View Full Version : Aura "tagging" by negs

2nd August 2011, 02:22 PM
Hi Robert, from your website:

Long-term psychological conditioning is the general method employed by negatives, although an experienced negative can make a great deal of headway (conditioning a new subject/victim) in a very short time indeed, by directly implanting control devices in their mind. Controlled ego and purity (the very best you can do and can be) plus knowledge and intuition, when combined, offer formidable barriers. This is, of course, as long as persons concerned were not previously conditioned by negatives during their childhood. In a way, once persons have been cracked open and invaded by negatives, instructions on how to gain access to that person are tagged onto their aura; for any interested negative to read. This last does not prohibit personal security nor the use of effective self-defense measures: it just makes things a little more difficult.

Could you expound on this a bit? Is there any way to clear the aura of these "tags"? Oh, and what do you mean here by "control device"


Robert Bruce
10th October 2011, 04:29 PM

Control devices = Core Imaged and thought forms implanted into the mind and the energy body.

Core image work, plus micro banishments and consecrations will help.

Energy work will also help, and affirmations, to heal the energy body and restore its natural shielding.

Micro Banishments mean to perform small banishment pentagrams (using sacred names) over areas of the body suffering pain or disturbance. Banishment should also be done on 'bell tones'...which are those strange tones you will hear from time to time in an ear.

My description of 'tagged' also relates to personal weaknesses and fears that continue to be exploited. For example, if you have a weakness for alcohol, then when a new neg attacks, it will immediately push on this....etc.

So, personal development as a person, and good psychology, also come into play for the healing of self.

In many cases where there are strong attachments and attacks ongoing, the only way to change this is to rise above it by growing as a person, by healing 'baggage' and basically evolving to the point where the lower neg stuff drops away.
