View Full Version : Burning sensation chakras - psychic vampirism

26th July 2011, 12:15 PM

Robert Bruce
10th October 2011, 04:11 PM

These sensations are related to psychic attack, and 'connections' with your x partner. This may involve energy draining.

Severing those cords will help, although this is not easily done.

Removing anything from your life that reminds you of your x partner, and especially things that were used by or belonged to this person, as such objects would provide easy access.

The methods given in my book 'The Practical Psychic Self Defense Handbook' will help.

In particular, fumigations, mega salt baths, and regular banishments and reversals.

In a case like this, I would banish and reflect such attacks back double 'I send this back from whence it came. I send it back double!' Your attacker will soon get the message and, hopefully, desist.

An experienced pranic healer will also be able to help. Level three pranic healing deals with 'attachment's and it is quite effective.

One think you can do is to bind this person. Get a photograph of them, and freeze this in a dish of water. Place this in your freezer. Put intention into this with affirmations, to the effect that they are disconnected from you and powerless.


11th October 2011, 11:03 AM


Robert Bruce
18th October 2011, 07:33 AM
I don't normally reply to replies, but want to add something here.

Turning the other cheek, holding positive thoughts, and spiritual healing, do not generally work against any type of attacker or psychic vampire.

I am most concerned with 'what works' rather that what is supposed to work.

If i were you, I would consider learning the Lesser Banishment Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP) and performing this morning and night.

Here is a good link for understanding banishing and evoking pentagrams. And on same page you'll find instructions for LBRP.

