View Full Version : I come home and craftsmen & party freaks renovate my appartment!

29th July 2011, 11:28 AM
Next to saving poor girls from bad blokes who lock them up ;) I had another memorable dream this night. I have my own ideas about this strange dream, of course. But I would like to hear if s.o. here has any ideas as to what it all could mean (without my own interpretation influencing it). I have a feeling that there is so much symbology in it, maybe regarding "my path". But before I start to interpret it here on my own, this is now just what happened:

I come home, possibly after a normal long work day, walk up the stairs to my rented appartment. I see that the door has changed completely (unlike the doors of the other flats which are all normal, just like the whole stairway looked as normal as ever).

The door now looks like the entrance to an elevator. There are buttons to open it. It also has a kind of velvety look. It is a violet-blueish-darkgreenish look. I push one of the buttons (still wondering what was going on) but nothing happens. I push again another button. Nothing. Then I detect a kind of little lever. I operate it and push on the door and it then opens towards the inside (just like a normal flat entrance door would do).

First, in my little corridor I see 2-3 workmen in their usual overalls (white, like painters) renovating my appartment. One of them cautions me where to step (possibly for the fresh paint?).
I walk into the main/living room area. Then it gets more weird. There are no more professionell craftsman but rather a wild bunch of party people. However, they also renovate and renovated my flat while also having a party with my kitchen supplies. The flat looks pretty different now, more modern, but also still pretty jumbled.

Several people are having a party there (while doing the work). I talk to some of them. I ask one girl who is going to pay for these refurbishments and re-arrangement, as I did not know before or even order anything of this. I ask if my landlord knows about this all and will pay for this. The girl says sth but I don't remember now, but she also says that they come again if necessary to do more. :shock:

I do not see this as 'a threat', rather it seemed like a promise made. I am not angry at all the confusion or anything. Still, I am a little worried about the costs incurred. And wondering all the time what is happening.

I sit there pondering what happens to me and my flat. To the right I see a bunk-bed which was not there before. (I don't possess one).

Then I see a drunk middle-aged or even older lady jump into a bathtub in the middle of my living room (maybe on a kind of little platform). She then gets out of it as a younger version, still with a bottle of wine in her hands. In the other hand she holds a key. She comes up to me and gives the key to me (possibly the "new" appartment key?). I don't know this key from before. It has a strange and oval and thin head.
Later a naked blonde woman, stunningly beautiful (unknown to me), comes up to me and tells me sth. But when I tried to touch her she leaves again. Hmmm, I missed the point, as it seems, this is not about sex, huh?

The dream might go on but I don't remember more of it.

After waking up I lie down again. For a short moment I feel my top (crown) chakra area starting to tingle. However, I do not know if there is a correlation, but it was only a short time 'after' this dream, that much is clear.

30th July 2011, 09:47 AM
Hello, Volgerle.

Kurt says there is something called a "worldview" - your beliefs, feelings about yourself, the state of your energy body and chakras, all rolled together into a private little world that can be perceived in different ways. To a certain extent it is your self, and often familiar locations in nightly adventures can reference it - like especially "my apartment." The pronoun "my" always denotes identification, self, sense of self, and hence has a certain connection to worldview.

The elevator entrance seems to be a work-in-progress. The colors refer to the the higher three chakras - heart, throat, third eye - that mark a more complete access to any energy body. There might be still more work to be done to use them to access the respective subplanes they are associated with, but your worldview is already accessible to you, also for example to beings who are working with you.

And that's what you seem to encounter here. These could be elemental spirits of this plane doing the needed work to enhance your worldview and hence expand your sense of self. A bit like fairies, if you may, they delight into bringing things into form and fruition, so in a certain sense their work is a party to them. (Fairies are often associated with dance and music.) It is the joy of expansion outwardly symbolised, an inner sense sensation molded into a picture. There's also a promise to do further work in cooperation with you. You can find similar beings in Neil's more recent adventures.

I think the others might be discarnate humans, though I cannot be sure. Beings of high spiritual development often appear beautiful - here outer beauty truly can mirror inner one. You might have mistaken a spirit of openness (naked) a bit for something else.

The many forgotten dialogues may be a hint to the higher chakras still needing development, especially the 5th and 6th. These integrate the translation skills.


30th July 2011, 12:47 PM
Thanks, Korpo. It is interesting that some of your interpretations are indeed similar to my first impressions.

I also thought instantly on my first analysis that one's own appartment should somehow relate to one's inner self. Thus an overhaul of the flat is an overhaul of the inner self. And as shown in the dream, the appartment renovation taking place, as well as the elevator not (yet) working properly, are indeed a 'work in progress'.

As regards the door: Thanks for making me aware of the chakra colours. I did not have this idea, but of course it occurred to me that esp. violet is a 'spiritual' colour and so I thought it has to do with (higher vibration / plane / body?) spirituality.

This is combined for me with one more thing: What do you think of the fact that the door looks like an elevator? Let's take the word for what it is: To 'elevate' means to 'boost/increase/advance' sth (or oneself in this case?), combined with the colour violet it thus refers to progress (ascension) for me.

And with the (higher) chakra colours it makes even more sense now. Of course an elevator can also always 'go down' (so it could be both ways) but I take the chosen element 'elevate' as a given. 'Going up' (instead of down) is always the topicalisation of the words that describe this device. Same applies to the Engl. synonym 'lift' or the German versions Lift / Aufzug ('auf' = 'going up' in this context), with only 'Fahrstuhl' remaining as a kind of neutral expression, going both ways ('fahren' = 'drive, go, move').

How about the bunk-bed?
http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSLKNorYW9GcWIxlmq_nnca7G897A64k r3x3f01gPkIy_v7_Brhfg
When I do the 'training exercises' with the helpers I also feel lifted up by approx. 2 metres in the air from my bed (not just RTZ bed but also my 'portal' bed in the Astral!).
Couldn't the 'delivery' of a bed like this with the choice for me to sleep on the 'raised' upper bed in the first place (which is roughly at the height where I normally feel lifted to) also indicate a 'help device' (or a sign of elevation in general, as the elevator could be)?.

The fairies as the party people are an interesting aspect. Of course I also regarded them all as helpers. So you think that the more serious ones in craftsmen overalls could be 'normal' helpers and then the party people could be elemental spirits. Yes, it is right that they had such a happy, lively and cheerful, nature that they might indeed be fairies or such. And they promised to come back and do more work, how nice. :)

I am still wondering about the key. Keys are always symbolic in dreams. So what could the key mean (given to me by a fairy woman) here? What is there to unlock/open? Opening my chakras? Unlocking the secrets of getting to higher planes? I think it was supposed to be the key to my flat - therefore to my inner self. Well, it could mean a lot, of course.

30th July 2011, 09:14 PM
Hello, Volgerle.

I actually wanted to ask you what bunk bed was - if I had the right picture in mind. Yes, that's what I thought it was. So, here follows my thoughts on that and on your questions...

Kurt has often visited wordviews, for example of famous musicians or artists - see it referenced here (http://www.kurtleland.com/astral-projection-log/2007/188-the-human-culture-zone-causal-body-lower-mental-plane). These become accessible on the lower mental plane. The mental body is basically what we understand as "the personality," the levels of self beyond it are the Higher Self (and further Higher Selves).

In the theosophic model the mental plane itself is special in that it is divided between the lower mental plane (accessible through the mental body) and the upper mental plane (accessible through the causal body). I think this duality is represented through the bunk bed - a lower bunk and a higher bunk. Before you had a normal bed of some kind, now you have one with two levels. The changes introduced by the elemental spirits are an expansion of your concept of self to allow for this change in the long run. It might at times become possible to glimpse the causal body while developing the mental body - call it a "sneak preview" to get some feeling for that level of being. So, here it represents two levels to access while asleep, with one higher than the other.

I already related the chakras to subplanes of the (lower) mental plane. More often than not you add in and complete the higher chakras to master a vehicle. When you do this you also gain access to the higher subplanes of that plane (according to Kurt). If you do this linearly, you would "rise" through the planes. However, this process is not fully linear necessarily, and you will add in pieces here and there over time - symbolised by the elevator and its element of choice (buttons). Other levels will be available at times when you are primed for the lesson available there and come in the "right state of mind." Elevators and escalators are very common symbols for changing subplanes as they contain both the notion of level difference and effortless shifting between.

Unlocking the secrets of getting to higher planes?

Probably. Or getting more conscious access to your worldview. (As you said.)


19th August 2011, 01:50 AM
A bit like fairies, if you may, they delight into bringing things into form and fruition, so in a certain sense their work is a party to them. (Fairies are often associated with dance and music.)
I think I must be a fairy . . .