View Full Version : Problem with Heart Center Healing practice

2nd August 2011, 04:43 PM
Dear Mr. Bruce,

I have been using the heart center healing method for the past six months to develop my healing abilities. I've started and stopped twice now because I develop bothersome symptoms in the area around my heart/chest area, such as pressure and burning. The symptoms go away when I stop running energy. I also get a buildup of painful sensations around the area of the front of my mouth, specifically my front teeth, lips, and gums. This also gets better when I stop doing the energy work.

I'm probably doing it wrong and need some additional insight. Am I taking in too much energy, maybe with the breath? My husband feels that I work too much on myself and therefore the energy in my body builds up and causes symptoms. My ultimate goal is to help heal other people, but when I don't have anybody to practice on, I focus on my own bodily areas that need healing.

I feel I am close to experiencing the heart strobing during healing sessions. On one occasion I have awakened in the middle of the night to an intense and shocking explosion in my chest cavity with my heart center strobing energy down my arms. On many other nightly occasions I have awakened with just the strobing going on, which shortly goes away when I become fully awake.

Your guidance is much appreciated at this point; I don't want to give up completely since I feel I am so close to reaching my goal of becoming a healer!

Thank you kindly,
Linda in Arizona, USA

Robert Bruce
10th October 2011, 04:36 PM

What you describe is fairly typical of energy body development, given the nature of what you have been doing.

Key here is THE GOLDEN RULE that I teach. This is 'whenever you feel uncomfortable or painful symptoms, stop what you are doing immediately and take a break. Do not return to energy work until you feel completely normal again.

You have probably been doing this intuitively already.

When you take a break, focus on grounding and on your life and family.

This process...working and advancing, then taking a break, is the way to go. This is like weight lifting. You work out until you get sore, then take a break. And in time this process rebuilds a stronger version of your body.

For your mouth problems, try putting the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Added to this, raise your eyes up behind closed eyelids to look at the middle of your brow. The latter is difficult to hold for very long, but it may help.

Developing the energy body to the level you desire, depending on where you started from, can have its ups and downs. But from what you say, and what I sense, you are getting there.

Just remember to follow 'the golden rule'.

this solves 99.9% of energy related issues.
