View Full Version : sign of neg presence?

25th July 2011, 07:43 PM
Hi Robert! I've a question that was sparked by something you said on your C2C interview recently.

Both my parents were psychic, and dabbled with Ouija. They were also rage-filled alcoholics, and our house was in continual chaos. I'm convinced I "hosted" at least one highly malevolent neg presence since I was a small child, which I've been able to gradually shed over the last few years (in part due to your "Energy Work" book - I proselytize it shamelessly now ;)

My question is this: at night, the air in the house would "buzz" - it would look all grainy, like snow on an old television screen (and have similar movement), and it would press in against the ears and buzz, and feel very close and heavy. It was terrifying. Is that a sign of the presence of negative entities? Or just an anxious child's overworked imagination?

I've wondered about this all my life, have never seen/heard anything like it mentioned anywhere until you mentioned something somewhat similar in your interview.


Robert Bruce
10th October 2011, 03:59 PM

There are two possibilities here, and probably a bit of both would apply at different times.

The symptoms you describe could related to the manifestation of your own psychic abilities, and chakra activity, including astral sight and hearing, and astral projection symptoms.

This, whether or not these things continued to develop. We often shut them out as we grow into adults.

The pressure and buzzing you mention is consistent with Chakra activity, and astral projection, as is whole body pressure and buzzing.

In the household you describe you would likely be exposed to neg attacks and influences. But from all you say, it looks like you were fairly well shielded. I say this because of all the things you have not told me, that I would expect of neg attacks.

From all you have told me, count your blessings.


PS, if not already, you might like to check out the 2nd edition of my book 'The Practical Psychic Self-Defense Handbook'