the question is, what causes the intense ringing, and why is it worse when more effort is put into moving? Possibly because your body is paralyzed and the effort is split between getting up, and getting out. I would suggest to try to 'smooth' the waves out, to try to 'resonate' with them, and only when they start to slow down go for an exit technique. Also don't get 'married' to one exit technique- try many, they all use different types of exteriorization tendencies, and one may be suited one time, and another at a different time.

(also, is it a bad idea to NOT resist during sleep paralysis and just go with it? I find I get "out" faster when I just lay back and breath and let go). Resistance makes everything worse-it tenses you up, making the exit more difficult. Just imagine it's a wave, you're surfing, and 'go with it'.

Lastly, I got a Q Link today, first day around my neck here and I'm trying to figure just how on earth this thing is supposed to have any impact. Perhaps it's the old skeptic in me, but do other people find these effective? I know Robert endorses them, but this thing is just a copper wire...any help?


~A We have a title dedicated to Qlinks in the Energy Work section. Here it is:

3rd August 2011, 02:10 AM
Thank you again, CFTravleler

There's an enjoyable (and terribly humbling) nature to knowing nothing about this new terrain. I feel small again, in wonder.

I know it's considered bad form to simply use space to say thank you in forums, but I think that's a silly bit among the unwritten rules. So, for what it's worth, thank you for helping with these baby-step questions.


3rd August 2011, 02:11 AM
Good Lord, I botched your name, and now I'm REALLY messing with the unwritten rules...

I'll stop now.

(thank you)

3rd August 2011, 03:23 AM