View Full Version : ida and pingala
24th June 2005, 07:09 PM
The ida and pingala are the two energy channels running up either side of the central sushumna channel. The link below is one of the best discussions I have read thus far on this topic. Have a look see and tell me what you think. ... ch-38.html (
This link also discusses the importance of something that I know Robert is a big advocate of, belly breathing. So tight blue jeans are out - dang - restricts the belly breathing too much. :wink:
This link also explains the high pitch sounds meditators often hear near their right and/or left ears and how to work with these. Very helpful.
Note: The exercises laid out in the link are not recommended until a person has learned to bring ida and pingala into a healthy balance for an extended period of time. Also, major life traumas should be defused to avoid plugging major energy into the entire energy body and re-energizing past hurts and negative thought forms.
I scanned the article, interesting stuff.
It makes me wonder about bi-polar disorder and how it might be related to an imbalance in these two energy channels, if at all. :?
I read the article, thought it was really good. I am equally Ida and Pingala, but off the charts. So, I'm balanced, but crazy? :shock:
I also liked the part about ringing or tones in the ears. I worked with trying to blend them in the center, and got some interesting experiences...then, the phone rang. :( Typical.
Aunt Clair
15th April 2006, 02:38 AM
I think the eeeee sound is suspect . I have heard bees and an aummm and sounds of the cobras as they move in the body . But I never heard eeeee nor have I heard anyone else relate it .
15th April 2006, 02:52 AM
I think the eeeee sound is suspect . I have heard bees and an aummm and sounds of the cobras as they move in the body . But I never heard eeeee nor have I heard anyone else relate it .
Hi Aunt Clair :)
Would you elaborate on hearing bees? During that experience I mentioned to you, I heard a loud buzzing sound.
Aunt Clair
15th April 2006, 11:32 AM
Would you elaborate on hearing bees? During that experience I mentioned to you, I heard a loud buzzing sound.
(edit) I have edited this to make it more clear , I hope . Take a look at the banner above , lol . Robert Bruce writes about the spiritual metaphor of ' bee following' . His writing reminds me of my own experiences in this area .
This is my own experience ;The inner shell of the female tan tien is called the golden bowl or the bees chamber A vision of bees is followed by their loud buzzing . Projections to the Death Chamber of the Great Pyramid in Shamballah will occur at this stage . The hidden chamber below the queen's chamber is also called the bees chamber . We begin to manifest our own future here . During this stage kundalini both ascends and descends a cobra will sleep here coiled up in the golden bowl and nadis will manifest from her egg . This is the beginning of the alchemical structure called the Crown and Chandelier of the Goddess.It will form an internal obelisk descending from the scalp .
bumble humblebees take flight up into our heads
into the chambers but not into the bees cave yet
these make the little snakes waken stirring them from slumber
to grow and eat and grow some more
Here is a link to my journal during the trips to the Bees Chamber ; ... light=bees (
17th April 2006, 03:29 AM
Would you elaborate on hearing bees? During that experience I mentioned to you, I heard a loud buzzing sound.
Take a look at the banner above , lol . Robert Bruce writes about the spiritual metaphor of ' bee following' . The inner shell of the female tan tien is called the golden bowl or the bees chamber A vision of bees is followed by their loud buzzing . Projections to the Death Chamber of the Great Pyramid in Shamballah will occur at this stage . The hidden chamber below the queen's chamber is also called the bees chamber . We begin to manifest our own future here . During this stage kundalini both ascends and descends a cobra will sleep here coiled up in the golden bowl and nadis will manifest from her egg . This is the beginning of the alchemical structure called the Crown and Chandelier of the Goddess.It will form an internal obelisk descending from the scalp .
Thank you. I had read RB's material on bees, I was just interested in hearing your take on it. :)
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